Original poster
[fieldbox="HISAKAWA KOUKOU, goldenrod, solid"]Hisakawa Koukou Private Academy is a modern boarding school located on the outskirts of the capital of Japan - Tokyo. Founded in the 1970s by Hisakawa Hisashi, it was built with the intention of providing world-class education for Japanese students alongside foreigners so as to create a close-knit community where xenophobia and hatred do not exist. The main aim was to additionally teach children in a way very different from most mainstream methods.
For that reason, a very peculiar system was devised - students were put in charge of their own curriculum. Not only did they get to demand for new subjects to be added through voting, but they were also allowed the liberty to choose how long they wished to study a certain subject per day. To top it off, a lot of emphasis was put on out of school activities so the students began establishing all types of odd clubs - Paranormal Club, Bookworm's Club, Video Games club - alongside the usual ones such as the Drama troop or the School Newspaper.
In the first years of running, Hisakawa Koukou was frowned upon by many exactly due to its way of handling its students, which consisted of granting them a lot of power. However, as times progressed, soon it became obvious that working with and entrusting kids in this manner led to great outcomes. As a result, the boarding institute gained more and more popularity as well as the title of a world-renowned high school.
Still keeping to the original traditions, though, the board of Hisakawa Koukou continues to this day to provide education to any and all types of people, regardless of their background, social status, financial position, race or nationality. And this makes for a very diverse and interesting community which grows with every passing year.
Actually, rumor has it that this year's freshmen will be the oddest bunch of the lot.
That isn't a problem, though, because all are welcome to
For that reason, a very peculiar system was devised - students were put in charge of their own curriculum. Not only did they get to demand for new subjects to be added through voting, but they were also allowed the liberty to choose how long they wished to study a certain subject per day. To top it off, a lot of emphasis was put on out of school activities so the students began establishing all types of odd clubs - Paranormal Club, Bookworm's Club, Video Games club - alongside the usual ones such as the Drama troop or the School Newspaper.
In the first years of running, Hisakawa Koukou was frowned upon by many exactly due to its way of handling its students, which consisted of granting them a lot of power. However, as times progressed, soon it became obvious that working with and entrusting kids in this manner led to great outcomes. As a result, the boarding institute gained more and more popularity as well as the title of a world-renowned high school.
Still keeping to the original traditions, though, the board of Hisakawa Koukou continues to this day to provide education to any and all types of people, regardless of their background, social status, financial position, race or nationality. And this makes for a very diverse and interesting community which grows with every passing year.
Actually, rumor has it that this year's freshmen will be the oddest bunch of the lot.
That isn't a problem, though, because all are welcome to
The Chemistry Lab
The Biology Lab
The Computer Room
The Library
The Auditorium
The Cafeteria
The Rooftop
The Infirmary
The Teacher's Lounge
The Principal's Office
The Biology Lab
The Computer Room
The Library
The Auditorium
The Cafeteria
The Rooftop
The Infirmary
The Teacher's Lounge
The Principal's Office
The girl's and boy's dormitories are located close in the vicinity of the man building and are pretty much identical exterior-wise
The rooms on the interior itself share the same layout, though the students are allowed to decorate them in whatever way they please, meaning that each dorm is unique. Also, each room is made for two so most people have a roommate.
Thus far, I will leave in total 5 dorms rooms for each dormitory
The rooms on the interior itself share the same layout, though the students are allowed to decorate them in whatever way they please, meaning that each dorm is unique. Also, each room is made for two so most people have a roommate.
Thus far, I will leave in total 5 dorms rooms for each dormitory
The Gym
The Pool (there is both an indoors and outdoors one)
The Dojo
The Pool (there is both an indoors and outdoors one)
The Dojo
There are many different classes in the school that have been chosen over the years by previous students and continue being taught to anyone that might wish to participate
Japanese and Literature (focuses on Eastern literature)
English and Literature (focuses on Western literature)
Creative Writing
Arts and Crafts
There are many various types of clubs at Hisakawa High and, as already mentioned, they are created and tended to by the students themselves. The maximum number of members per one of them is 6, while a single student is free to choose to participate in as many as they would like to. Here are some them - the odd and the mandatory
The School Newspaper Club - Hisakawa News Weekly
The Band
The Arts and Crafts Club
The Drama Club (see the auditorium)
The Martial Arts Club (see the dojo)
The Swimming Team (see the pool)
The Bookworms Club (see the library)
The Paranormal Club
The Student Council
The Video Games Creation Club (see computer room)
As previously mentioned, each student gets to design their own timetable and unique curriculum, yet, to make thing easier, I will upload a little sheet that each of your personages should follow
8:30 am - Classes Begin
8:30 am -3:30 pm - Classes (at least 5 in total. Here the character should list their chosen subjects of the day as well as how long each lasts)
12:00 - Lunch in the cafeteria
3:30 pm - End of classes
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Time for out of school activities (again, list your chosen ones for the day and say how long each lasts. If you have decided on only one, again tell us when it ends for you. If none, then congrats, you have a lot of free time on your hands)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Free time
8:30 pm - Dinner in the cafeteria
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Free time
11:00 pm - Bed time (everyone must be in their dorm rooms (this doesn't mean that you have to immediately go to bed or that sneaking out doesn't happen...))
