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[fieldbox=, white, solid]
[October 23rd, Late-Afternoon / Hachi-Ou Park]

"Sorry, maybe I just need some time to organize my thoughts. Need to sort things out, confirm some other things, and do some research. I know what I saw, and I know that I wouldn't normally do something like nap…and I can't remember making such a decision…but perhaps you're right."

"I see. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask."

It was a sort of default answer Yuri had when she wasn't sure how exactly to assist. Internally, she hoped all of what Yuuki had described was merely a bad dream.

Heading back to the exit by the fence, the boy offered to give Yuri a ride.

"By the way, need me to scooter you anywhere, Yuri?"

She shook her head.

"Thanks for the offer, but, My house is actually in this neighborhood. I'll be fine."


Coming out of the hole, Kimura came upon a worrying sight.

"There! That's the one!"

"Hey, you! Come over here!"

Standing on the other side of the street, a police officer and the less than friendly old lady. It would seem she had gone as far as to call the police this time. Or, did his little 'nap' give the officer enough time to catch him this time?

"Oh my..." Yuri said. Seeing this whole thing from the other side of the fence.

This was probably the third time he'd crossed the path of authorities in the past couple of days. Glancing back at Yuri, he could only see the social morals officer with her hand covering her mouth.

At this point, it was out of her hands.

Certainly, he would be able to laugh about this whole situation in a week, right?

"Our Yuri was able to fish that trespasser out of there! Good job!"



[fieldbox=, white, solid]
[October 23rd, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, First Floor Nurse's Office]

"So, that's what you've chosen then, Chiyo?"
"Ayaka-chan, I think at this point, she probably has made up her mind. I mean, you know she can get like this at times. Shouldn't we be more supportive of her?"

"You guys too?"

Looking to the other girls, their expressions seemed a bit more lightened up. As if uplifted by the peach's words.

The girl whom had been doing the most of the talking among them, Ayaka, let out a defeated sigh.

"Oh whatever. I tried. You really are a blockhead, Chiyo." She shrugged playfully.

So it didn't end too badly between them. They returned to their own business as the trio of Michio and the Chiyo-Iori combo made further arrangements....


A week passed. The entire time, Mizunohara Sagawa was absent.

Simultaneously, the attacks and misconduct conducted by the mysterious hacker stopped. This only seemed to solidify the idea that Mizunohara was the one responsible. She didn't respond to any messages Chiyo or Michio sent her. Though, the two did what they could to try investigating.

Then, one day... Sagawa Mizunohara returned to class. Same as always. That was until she sat down.

Preparing for class, she set a new notebook and mechanical pencil down in front of her. Which was strange. She never took physical notes in class. Most students just used an app on their chips to write out notes. It was faster, and more convenient.

Lunch period came by...

[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A]

Sagawa nursed her hand. It wasn't particularly used to writing. She looked down regrettably at her attempts to copy down things.

Everyone was ignoring her for the most part. Se didn't mind though, this was pretty much how it always was. Nothing had changed for her situation. It was just that doing certain things had now become much more inconvenient than before.

"So, she's back..."
"Did you notice?"
"Yeah. She's actually using a notebook now."
"So, that could only mean..."

"You're handwriting looks pretty terrible."
"H-hey, Ayaka-chan!"

Chjiyo immediately noticed her friend right up beside Mizunohara. Ironically, it seemed like she was the first to approach her after coming back.

"Yeah? Is there some kind of problem here?" Sagawa replied sounding less than amused.


Ayaka plopped her own notebook onto Sagawa's desk.

"Unlike most people, I actually do write down my notes while I write them on my chip. So it's fine for you do borrow mine if you want, until you get used it."

"Um... why?"

"I like to think of it as practice for being able to multi task."

"I didn't mean why you do that, I mean..."

Why was she being so nice all of a sudden?

"Because I'm friends with a blockhead. That's why."

So it was Chiyo, then.


Sagawa, not knowing any way else to respond, accepted her officer.

"I guessed you rubbed off on her, huh Chiyo-chan? That's Ayaka-chan alright. Leading by example...."

It was nice to see that Chiyo's words seemed to be albe to reach out to some of her friends. But... There was something worrying about this whole scenario. She was just going to have to talk to Sagawa herself later on. Deep down, Chiyo still felt like the real hacker was still somewhere out there. She was certain that the perpetrator would try to act up again as soon as Sagawa came back.

But, at this point - was Sagawa already made to pay for what had happened?

A few more minutes into lunch, Sagawa got up from her desk. Seeming to prepare in taking her things. At that moment, her eyes crossed paths with Michio's and Chiyo's as she turned to leave the classroom. It seemed like an indication for them to come after her.

Though, at that moment, the two remembered the 'deal' that they had made previously. Michio agreeing to keep directly out of the investigation. Therefore, at that moment, they mutually understood that only one of them could go after her. They both wanted to ask the same question - but from there, whatever would follow, whether it be the investigation or otherwise, was something they'd agreed to keep out of each others way on.

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Second Floor Hallways]

...out in the hall, in the same place where Liza nearly jumped to her death a week ago, Sagawa stopped. This time, the window was securely shut. Nonetheless, she leaned back against the wall, and waited.

Then, the one who came to her first was:
They spoke to her saying:

@Raven Haruka
@_Anyone (Technically)


[ New Incidents Have Been Added! ]
[ Unlocked the Dangerous Technos Achivement! ]

Annoying Help Text 7 Introducing, Incidents!

Introducing, Incidents!
When a time-skip occurs, all sorts of things can happen. Sorts of things that can only resolved with in character interactions.

Enter Incidents! These help inform you what sort of juicy things have occurred while you were moving through time! People might've gotten into fights or awkward situations. In general, this further dictates how certain characters may interact with one another after a time skip.

Many different incidents are proposed to give players many different options to pursue. But ultimately, not all of them can be moved forward. Simply pick one that's the most interesting and try exploring it. Of course, you'll need the relevant players to post too in order to move it forward!

Incidents Are Recorded in the OOC intro Post for easy access.

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Accelerator
[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[BCOLOR=#000000][October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Class 2-A to Cafeteria][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira's relationship with Hardwired hadn't exactly improved since they'd been handcuffed together. She wanted to believe that was why she'd been picked as a target for the prank, to improve their relationship, not because Nyoko hated her more than anyone else. The latter was what her mind kept telling her. Thankfully Rei had secured the correct key, but she had the nagging feeling that they had been very lucky indeed for it to happen so fast.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]To make up for lost time, Kira spent most of the following week in isolation in her basement, just drumming, drumming, drumming. Towards the end of the week her arms hurt so bad that her younger brother asked if he should bring her to the hospital. She knew it was a joke, but she'd almost taken him up on his offer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Dance practice was pretty horrible as a result, but she soldiered through it as her teacher didn't like her slacking. She needed to get used to drumming every day for hours. Otherwise she would fare poorly on any future tours. Luckily something wonderful had happened during the week, and it had made Kira particularly smug. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She dutifully took her notes during class, where she sat next to Rei, but she wanted to lean back in her chair and put her legs on the desk. She wanted to gloat this time. Kira kept glancing between Turbo Lover and Hardwired, for different reasons. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]By the time lunch arrived, her stomach was already growling and she got out of the classroom without waiting for anyone. They could catch her later in the cafeteria. Hardwired was faster than her, but when she tried to strike up a conversation with the leader of her club by greeting her she just walked away faster. Nyoko was headed for the Radio Club, and Kira was going the opposite way. She considered going after her, but oh well, they might see each other later. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira raised the volume of her music, which she'd kept so low she couldn't hear it during class. She strutted down the corridor, extending her arms to her side, and shaking her hips. Doing a walking shimmy, and sometimes even bending her knees to get low, low.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Going for broke, rock 'til you choke. It don't matter if you drink or smoke. Speak through the beat, get up on your feet~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira ran into Sagawa before long. She hadn't seen her in a week, so she supposed she must have gotten suspended. It didn't seem fair for her to get a week off school to do whatever she liked while Kira suffered because of her own determination to become the greatest drummer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]With a grin, she danced close to her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Born to raise hell, born to raise hell~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Jazz hands!" Kira said, waving her hands in Sagawa's face as she passed her. For good measure, she stopped when she'd passed a corner, retraced her steps, threw a drumstick up into the air, caught it when it came back down and booped Sagawa lightly on the nose with the tip. "Boop!" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]We know how to do it and we do it real well~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira laughed to herself, as she continued on her way towards the cafeteria. Once she arrived, she rubbed her hands together, looking at the items on sale. She had enough money to buy anything she wanted, but settled for rice, soup, and meat dumplings. It was lunch, so she shouldn't eat anything too unhealthy. It might ruin her entire day, and she wasn't about to settle for any potential free alternative.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She took a seat by the window, sitting on her own, but assuming others would join her. Rei should do it, right? Come to think of it, she hadn't presented Ayame or Rei with the reward they'd been promised if they helped her and Nyoko out. Well, they must have forgotten about it then. No need for her to bring it up.[/BCOLOR]


