Hey There Stranger (Rocky x Zack)

Now Rocky was angry "I was twelve and scared Zack!" she yelled "I didn't think that even you'd believe me so I fuckin ran! And perfectly fine? Fine? I was a goddamned monster! I still am a goddamned monster!" her face was contorted in rage "You know the government knows all about this?" She turned around and lifted the fringe of hair that covered the back of her neck, tattooed there were the numbers "213" "I was locked up in a government facility for two years before I finally broke out. Do you know what they did to me in there?! They dissected me while I was conscious, they did pain threshold tests where they would break my bones and see how I handled it, they were about to start chopping off my limbs to see if they grew back! That's when I knew I had to escape." she screamed, tears streaming down her face "I had to eat out of the fuckin garbage to live, I had no job, no identity, my whole fuckin family was dead! You don't want to know what I had to fuckin do to get enough money to finally get back in the state!" her voice was growing quieter "I didn't want to drag you into my mess. But dammit Zach I didn't know where else to go." tears and snot were streaming down her face, she started wiping them away "You think I didn't feel guilty about leaving you? That I just went on some kind of vacation? Well fuck you Zack! Fuck you." she was whispering at this point. "It was stupid coming here." she said after a pause and stood up. "Thanks for cleaning me up," she turned around and started walking towards the front door.
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Zack wanted to be angry with her. Anger was so much easier then the pain going through him. She had been his rock. At 14 he had been skinny as a twig and small for his age. He would have been the target for every bully out there. When she disappeared his world had fallen apart. "I know what its like to eat out of the trash. I know what its like to do things you would rather never think about just to survive." He told her. He looked at her his eyes filled with sadness and pain. "I know what its like to have my world fall apart and never be able to really fix it. You didnt stay sway because you didn't think I wouldn't believe you. You stayed away because you knew I would believe you."
Rocky stopped in mid-step and just stood there for a moment, it was obvious from the sniffling and shaking she was still crying. "Well it doesn't matter now does it?" She asked quietly and then continued walking towards the door. She reached out for the handle and then stopped "Do you know where they buried my parents and Jax? I think I'm overdue for a visit."
"Yes it dies matter Rocky. You were the only thing that held me together. I had no one else." Zack told her. He walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. He gently turned her towards him. He cleaned her face with his shirt. "You should have come to me sooner. We could have helped each other the way we used to." He looked st her sadly. He wanted to fixed everything for her. "I know where your parents are buried.I can take you there in the morning. But no one has seen Jax since you disappeared."
"I know I should have come sooner I just... I" She said looking down not wanting to look at Zack. She new she hurt him badly but she wasn't that great with apologies. Her head snapped up in confusion "Jax disappeared?" she asked her face paled "No that's not possible, she was dead, she couldn't have survived that." the pace of her speech was starting to pick up, as was her breathing "She was dead. She has to be dead, she couldn't be missing. I know I said there's a bunch of monsters roaming the world, but there aren't any zombies. Well there are these voodoo zombie things, but that's something completely different." she started to ramble and hyper ventilate.
Zack grabbed her. "Breath Rocky." He told her sternly. "You need to breath. I don't think Jax is a zombie or anything." He told her. He grabbed her chin and tipped her chin up. He was trying to get her to focus on him. "Maybe the government grabbed her."
"The government?" Rocky's eyes widened filling with terror "She can't be there, she's just a little girl, my baby sister, she can't be in there." Rocky took a breath and shook her head. "She's okay, whatever has happened she's okay. God she's just got to be dead." Rocky gripped her head in her hands and shut her eyes "Fuck!" she whispered. "This can't be fuckin real."
"We'll find her." Zack promised. "Whether she is in a goverment facility or somewhere else we will find her. You have to trust me Rocky. We can do this." Since he had pulled his life back together he had completed his education. He had found something he was good at. Well technically it was something he'd had always been good at. Mysterious were something he had loved even way back to his childhood.
"God I think I need another drink." Rocky mumbled and rubbed her eyes "A nice big drink and some sleep. That sounds like heaven right now." she sighed. She looked over Zack's shoulder longingly at the bottle of vodka she had left on the coffee table. Rocky looked back at Zack and did the first thing that came to mind, she hugged him tightly. "Fuck I really missed you." she said quietly.
