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Original poster
Now....about me. Well let's see, I'm 24 years old with a rather checked and somewhat sheltered life. Because of this I had a tendency to fantasize a lot as a child and even to this day hold on to those fantasies or ideas, the sad part is I never really sat down to write about them. I can't really say why I never made the choice to do so but I think it has something to do with a lack of confidence in writing and distractions like....video games, which oddly have had a great effect on my imagination.

About a few years ago they began to converge and form a more vivid pictures. I began tinkering with a synopsis and some of the back story mostly to have it ignored or stagnate on another website that is no more, at least, the incarnation that I roamed. As I was saying I found this place through facebook and browsed through some of the concepts and story building tips this pace has to offer and though this would be a great place to ask for advice and share some of my ideas about the stories I have had (backed up so to speak).

Before I make any promises or make anyone feel like they found themselves a new best friends, let me say this: I am not a gifted writer or at least one who is nowhere near his full potential. I'm quite moody, not in the sense of being hostile or creepy but more so in the direction of my sudden burst of creativity and creeping lethargy. My confidence in my creativity is still very unsure. I'll try my best to share my ideas and thoughts with the rest of you.
All in all if I had to sum up my reason for being here I would have to say it's to have a bit of fun learn and do something new. I guess you can say that these stories are something of an itch that maybe is meant to become something much more but I've just lacked the confidence or know-how to start it up.

Perhaps I can change that here.
Hey there, Alizarin! Welcome to Iwaku! I know exactly what you mean about being unsure about your potential as a writer, and I've been there myself and joined a community similar to this in the past to help things out. I've gotten a load better since then, and still have loads to improve on. Just know that we're always working to improve our writing, stick with us -- and have fun in process -- and you'll be a pro without even realizing it!
Howdy Alizarin! :D Welcome to the community!
Welcome to Iwaku ^^

The art of stories is a vast sea...

And you have to use it to get out in it :D

Hope you find stories to partake in, make awesome, and above all. Enjoy your stay ^^
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