[fieldbox=Nishimura Iori, #ffb8da, solid]

[October 23rd, Late Afternoon / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, First Floor Nurse's Office]

"Iori-san, I'll have to bother you with some extra work. Are you sure you're alright with that?"

The maid gave a wide smile.

"Of course."

* * *

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A]

After that day, a week has passed. However, Sagawa was absent from school in that same week. The hacking that happened throughout the school were gone as well. The maid's words were unnervingly turned into reality. Some of the students assumed that Sagawa got suspended for what she did that day. Some even thought that she got punished as the one who masterminded the string of hackings occurred on school.

At the same time, Iori did some work that were requested from Chiyo, presumably related to the hacking incident. Throughout that week, Sagawa was unable to be contacted according from Chiyo and Michio, however. Not to mention that the week were not kind to her either.

Today was just another typical day for the maid, until Sagawa finally attended school. It was a relief for the maid to see her in person. She looked normal, until she sat down with a notebook and a mechanical pencil in front of her.

("Wait a minute... Is that a notebook and a pencil?")

Iori thought to herself as she continued to observe her as the other girl from the infirmary known as Ayaka approached her. For Sagawa who heavily relies on the virtual reality system to do most of her tasks in school, it was quite a change. She cannot help but ponder what had actually happened last week. Did Kokoro banned her from using her VR chip? Or was it something even more serious?

Then the maid witnessed Ayaka lending her notebook to Sagawa. At this moment, Iori cannot help but think that the damage has been done.

Then comes lunch time. Iori turned to Sagawa, just in time to see that she was leaving the classroom. She glanced at Chiyo, signalling that she was going to make the move. She also gestured at her master as she approached the exit, reminding her about the lunchbox. The maid and the peach has been learning on how to make meat buns for the past few days.

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Second Floor Hallways]

Iori managed to reach Sagawa, just in time to see Kira poked the meat bun lover on her nose. She laughed as she headed towards the cafeteria, apparently feeling content with her achievement. The maid shook her head as Kira disappeared from her view. It certainly reminded of herself whenever she did a successful noogie, but doing a prank on Sagawa right now was not a good idea, considering what has happened so far.

As the maid approached Sagawa, she felt a sense of deja vu. The place where she was standing was the place where Lisa tried to jump from. This time, the window was tightly shut.

"Hello Mizunohara-san." Iori smiled as she greeted the black haired girl. "How are you?"

The smile felt genuine, just like the times where she saved her from the library incident last week.

@Raven Haruka

[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, red, solid]


[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A, to 1st floor Hallways]

In the wake of last weeks events, Ayame was thankful that nothing of note had happened in regards to herself. Or so she would like to think, gritting her teeth at the thought, she was failing in her duties. During the past week someone had been putting stickers on Rei, Red Panda's... It potentially could lead to Rei losing faith in Ayame doing her duties. Which would likely end up making her assignment to just the male Heir apparent only, in the least for that failure.

Ayame didn't believe the girl meant ill towards Rei, but if this continued it would be a problem. Pondering if she should attempt finding the responsible party and beating some sense of standards in approaching Rei, via Virtu-Ava did gloss her thoughts. Distracted by the bell the track suit wearing girl stretches in her seat, taking in what was going on around her it seemed gossip was filling the air, like with regards to the hacking incident. Never one to find stock with such rumors Ayame gets up from her desk. Ducking into the crowd quickly, Ayame seems to live up to her ninja reputation, vanishing from view.

As soon as class was dismissed Ayame heads for the vending machines from the previous week, pulling out some Yen coins, today was another iced Coffee with another Red Bean Bun, Ayame intended to get something more filling once she knew the lines had died down in the cafeteria, but for now standing out here away from the majority was relaxing, with a bit of a sigh Ayame knew to enjoy today while she could, this evening she had to tend to the store.

"Ah at least the coffee is good." While she wasn't looking for interruptions and would be head to the cafeteria eventually, any company wouldn't be ran off out of hand. Mostly as to do that would just draw more attention, rather than any need to be sociable on her own part.


@anybody or nobody
Last edited:
[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, Grey, solid]

[October 29th, Evening/ Taigi's Home]

Just as Taigi exited from the restroom, his cellphone rang. He walked over and glanced at the display, widening his eyes in surprise. He picked up the phone and answered the call.

"What's wrong?"
"That's the first thing you say? How awful, second brother."

Taigi sighed and moved to lie down on his sofa; it would likely be a long talk.

"You never call me. And don't call me second brother when we're not even siblings."
"Ouch. But we're so similar, we might as well be twins. And I was just thinking of changing myself and imparting some wisdom upon you. Also since I reconciled with my sister and father. I stopped picking my fingernails too."
"Thank you, oh great sage. Whatever could I do without your guidance."
"Hey hey hey, these are pretty big milestones for me, you know? Seriously though, did you stop with… Those things?"

"Those things" were a reference to drugs, alcohol, and the Virtua-Ava app. It took quite a few back and forth messages to be able to reference those things without outright stating what they were; it was due to maintain an air of secrecy if their communications were compromised. Taigi thought the effort was overzealous and superfluous, but respected his cousin's wishes.

"Yeah, though if they really recorded such instances, I wouldn't be attending school. And I was never a fan of janken anyways. Wish they did a better job of communicating that; don't think a lot of people know it's illegal."
"Huh? Since when was janken illegal? You silly."

Taigi merely sighed as his cousin played dumb. Then he opened his mouth to complain.

"But really, I really wanted to do those things. Now not so much, but… I think I was going through withdrawal symptoms or something; for giving me the time to recover, I'm sorta grateful for this hacker."

Taigi had taken time off school due to the hacking incidents. Though he wasn't one of the first ones injured, he requested time off because of worries about his physical safety. It had taken some time, but he managed to get excused till the incidents were over or when he felt comfortable enough to return.

"But seriously, to think they still haven't caught the person yet. I mean your school's supposed to send you a text or something when it's all resolved, right? Do you think they forgot? How shitty is your school man? Are the police involved? "

Taigi sighed.

"I know right? I'm in disbelief as well. And funnily enough, I think my studies are progressing better with self-study than when I'm in school. As for police, I'm not sure. But wouldn't be surprised if they weren't."

There was a silence between the two. Not because of some portentous reason; it was because neither knew what to talk about next. The silence was broken by Taigi.

