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Collab Post with Erranruin
Entrance Hall

Amy watched the students milling around her as she ate her breakfast at the gryffindor table. The amount of people and noise was something she was still getting used to, a big contrast to the quiet island she grew up on. A few times a year before big events like the annual cull of dragons all the families of the clan would gather to eat together which got as loud if not louder than this but most of the time it was just her and her family. She missed the camaraderie of her clan, surrounded by people chatting with their friends. Joining the school in the fifth year when everyone already knew each other and being swamped with catch up work meant she hadn't managed to make any friends yet. She was a little lonely but the influx of new knowledge had been enough to keep her mind off it so far, and she was determined to do well. She was starting to get restless though and those bloody essays were driving her crazy. Who cared what some stuffy old wizards argued about hundreds of years ago? Her uncle and the head of gryffindor house, Aled, had stopped her from joining the quidditch team until she could prove that she could keep up with her work and while she was still struggling a bit she had been handing most of her work in on time which Amy saw as a pretty big accomplishment. So she planned on talking Aled into letting her join today, if she could find him that was. She finished eating, gathered her stuff and made her way out into the entrance hall where Aled was just about to walk out the doors with Leeda at his side as always.

"Al... Professor McNeill!" Amy shouted across the room, remembering too late to use his title rather than his name. Aled had asked her not to call him by his first name when there was anyone else around and she wanted him to be in a good mood for this conversation.

Aled turned towards her and she hurried to him. "Morning!" She greeted him with a cheery smile and bent down to stroke Leeda. "Where are you off to?"

The old grizzled face gave her an affectionate smile as she fell into step beside him and Leeda licked her hand and then her face before Aled had to stop her from leaping up and overwhelming his favourite niece. It wasn't that he didn't think she could cope, however other students were not so comfortable with being landed on by 150 pounds of grey fur and muscle so he had to keep some boundaries even around Amy. "Ack I was just going to take a stroll down to the village, feel like accompanying me little lassie?" he offered her his good right arm while leaning slightly heavily on his walking stick in his left, Leeda sitting very politely beside him as her tail thumped the ground in barely contained excitement.

"Sounds great." Amy took the offered arm with a grin, the walk would be a good chance for her to talk to him alone. The two walked out the doors into the cold, making their way slowly towards Hogsmeade.​
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[Gryffindor Common Room - Girls Dormitories -> Outside Entrance Hall]

Elise sat in the chair of her desk, staring into the mirror hanging from the wall, watching herself as her brush glided through her hair with surprising ease, given she'd literally just hauled herself out of bed. She knew some of the girls simply whipped out their wands and magicked their hair into something respectable, but Elise had always preferred the good old fashioned way, and often used the time to sit in deep thought and mull over the dreams she'd had the night before. But this morning, there was no time for thinking or dreaming alike, because today was the trip to Hogsmeade, and she didn't want to be any later than she already was. Placing the brush down, she hurriedly plaited some of her fringe and held it over to one side, holding it in place with a clip adorned with a small purple butterfly, as normally she did in the mornings. Huffing slightly at the slap up job she'd made, she stood up and wrenched open the door to her wardrobe. She grabbed three hangers and lay them on the bed behind her, looking each garment over for creases and stains. Satisfied there were none, she removed the hangers and put them back in the wardrobe. Laying on her bed was her usual uniform, her just-above-the-knee black skirt, her plain white shirt and red tie and her black robes. Along with that, she had made sure to grab out her scarf and a pair of long grey socks in case it was colder than she thought, as often it was. She quickly dressed and buttoned her robes, draping her scarf over her arm and heading for the door, not surprised to find her cat Sooty follow suit.

Her first thought was to head to the Great Hall and grab something to eat but as she neared the labyrinth of the Grand Staircase she thought against it and rummaged around in the bag she'd brought with her for any morsel of food she may be carrying. Given she wasn't carrying much in the bag, it didn't take her long to find a crips red apple she'd put in there only the evening before, so she knew it was fine to eat. She reached the top of the stairs she wanted and started walking down, casually eating her way through her apple and occasionally grabbing on to the banister as the staircase decided to move while she was on it. Sooty found it less amusing to be thrown around and every time the staircase lurched he hissed at it, as if his threatening behaviour would make some kind of a difference. It took her to the end of her apple to finally reach the bottom, and from there she headed towards the entrance hall. Unsure what to do with the remains of her core, she simply placed it in her pocket and made a mental note to discard of it when she could.

She soon made her way to the top of the marble staircase and from there headed down to the entrance hall. There was the usual bunch of students milling around, but Elise noticed there were a few more than usual, probably due to the Hogsmeade trip. Some of the younger students often approached her to ask her to bring something back, and every time they were hurried back by an angry Sooty at her heels. Elise had always thought it strange he was constantly around her, she had often found cats to be solitary creatures, but Sooty was far more loyal than most. Somewhere in her head was a mental note to find out way, but she rarely remembered to ask anybody about it. Along with the usual crowd of students, she spotted Professor MacNeill and her fellow fifth year, Amy, disappearing through the doors to the entrance hall. She suddenly remembered she had told herself to ask the professor about joining the duelling club, and decided to hurry after them.

The cold air hit her harder than she'd anticipated, and she caught her breath on the sharpness of it, dissolving into a coughing fit the minute she stepped outside. Sooty shot her look the imitated that of a human calling her a foolish girl, and the cat strutted on ahead of her a little, leaving Elise to struggle putting her scarf on. After she'd finally got the warm knitted material around her neck and caught her breath, she picked up her pace and soon walked past her cat, catching up with the duo she'd spotted earlier pretty quickly. "Professor!" she called out to him as she neared, tripping slightly and almost landing on top of his dog, "Professor, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" She fell in next to him, separated by the greatness of Leeda, before realising she hadn't greeted Amy yet. "Oh my," she said, speaking aloud yet meaning for it to be a thought, "Hello Amy!" Her voice raised a little louder than it should have, a trait she's always had when she suddenly remembers to say something, and she's never been able to stop herself.
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[[ Location: The Three Broomsticks Inn ]]

"Kidnapped? Me?" Rose chuckled, throwing her nose in the air. "I'd like to see someone try." And with that, the mutual decision to get out of the cold and grab a butterbeer led them inside the The Three Broomsticks Inn. They found a small two-seater table in the corner somewhere, and Rose collapsed with exhaustion into a chair after the long walk from school. A nice-enough waiter came over and gruffly asked their order; Rose waited until the butterbeers were officially jotted down and the waiter had left before she spoke up again.

