highschool role play partner needed. :(

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Original poster
I need a role play partner a chick with a plot idea cause im bored
I'm interested ^ however, I'd like to know your rp style, e.t.c..
How long do you write, which POV do you write; first/third.
First and 3 peragraphs sometimes one liner when trying to generate a good idea
I'll be your partner, unless @Trasha Killevierra already is. Maybe we can do a three way? Or is that against the rules. I don't know all I know if that I am interested.
I'll be your partner, unless @trash killevierra already is. Maybe we can do a three way? Or is that against the rules. I don't know all I know if that I am interested.
Well if you like you and i can create our own role play
That sounds good. What should it be about? My best topics right now are romance and survival. You pick.
Alright. And can I just jump in that rp you just posted xD
Alright. I'll answer ASAP. It's night here so I'm going to sleep
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