"Honestly, fuck these chips. They have pros, but I'd say they're outweighed by their cons."
"When can you remove yours?"
"I looked into it and I can't remove it till I'm older. So if there are more of these incidents in the future I'll have to skip again till the guy gets caught. Man, I can't wait to leave this place."
"You hate it that much?"
"I mean it's not all bad, but the bad outweighs the good. Like this park near my place. It's an eyesore and it gives off creepy vibes."
"What, did someone get murdered there?"
"Yes actually. Apparently middle school students."
"…What. Really? That's scary as hell. Did they ever catch the guy? When did this happen?"
"Don't think so. And a couple of years ago."
"'A couple of years ago'? What the fuck? What are you-why are you still there then? That's scary as hell."
"I know right? My parents insisted on Hisakawa though, and I try to keep myself outside only during daylight hours."
"Shit man… Are there similar incidents around?"
"Don't think so; that park incident is one of the more famous ones."
"I see. I understand how you can find kids going around in a place where kids got murdered is creepy. Though I think it's better than letting that stigma remain on that place."
"Actually it's closed off now. It's fenced off so it's not readily accessible."
"Hah, seriously? What the hell? I'm no government official, but even I think such a decision is mistaken. You basically lower morale among everyone that walks by there. Nobody-I mean most people, wouldn't even want to live near such a nearby haunted place. What are they thinking?"
"My thoughts exactly. I wish they would just fix the place or something. They don't need to reopen it into a park, but maybe build something else on it."
"And I'm sure my diligent cousin submitted such a proposal to the proper authorities, correct?"

Taigi snorted.

"Good joke."
"Thanks. But you gave me a good idea."
"Oh no."
"Shut it. How about you take the initiative to-what's the word? Refurbish? Reconstruct? Revitalize? Well you know what I mean. Basically make the park not an eyesore anymore."
"Redevelop the area?"
"Yeah, something like that. Maybe get your population's support behind it and raise awareness for the project. You could petition your school for funding for awareness or something."
"And why would I go through all that effort for something that might not even bear fruit?"
"Oh come on, it's a perfect way to get girls man! Think about it: a guy trying to redevelop the park so that the local children can play there again and the residents don't have the specter of death, a constant reminder, looming over their heads. Instant pussy magnet, I'm telling you. More likely to get girls interested in you that way than showing her your anime collection."
"If I just take off my shirt and compliment them, I'm sure I can hook most girls. But I will keep it in mind, mister 22 year old virgin."
"Oh fuck you too cherry boy. What, you have a six pack already?"
"Nah, but I'd say my body is better than most of my peers."
"Fine fine. Fuck the park then. And fuck me too, right? Trying to get my cousin improve his social standing and all…"
"I'd rather not fuck either, to be frank."
"Har har."
"Woot woot."
"Don't you start with that 'woot woot' shit."

Taigi stretched his legs.

"I miss your cooking. Ahhh~~~~~ I want my homemade luxurious meal~~~~."
"…Lol, the hell. Anyone could do what I did by following a recipe."
"Dude, I tried like five times and they were all horrible. Don't undersell yourself."
"Right, right. Maybe you're just stupid."
"So anyways, I'll probably aim to quit being a cherry boy by next year."
"Well if some transfer student comes in during my thi-"
"Stop there. It's shameful, but I have a good idea what you're going to say next."
"Woot. Great minds think alike!"
"Oi idiot stop that. And next year is entrance exams. You think any girl is gonna want to date during their third year?"
"Oh. I forgot."
"How do you even… Nevermind. So go get one now or wait till college. Tennis club is where it's at, though I haven't verified it for myself. But you should at least practice with some girls."
"And get rejected several times like you did? Oh man those were some interesting stories."
"And I regret ever telling you them. How's school?"
"We have interesting characters."
"Well for starters we got a guy that looks like a girl."
"Huh, so he looks like a girl and doesn't get bullied for it?"
"Yep. We even have a white person here too."
"Hoh, that so? Guy or girl?"
"Sadly guy. And a saint. Not a literal one, but I haven't ever seen the dude get mad or anything. I would love to try and see what makes him tick if that didn't involve my reputation going down the gutter."
"Smart choice. Any enemies you've made?"
"Enemies? Well there's a few cocky guys and girls that I dislike, but nothing major."
"Well it's high school. Relationships can flip 180 because of something stupid. So maybe put some effort into becoming more like that saint?"
"I don't want to. These kids are immature. Not saying I'm mature, but I don't think I'm that unabashed and loud about it. And that saint still has people that hate him, you know."
"You should still give it a shot. I'm not saying you should all hold hands and kumbaya, but just don't intensely hate people. If it's due to some petty shit try to settle it."
"Gee, thanks dad. And I don't hate anyone with that much passion, fortunately."
"I'm being serious. You don't want someone in that school to go crazy and start hurting people, right? And connections becoming strained because of some bad first impression?"
"You're overthinking things. And what's with this persistence? Didn't you hate to force others to do stuff they don't want to do?"

There was a noticeable pause before his cousin spoke.

"You're right about that. But sometimes you need to help them help themselves. Just give it a shot."

He spoke the words with a solemn tone. Taigi raised an eyebrow at the strangeness of it all, but managed to respond.

"...I'll give it a shot then, but no promises."
"Thank you."
"What's this? You being serious is nasty. Stop that. Woot."

A blatant attempt at changing the mood. And his cousin...

"Ah shut it you fuck. I'm trying to be nice and all and you say something like that?"

Readily accepted it.

The two laughed for a while before they resumed their conversation.

"But man, becoming more like Yukitani? The guy went and made an anti-bullying club. It tries to prevent bullying, abusive language, disrespect, and perversion, I think. And for me to make a club like him? It's ok if I just emulate some of his behavior, righ-"
"Oioioi. Repeat what you said."
"What? What part?"
"What does it try to prevent?"
"The club tries to prevent bullying, abusi-"
"Yeah, what the fuck? Come on Taigi, do you not see anything wrong with that?"
"Is this some sort of trick question?"
"No you dumbass."

He sighed.

"What the hell constitutes as bullying, abusive language, disrespect, and perversion? Well maybe perversion is easier to have a definition. Continuing on. How do you arbitrate the cases where this alleged bullying or abusive language happens? It's gonna be almost always hearsay, and though your chips may be able to record, it's been shown they can be compromised. So, people could even call a normal conversation 'bullying' or 'discrimination'."
"That's an extreme example there…"
"Do you honestly think there won't or hasn't been a single one? Can you say with absolute certainty that there weren't such cases against students?"
"Reality is, people aren't nice. There will be people that use it like this, if there haven't been already. If not, then you're living in some convenient fantasy world."
"Then what takes its place? Just leave the issues be? Ignore them? What's the solution?"
"When did I say to ignore them? As for a solution, hell if I know. I don't think there is one. Still, discuss it amongst yourselves; but, I know that such a shitty solution isn't the answer."
"And why should I be the one to bring it up? I'm basically committing social suicide if I even attempt to kill what is basically Yukitani's personal project. You know, the guy regarded as a saint?"
"Come on. It'll show you have balls man, balls. It's even better than the rejected park idea, you know? Intelligent girls will see your point and swoon all over you, unlike the park scenario where you won't know what you get."
"Look, I'll just bring it up to Michio or Yuuki, alright? Let them take the glory and responsibility."
"Man, where's the trust? You-"
"I don't think you realize my situation here. And besides, they have the blessing of the student council and social morals. I'm just one person. And Yukitani's a decent guy. I don't think his persona is a façade."
"Yukitani could be innocent and started this club with good intentions. But remember, 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions'. He would have been the useful idiot; the two organizations saw an opportunity when they were given one and pounced on it. If this club isn't just a paper tiger and has actual teeth, it would be an extremely useful tool of censorship. What happens when the club gets involved in cases?"
"I'm not sure."
"Well, whatever. If it's a paper tiger I guess you don't need to get involved. And sure, I guess it doesn't have to be you, but you've got nothing better to do, right? I know without even asking that you're not involved in any clubs; you resemble me after all. Well, do what you want then, I won't press the issue any further. It's just disturbing to see how nonchalant you are about this. Was there really no outcry, no protest about this club?"
"I'll look into it. And I'm calm since it hasn't affected me so far. And to be honest, I haven't thought of the potential abuses like you have. As for outcry, don't think so."