8:30 am - Classes Begin
8:30 am -3:30 pm - Classes (at least 5 in total. Here the character should list their chosen subjects of the day as well as how long each lasts)
12:00 - Lunch in the cafeteria
3:30 pm - End of classes
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Time for out of school activities (again, list your chosen ones for the day and say how long each last. If you have decided on only one again tell us when it ends for you. If none, then congrats, you have a lot of free time on your hands)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Free time
8:30 pm - Dinner in the cafeteria
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Free time
11:00 pm - Bed time (everyone must be in their dorm rooms (this doesn't mean that you have to immediately go to bed or that sneaking out doesn't happen...))
9:00 am - Classes Begin
9:00 am -3:30 pm - Classes (at least 4 in total. Here the character should list their chosen subjects of the day as well as how long each lasts)
12:00 - Lunch in the cafeteria
3:30 pm - End of classes
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Time for out of school activities (again, list your chosen ones for the day and say how long each last. If you have decided on only one again tell us when it ends for you. If none, then congrats, you have a lot of free time on your hands)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Free time
8:30 pm - Dinner in the cafeteria
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Free time
11:00 pm - Bed time (everyone must be in their dorm rooms (this doesn't mean that you have to immediately go to bed or that sneaking out doesn't happen...))
8:30 am - Classes Begin
8:30 am -3:30 pm - Classes (at least 5 in total. Here the character should list their chosen subjects of the day as well as how long each lasts)
12:00 - Lunch in the cafeteria
3:30 pm - End of classes
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Time for out of school activities (again, list your chosen ones for the day and say how long each last. If you have decided on only one again tell us when it ends for you. If none, then congrats, you have a lot of free time on your hands)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Free time
8:30 pm - Dinner in the cafeteria
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Free time
11:00 pm - Bed time (everyone must be in their dorm rooms (this doesn't mean that you have to immediately go to bed or that sneaking out doesn't happen...))
8:30 am - Classes Begin
8:30 am -3:30 pm - Classes (at least 5 in total. Here the character should list their chosen subjects of the day as well as how long each lasts)
12:00 - Lunch in the cafeteria
3:30 pm - End of classes
3:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Free time
8: 30 pm - Dinner out in the town (every time it's a different place and the students are actually allowed to go wherever they please. This usually results in each group of friends dining separately in various restaurants, while the teachers are stuck together)
00:00 - Bed time (everyone must be in their dorm rooms (this doesn't mean that you have to immediately go to bed or that sneaking out doesn't happen...))
The students are mostly free to do whatever they please, though the clubs together with the cafeteria are active
Students are completely free and the clubs are inactive for the today as is everything else, apart from the cafeteria
Here are some simple rules and requirements
1.No godmodding, bunnying, metagaming and so forth
2.No playing another person's character without their permission or forcing another rper into allowing you to play their character
3.Make well-balanced and believable character aka no Mary Sues or Gary Stues
4.Be respectful of all characters - this roleplay encourages diversity so if you have a problem with someones race, nationality, sexuality, gender and so forth the leave
5.Be respectful of everyone - no fighting, insulting, manipulating or taking out your frustrations on their character. If you have a problem with someone, discuss it with them privately
6.Speaking of "privately", if things get too steamy (if ya know what I'm talkin' 'bout) then fade to black and roleplay this privately via PM or something
7.Now, to prove that you have read the rules (yeah, sorry, I just had to include this), at the end of you CS post your character's theme song
I am going to keep this section short and sweet so listen up - each roleplayer is allowed to play either a student or a teacher. The age range for the first type of personages is 14 to 18 years old, while for the second - 23+. Additionally, there is no limit as to how many characters one may have so basically go for it and make as many as you wish. If no one wants to take the spot of some professor then I'll make an NPC
Anyway, now, without further ado, here is the CS
[insert their favorite quote here]
[insert a picture (!anime one) of them here]
Full Name:
Nicknames: (as well as aliases + why do other people call them this?)