"Sooo...? Who was that kid back there, eh?" she teased. "I didn't catch a good glimpse, but he must have been quite a looker if you were that distracted." Rose was under the impression that this was maybe a boy Madi had met sometime while Rose was away, but in reality, it could have been anyone. Either way, it had been too long since Rose had had proper, fun boy-talk with anyone -- let alone with her best friend. Such an occasion didn't arise often with Rose in the first place, as she was often the last person to know about anything, and she wasn't a particularly flirtatious or gossip-y young lady; but she of course did enjoy talking about such things once in a while. (Besides... it would be nice to be able to think about boys for once without her fear of approaching Jayden popping up.)​
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[Hogwarts; Library – Hogwarts; Music room]

With his work finished the male was left with little to do, closing the last title that he had to use to work off his subjects. For now he was prepared for another week of education, having filled in the questions that they called homework and revised the text that the professor could possibly question them about this week. Perhaps some extra work added along to it just in case, he was an enthusiastic he had to admit, always doing a little more and thus leaving him a little bored for the rest of the week. Though he supposed that meant he only had more free time to pass, with what he filled that in was another question.

For now he had decided to spend the rest of his day with something to distract his mind. Something that didn't require the constant gears moving around as they deserved their rest as well. So he got up and walked over to the shelves again, placing back the books he had selected earlier and running his eyes over to new titles in another section. Music, it had been a while since he had last practiced and it was about time he did so as well, in order not to get dull. Rolling his fingers in the air the male first checked his hand before he returned his eyes back to the books, his mind now fixated on the covers.

Shelf by shelf he had scanned. Carefully running his eyes over the titles on the covers, dismissing each of them as they weren't the ones he needed. Slowly passing them by his fingers carefully passed the covers, sometimes pulling on out as he flipped through them. None caught his interest as his eyes glided over the music scores that he held in hands. He was up for something dramatic, something that brought the shivers down your spine in pleasure of playing it, but also thrilled the ears while driving over the emotional reaction with it. He wasn't sure what it was going to be, but that he was in for something to distract his mind was clear. He wanted to touch the keys of the piano, wanted his fingers to glide over the black and white tunes and hear them form a melody.

Finally finding something that he liked August smiled to himself a little, reading over the music score before finally settling down and walking over to the counter of the library. "This one please." He spoke in a hushed tune, not wanting to bother the others inside of the library as he knew how disturbing that was. Giving out the needed information to check the book out the male held the music scores in his hand with a content feeling. Thrilled that he was about to wade off into the world of music again. Again a smile ghosted over his face, but went unnoticed by the rest as it was just more of a slight smirk and he left the room, walking out of the door back to the long hallways again.

Today surely had been dull, beside from the fact that food went flying around in the Great Hall August couldn't say that it had been great either. Having bored himself heavily inside of Hogsmeade and the not much of a company half-veela Damien. On top of that there was that odd Gryffindor girl who had stared at him so intensely, making him almost uncomfortable. If this was a new way of flirting the male had to say that he wasn't fan of it. Much too uncomfortable and leaning more towards the creepy image of a stalker, if not a starting stalker who hadn't exactly gotten down the trick of stalking people without revealing themselves. Shaking off that thought the male followed on his way, his pace a little rushed as it could be noted that there was an odd rush of excitement going through him, almost ecstatic to get to play his day away.

As he reached for the doors to the music room the male closed his eyes for a second, praying that it was empty as he pulled it open, looking into the room. Another satisfied emotion crossed over his face as he found it indeed to be empty, such luck as there were always some juniors stuck, mesmerized with the many instruments inside of playing around with them. They were annoyingly ignorant, unknown to the fact how fragile these instruments were and how the slightest brush could change their whole tune. However, today it was empty and August presumed that it was thanks to the combination snow of Hogsmeade. It was just something what they interested themselves in more than ruining the place with their indelicate hands and he was thankful for that.

Hogsmeade, Tomes and Scrolls

Theodore, who wasn't paying attention to his surrounding, looked up when he heard a familiar voice. "Oh, uh, hey Theo! What're you doing here?" Immediately, the Ravenclaw met eyes with a friend he haven't seen in awhile, Jonathan. The last time they talked to each other was last month, but that was about it,both students carrying on with their lives. Usually, Theodore wouldn't bother to exchange a word or two but this is Jonathan we are talking about. His friend since third year earned Theodore's loyalty, and a soft spot.

His pupils slightly expanded in interest, the boy not knowing what to say at the moment. What do normal people do when this kind of stuff happen? He wasn't really used to the 'friendly' gesture because normally people wouldn't talk to him out of the blue, besides Alexandra and Amelia. "...Jon," He said breathlessly, a white translucent air coming out from his mouth. "Nothing much. I was just at the book store to browse some things but didn't find anything good." Theodore slipped his gloved hands in his pocket and fixed his stares at the Hufflepuff. "And you?"

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The Grand Staircase » Oxford Corridor

Jay saw the eyes of the Professor twinkle in curiosity and amusement. But mostly just in amusement. And it annoyed Jay a tiny bit, making him feel like he should try and defend his own honor or something to clear any weird misunderstandings. Maybe Kiyoko's Japanese essence was rubbing off on him. If he would not watch it, he would be soon out there defending his Famiry Honol. Well, bad jokes aside, the way the old man was looking at him did not even annoy him half as much as Zoey's sudden hundred-and-eighty degree personality turn from a mean girl to a teachers pet. Poser.

"Good day, professor. Lovely day, isn't it?" A sudden unfamiliar female voice interrupted Jay's judgemental scowling, and his sharp eyes turned briefly towards the girl's direction that passed them. A brief sensation of familiarity washed over the dhampir boy when his eyes were laid upon the figure. But it was not much, nor did it mean much for him, because obviously she was just one of the students Jay shared his classes with but had not bothered to remember her nam--

"Ah, indeed it is! Miss Helling, a good day to you too!" Professor MacNeill smiled after the dark haired girl who soon disappeared out of sight. Jay was left blankly staring after her, as the name the older man had called her had finally rang a bell. Now Jay knew where he knew the girl from; back from Durmstrang Institute. It was Glesni Helling. An infamous name that had been rivaling Jay's own, and maybe even surpassed it. Because he had only been known as a serious troublemaker, but that girl... She had been known for her dabbling with the dark arts in a sense that even Dumstrang Institute had deemed a tad bit unhealthy and had been worried of her getting eventually corrupted. And we all know what happens when someone gets corrupted... So even Jay had been wary around Glesni, keeping his distance just like anyone else because of the things they said about her in the hallways. Jay had never been a fan of getting hexed directly in the face.

Zoey barely paid any heed to anything, as she was more interested in the Professors massive dog that she was now patting. And then she went ahead and acted like she would have been doing something worth of getting recognized for, or getting a medal.

"There was, but I took care of it. I have never been a fan of sexual harassment. But then again, who is?" She said happily, voice seemingly void of any sarcastic bite. Jay who now turned his attention back to the two could not help but roll his eyes a bit. Surely someone would be naming her a duchess for this and granting her some land for this great deed! Especially when Zoey herself was obviously innocent as an sunrise. But no, this chick just decided to simply brush away everything she had done wrong against him back there. Did you see Jay throwing it to her face how she had been abusing him and calling him with nasty names and just overall making him feel less than a Hippogriffs turd? No, you did not. But yet she hanged onto the whole rear slapping and carrying her like a sag of potatoes through the void like it was the end of the world. And then she wanted an apology like the Queen of England! Isus Khristos!

"How is the leg Professor, do you think its going to hold up for the trip to Hogsmeade? Or will you be sitting this one out, it is a bit biting out there."