"I guess this Yukitani has a lot of charisma, the club has no power, or your student population is braindead and apathetic like you. Ahh, so naïve. Naïve. It hasn't affected you so far, you say? 'First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.'"
"What's this about Socialists all of a sudden?"
"You dumbass. Think about it yourself; that's your homework. I'd love to hear more details about this damn travesty and talk more, but my phone is running low on battery and I'll need it later, so I'll hang up for now. Good talk."
"As if I don't have enough homework already. And if you insult me so much I'll get traumatized. Well, bye. Woot."
"Bye. And stop saying that shit, goddamn. And seriously look into this. I don't think I've stressed the import of this enough. Check if it has teeth or not at least."
"Fine, fine. I'm not that much of an idiot; stop repeating the same things over and over."

And with that, Taigi ended the call. He got up and put the phone back on the table, a resigned smile lingering on his face. Though it was their first phone conversation in quite some time, it was no different from when they talked face-to-face.

"Geez, looks like I got a lot of work all of a sudden..."

Taigi complained to the air and sighed.

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A]

Taigi had finally come to school, partly to see if the administration really did forget to inform him and partly out of boredom and obligation. Though he didn't like school all that much, there were people that he was friends with.

From what he heard during the morning, it seemed that the incidents were done for about a week. So it did seem like he was forgotten or purposely left out of the loop. Or perhaps since the actual culprit wasn't apprehended the administration didn't tell him to come back.

"So, she's back..."
"Did you notice?"
"Yeah. She's actually using a notebook now."
"So, that could only mean..."

To Taigi, it was pretty disconcerting to see that even some of his classmates were reacting like irrational, flat, NPCs. He was surprised to discover that many students suspected Sagawa to be behind the incidents. Taigi held no love for Sagawa, but he ruled her out as a suspect when "her signature" was found in the code. It just ran against common sense. He doubted Sagawa would be so stupid and yet smart enough to be able to manipulate the code in that way. Though the attacks seemed to have stopped when Sagawa was missing, that just fueled Taigi's belief in her innocence. Unfortunately it seemed that he was in the minority.

When it was time for lunch, Taigi got up from his seat and stretched. Then, he went back to his seat. Instead of eating food like most others did at this time, he took the time to review the notes he took. This was normal; he found it troublesome to take time to eat during school hours, preferring to eat a large breakfast and dinner instead. Eating during lunch took him out of his "zone" of concentration. If he was out of his zone, he wouldn't be able to focus during the rest of school hours.

"Do you think she...?"
"How can she even show her face after all she did?"
"I know, it's really..."

...But it didn't help that the whispers-but-not-really-whispers were distracting as all hell. In a normal situation he would just drown out the background noise with loud white noise, but despite his best efforts he was feeling heated. And not because of the weather.

Lisa Yamagawa almost being killed was the major reason for his foul mood. It angered him that none of his friends had thought to inform him about such a huge event and he was only able to find out about it as he walked to school.

But the fact that she almost died was what angered him the most.

He wasn't friends with Lisa anymore, but he still cared about her. If he had the opportunity, he would unleash the full force of his physical might onto the hacker for daring to do such a thing. He knew though, that the hacker was fully capable of doing the same thing to him as what was done to Lisa.

After a few more futile moments of trying to concentrate on his studies, he gave up. He pushed back his chair and slammed his hand on his desk, silencing the "whispers" around him. Without sparing a glance at the gossipers, he left the classroom.

[Second Floor Hallways]

As he went down the hallway, he could see Sagawa and Iori in the distance. A part of him wanted to thank Sagawa for saving Lisa, but the other didn't want to even be in the same presence as Iori. Though his cousin did want him to be more forgiving, a part of Taigi told him that the two girls would be involved in a conversation he was not welcome to.

So he decided to walk in the opposite direction, not having a particular destination in mind.

[First Floor Hallways]

Taigi frowned when he saw a girl near the vending machines he was about to use. He was tempted to wait till she left, but once again his cousin's words came back to haunt him. And unlike the Sagawa-Iori opportunity, there was no good reason for him to retreat from this encounter. His cousin's words in mind, he resigned himself to take that first step. He walked past her, keeping his gaze fixed on the vending machine in front of him. As he inserted the money into the machine and made his choice, he opened his mouth.

"Sorry. For loitering in the store."

He opened the can and began to drink.

He made no excuses for what he did. It was a simple apology that acknowledged his wrongdoing, and didn't beg for her forgiveness. Taigi had no doubts that he could have phrased it better and made it sound more sincere. But a part of him doubted that he would deliver such a detailed apology and remember what it actually said. For him, this way was what felt most natural.

He waited for her response, if there was one.

[fieldbox= Iwasawa Yuuki, #339966, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A]

Yuuki didn't go to school when the hacking incident involving Lisa happened. Although for the rest of the week he did attend and heard what happened that day from some students. Although he wasn't all that close with Sagawa, he didn't thought of Sagawa as the culprit when he learned that there was [Sagawa's Signature] within the code. It would just be too easy to point at Sagawa as the culprit, and that might probably what the actual culprit wanted. Or so he thought...

For the rest of the week, Sagawa was absent. And that there were no hacking incidents happening when Sagawa was absent. This made Yuuki started to think about the possibility that Sagawa might be really the one who did it. He didn't rule out the possibility of the [Other Culprit] that wants to make Sagawa look like the one who did it.

And today, Sagawa returned. Yuuki noticed that she brought a notebook and a mechanical pencil. Which was quite unusual to see as she never wrote physical notes in class. As most students would just use the app on their chips to write out notes.

("Huh, that's a first...")

. . .

And then comes lunchtime. Yuuki rummaged in his bag for some lollipop candies. Hearing some not-so-whispers on Sagawa. Yuuki didn't really mind with whatever they said. When he found his candies, a loud slam surprised Yuuki. Dropping his candies from his hands back into the bag. He glanced to where the loud slam was heard. Noticing that it was Taigi who did it, he watched as Taigi leave the classroom.

"Jeez, the hell was that for?" Yuuki said to no one in particular as he gathers his candies again. He stood up and put two lollipop candies into his pockets. Unwrapping the last one and put it in his mouth. He left the classroom.

[2nd Floor Hallways]

Yuuki walk past Sagawa and Ionia, he only glanced at them as he past by. Seemingly uninterested to join the conversation.


Yuuki walked to the vending machine and bought a can of green tea and red bean bun from it. He looked around for someone that he knew. He noticed that Kira was sitting near the window. So he approached her.

"Mind if I sit here?" Yuuki asked. Though he just proceed to take a seat in Kira's table. He opened the can and started to drink.

"So... What's going on lately? All I heard around the school was that allegedly Sagawa hacking thing." Yuuki opened up with a rather ordinary question to start up a conversation.