Age: (for students - 14 to 18; for teachers - 23+)
Date of Birth: (day, month, year)
Place of Birth: (city, country)
Nationality (can be more than one, depending on their parents' origins)
Gender: (male and female aren't the only genders... just sayin'. Don't limit yourself and do whatever you want)
Sexuality: (yeah... don't limit yourself)
Personality: (include both flaws and virtues and possibly a short description of how they act (the later is !optional))
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Hobbies: (at least 3)
Fears: (at least 3)
History: (not too short, yet not too long - share whatever you wish and why there are in this school)
Relationships: (what do they think of the other characters?)
Other: (!optional)(anything you would like to share. Here include all types of stuff if you want to - their aspirations, dreams, peculiarities, things they carry around at all times, etc)
Grade: (freshman, junior, sophomore, senior?)
Class and Homeroom Teacher: (1-A (the freshmen (14 and 15 years of age)), 2-A (the juniors (15 and 16 years of age)), 3-A (the sophomores (16 and 17 years of age)) or 4-A (the seniors (17 and 18 years of age))) (the homeroom teachers will be decided later on)
Subjects: (list all subjects you have chosen to study)
Timetable: (copy the one in the timetable guidelines and then personalize it)
Clubs: (you can choose as many as you like from the listed or suggest one to me and I will add it to the list)
Dorm room and Roommate: (chose a dorm room from the ones listed in locations; if you want to be roommates with one of the other rpers then discuss it with them and include it in the CS)
Dorm interior: (!a short description is optional)
[insert (a) picture(s) of your part of the dorm room]
Subject: (what do they teach)
Professional History: (for how long have they been an educator and are they qualified to teach other subjects?)
[insert (a) picture(s) of your part of their house/apartment]
Hilda Narina (@Lady Sandra) - 4-A - History, Music, Psychology, Creative Writing
Shigeko Furukawa (@Garou) - 4-A - Music, English and Literature, Japanese and Literature, Creative Writing
Mana Kada (@RareSecret) - 2-A - Mathematics, Biology, Physics, English and Literature, Psychology
Kadakawa Yuuto (@GreenSea) - 4-A - Music, Arts and Crafts, Psychology, Philosophy, Creative Writing
Sakura Momoiro (@Shadowy) - 3-A - Music, Creative Writing, Arts and Crafts, Psychology, Philosophy
Katsumi Yukimura (@Katsumi Y.) - 3-A - English and Literature , Creative Writing , Mathematics , Biology , Chemistry , Physics , Music , Philosophy
Jean King (@RareSecret) - 3-A - Music, Arts and Crafts, Physics, Geography, Mathematics
Akuma Ayaka (@Karakui) - 2-A - Creative Writing, Arts and Crafts, Music, Biology, Chemistry
Mirabelle Orand (@growl) - 2-A - Japanese and Literature, English and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Music, Arts and Crafts, Philosophy
Hirabayashi Hiraku (@growl) - 3-A - Japanese and Literature, English and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy
Baki Asuman (@Ehb) - 1-A - Psychology, English and Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Music
Mayu Yorihase (@Ehb) - 1-A - Psychology, English and Literature, Mathematics, Creative Writing, Biology
Mikan Uchida (@Ktyria) - 4-A - Creative Writing, Music, English and Literature, Physics, Arts and Crafts
Robert West (@VengefulPeanut) - 3-A - English and Literature, Creative Writing, History, Music, Philosophy
Imogen Keyrair (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - 2-A - Japanese and Literature, Creative Writing, Music, Psychology
Adrian Vaughn (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - 3-A - Japanese and Literature, Philosophy, Arts and Crafts, English and Literature
Seraphina Trinity (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - arts and crafts teacher, creative writing teacher
Shigeko Furukawa (@Garou) - 4-A - Music, English and Literature, Japanese and Literature, Creative Writing
Mana Kada (@RareSecret) - 2-A - Mathematics, Biology, Physics, English and Literature, Psychology
Kadakawa Yuuto (@GreenSea) - 4-A - Music, Arts and Crafts, Psychology, Philosophy, Creative Writing
Sakura Momoiro (@Shadowy) - 3-A - Music, Creative Writing, Arts and Crafts, Psychology, Philosophy