So not only a poser, but a suck up too.

"It were complaining this morning, but I think I'll risk a stroll down to the village anyhow, Merlin knows I've born more than a wee frost." Professor MacNeill answered to the pink haired girl, completely oblivious to her antics and her hideous personality. What the hell did Berlioz see in this girl anyway? Why was Kiyoko friends with her? Jay just could not wrap his head around it. But then again, he had decided to dislike her so no wonder he could not see a world where anyone would like Zoey Black.

"But to the point, I've heard tell you weren't seen back at the dorms last night... A visit to me office this afternoon would be appreciated to soothe me worrying, if you would'ne mind." Professor MacNeill continued with an easy tone. Jay shot his piercing pair of eyes towards his direction now, his mouth turning into a disapproving frown. So he was aware that Black was breaking curfew, but he was not taking any points from her? Was it because he was the Head of Gryffindor? Biased old man...

With that the man turned his head towards the Slytherin boy, and gave him a warm smile which made Jay soon uncomfortable and made the boy break eye-contact within couple of seconds. "And you can rest assured Lad, even that scene were not enough to convince me of you two being in any kind of cahoots. Now the both of ye go and hav--"

Sabrina gracefully glided out of nowhere, like the Queen of Buckingham Palace, to where Jay was and wrapped her slender fingers around his wrist, making the dhampir boy flinch in surprise. "'Ello mate. How are you doing? Seems like you have nothing better to do so I shall honor you with my presence as we go to Hogsmeade. Come come now." With that Sabrina started dragging Jay towards the Oxford Corridor, the tall boy looking confused as he was being whisked away basically without his consent. All he could have said anyway could have been something very intelligent like "Huh?" but right now he was too surprised to even manage that. Professor MacNeill's eyes followed them with a bemused expression which Jay caught as he turned to look at him with a look that equaled the Professor's own. Then Jay just shrugged him and Zoey, and decided to go along with his fellow half-breed. Sabrina's company would beat the two of theirs after all.

When they were out of eashot, Jay trotted a bit and fell in step with Sabrina, prying his wrist away from her hands. Smirking just barely noticeably, but keeping his typically husky voice steady, Jay said; "You surely know how to do an entrance like always, don't you?"

Then, the left corner of his mouth turning upwards into that naturally devious looking lopsided smile, the boy offered his fist for a pump to Sabrina without actually looking at her.

"Do me a favor and don't ever stop doing that."

Jay did not leave unclear that her appearing suddenly back there had been more than appreciated. Now he had a good reason to leave Zoey where she was and let her survive back to the dorms herself. Who gave a damn about her anyway?

"So, Hogsmeade?" Jay asked, thinking that Kiyoko and Berlioz would probably realize to meet them there eventually. However, all the raven haired boy needed was warm clothes, as he was seriously under dressed for someone who would go out there and brace the snow. But that was easily fixed, thankfully.

"Wait a minute..." Jay said, pulling his wand from the back pocket of his jeans and stepped towards one of the shadows cast by a statue on the floor. Kneeling in front of it and placing his hand over it, he called out to the void which ripped open the veil between the dimensions. Then, pointing his wand towards the rippling darkness, Jay murmured few spells under his breath. Nothing happened for a good while other than him flicking the ebony wand in different directions and the his brow furrowing in deep focus. And then, after about half a minute later, a cloth burst out of the shadow portal; a black wool trench coat. Jay did not even try to summon his scarf, since he had no idea where exactly it was as it had been with Kiyoko the last he saw it. So all he could hope was that the girl would bring it with her to Hogsmeade. Because otherwise he would be probably freezing to death.

"There we go, all set." Jay stated as he dismissed the shadow portal, pushed his wand back to his jeans back pocket and pulled his jacket on, leaving it open for now while they were still indoors. Then with another smirk, Jay started casually trotting forward, deciding to taunt Sabrina a little bit. "Last one outside is a Flobberworm!"
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Glesni Helling.png

[Hogwarts Library]

Glesni stared absent-mindedly into her notebook, while the librarian sorted out the books she used before. It simply wasn't enough. All that she managed to gather from that bunch of books, barely scratched the surface of the real thing, and Glesni found it frustrating as never before. She thought how she could really use aunt Ravena at that point. That woman knew a lot of things, but Dark Arts were her secret passion. It occurred to Glesni that, exactly that was the reason she went all the way to Durmstrang Insitute to get a job. Ravena always said that Glesni is a lot like her in that age. Good but misunderstood person. Well now, being good is relative. But even with that, Glesni took it as an approval she missed so much. Her mother never wanted to hear about it. It was a funny thing; how two sisters looked nothing alike. Even she had a better resemblance to her non-magical sister, than her pure blooded mother had to her pure blooded aunt. Comparing to them, Glesni and Duff were god damn twins. Yes indeed, Glesni missed Ravena now.

"Miss Helling!" Glesni jerked when librarian almost shouted at her, breaking her own silence rule. She just then realise that the librarian lady probably called her for a while, until she reacted. Smiling confused, Glesni shrugged doing her best to look innocent. "I am really sorry about that. It happens sometimes." Even so, librarian didn't seem to appreciate her apology that much. Making her yell...probably didn't help either. Librarian looked at her over glasses that seemed so thick, and Glesni couldn't help but wonder; how the hell was she able to carry them through the entire day? She was already skinny and bony enough, and her neck seemed so fragile that it might broke even if she sneeze. "Will kindly let you know that I do not appreciate being ignored when I talk, miss Helling." Glesni straightened up, taking on her cold approach all of a sudden. She needed to be a fair match for the librarian lady. Maybe it was considered rude, but she was not going to give up just because of encountering frowned old lady. "I wasn't ignoring you. It just happens."

"Note it, please." That "please", as Glesni imagined, was squeezed through lady's proud nature. Indeed, the woman didn't like her, and it even didn't take Glesni doing something. As soon as she appeared, the old lady decided she was not much of a fan. Then again, nobody asked her. Glesni smirked back calmly. "Will do." Librarian nodded and turned away to get books back where they belonged. "Very well, that would be all. You may go now." Before she could move away further from the desk, Glesni simply asked. "How can I get to the Restricted Section?" The librarian stopped and turned around, processing the question. She replied with even simpler question. "Why?" Yes, there were students that asked her questions that lead to the same point, and yet were so long and confusing due to nervousness of students. The girl surprised her once more. Glesni still stood in a same place, playing with her notebook. She raised her eyebrow. "Why? I would like to see what I am able to find there. I am a passionate reader."

"Passionate reader? Or a passionate trouble maker that wisely choose the way to the final unwise goal?" Glesni returned with the smile. "According to you, I might be both." Glesni made sure it was said in the most polite way possible. Librarian hesitated a bit, before seeing that the girl won't give up. She cleared her throat. How persistent could she possibly be? "Well, since you already fulfilled the senior age request, the only thing left for you to do is somehow talk your D.A.D.A. teacher into signing a permission for you to enter. Then I won't be able to bother you any more. But good luck with that. Rarely anyone gets it." She the walked away to take care of the books and Glesni sighed. Things couldn't get ANY better. She started to think about asking for permission. She needed a good reason and hopefully he would be willing enough. Rolling her eyes she got out of the library and decided to leave it all for Monday that way nearly there. Hogwarts was still quiet and beautiful. She once again thought about that cello she saw, and wished to play some more. Chuckling, she turned around on her heals and headed the other way. To the Music Room.