@Gottkönigin Wen

[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[BCOLOR=#000000][October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Cafeteria][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]Mind if I sit here?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira had stuffed herself with food, and couldn't answer without opening her mouth. Normally she wouldn't mind doing that, even if others did, but she was eating soup. It would leak, and drip onto the table. It would be disgusting by her own standards. She simply shook her head. She did not mind. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"So... [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]What's going on lately? All I heard around the school was that allegedly Sagawa hacking thing[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She swallowed, glancing at the boy who'd decided to strike up a conversation. They hadn't exactly talked that much before, but they were in the same class. Rei was interested in him, and it was why Kira couldn't stop thinking of her as a Narnia- No, nevermind. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Hell, nobody else had shown up yet. She didn't know everything that had happened in class lately, but she knew what had happened in her own life. Maybe it would be entertaining enough gossip.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Who told you about a god who does not care~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira grinned. She'd listened to this particular song a lot the last week.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Aaah, where should I start?" Kira asked, pointing her spoon at him. "Don't know anything about what Sagawa's been up to, but she's not that interesting, is she?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Who told you about a love that turns to dirt~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Personally, I've been busy with my hobbies, and my drumming, but before that I was handcuffed to Har- Nyoko from the Radio Club. My boss, I guess." Kira still had the handcuffs in her bag. Hardwired thought the Red Pandas had them, but she'd snatched them when no one was focusing on her. They shouldn't go to waste as a toy for pranks. "It's a long story, but Rei saved me in the end. Think she ended up in a bit of hot water with a Red Panda though. Something about how they might be stalking her…? I forget. I wasn't listening that closely to what she was saying. Probably nothing serious."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]You cannot replace your devils~[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"But that's all in the past now!" She exclaimed, getting excited at the idea that Yuuki might be convinced to read her shipping story. It was worth a shot! "You wouldn't happen to care more about the present, or the future, would you? Ooooh, I wrote a story about two people in class! Do you want to read it? Do you!?" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kira battered her eyelashes, leaning over the table, activating her chip's interface. She had the link ready to send within less than a second. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"It's awesome! I've never gotten so many views on anything I've written before!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]If Yuuki said yes, she would send it instantly for him to read. Kira had overplayed how great the story was, even if there was a lot of energy in it, and a fair bit of humour. It was obvious to everyone who read it who the story was about. [/BCOLOR]


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[fieldbox= Rei Saionji, Purple, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Class 2-A]

Rei had a bad week. Well, an irritating week full of more whispers and gossiping coupled with someone sticking stickers on her. Red panda stickers. She couldn't figure out if this was a cruel prank or a malicious attack. Either way, Ayame had been useless. All that bravada and nonsense about duty and she couldn't stop someone from putting childish stickers onto Rei. What if another yakuza saw them? she'd be seen as weak and unworthy. She didn't need this now.

Her mother had seen a sticker. Things at home had gotten worse, more training; more intense fighting type training. Meaning that her mother was more proactive in terms of making sure that Rei was ready, and the deadline for leadership was coming up so quickly. Her mother decided that if Rei couldn't stop this stalker soon, her mother would start ambushing Rei. No guns -too dangerous- but her mother never did anything in half measures and Rei didn't know what this would mean.

She was on edge, and jumped clear of her seat the second that Taigi smashed his hands down on the table. She was up and ready the second she heard it, and ready to fight. However, there was nothing of note on her bag. Another sticker. The urge to throw it was strong, but Rei swallowed it and decided to head out into the hallway with her bag and lunch before she exploded at a sticker.

A stupid sticker was causing so much grief and all she wanted to do was catch the person responsible and make them sorry.

She needed to breathe, she needed food. To the cafeteria. Maybe she'd find somewhere to be that would take her mind off the playful sabotage. Then she'd find Nyoko and make her explain. As she walked, she breathed deeply, to try and keep calm so that she could re-affix her mask and get things done in an orderly manner, and she'd gotten some brownie points with Nyoko now. She couldn't ruin it by acting brashly again.

She'd exited just as she saw Sawaga standing in the hall with Iori. Iori seemed to be greeting the ostracized Sawaga and trying to be nice. Rei watched the two of them, and wondered if it was worth engaging either of them.


"Thank you for saving Lisa Yamagawa. I'm sorry you were punished as a result. Let me know if you need anything," Rei said, stopping briefly to talk to her. Sawaga was annoying, but she was Michio's childhood wife or whatever, and she'd saved Lisa. Lisa was in possession of a picture that Rei couldn't allow to see the light of day, but Yura would be sad if something had happened.

Rei turned to walk away from the group, having said what she wanted to say and not liking the group she was interacting with, but she lingered for a moment to hear if Sawaga had a reply.

@Anyonenear @Miya @Ehb
[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Class 2-A]

Kyouko sighed. This sucked. It had nearly been a week, or more, since her loss against Yukimuramaru and the stupid ultimatum of Nyoko. This really sucked. Why, just why could she not care? Losing here and there against another Red Panda wasn't that big of a deal, her ego was too weird to even really care about such a trivial matter, but losing her position to the very same person she lost a recent VR-Battle against? Hell no!

Of course, the money coming from the Lieutenant position was a nice boon too - though was mainly implented to keep Iori motivated. Kyouko sighed again. Sooner or later, she had to tackle this obstacle. There was no way she would let Yukimaru get this position. Easy as that. Playing House with the Maid was unavoidable, and it was better to do it rather sooner than later - Nyoko's patience wasn't endless.

Giving out another sigh, Kyouko was interrupted in her thoughts as she heard a certain somebody smash his hand on the table. Right, the bell for Lunchtime had just rang. Getting up from her own place the blonde shot a glance towards Sagawa - just about to leave the classroom. Her childhood friend was an entirely different topic.

Another sigh escaped her. Sagawa was important, but ultimately, Kyouko couldn't split herself up. Still, as much as Kyouko saw some sort of little sister in Sagawa, Kyouko was aware that the bun-lover was able to take care of herself - to an extent. Thus, having been away for a week didn't seem THAT troublesome. As for the notebook and mechanical pencil... well, it was definitely strange and new. Kyouko could only hope it wasn't anything serious and Sagawa did not take the talk of all those foolish Fools around her important. That wasn't like her.

Just about to give out another sigh, it was then that Kyouko shook her head - no. Enough of that. That was totally un-Kyouko. There was no way she would let herself get dragged down any further. Simple as that, all was set. She would skip today's practice in the female basketball club team that she joined last week and use that time to buy Sagawa something nice.

Now, however, she had to take care of Iori. In fact, Kyouko started to doubt that the girl even cared, but maybe she just needed a quick reminder that the maid was actually earning some money. Scanning the classroom for Iori's presence Kyouko just caught her leaving. Well, Kyouko followed.
The pirate didn't even need to go far; seeing her childhood friend and the maid in a one-sided conversation with Rei being... there.

That didn't stop the blonde from approaching the group however, quickly getting closer before patting Sagawa on the head. "Glad to have you back, Sagawa-chan. How you feeling?" She replied with a warm smile before shooting a more serious glance towards Rei and Iori.

"Hey to you too... ." While it wasn't problematic for her to sound anything but nice, it just felt so... wrong. "Hope I am not interrupting something?" More directed towards Iori, Kyouko didn't even wait for an answer as she continued. "Because you, my newest bestest Fo- friend, and me, we have something to take care of." She didn't even try to hide her sarcasm.



[fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, Maroon, solid]


[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, 1st floor Hallways]

Sticking the food item into her jacket pocket, Ayame opens her own drink as an unexpected, and somewhat unwelcomed student makes their appearance. Narrowed eyes seem to emanate hostility. Hearing his apology, she momentarily is taken aback, blinking in surprise. "Oh and here I was expecting a battle challenge or a spar." Listening to what Taigi had to say, it was crappy as far as apologies went, but seemed honest, what good that would do him, though every little bit helped.

"You could at least sound serious, Taigi-San. But, you at least said the correct word on why I'm upset..least partly." Opening her can and taking a gulp, truth be told, there were a number of other things she didn't like about the fellow teen in front of her. Somewhat accepting his apology, Ayame lowers her canned coffee.