Katsumi Yukimura (@Katsumi Y.) - 3-A - English and Literature , Creative Writing , Mathematics , Biology , Chemistry , Physics , Music , Philosophy
Jean King (@RareSecret) - 3-A - Music, Arts and Crafts, Physics, Geography, Mathematics
Akuma Ayaka (@Karakui) - 2-A - Creative Writing, Arts and Crafts, Music, Biology, Chemistry
Mirabelle Orand (@growl) - 2-A - Japanese and Literature, English and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Music, Arts and Crafts, Philosophy
Hirabayashi Hiraku (@growl) - 3-A - Japanese and Literature, English and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy
Baki Asuman (@Ehb) - 1-A - Psychology, English and Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Music
Mayu Yorihase (@Ehb) - 1-A - Psychology, English and Literature, Mathematics, Creative Writing, Biology
Mikan Uchida (@Ktyria) - 4-A - Creative Writing, Music, English and Literature, Physics, Arts and Crafts
Robert West (@VengefulPeanut) - 3-A - English and Literature, Creative Writing, History, Music, Philosophy
Imogen Keyrair (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - 2-A - Japanese and Literature, Creative Writing, Music, Psychology
Adrian Vaughn (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - 3-A - Japanese and Literature, Philosophy, Arts and Crafts, English and Literature
Seraphina Trinity (@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)) - arts and crafts teacher, creative writing teacher
Girl's Dorm
Room 1 - Katsumi Yukimura and Mirabelle Orand
Room 2 - Miyamoto Megumi and Akuma Ayaka
Room 3 - Hilda Narina and Mana Kada
Room 4 - Shigeko Furukawa and Mikan Uchida
Room 5 - Sakura Momoiro and Imogen Keyrair
Room 1 - Katsumi Yukimura and Mirabelle Orand
Room 2 - Miyamoto Megumi and Akuma Ayaka
Room 3 - Hilda Narina and Mana Kada
Room 4 - Shigeko Furukawa and Mikan Uchida
Room 5 - Sakura Momoiro and Imogen Keyrair
Guy's Dorm
Room 1 - Kadakawa Yuuto and Robert West
Room 2 - Hirabayashi Hiraku and (open)
Room 3 - Adrian Vaughn and (open)
Room 4 - Kawaguchi Akira and Jean King
Room 5 - (open) and (open)
Room 1 - Kadakawa Yuuto and Robert West
Room 2 - Hirabayashi Hiraku and (open)
Room 3 - Adrian Vaughn and (open)
Room 4 - Kawaguchi Akira and Jean King
Room 5 - (open) and (open)
The School Newspaper - Hisakawa News Weekly
- Kawaguchi Akira - editor in chief
- Sakura Momoiro - photographer
- Hirabayashi Hiraku
- Mikan Uchida
- Robert West
- open
The Band
- Sakura Momoiro - lead vocalist + guitar player
- Hilda Narina - lead vocalist + guitar player
- Katsumi Yukimura
- Kadakawa Yuuto
- Jean King - bass player
- Akuma Ayaka - percussionist
The Arts and Crafts Club
- Kadakawa Yuuto - president
- Sakura Momoiro
- Shigeko Furukawa
- Jean King
- Adrian Vaughn
- open
The Drama Club
- Miyamoto Megumi
- Akuma Ayaka
- Mirabelle Orand
- Mikan Uchida
- Adrian Vaughn
- open
The Martial Arts Club
- Katsumi Yukimura
- Hilda Narina
- Robert West
- open
- open
- open
The Swimming Club
- Katsumi Yukimura - captain
- Mana Kada - vice-captain
- open
- open
- open
- open
The Bookworm's Club
- Kawaguchi Akira - president
- Mirabelle Orand
- open
- open
- open
- open
The Paranormal Club
- Miyamoto Megumi
- open
- open
- open
- open
- open
- Shigeko Furukawa
- open
- open
- open
- open
- open
- Akuma Ayaka
- Imogen Keyrair
- Adrian Vaughn
- open
- open
- open
Homeroom teacher of 1-A
Homeroom teacher of 2-A
Homeroom teacher of 3-A
Homeroom teacher of 4-A - Andre Beaulieu
Homeroom teacher of 2-A
Homeroom teacher of 3-A
Homeroom teacher of 4-A - Andre Beaulieu
Japanese and Literature (focuses on Eastern literature) - open
English and Literature (focuses on Western literature) - open
Creative Writing - Seraphina Trinity
Mathematics - open
Biology - open
Chemistry - open
Physics - open
Geography - open
History - open
Music - open
Arts and Crafts - Seraphina Trinity
Psychology - Andre Beaulieu
Philosophy - open
English and Literature (focuses on Western literature) - open
Creative Writing - Seraphina Trinity
Mathematics - open
Biology - open
Chemistry - open
Physics - open
Geography - open
History - open
Music - open
Arts and Crafts - Seraphina Trinity
Psychology - Andre Beaulieu
Philosophy - open
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