Hi everybody! :D

  • Thread starter Kaleidoscopic Kitten
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Kaleidoscopic Kitten

Original poster
What nicknames do you like to be called? Whatever you'd like, its more fun if someone else gives you a nickname :D

Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya?
I'm a girl and 17.

What's your favorite genres to roleplay?
I'd probably have to say fantasy, but i'm open to whatever.

What kind of characters do you usually play?
The cliche sweet girl that everybody loves usually, but i really want work on changing that.

Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs?
Wolf packs, though the others sound quite intresting. What's a bread priest? :D

Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~! When we stand together-Nickelback "They tell us everything's all right
And we just go along
How can we fall asleep at night
When something's clearly wrong
When we could feed a starving world

With what we throw away
But all we serve are empty words
That always taste the same"

I'm a pretty new to roleplaying, so any tips would be great :)
FIRST TO GIVE NICKNAME! Kale-Pie~ <3 I'm so simple. :3

Welcome to Iwaku, Kale-Pie! I am Iwaku! I mean, Iliana....Gosh. I don't even feel like holding down the backspace button so imma just leave that awesome flaw right there. I am in no way, shape, or form Iwaku. :/

I hope you have fun here and meet many people! We're all friendly and junk! Have a look around our Forums and poke and prod! :D If there's anything you need, I'll be glad to help! <3
Thanks for your welcome Iliana. Kale-pie, hmm i like it :D

I'm gonna go with Pie-San now though.

You say you want to work on that cliche girl.
We have people who can help you.~ 8D
I'm sure Osso-san might come in here eventually, or someone, and explain the Mentor system.~

Maybe not Dark-san.
He's a trollface

Thank you Staci-chan :) I hope i get more nicknames to join Kale-pie and Pie-san :D
Hi there and welcome to Iwaku!
I'm Kitti and it's good to meet you.
We can certainly work on helping you expand your character variety!

To get you started on the fast track, I have some of the useful places here for you to take a look at!
This is where you can sign up for the roleplays found in Modern, Scifi, Fantasy, and sometimes Mature. Generally, they will have you post a character sheet in their thread, a new sheet for each roleplay! You can also start signups for a roleplay of your own here.

This is where you can find jump in games, which typically have no sign up thread. You just start posting!

There are lots of other cool things to see here, so feel free to look around. If you need any help, please do ask.
XD Pie-San~! I like that, I think I'll call you that as well if you don't mind!

Welcome to Iwaku! This place is full if crazy people but that is all well, being normal isn't fun...>.>
Well not for me anyways, being spontanious and crazy makes life more instresting!
Hope you like it here! You can Call me anything you like as well, but most people call me Vari~ x3
See ya around! If you need anything or want to start a RP at anytime just Leave me a PM or
Message on my page, I'm more likely to get the message that way!
*points at the newbie* Leidocchi!
*points at self* Dawn!
WELCOME TO IWAKU, Kangaroo Girl!

I'm Selenite... and I'm glad to see someone else from Oz!
See you around!
@Kitti: Thank you for the welcome, and advice. :)

@Vari: Crazy people make life fun :) Thanks and sure go ahead.

@Dawn: Hi Dawn, Leidocchi is awesome :)

@Kisha: Thank you :)

@Selenite: Thanks, can never have enough of us right? :D
Welcome to Iwaku, Kale. You have many nick names now, super awesome! Hope you enjoy your time here.
Hallo Kaleid! (It won't stick.) Welcome to Iwaku! Diana likes space kittens because that's her domain name. Don't mind her, she's just crazy. ;D You will have plenty of opportunities to RP and change how you play! So go out and have fun!