[Music Room]

Minor wave of disappointment crossed her face when she entered the music room. It was occupied. Exaggerated description of one present person as a full room, in her case, was justified. Once more she thought about two possible outcomes. The guy would either shake his big boy's pants off, or he would laugh in her face. One way or another, Glesni was indifferent. She still stood there confused and thinking weather she would turn away and go. However she paid closer attention to the guy instead. He was pretty unusual but interesting. Quite a looker. She remembered seeing him before. But his exotic looks weren't the only thing that caught her eye. As the guy approached the piano, she could tell how much appreciation towards it he really had.

He never noticed her, she assumed, since he never turned around or gave any sign that he did. That suited her perfectly. Curiosity took over, and instead of going back out, she sat comfortably in the last row of chairs, making sure she wasn't making any sounds. Him being in an empty room was a good sign, and she would hate to ruin it. Indeed he had respect to that instrument, but were his fingers willing to listen? She indeed hoped that he knows what he is doing. Cause molesting that instrument would leave her heartbroken. She smirked when she noticed cello in the corner. It was there and waiting. She wondered when was the last time someone paid attention to it. But first things first. She decided to give Ravenclaw's performance a chance and she had a time. All the time she needed, so she waited patiently and out of sight.
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|| The Grand Staircase & Oxford Corridor ||
"You surely know how to do an entrance like always, don't you?" Jay said in his usual husky voice.

Sabrina did happen to have less hair now but that didn't stop her from doing her signature hair flip. Sabrina is never caught without making a grande entrance. It would put her reputation to shame. So she would continue acting as dramatic as she pleased. She wouldn't care who thought what about her she would continue to hold her head high and not look back.

"Do me a favor and don't ever stop doing that."

Sabina glanced at Jay and noticed his mouth turned up to make that devious little lopsided smile he usually adorned. He rose his fist to her and she tapped it back with her's almost immediately.

"Oh darling the day I stop being fabulous is the day of the apocalypse." Sabrina said with a giggle.

She was telling the truth because people should seriously worry when Sabrina isn't acting at her normal best. Or beyond. She would hope her friends would be the first ones to notice the fact that she wasn't acting normally. That something was wrong and that they need to check up on her. But she realized she couldn't always believe that would happen. People let you down. It's human nature, there's no changing that. But that didn't make it hurt any less than knowing the people you care about the most don't even notice what's going on with you.

"So, Hogsmeade?" Jay asked as they continued to walk down the hallway.

"Of course. Where else would we be going? Besides I figured you wanted to get out of here. If it turned out you wanted to stay with pinky I would have to re-evaluate our friendship." Sabrina said with cheesy grin on her face.

As they were walking it seemed as if her buddy here had forgotten to add on a few layers. She raised an eyebrow at his getup. She was about to ask him what was with that when she realized he had realized he didn't have on enough layers.

"Wait a minute..." Jay walked over to the shadow of a statue and whipped out his wand.

Sabrina watched carefully as Jay did his vampire-shadow-thing. She suddenly got chills as she remembered the feeling of going through that. The only thing that made her feel secure was the fact that her good mate Jayden was holding onto her. And the fact that she was keeping him in a death grip too. It felt like bloody spiders were crawling all over her. It was so creepy. But then again Kiyoko seemed perfectly calm. Sabrina pouted. Why was she comparing herself to Kiyoko again? Sabrina shouldn't compare herself to anyone. Why? Because she had to believe she wasn't comparable with anyone. Sabrina was one of a kind.

"There we go, all set." Jayden said as He pulled on his coat and slid his gloves into his pocket. Sabrina buttoned up her green pea-coat and tied her scarf around her neck. She had gloves with the finger tips cut off but it was okay because they were heated gloves. "Last one outside is a Flobberworm!" Jayden said as he trotted ahead of her calling out to her in a teasing tone with a smirk on his lips.

"Will be a bloody what? cheeky bastard! You have a head start!" Sabrina complained and quickly yet gracefully, danced ahead of Jayden.

Was she competitive. Oh ho ho ho. You have no idea.
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[[ Location: Outside Tomes and Scrolls ]]

Theodore looked surprised and perhaps slightly startled by Jon's presence... like, for a moment, he wasn't quite sure what to say. And this made Jon chuckle. It was funny that Jon, who could sit through an entire conversation without saying a word, could sometimes seem like a social butterfly next to Theo, who sometimes didn't bother at all to even appear social.

But this time, Theodore actually happened to find his words. "Nothing much. I was just at the book store to browse some things but didn't find anything good."

"Ah, that's a shame. I was just headed in to have a look myself." Jon answered. He glanced at the two girls, nodding at them with acknowledgement. "You guys heading out for lunch or something?" Just as he said this, his stomach rumbled quietly. I guess it is around that time, isn't it, he thought. Maybe, if they were getting food, Jon would join them. Besides, Hogsmeade is always more fun with friends than by yourself. (And, on top of that, being in a group made it easier for Jon to avoid Milo, should they cross paths again.)​
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Hogsmeade; Outside Tomes and Scrolls

"Ah, that's a shame. I was just headed in to have a look myself." Theodore grimaced. Jonathan would probably find nothing there, there wasn't any good books. But of course, everyone is different and have variety of tastes. Jonathan and Theodore was two different kind of people, so the Hufflepuff would most likely find something. Who knows? He wasn't a fortune-teller. And...he's obviously thinking too much about this. He shook his head. It was early in the morning; he tends to over-analyze. "You guys heading out for lunch or something?"

Theodore shrugged, "I don't know," He answered, talking as if the suggestion he made earlier was never said. But then, he mentioned about it a second later, "I was thinking about it." A glint of hopeful look appeared in his eyes. But it was small; very, small. A normal person who isn't familiar with Theodore's persona wouldn't catch it. He then heard a grumble. Theodore was the master of poker face, so he didn't show a reaction. "Do you want to come? Unless you're planning to go to the bookstore instead," Theodore said, "Because if so..I don't mind accompanying you," saying as if it was natural. To other people's perspective, it would be strange to hear the offer coming from his mouth. But not many people know that once you earn his friendship, Theodore would be kind. And a little different from his solitary-self.

A moment later, he realized Alexandra and Amelia was still with him. Theodore glanced at the two. "Ah. By the way, this is Alexandra," He gave a small nod at the redhead, "And Amelia," He finished, who was standing next to him.
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[Hogsmeade - Outside Scrolls and Tomes - Honeydukes]

"Well, you had fun in there, didn't you?" Amelia's voice piped up from behind the redhead, amusement lacing her tone. Alexandra gave her a sidelong look and smirked in reply. Was the snow cold? Of course she'd had fun. Though, the girl's question mostly seemed to be rhetorical. Perhaps she was just trying to make conversation. That would be the correct thing to do in these situations, wouldn't it? For the normal people anyway.

