High School Rivals

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When that class was over it was Eric's lunch break. Thankfully the school had a free lunch program or else he knew his father wouldn't give him any money for food. Eric walked through the line hunched over, hoping that no one would notice him and that he could go back to the art room to eat like he normally did. By now the teacher knew him and knew he wouldn't get any food on the supplies.
Michael couldn't help but look over the other male when he saw him in the cafeteria. Michael cooked his own packed lunches because he only trusted his own cooking. When he had followed Eric long enough, he walked over when the other male had gotten his food. "Do you wanna eat together?" He asked with a shy smile on his face. He wanted to be with Eric as much as possible if they couldn't see each other outside school. But he didn't know if Eric was okay with that. He didn't want to make the other male uncomfortable with what was happening. But he didn't want to let Eric go either. He looked at Eric and smiled. "We can go somewhere less crowded if you wish, eating here sucks anyway."
Eric looked up and seemed to shrink into himself even more. "I guess we could... The librarian lets me eat in the library sometimes, there's this little room in the back that's quiet." He told Michael as he gathered his things again. Eric hated eating in the cafeteria, but today hadnt wanted to make the effort to move to the library. With Michael here now, Eric would move almost anywhere if that's what Michael wanted.
Michael nodded as he took Eric to the library, promising the librarian that they wouldn't make a mess with the food. He took the other male to a table a bit away from everything, where no one would see them. There was a window facing the school yard. He sat down on a chair and unpacked his lunch, taking out a fork and knife as he looked up at Eric. "C'mon, sit down." He said as he patted the seat to the left for himself, wanting for Eric to sit at his side. He didn't know why but his want to know about the boy had turned into attraction.
He was hesitant, but slowly Eric made his way to sit down. After biting his lip, he started to eat again, hoping that he would still be able to finish by the end. The food wasnt good, but it was food, and Eric wanted to eat as much as he could. He knew tonight he wouldn't get any unless he snuck it from somewhere.
Michael smiled as he held a piece of the omelet he had made forward to Eric. "Do you wanna try?" He asked with a little smile on his face as he looked at Eric. He knew that the beating in his chest suggested that he was falling in love, but as of now, he said nothing. He didn't want to make it complicated between them. As it was, it was already quite complicated, with their obvious differences.
Eric looked up and nodded. "Sure. Anything is better then cafeteria food." He said with a small smile. Eric reached out and too the piece, chewing it slowly to actually taste it. "You're a good chef." He told Michael after he swallowed. Even though Eric didn't eat meals that were cooked nicely on a day to day bases, he could tell when food was good.
"Thank you..." Michael said, though getting a little worried. He put his hand on Eric's shoulder out of worry. "Uhm... is there a reason that you don't just bring a lunch from home? I mean..." He tried not to sound prying, but he was actually just worried. He didn't want to see Eric hurt or anything of the like, and he felt a bit bad at the thought of Eric having troubles at home.
He flinched away from Michael's hand and shook his head. "I just can't cook." Eric said quickly. "I burn everything, so this food is better than burnt things." He made up, trying to make it seem believable. It was best to keep his home life at home. If he didn't Michael might try to do something to change it.
Michael got even more worried but decided to change it. "I can cook for you too if you want, seeing as I already make this myself." He said as he looked at Eric. "I know that you probably have some problems and you don't want to tell me... so why don't you allow me to cook for you? It's the least I can do." He held Eric's hand in his own, trying to calm him down. "I'll let you tell me if you want, if you don't... then that's alright." He said softly as he looked at Eric with a loving expression on his face. "Since I really like you." He admitted.
Eric couldn't look at him as he took his hand. "I... I mean if you want to cook I guess you could. I don't want to make you cook or anything." He kept his eyes on the table and sighed. "There's a lot you don't know about me, a lot you don't want to know. You should just leave while you can."
"I know you say such stupid things, but I can't leave you alone... really, really I don't think I'm able to leave you alone... I feel strange around you..." Michael looked down slightly as he blushed a bit, then he looked back at Eric. "I don't know why I feel like this, but I don't want to leave you alone, okay?" He said softly.
"You'll just end up getting hurt." He muttered, taking his hand back, pulling away. "You have everything, I don't know why you would want to waste it all on me. I can't stop you really, but you should know that being near me isn't safe." Eric said softly.
"I don't care." Michael said as he got closer to Eric. "I really don't care. I don't have everything. Because I don't have you. And if you're not with me, I don't feel like I have anything at all. You're no waste. Why are you saying all of these things about yourself? Do you really need me to prove exactly why I think that you're worth the while?"
Eric closed his eyes and tried to get his father's voice out of his head. "I'm not supposed to like boys." He muttered, unable to contain it. "I'm supposed to like girls and be around them. It's the only way that works." As he opened his eyes, fear was seen in them. "No one can know of this, he'll find out somehow. I should just go."
Michael shook his head and looked down slightly. "Listen, Eric, that's how I used to think. I thought loving another guy was absurd and even a bit gross, I'll admit that. But then I met you. You changed me. I feel like I'm totally changed because of you." He looked down at Eric and shook his head. "That's alright, I'll make sure no one will know..." He whispered as he leaned forward, brushing his lips shortly against Eric's. "That's a promise."
Eric had his hands in fists as Michael kissed him and his eyes squeezed shut. "I have to go. I..." He couldn't even say anything else so Eric just picked up his backpack and the rest of his food and left. His father would find out somehow, he would know what happened and Eric would be punished.
Michael didn't run after him but stayed back with a heavy heart. What could be going on with Eric? What he had seen was fear, but the fear wasn't directed at him. He was scared of something, and it wasn't Michael. From the way that he would do anything Michael said, Michael could make out that he wasn't the only one feeling an attraction, but something held back Eric. He wished to know what it was.
The rest of the day went by too quickly for his liking. Eric knew he had to get back to his house, but at the last ring of the bell he just stayed in his seat for a moment. Tonight would be bad and he knew it, Eric just hoped that Michael wouldn't be able to see what his dad does. With a sigh he picked up his backpack, hoping the bus hadnt left yet.
Michael got on the bus when he saw Eric walking towards it, and told the bus driver to wait a second for Eric to get in. Michael helped Eric inside and pulled him along to the back seat. He had thought about things and he could only come to one conclusion. When they were sitting in the quiet back of the bus with people chattering in front of them, that's when Michael decided to ask, in a low and whispering voice. "Eric... could it be that your parents abuse you...?" He asked worriedly as he looked at Eric.
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