"Ah! If only I had a doughnut too, Ehehehe!"

There was also the issue with the one lone Red Panda that needed solving, if Ayame were to gain face. But first was to give Taigi a chance to reply and in part because her good mood had been soured. With a more neutral look to her face, Ayame sips on the rest of the drink.


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[fieldbox= Mizunohara Sagawa, turquoise, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Second Floor Hallways]


Sagawa gently thumbed off the tip of her nose as Kira walked off - for real this ttime - to wherever she was headed. Evidsenced by the fading sound of her music spilling out of her ears. Certainly, amongs vartious this, Kira was one thing that Sagawa hadn't missed in her week out of school. In fact, not being in school was pretty great. She was able to just take the test and watch the lectures from home, since the teacher was nice enough to send her the materials. Getting home schooled would probably be pretty great, actually.

Nonetheless, seeing people with blatant brain problems like Kira was enough to make her feel better about herself, from time to time.

She continued to wait on Michio or Chiyo. But instead of either of those two, another third one came up to converse with her.

"Hello Mizunohara-san."

Iori Nishimura greeted Sagawa with a kind expression. The same girl.

"How are you?"

Sagawa disliked interacting with this person. It wasn't as bad as with someone obnoxious like Oshiro, but it was just unsettling. She just coudn't understand her intentions. The two of them had nothing in common. In yet, they always ended up being drawn into each other through circumstance - actually, mostly do to the actions of the maid themselves.

She wasn't a prudish maid like she acted around Michio or some strangers. Though.But, Sagawa couldn't trust that uneasy feeling she had towards her.

After all, she was on Imada's family's paycheck. So, the possibility was that maybe Chiyo was just taking pity on her for being all alone all the time. How sad! Literally needing to pay someone to get talked to. But that was how she thought about Chiyo before last week. Now...

"I'm fine. They let me come back. And... Umm." Sagawa's words trailed off. Running out of things to say after stating the blatantly obvious. She has been so busy thinking about how she'd respond to Micyio or Chiyo that she was out of fuel for talking about anything else.

Truly, she was socially awkward.

Thusly, when another student suddenly spoke, she was surprised.

"Thank you for saving Lisa Yamagawa. I'm sorry you were punished as a result. Let me know if you need anything,"

"Oh. Um..."

Rei Saionji. She was that girl that seems very self sufficient. Michio had spoke of her a couple of times before, and she also seemed to have a 'maid' of her own in the form of the older-aged Ayame Sayato. Even before talking with Kokoro, Saionji had this important sort of aura to her. Of course, before then, she didn't care of that since her only personal impression of her was Saionji stealing her spots in the library.

But with what she knew at this point.

Rei was probably en enemy now.

An tense pause went on between them as Sagawa wondered if Kokoro had already told her about what they had talked about. But, ultimately, it became apparent that the Saionji's 'thank you' was a genuine one. So...

"It was nothing. I was worried for Lisa-Chan as well."

What a fake thing to say. Sagawa was only friend s with Lisa because everyone else thought they were. Sagawa had only saved her, because she would've felt bad if one of the few people who could approach and talk to her died. There was no real thanks needed for such selfish reasoning.

Of course Rei already continued on her way before Sagawa could finish.

Right, at this moment, the two still had nothing to do with each other. Sagawa endeavored to enjoy this peace while it lasted.

"..Anyway. Iori-san, About Chiyo-chan.... Mmmf"

Sagawa was about to begin, but immediately, he felt a familiar hand patting the top of her head.

"Nnng... Kyou-chan?"

Sagawa's voice wined childishly. Iori could notice it immediately. The gap between her and Sagawa compared to a close friend like the eye-patch wearing Kyoukou.

"Glad to have you back, Sagawa-chan. How you feeling?"

"I'm okay. You're not being fair Kyou~... I'm trying to have an important talk here..."

She wined half heartedly ashe nudged her head into Kyou's hand a bit more.

"Hey to you too... ." She said, greeting Iori in a semi-agressive way.
"Hope I am not interrupting something? Because you, my newest bestest Fo- friend, and me, we have something to take care of."

Sagawa watched the sparks fly. Realizing now wasn't the time, she gently moved away from Kyoukou's reach.

",,,Are you two going to fight? Just so you know, I wouldn't be able to help you win, even if I wanted to. Come to think of it, is that the only reason you came up to me?!"

It wasn't clear who she was referring to exactly. Internally, it sort of seemed like that statement could've potentially applied to both of them. Coming to her in order to secure an easy, guaranteed virtu-ava battle win.

Regardless, with both Kyouko and Iori before each other, the situation started to shift towards the thing going on between the two. Not involved, Sagawa looked between the two with curiosity, wondering what they'd be willing to do right here in front of her - and wondering how things even got to this in the first place.

Notable Interactions:

[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, Grey, solid]

[First Floor Hallways]

Taigi raised an eyebrow and blinked several times, nonplussed by her response.

("She thinks I'd challenge her to stupid janken or a physical spar? How hot-blooded does she think I am? And I was being serious... And if you're trying to make me give you a donut, good luck.")

Taigi internally complained, having second thoughts about this whole endeavor. Still not looking at Ayame, he opened his mouth.

"What else about me bothered you?"

Taigi took another sip of his canned coffee. In truth, he didn't remember much of why the girl and himself didn't get along well. It had been some time since the incident happened and all Taigi could remember was that he loitered around the store too long.

[BCOLOR=#000000][fieldbox= Ayame Sayato, maroon, solid][/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#000000][October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, First Floor hallway to Cafeteria][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Eh.. Don't give me that look.." Ayame says in response to the raised eyebrows and repeated blinks, had she said something strange? [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"No, never mind."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000] in truth he wasn't staring at her, which made the situation all the more awkward. Maybe the blinks and stare wasn't from her, was the coffee too bitter? Shaking her thoughts aside, Ayame finishes her own can, crushing it after, tossing it into a trash bin.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"What else about me bothered you?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Oh I let too much slip in my remark, ara ara.. I feel you are a person that's gooten away with more than he should, and who has been lucky. I've worked hard most of my life, and nothing much has changed, but I have no choice but to do that. Anyways slacker, I'm heading to the cafeteria. That way of being can be aggravating.."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]With a dismissive wave of her right had, Ayame pivots on her heels, this time to be sure not to give him time for a comeback or defense, if he had anything to say then he would find her. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Upon entering the cafeteria, Ayame notices some of her classmates gathered about, for now she was determined to stick to the shadows, keeping people between her and them, though there was but so much one could do in this setting, if anyone intended to find her, or she to make herself noticed, there was little to be done, it wasn't a stage or a room with hidden walls. Getting in line, Ayame orders the days vegetable soup and a small side of fish with dumplings, fairly standard, now was time to listen in to other conversations or to get involved in one herself. With her meal taken care of, Ayame decides it might be best to avoid sitting near her and others for now. Tray in hand Ayame finds a place to sit at the back of the cafeteria. Sitting her tray down she slaps both hands together giving thanks for the meal.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#000000]@Illin, @various others.[/BCOLOR]
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[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, Grey, solid]

[First Floor Hallways]


Taigi said nothing as she left, mulling over the words spoken. His face spoke nothing to the panic forming internally, his mind working on what she meant.

("Does she know? No. She could have just been screwing with me; a cold read like what psychics use...")

And when Taigi thought about it, her words could have been applied to most everyone. Still, in the case she did know about some of the skeletons of his closet, he was convinced she wasn't aware of all of them. From all of the things he had hidden, the things he figured she could have found out was the scar on his back and him coming into wealth. But from the words she used it didn't seem like she was referring to the scar at all. As for the latter, that required powerful connections or some clever social engineering. Unless this girl was some sort of elite trained super soldier or came from some other ridiculous background, he doubted such a possibility occurring.

