Hey, I'm new.

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Original poster
Just thought I'd say that Uniiquea told me about this site and I liked the sound of it so I decided I'd give it a try:
I'm not new to role playing and hope to join some new ones soon.
Yes and I hope you find some good ones :)
My hunger games one for example?? o.o
Welcome to Iwaku (:

I'm glad to see that you're interested in joining roleplays! (:
If you need help finding any other ones or can't decide, just let me know (:

Or any other staffu, we're all here to help!

Well hello Makane, unnew to roleplaying and friend of Unniiii. >:D Come hither to browse out fine collection of muse inspiring plots...
Welcome to Iwaku! I see you already posted in the Roleplayers Resume so you are certainly on the right track for joining more roleplays!