The other girl had been relatively quiet throughout the whole trip, she noted. Alexandra wasn't exactly the most social person in the world and she had no inclination whatsoever to change that. Theo was an exception because he was, well, he was just Theo. That, and she'd known him for quite a while now. Amelia didn't seem like a bad sort and Alexandra was the one who'd invited her to come along. She supposed she should try to converse with the girl.

"And here I was, certain that no one would've figured it out. What gave it away?" The redhead paused her stride, turning slightly to look at Amelia. "I seem to remember that you were quite entertained as well." She couldn't help adding as she raised a brow and smiled.

"Too much fun."Theo added as he shot a glance her way, which she promptly replied to by shooting him a cheeky wink. "You loved it."

Looking quite harried and tired, he asked the girls if they were hungry, adding that they should go to Honeydukes. Knowing Theodore the way she did, that last part was added in expecting them not to tag along. She couldn't even imagine why.

"Why, Theo, did you just ask us girls to lunch?" She feigned surprise , her blue eyes widening innocently. "Could it be that underneath all the brooding and general sullenness lurks a true gentleman? I'm shocked. Stunned, even."

"Oh, uh, hey Theo! What're you doing here?" A friendly voice called out, cutting off any reply Theodore might've made.

Saved by the Hufflepuff, she thought with a small smirk. Jonathan Knox. He seemed to be a generally nice person though they'd never actually conversed during all her years at Hogwarts. She had noticed that he was friends with Theo, Jonathan was probably his closest friend now that she thought about it. She watched with a slightly amused expression as Theo took a bit longer than one would've in replying to a usual greeting from one's friend. He seemed to have recovered from his surprise after a few moments though, and began to talk to his friend. For the moment, he seemed to have forgotten both her and Amelia.

Jonathan shot them a few glances, obviously expecting Theo to introduce them as social norms dictated. At Theo's genuine offer to invite Jonathan along, the redhead raised an eyebrow and a little smile touched her lips. Coming from Theo, that was the equivalent of a hug. Possibly even bordering on bearhug territory. It was strangely nice, in a quirky 'Aww my little brother made a friend' way.

It finally dawned on him to introduce her and Amelia to Jonathan and she shook away the mushy thoughts. Standing around in the cold too long was affecting her brain.

"Hi." She offered Jonathan a small smile. "Let's continue this conversation somewhere warmer, shall we?" Alexandra added with a glance towards Amelia who seemed to have forgotten her scarf. Idling around outside couldn't be very pleasant for her. She headed towards the direction of the sweetshop, not that she was exactly the best with directions and all that but the signs propped up everywhere helped along with the fact that she'd been to Hogsmeade countless times before.​
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[Hogsmeade>>Outside of Tomes and Scrolls>>Honeydukes]

Alexandra's reply to what Amelia said was to smirk and say, "And here I was, certain that no one would've figured it out. What gave it away?"

"Probably how you took pleasure in everyone's reactions," Amelia said in reply. What Alexandra said was probably a rhetorical question, but it didn't stop Amelia from quickly saying an answer in the time it took her to pause and turn slightly in Amelia's direction.

"I seem to remember that you were quite entertained as well," she added, raising a brow and smiling. Amelia simply nodded in reply to that. Though Amelia may try, she wasn't particularly good at continuing conversations, especially if she wasn't necessarily trying to make conversation with her small comment.

"Too much fun," added Theo, after which Alexandra quickly replied with a, "You loved it," followed by a cheeky wink at Theo. It was always interesting to see how people interacted with others, since it was always different from how they interacted with her.

Theo continued to speak, seeming rather tired as he asked if they were hungry, and talked about how they ought to go to Honeydukes. He didn't really seem like he expected them to go with him though.

Alexandra's reply to him was just as teasing as it seemed to always be when she was talking to Theo. "Why, Theo, did you just ask us girls to lunch? Could it be that underneath all the brooding and general sullenness lurks a true gentleman? I'm shocked. Stunned, even."

And, of course, Amelia's reply was to be quiet and listen, since that was really what she did best. As she was working with that amazing skill of hers, someone approached, greeting Theo in a friendly tone. Amelia really wasn't too great at connecting names with faces(or voices), especially not if they weren't in her house, which she was fairly sure that boy wasn't.

But, really, it isn't very difficult to listen to two peoples' conversations, especially if one seemed to have forgotten about the two girls who were standing there watching them. So it really didn't take long to learn that the person who came over was called Jon. Amelia could also assume that they were friends, seeing as Theo had invited Jon to come along, and also offered to accompany Jon back in the bookstore, although Amelia really didn't think he'd have too much fun going back there.

See, it was extremely interesting how people acted differently around different people. Theo seemed pretty comfortable around Jon, though maybe that might have to do with how Jon wasn't someone who enjoyed Theo's pain.

It took a moment until Theo seemed to realize that Alexandra and Amelia did not, in fact, disappear off the face of earth during his small conversation with Jon, and introduced them to him.

"Hi," she greeted Jon, not offering a wave or anything, because she'd prefer to keep her hands in her nice, warm coat pockets.

"Let's continue this conversation somewhere warmer, shall we?" suggested Alexandra, shooting a glance at Amelia before she headed towards Honeydukes. And was Amelia ever grateful about that. She followed Alexandra, standing behind her so that she was a sort of windshield. Amelia was grateful. She wasn't going to give up a way to block the wind though.​
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(Erranruin, Kyara and Ethir Collab post)
[[Courtyard in front of the main doors >> three quarters of the way down the path to Hogsmaede]]​

Aled had taken her hand in his arm with a very gallant step and a chuffed smile before they both strode slowly down the path towards Hogsmeade. Amy started to speak, "Aled I wanted to talk to you about-" However before she could finish her question events interrupted her. Leeda had been padding happily beside them both until the moment when she had to steer out of the way as another dainty looking girl skipped up to them and almost fell over the large hound. Leeda seemed very concerned about the incident and had to make sure she was unharmed by shoving her huge tongue in the girl's face and trying to lick her to death. Aled managed to control her before she drowned Elise and called her back to his side just as the cat caught her eye and she wagged her tail in a 'Friend!' kind of manner.

Aled smiled to his student as she ran up beside them with a bright smile and very politely asked for a word. The professor looked briefly at Amy, not wanting to abandon her if this was a private matter. "Indeed you can Elise, is it a topic in need of privacy or can you join us on a walk down to Hogsmeade?"

Elise shook her head with a happy smile before matching their pace and hopping along beside them."Oh no Professor, it's not at all a private matter! And I was heading that way myself, I'd be glad to tag along if you'll suffer my company!"

"Grand! But if you would wait a wee moment, Amy had a question as well." He turned back to his niece with an expectant smile.

"Hey Elise." Amy smiled at the girl, she recognised her from class although they hadn't spoken before. She seemed nice, quiet, hardworking. She was a little annoyed that she wasn't going to get to speak to Aled alone but perhaps this would be an opportunity to get to know another student better.