Zack lifted her into his arms. He carried her over to the table. He grabbed the bottle of vodka before carrying her up and he stairs. He carried her to be he guest room. He laid her on the bed. "I missed you too Rocky. Get some rest."
Rocky pouted while she was carried "This is no fair, I didn't grow an inch and you shot up like a giant." she muttered. When she was set on the bed she smiled softly "Thank you Zack." and she leaned forwards and gave him a little peck on his forehead. Sneakily she grabbed the bottle and held it high like a little kid if they had just won capture the flag.
"I didn't have anyone to keep the bullies at bay. I had to grow to survive." Zack told her. He kissed her cheek. "Enjoy your alcohol. Ill see you in the morning." He told her as he headed out of the room. He pause at the door to look at her over his shoulder. "Its good to have you back."
"You know it kinda feels good to be back." she smiles. When Zack left she looked down at the bottle in her hand. She brought the top to her lips and drank until there was only a little less than 1/6 of the contents left. Rocky sighed and set the bottle down on the side table. Drinking like that in front of Zack would have probably freaked him out, reason why she waited until he was out of the room. Along with her outrageous healing she also had a higher metabolism, it took a lot more alcohol to get her to feel any type of buzz. She pouted and looked down at her pudgy stomach, though even with her strength and power she still could not get rid of that pouch of fat. Rocky poked at it and sighed, oh well, wasn't like she was all that worried about how she looked. Pulling the blankets over herself she settled down, eventually falling into a deep sleep. Unfortunately filled with bad memories of the facility, Sector Seven they had called it.
A few hours later Rocky jerked awake covered in cold sweat and her face sticky with tears. She had just dreamt of being locked down on the examination table in the government facility. They decided to start the amputation testing. Rocky had laid there helplessly as they first removed each of her fingers, then her forearms. She didn't know if she screamed out in her sleep when they started to remove her leg. Her whole body shook like a leaf in the breeze. Crawling out of bed she walked out of the room and down the hall to Zack's room. Opening the door she stuck her head through the doorway "Zack?" she asked a little above a whisper.
Zack had taken a sleeping pill. He had pretty much given them up before Rocky's return. But he knew the only way he would sleep is with help. If she called out or screamed in her sleep he hadn't heard it. He stirred when she called his name. More asleep than awake he moved over and patted the spot next to him. Just like he had done many times when they were younger.
She padded over to the bed and slid under the covers next to Zack. Curling up into a ball she scooted towards him, still sniffling a little from crying. The extra warmth from Zack and the steady sounds of his breathing soon lulled her back to sleep, this time thankfully a dreamless one.
Zack slept dreamlessly thanks to the drugs he had taken. He woke up groggy. On of the downsides to taking the drugs was it left him feeling odd the next morning. He stretched. He frowned when his hand came in contact with a body. It had been years since he woke up next to someone he didnt remember. He opened his eyes to find Rocky beside him. The sight didn't reassure him. "What the hell?"
Rocky stirred from the movement of Zach waking up and opened her eyes "Dude why are you up? It feels so fuckin early." she yawned bringing the blanket over her head, curling up into a tight little ball and rolling around a bit. "Dammit now I can't go back to sleep." she groaned and brought the blanket down from over her head, her hair now sticking up funny at odd angles.
"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" Zack asked her. The last thing he remembered was laying down after taking the sleeping pills. "I didn't..." He hesitately waved at her. He couldn't say what he was suggested. He didn't think he had touched her. He didn't know what he would do if he touched her.
"I had a nightmare and I asked if I could sleep in your bed with you." Rocky said confused "Don't you remember? You must have been really out of it or something." she said grinning "What I'm really saying is no we did not fuck last night. I might have nearly drank that whole bottle of vodka, but I don't get that drunk that easily." she laughed.
Zack shook his head. "I took some sleeping pills to help me sleep. World war three could have occurred and I wouldn't have known it." he breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't touched his best friend. He was relieved beyond words. She was beautiful and attractive but she didn't need his problems. She had enough of her own. He gave her a charming smile. "Move you ass so I can get up."