Ergo, he came to the conclusion he was being screwed with and finished the rest of his coffee.

To Taigi, the results of this encounter wasn't entirely bad, but wasn't entirely ideal either. But it would have been too easy to see it all resolved. For now though, it seemed that she didn't despise him, so that was a start.

After tossing the can into the trash, he left to return to the classroom.

[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699 , solid]


[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Cafeteria]

He had sat down already, minding his own business. Some thoughts spurning from the revelations of Sagawa coming back. Forced to using the earthly means of taking down the notes. At least he could take some homour from that.

The week had passed beutifully, but now she was back. And it was time to see how things were going to proceed. Given what Leo saw as he left the classroom, things weren't exactly over yet.

But that was to be worried about later. Leo alaways felt like sitting at the cafeteria was rather dreary. But he had nothing else to do at the moment. Going back to listening to the surrounding crowd. He coulddn't help but hear a certain voice babbling on about something to his poor friend.

"You wouldn't happen to care more about the present, or the future, would you? Ooooh, I wrote a story about two people in class! Do you want to read it? Do you!?" Laying his hands on the table, he pushed himself up. He began to slowly walk over to the two. He spotted Ayame in the corner of his eye and gave a short wave. He was suprise he actually saw her, and not in a bin or the ceiling.

"It's awesome! I've never gotten so many views on anything I've written before!" Leaned over the table, Kira currently looked supsicously like the type of person who would have a foot in your door over-ethusastically trying to sell you sets of knives.

"Does that mean that it's gotten a single view then?" Leo quipped, sitting down next to Yuuki. Resting his head in his hands, He smiled slyly. "Honestly, pushing your little fanfiction like that. How brazen of you."

Turning his head to Yuuki, He sighed "I dunno Yuuki, perhaps we're witnessing the start of something huge. I propose we jump on this bandwagon while it's just starting!"

@Gottkönigin Wen
[fieldbox= Iwasawa Yuuki, #339966, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy , Cafeteria]

"Aaah, where should I start?" Kira asked, pointing her spoon at him. "Don't know anything about what Sagawa's been up to, but she's not that interesting, is she?"

Yuuki nodded in agreement, he just find that talking about that is getting kind of boring. It's been a week since the incident after all.

"You can start with what you've been doing recently." Yuuki said as he rested his head on his right hand.

Kira then explained that she's been busy with her hobby, and that she was handcuffed with Nyoko from the Radio Club.

"It's a long story, but Rei saved me in the end. Think she ended up in a bit of hot water with a Red Panda though. Something about how they might be stalking her…? I forget. I wasn't listening that closely to what she was saying. Probably nothing serious."

"Wha...? Rei being stalked? By a Red Panda?" Yuuki sounded a little worried when hearing that Rei might have been stalked.

"But that's all in the past now! You wouldn't happen to care more about the present, or the future, would you? Ooooh, I wrote a story about two people in class! Do you want to read it? Do you!?"

Kira leaned over the table, sounding very excited about the story that she wrote.

"It's awesome! I've never gotten so many views on anything I've written before!"
"Does that mean that it's gotten a single view then?"

Just before Yuuki said anything to Kira's offer, Leo made a witty remark and took a seat next to Yuuki.

"Honestly, pushing your little fanfiction like that. How brazen of you."

"I dunno Yuuki, perhaps we're witnessing the start of something huge. I propose we jump on this bandwagon while it's just starting!" Leo then asked Yuuki to accept Kira's offer with a rather sarcastic remark.

Yuuki looked at Kira "Sure, I'll read the story." said without any slight hint of disinterest. Yuuki seemed pretty interested in reading what kind of fantasy that Kira writes about people in class.

Yuuki took out the candy in his mouth and points it to Kira "You're not writing about me aren't you?" Yuuki asked the question as the story were sent to him. When the story was sent successfully sent. He put the candy back into his mouth. "Guess I'll take a read then." Yuuki reactivated his chip's interface and started to read the story that Kira was so excited about.

. . .

After having a short read, Yuuki looked at Kira. "Is this about you and uh.... Whats-her-name... The other redhead in our class, Misheru?" He asked as it seems obvious that Kira doesn't seem to really made an effort in hiding who's in this fantasy story of hers. "Why you'd pair yourself with her though? Are you trying to annoy her?" Yuuki huffed, slightly entertained with Kira writing a fiction that pairs herself with Misheru.

@Gottkönigin Wen

[fieldbox= OSHIRO KIRA, #ffa938, solid]

[BCOLOR=#000000][October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Cafeteria][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Does that mean that it's gotten a single view then?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Another one of her classmates said, and sat down. Kira didn't know Leo very well either. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]"Honestly, pushing your little fanfiction like that. How brazen of you."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Well, considering how it counts me as the first view every time - no. Doesn't just exclude me from the count. Maybe you didn't know that. Got a couple hundreds views this time around," Kira said, smirking, leaning backwards in her seat. "It's not fanfiction. I write song lyrics normally, but since I have to upstage someone I wrote a story with shipping. Besides, it's not like anyone else will push it if I don't do it. Or do you want to be my manager, eh?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"I dunno Yuuki, perhaps we're witnessing the start of something huge. I propose we jump on this bandwagon while it's just starting!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Ah nah, it's nothing big," Kira said, and shrugged. "It's a minor side project I did because I could barely move my arms after all the drumming this previous week. That's what really matters! But this was fun too, especially when others read it!" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Her arms still hurt like she'd been stretched on a torture wheel, but she ignored it and pretended that she couldn't feel the pain. The chip made it easy to write lying down at least, so she'd had no problem typing out a few thousand words.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Sure, I'll read the story." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Yay," Kira said, and sent the story to Yuuki. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She looked at Leo with some apprehension, before sending it to him as well. Worst case scenario, they'd both read it and laugh. It had been the initial reaction she'd been expecting when she'd published it. Even then, she was bound to drag The Devil in Disguise down with her. Win-win scenario, right?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]You're not writing about me aren't you?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Of course not, I'm not inte-" Kira stopped herself from explaining how she'd likely never write a story about any of the boys in the class because they weren't interesting to her. She was talking with two of them after all. "I don't write shipping stories about everyone. I'm not like certain other people."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]She stared at Yuuki, expectantly, as he read the story. Kira was curious what he'd think about it. She was curious about what both of them would think if they read it. There was plenty of romantic subtext, even if she'd focused on the action and the rivalry. It was made even clearer in how it ended.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]Is this about you and uh.... Whats-her-name... The other redhead in our class, Misheru[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]?" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Indeed it is!" Kira laughed. "Seems everyone's catching onto that part! Some redhead on redhead action, ahaha!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Why you'd pair yourself with her though? Are you trying to annoy her?"[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#000000]Hmmm, there were a few reasons that Kira had paired herself with Misheru, but the question made her hesitate anyway. The obvious answer was that she didn't feel comfortable writing about anyone in class to begin with, yet Misheru wrote about all of them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Nah, not really," Kira shook her head, putting her spoon into her soup, bringing it to her lips, and slurping some of it. "I guess it's karma? She writes about everyone else, so why shouldn't someone write about her? I don't mind including myself in her comeuppance. Better than include someone else she detests. Doesn't like me either way. Not like I have anything to lose."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Maybe Kira simply wanted her to notice her. She was unsure. She remembered how it had all begun long ago, but that was in the past. It'd never matter to anyone now. It didn't even matter to her that much. She was clinging to something meaningless.[/BCOLOR]


[fieldbox=Nishimura Iori, #ffb8da, solid]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Second Floor Hallways]

"I'm fine. They let me come back."

Iori felt relieved, evident by the wider smile she has portrayed in response.