Amy turned back to Aled, "Oh yeah, my studies have been going a lot better so I'm ready to join the quidditch team now."

Aled cocked his eyebrow at his insistent niece, restraining a chuckle and the urge to just say 'ok sure' before considering her request for a moment. The deal had been that he would let her into the team if she managed to get on top of her other school work. Amy had advanced knowledge of a lot of aspects of spellwork but absolutely none in other areas and it had been a struggle for her in the early days of school. To be brutal, although she had improved, she was still struggling. She had missed a few deadlines and her grades had only gone up incrementally. No matter how good of a flyer she was, Aled couldn't quite bring himself to say yes.

"Apologies Amy girl, I don't think you're quite ready for more responsibility just now. Get your grades up a wee bit and I'll consider it again."

Amy huffed angrily, "I'm going to explode stuck inside trying to write those bloody essays. I can do the spells who cares if I can write about them!" Her voice rose louder as she spoke until she was almost shouting. She took a breath and continued with a more reasonable tone, "I can't focus properly when all I can think about is being outside and flying."

Aled sent her an understanding yet adamant look, she needed to learn some patience with quiet and peaceful work. "No one's stoppin' you from going outside, but until you aren't in such of a struggle I can't let you take on more work. The team requires a lot of time and dedication Amy.. Sorry lil dragon." He huffed and gave her an apologetic half smile before turning back to Elise. "Now what was it you wanted Miss Elise?"

Amy glared at Aled for a few seconds then sighed. The Aled she knew from when he visited them at home was a pushover but it seemed he grew a backbone when it came to teaching. She could respect that, she'd just have to keep going with school work and persuade him.

Elise was a little taken aback, wondering if agreeing to a walk with the pair was perhaps the best thing, " two want me to come back? I don't want to get in the way of anything..." She voiced her concerns aloud before shaking her head and continuing, "Oh what am I saying. You invited me along and here I am! ....what was the question?" Her face screwed up into a fixture of puzzlement before her brow unfurled and her expression turned to one of remembrance, "Oh yes! What did I want? ....oh, that's right! The duelling club! I.." She shook her head once more in an attempt to rid herself of her rambles, "Actually, I was just wanting to ask how one would go about joining the duelling club? I've been interested in it for some time you see but...well, you know how awry my spells can go sometimes...I didn't want to try and join and end up sending somebody to the Hospital Wing with some kind of injury."

Elise was half waiting for Aled's response but she also had the urge to address his niece too, "Amy, I don't mean to be rude by bringing this up but...are you really having trouble with the theoretical side of magic? Because I'm more than happy to try and help you if....if maybe you help me in return if I were to join the duelling club? I think a partnership like that would most favourably benefit us both!"

Amy frowned as she tried to follow Elise's train of thought until she got to the point. Amy had joined the duelling club straight away though she'd missed two of the four meetings so far trying to get work in on time and she hadn't actually got to duel anyone yet. Elise's suggestion made her grin, "Yes that's a great idea!" She rounded on Aled again, with a gleeful sparkle in her eyes, "Is that enough for you?"

Mercifully Aled's back was turned to the famous MacFusty glare otherwise he might have withered where he stood. As it was he smiled patiently and slightly bemusedly down at Elise until she had figured through the mass of words circling around her head and finally came to an intelligible answer. Aled nodded with great understanding, many students found the prospect of Duelling club both exciting and worrisome especially given that most of them had parents who were at Hogwarts when the death eaters took over and Duelling club took on a whole new meaning. He was about to reply with his tried and tested reply of 'not to worry' and 'he would ensure nothing dangerous occurred' and 'no matter what happened no serious damage could ever be done' when Elise made her suggestion and Amy's sharp and excited voice registered her agreement.

He found himself caught between Elise's innocent and excited expression and Amy's fierce slightly manic desire and try as he might he could not find it within him to properly deny them. Really he should wait to see if such a situation would work out for them both but... no he was beaten. He trusted Elise as a good and dedicated student and no matter how stern he wanted to be he understood Amy's feelings very well and there was not point putting her through misery when she already had a job she loved and desired waiting for her when she left Hogwarts.

"I.. I suppose if Elise helps you then... you can try out for the Quidditch team, there is a space for you after all. But you must keep your grades up!" he was also secretly quite competitive for his house to do well and Amy, who was used to fleeing dragons on a broom, would have no difficulty from bludgers or beaters. "And Elise, Duelling club is on a wednesday so if you simply make and appearance we can get you sorted out."
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[Hogwarts; Music Room]

His hollow footsteps sounded through the room, silence filling the music room as the instruments were all standing proudly. Shining off their dark wood or carefully polished copper they waited for a presence to bring them to live. One tune, perhaps one strung or one breath would bring them back into the state that they were made for. To make sound with, to listen to, however for now as the Ravenclaw strolled through the empty room they were resting. For how long they had been standing there without being touched was beyond August. The times he spend in this room were always on his own, he himself preferring not to have anyone around him that would distract. If it had been a student interested in music just like him he wouldn't mind, however, the rate of Hogwarts students who interested themselves in music was disappointing. Them much more preferring the subjects that involved magic, but they failed to see the magic that even muggles could make. Though perhaps it was for the best that so little knew about this special form of 'magic', for that kept the room more available to him.

Perhaps it had been because of earlier today, but again the feeling of being watched crept upon the male, feeling eyes staring at him from the back and he paused. Slightly tilting his head over his shoulder to peek who it was. Hopefully not again that Gryffindor girl, for he was sure that another such an encounter was to be awkward. Green eyes lazily throwing a glance over his shoulder the male felt relieved that the only similarity that these new pair of eyes shared was the gender of the previous. Making him thus wonder whether she had liked to use the room herself as well. However she kept silent and so did August, not really caring whether she was leaving or staying, he had nothing to hide as he turned back his attention to the instrument in front of him. The piano.

Surely the one they had at school wasn't as nice as the one he had back at home, in London, but he wasn't complaining, not minding that some of the keys were a little loose. He couldn't expect the school to take much care into it when there were only a handful who played. Neither could he request the school to take any more care into the music room nor for the instruments for Hogwarts had no musical performances. Music was heavily underappreciated within the Wizardly world, with only a few occasions where music stood at the center of the event. Saddening, but there was no change to make within, music having rooted itself in the position it held now. No, there was only one thing he cared about when he played the piano at school, knowing that he couldn't be demanding as he played a tune.

Closing his eyes for a moment the male slowly let his fingers cover over the keys, checking whether the instrument was tuned or not, hoping that it hadn't grown false over the summer. The U.K was known for its wet weathers, August knowing about it from first hand when he moved to this place as a young boy. How he had complained about the rained down summers and the lack of sun on his skin at the start. It was also a time in which he still held a thick accent, missing the spices the kitchen used to smell off and the fresh fruits they could plan in their yard. However, that had been years ago, from before his time at Hogwarts and by now the male had adjusted to the new country. His accent only appearing again when he was nervous or lost his cool, which was rarely and the cold weather having grown on him, the spices replaced by the smell of mud and wet pools on the ground. However as August took a dislike to the rainy summer days of the European country he also felt worried for the instrument, knowing what damp could do to its wood and strings. However, as he pressed in the notes he was pleased with its sound, not sounding false and or off too much, though having grown a little 'cold' because of the little attention it had received.

