Hi :3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Hello dear people of Iwaku,

I'm not new to Forum role-playing, but I spent most of my days on Zelda Universe with my friends Ryry, Iya, Southern Belle, and LEA. Sadly, those days are behind me, as all of my former friends have moved on from their characters. I don't intend to bring over any old characters (even if I could find their bios) and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

I can be... a bit, well... lascivious when I warm up to people, hence the name, but if it makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I'll do my best!

Currently I work in data entry at the University of Wisconsin hospital doing various things for various people. I like playing PC games and I love music, so if you know any good bands send a link to me!

I prefer Fantasy RPing to any other kinds, but I'll try and dip my cup into all Iwaku has for me! Thank you all who read this, and I hope you see me posting soon!
Yo. Welcome and stuffs.

*takes thread virignity*
Hello and welcome to the Iwaku. You can call me Pirogeth, or to save four letters, Piro will do just fine. I am usually scouting the OOC section for good role plays to join in on and am no stranger to being sent a pm asking to join one.

If you are looking for a nice bridge to gap between fantasy and another hit genre like Sci Fi I suggest you check out my new RP Shintaion Resistance.

Other than that I also do a monthly Newsletter for the Iwaku with the help of my faithful crew. I do enjoy PC games mostly FPS's. Hope you enjoy it here as I have.

Writing in the Moonlight,

Welcome to the site.
Word of advice. Stay low when the arty starts thundering.
Sweet! Nice of you to join us! I enjoy fantasy the most myself ;) What is your style of music preference? I may have some bands you like!

Welcome to Iwaku and watch out for the terror/randomness/everywhere that can commence on the cbox as well!
Welcome to the site!
Wow~ that sounds great :D
Welcome to Iwaku and enjoy your stay ;)
Hey hey hey!
You better get posting before I kick your butt. ^_-
Have fun here, Las.