"And... Umm."

The maid remained quiet, patiently waiting for Sagawa's next words as she trailed off at the end. Iori planned to be a good listener instead of asking what happened to her last week. Chiyo or Michio would be the better candidate to ask about that. Before Sagawa could finish her next sentence, Rei approached them.

"Thank you for saving Lisa Yamagawa. I'm sorry you were punished as a result. Let me know if you need anything,"

Sagawa was surprised from Rei's apology. There was a noticeable pause between them, until Sagawa responded.

"It was nothing. I was worried for Lisa-Chan as well."

So far, there was not much of a change in the black haired girl, from what Iori can observe. In fact, it felt like she became more open to people. Or was it? The maid decided not to overthink things for now as she just wanted a normal chat with the meat-bun lover. As always, she left the overthinking department to the two related Social Morals.

With that, Rei was already on her way, leaving only the two of them once more. The black haired girl in front of her seemed to be enjoying the brief peace. Iori felt it too, wishing that the light hearted moment between them would last forever.

"..Anyway. Iori-san, About Chiyo-chan..."

The maid braced herself for the upcoming question that Sagawa was about to deliver. However, she saw another person approached the two of them in speed...


...And patted Sagawa's head as if she was some kind of pet. Iori then noticed it was Kyouko.

"Nnng... Kyou-chan?"

Then the pirate greeted her as the maid maintained her amicable expression. Iori could clearly notice the gap of relationship with Sagawa when compared with Kyouko. It certainly garnered envy from the maid, but it did not last long considering that the meat-bun lover and the pirate are childhood friends.

"Glad to have you back, Sagawa-chan. How you feeling?"
"I'm okay. You're not being fair Kyou~... I'm trying to have an important talk here..."

Deep inside, Iori cringed at the scene unfolded in front of her as if it came out from a typical moe anime, with Kyouko acting as the harem protagonist.

"Hey to you too... ."

Kyouko threw a more serious gaze to Iori. "Hope I am not interrupting something?"

The maid was still maintaining her pleasant expression, inside her however...

("Yes, you're interrupting something, you numb nut.")

Without giving Iori a chance to reply, Kyouko continued on.

"Because you, my newest bestest Fo- friend,"

("Wow, you actually took the effort to correct your most commonly used word into 'friend'. You have my respects for the day.")

"and me, we have something to take care of."

The maid's pleasant expression faded afterwards, but it did not took long as she forced herself once more to smile at Kyouko.

("And now you blew it. Just like that.")

From that moment onward, it was obvious that there were tensions between Iori and Kyouko to the point that Sagawa took a few steps backwards from Kyouko.

"...Are you two going to fight? Just so you know, I wouldn't be able to help you win, even if I wanted to. Come to think of it, is that the only reason you came up to me?!"

Iori forced a chuckle in response after hearing Sagawa's reply to the ongoing situation.

("Seriously... I swear you have picked the right time to barge in. Look at what you have done!")

This time, the maid took a while to piece a suitable response, especially for Sagawa. Depending on her replies, it could go south quickly and most likely a fight will happen right in front of Sagawa, which the maid wants to prevent. If it happens, it would tarnish Sagawa's impression of her fighting with her childhood friend. There was not much of a choice for the maid. Even if she abruptly end her interaction with Sagawa and drags Kyouko away to resolve the Red Panda issue, what stops Sagawa from following the two? Kyouko is her childhood friend after all and she will still be able to witness the ongoing heated rivalry between them.

As such, she only has one choice...

"No, we're not fighting Mizunohara-san!" Iori lets out a chuckle and a sheepish grin, while scratching her head.

"Actually, Himura-san and I got paired for a 5 page Social Morals writing project. As the due date is tomorrow, I was supposed to hand in my part by today and I totally forgot about it!"

The maid smiled.

"As such, Himura-san wanted us to brainstorm together during lunch so that we could finish it early!"

Another chuckle.

"Isn't that right, Himura-san?"

Iori placed her hands behind her and slightly tilted her standing pose to the right, mimicking the infamous cutesy standing pose.


[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699, Solid]


[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy , Cafeteria]

"Sure, I'll read the story."

Kira then sent the story to the both of them, "Oh, the honour."

"You're not writing about me aren't you?" Yuuki enquired, ever set to the defensive.

"I don't write shipping stories about everyone. I'm not like certain other people."

He shot a glance at her. "How venomious"

As he read and the story went on, he let his head drop to the side. An amused expression his face. It was get abundantly clear who this story was about.

"Is this about you and uh.... Whats-her-name... The other redhead in our class, Misheru?" His friend voiced his exact thoughts. Kira seemed only to become more excited at this fact.

"Seems everyone's catching onto that part! Some redhead on redhead action, ahaha!"

She seemed proud of this. Oh boy.

"Why you'd pair yourself with her though? Are you trying to annoy her?"
"I guess it's karma? She writes about everyone else, so why shouldn't someone write about her? I don't mind including myself in her comeuppance. Better than include someone else she detests. Doesn't like me either way. Not like I have anything to lose."

Attention. Attention. Attention.

"Well, isn't that something. " Closing the story, he tapped his chin. "It's actually close to decent." Or maybe his standards had suddenly taken a sharp downturn, it was hard to know these days

"Though I doubt Misheru will care about that, if anything it'll probably make her more annoyed." Leo leaned back, "Oh~ what incredible drama."

Like with most things, Leo seemed to just be enjoying the potential outcomes of this.

@Gottkönigin Wen[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Tachibana Misheru, red, solid"]

[October 30th, Midday / Hisakawa Academy, Classroom to Cafeteria]

Another week had passed and it was uneventful as the week before the hacker issue started was. Sagawa's apprehension by Kokoro Amane, the Student Council President had somehow managed to die down. Granted, there were students who still mentioned it in their daily conversation but it was accompanied by a tone of curiosity or conclusion. Everyone is probably picking which side they believed in, Misheru Tachibana thought to herself before sliding her chair back under the table.

"Hey, do you guys know what happened to Sagawa recently? Is she still the culprit?"
"I don't think so, she has already been released from detainment long ago."
"I wonder whether she was the culprit. The glitches seem to have stopped after that..."

The redhead did not bother eavesdropping anymore than she already accidentally did. Even though she was still curious as to who the real perpetrator was, she did not want to stir up something that is already calm.

Considering the bell has rung, she pondered on whether to actually go back home and continue another chapter of her recent fanfiction or stay back. She decided on the latter but her stomach disagreed. "I'll get some lunch and head back," she said to herself before walking to the direction of the cafeteria. On days like these, she would wonder whether actually caring about what other said to her would actually bring more 'color' into her life.

Probably not but then I wouldn't be wandering back home every day immediately.

She had to take that into account before stepping past the threshold between the cafeteria and the outdoor hallways. There were many faces she recognized, but not many that she'd actually openly interact with, given the choice.

"One curry katsudon please."

The lunch lady smiled before calling out her order to the chefs who were responsible for cooking and getting her meal together. Right after she had grabbed her tray of food, she scanned around the cafeteria for an empty seat. Preferably where there was no one seated. However, the only seats available were where Kira, Yuuki and Leo sat. Why. She didn't mind them, especially Leo, since he was a friend of hers of a sort. But they preferred talking rather than silence. She was about to take a seat with them when she noticed that the adjacent table sat Ayame.


Setting her tray down in front of Ayame, she smiled widely before saying, "You're lucky I'm here to keep you company, Aya-chan,". Misheru then turned to the table next to theirs before nodding at Leo in acknowledgment, as well as greeting Kira and Yuuki, "Nice to see the school is so small that all of us get the opportunity to eat together.".

@RedArmyShogun @Gottkönigin Wen @Rithas @LowDefinition
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