Though that only meant that it was his task to give the instrument exactly what it needed, contently setting himself down onto the seat and placing his sheets in front of him. Again his fingers ghost over the keys, taking a few seconds of more silence in before gracing over them. Lightly and starting off with a gentle sound, but then fastening up the pace as the scores called for it, his fingers following their parts. All the while not minding the presence behind him and at one point even forgetting it, his straight back still turned towards her as the male played his 'muggle-magic' out. Whether she was to join in or not he didn't care too much, he just hoped that this wasn't just one of these other 'curious' students who only came to have 'fun'.

So he continued, nearing the peak of the play and then slowed down again, going backwards as from how he had started. Slowly the sound went to a gentle and calm stream, dying out in its last tunes as the male sighed to himself. Music was everlasting and yet so temporary, the sound of it leaving his ears much too quick as the drum of his heart was still beating in tune. Counting the seconds before he finally turned around and faced the girl, his face back to that indifferent look he usually held. She was still standing there, watching and listening, what she thought of it he wasn't sure, but he hoped that she enjoyed it. Again silence fell as the male only had turned around, his green optics looking at the girl, waiting for her to either speak up or leave in a bashful hurry. Though she didn't seem to be the type to shyly run away when noticed.

Hogsmeade Village; High Street

The Ravenclaw boy was in way too deep in his own thoughts to register well what was going on around in his surroundings anymore. He had boarded the plane and that one had taken off already and was on it's good way to the La-La Land. Just a little bit more and you could probably see the tall kid walking straight into a street lantern at this rate, deduced by the glassy look in his caramel colored orbs that were staring off to the horizon. And since Sid was also smiling like a goof all by himself, he did receive few long glances from the other people who passed him by the busy street. Not that he would have noticed them, as the boy was way too busy thinking about much more interesting things.

The long black winter cloak shuffled in the light breeze that brought more snowflakes with it, and the Head Boy badge gleamed on the left side of his chest -- along with few other badges, but these ones happened to adorn things like humorous slogans or band logos. (There also seemed to be one little badge for S.P.E.W. with a picture of House-elf's head on it.) Thankfully Sidney had decided to dress up warmly today, as he was wearing a long, thick navy blue cardigan under the cloak, with his usual t-shirt and skinny jeans and combat boots combo. The blue and bronze striped wool scarf was also rolled around his neck to fight against the biting cold which had turned his cheeks and the tip of his nose bit reddish already. But the boy did not seem to mind the cold. Maybe it was the warm and fuzzy feeling he felt when thinking back at last night. So focused on his own fantasies that he did not even realize someone catching up to him and falling in step next to him, someone who was even taller than he was. And that meant the stranger was really tall.

"Pleased with your purchase? Or are you recollecting the happenings of last night?"

"...Hm?" Sidney blinked, the glassy stare slowly starting to fade, the words or the voice registering even slower as he answered automatically; "Ah yes, I got a really nice discount from these arm pads and bloody hell Professor Van Abaron is that you?!"

Sidney's voice got really high pitched and he sputtered the words quicker and quicker towards the end by the time he finally recognized that charismatic voice. He had not even had the time to turn his gaze towards the speaker when his brain kicked into motion and placed a face to the voice in his mind, and when he finally did turn his gaze towards the heavily cloaked and masked man he was squeaking in surprise. It was not that Sid would have not been happy to see the man, it was just that this was not exactly the place he would have expected to meet the Transfiguration Professor, or the...

Sidney's eyes widened and he stopped dead on his tracks in the middle of the street, as his gaze flickered towards the grey clouds which shone the faint light of the sun through them. Then his gaze returned back to Aeorious, trying to understand how the hell the vampire was up and about and strolling outside in the daytime like it was no big deal, and gaped at him, jaw dropping together with the brown paper bag he had been carrying. But the boy barely noticed that.

"How...?" Sid asked, astonished, curiosity starting to light up his eyes. But then finally, the words the vampire had said to him also finally registered. "...Or are you recollecting the happenings of last night?"

The man's erotic expression from last night flashed in Sidney's mind, accompanying by the memory of his pleasurable moan.

Now the boy's cheeks were not only red from the cold anymore as his face flushed beet red in the matter of seconds, and it was a mere wonder his head did not start to steam. And it was not only the face, as his metamorphing abilities got a little out of hand and turned his whole hair flaming red the moment the blood reached his hairline in his face.

"O-O-O-Of course I wasn't thinking of last night!" Sidney stuttered quickly. He was such a bad liar. "I-I-I mean, why would I?" Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Trying to collect his wits and what was remaining of his dignity, Sid coughed in his fist awkwardly and then cleared his throat. "M-More importantly, how are you outside at this time of the day, Sir?"
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Glesni Helling.png

[Hogwarts, Music Room]

Glesni smirked, realising she was pretty much busted. It seemed like nothing could go unnoticed with that strange Ravenclaw. Nodding, she simply allowed him to do his thing while she kept silent. She smiled as soon as the guy laid his hands on black and white keys and pressed them gently and in order that was written down on the music sheet. There it was. Perfectly balanced tones and variations on the verge of being over confident, but he pulled them through perfectly every time through the critical places. He knew what he was doing, and he was good. Rejection of other students around there was replaced by pure curiosity. For the first time she didn't have to roll her eyes and it was quite refreshing. Glesni listened it through with her eyes partially closed and her mind wandering.

Strangely enough, she remembered the house over the Thames, back when they were all a big happy family. Just parents, sister and her. All admiring to how they make it work. Admiring too much and for so long...until it broke. And they were all left where they were now. She focused on the performance again, when melody almost entirely ceased. Once more, Glesni considered writing that letter to her family. Even though she wouldn't say or show it, she really missed them. Acting awfully towards them before they separated, was what still bothered her the most. Melody stopped. She thought how a simple letter had to do. Glesni didn't bother to react defensively, when she encountered Rawenclaw's calm stare. The way he looked at her, assured her he would not freak out because of her presence. Either because he still had no chance to hear stories about her, or that he thought of it as a joke, he showed no signs of terror and insecurity. Glesni had no choice but to appreciate it.

After a light confident smirk, and a short gentle clap, Glesni dared to speak. Yet, she felt ashamed for ruining the perfect silence though her voice was almost a whisper. "Wonderful." Even though she enjoyed it so much, she kept on her straight body position and cold, calculated face. Soon she moved towards the piano, passing by Ravenclaw guy along the way. Without asking anything, she leaned towards the music sheet and studied the notes for a while, seemingly ignoring the present male. She mumbled. "Interesting." She straightened up and nodded. Finding someone worth of calling a musician was really rare around there. He had earned her respect without even talking to her. However, she was far from kneeling and pleading him to never stop following his dreams and using his talent. It was cheesy, and it was pathetic. Instead, she would reply. "Though, I was thinking something like this..." She raised her index finger in a wise "wait, please" manner, as she moved towards the cello she saw earlier.

It took a while to set it and make sure everything is in order. Glesni wasn't even sure if Rawenclaw was still curious about it or not. But yet again, she didn't really care. She got her hands on that cello, and it was enough for her to keep her satisfied. She wrapped her long pale fingers around the fiddle bow, and placed her other hand on the neck of the instrument, maintaining the light pressure on it's strings. She took more time to think about notes she studied on his music sheet, before she pulled fiddle bow over and against the strings. She got the base of the composition with addition of her own feelings in it. It sounded so different and yet uncorrupted. Once more the gentle sounds were created, slowly following the base and their specific note deviations at the same time. With no time to rest, her fingers moved and jumped from one string to another going from crescendo to piano, and the other way around, in a minute.

Soon, the melody gradually ceased until it stopped, and her fingers calmed down. Glesni never even noticed it was coming to an end until she alone decided to end it. She patted the body of cello, smirking to herself.
"Good boy." Althought, she looked at the guy once more, she said nothing, paying all of her attention to dusting off everything that didn't belonged on that smooth wooden surface. As far as she was concerned, he might have considered it being a duel of some sort, only with no points in sight, and she would got over it. If it was what he worried about, then ten points for Ravenclaw it is. He was free to leave at any time for, as she stated before, she wasn't in the mood to hex people with no god damn reason...but stupidity. That, she thought, no one could blame her for.
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[Hogsmeade / Outside of Candy Shop]

Anice popped a lollipop into her mouth as she sat on a nearby bench. She peered shamefully into the bag of candy she had just purchased. She swore that she wouldn't overstock this time, but she couldn't control herself; her bag was overflowing with treats and goodies of all sorts. She sighed deeply. Honestly, it was like her lust for candy was it's own uncontrollable curse. She placed the bag on her lap, careful not to spill the contents. She watched students run back and forth from shops and excitedly make plans in huddled groups. Seeing this reminded her how cold it actually was; causing her to hug her jacket tightly. How nice it must be to have someone else's body warmth to shield you from the bitter cold.

She blushed timidly at the thought of someone hugging her to keep her warm. She closed her eyes to try to grasp the nonexistent warmth more tightly. It was hard to imagine, seeing she hadn't been close enough to anyone to feel their warmth. With that thought, she reopened her eyes, facing reality. She was starting to regret this trip. It was bringing up feelings she numbed a while ago and she was starting to feel bitter. She tried to distract herself with the candy bag on her lap. She brushed through it absent-mindedly, her mind lingering on the thought of a companion. She sighed heavily, bored to the core. She looked around to see if some activity would catch her interest, but none did. She began to wonder if she should head back, after all, she got what she came for. Yet, it seemed it was too cold to move.​

[[ Location: Outside Tomes and Scrolls --> Honeydukes ]]

"I was thinking about it." Theodore said, in response to the lunch question. "Do you want to come? Unless you're planning to go to the bookstore instead. Because if so..I don't mind accompanying you." The fact that such a statement would normally be so out of character for Theo sometimes escaped Jon; he forgot how strange the Ravenclaw boy could seem to outside peoples. Still, Jon really appreciated the gesture; it was always nice when a friend was willing to forgo their own plans to be with someone.

"Nah, that's fine. I can always see what the library has," Jon decided, choosing friends over book shopping. "Besides, food sounds great right now."

"Ah. By the way, this is Alexandra. And Amelia," Theo added, finally introducing them. They both smiled and said a friendly hello; Jon opened his mouth to offer a response, but before he got a word out, Alexandra added, "Let's continue this conversation somewhere warmer, shall we?"

After a moment's hesitation, Jon snapped his mouth shut, and his cheeks went slightly red in embarrassment. Here he was, standing around idly making small talk, when Amelia was clearly freezing her tush off. How rude of him! Before he could utter an apology, Alexandra was leading the way to the candy shop, with Amelia on her tail. Jon exchanged an awkward glance with Theodore before falling in step next to him as they followed to the store. Jon would just have to apologize when they got there instead.

After walking a block or so, Jon noticed an adorable little squirrel hop by, and he almost stopped dead in his tracks to watch. (Jon obviously loved lots of animals, but squirrels especially; they reminded him of home.) But this was neither the time nor place to sit and squirrel watch, and his nerdiness about the whole thing would just be even more embarrassing. So Jon tried not to stop -- instead, he just kind of tripped over his own feet and stumbled forward a few steps before regaining his balance. So he ended up embarrassing himself anyway... great job, Jonny boy.​

Outside Tomes and Scrolls --> Candyshop

After when Amelia and Alexandra left, it took a moment for Jon to proceed the same, a color of crimson red brushing across his face. Theodore was of course, bewildered. He met eyes with Jon, before he tagged along with the Ravenclaws. Theodore shrugged, following behind. Sometimes Jon would overreact on the littlest things, the boy too paranoid or in a nicer way, modest. Usually, Theodore wouldn't think too much about his actions but he guess it was different for the other guy. He said nothing and walked with the small group silently, taking in the comfortable silence; while he listened to the people's laughter in Hogsmeade and giggles, constant heavy footsteps pattering in the snow--playful insults thrown back and forth. In a way, it was peaceful. Maybe visiting here wasn't a bad idea after all, ignoring what Alexandra did earlier back in the bookstore. Either way, he was going to forgive her sooner or later. The Ravenclaw could never hold a grudge for so long.

Suddenly, the crunching sound from Jon stopped for about a second. Thedore halted his steps, curious to see what his friend was doing. Jon, who was in trance by a squirrel nearby, continued to walk but very slowly. Then, he lost his balance and nearly tripped; but managed to regain it. Theodore only sighed. Like himself, Jon was pretty clumsy. But maybe this time, the Ravenclaw wouldn't blame him. There was a cute animal passing by--after all. He chewed on his lips. At that moment, he wished the critter would run after him and cuddle. But that was only a dream, since most animals despise the blonde; unlike Jon.

"You should watch where you're going," He said, looking forward. Theodore let the silence drift until he continued again, a little concerned, "...Are you okay?" The blonde asked, peering over.

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He began to walk and read the book spines at the same time failing into a pace as he combed the shelves. He stopped at the window and looked around he saw his soon to be accomplice. he smiled and waved to her as his crow hopped over onto a stack of books and pecked at it taking his attention from her. He looked at it and smiled as he lifted it up with the crow on it, it hopped onto his shoulder and opened it gingerly. The stains of old ink were on the paper then he smiled as he opened the book to see blank pages.

This was a question book, rare, but very useful, simply ask it a question and it will try and find the answer. Looking at his book keeper friend he approached him and placed the book infront of him. "You never said anything about a question book." the book keeper looked at it and smiled and chuckled. "This aint no questioner Reed its a normal journal," Reed somewhat deflated he hope it was but it was still a nice book the leather was slightly torn it had feeling and a life he felt to it. "Ill take this to then." he never thought himself a smart guy but he was always somewhat of a dreamer and hopped he could find one of those books.
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