Hey, Asmo.

*goes to get his nuclear weapons from the closet*

Minigunner: You can't go there.

These weapons have been confiscated for use by the State and your closet has been converted into a storage facility for failed biological experiments.
This loli derailment has been brought to you by Orochi. Be careful treading into his mind for what is seen cannot be unseen.

No, sir, but what has been seen can be conveniently forgotten due to Asmo's disease, Alzheimer's.
Your fetish for female Asmo.
... I giggled a little.
Poor Asmo, his prince is afraid of being seen as a girl and will not rescue him.
Poor Coffeekins... everyone seems to think he's a girl.

**glances around before trying to come up with a roleplay based around this**
Hey, Asmo. Do you know what frolf is? Another British pal of mine has no idea!
Playing golf with frogs?
Oh Asmo is such an AIRHEAD

that is so MOE
Oh Asmo is such an AIRHEAD

that is so MOE
But you could put a frog on a frisbee, right... call it a frogsbee... then...

*lowers head and walks away*
*introduces frogsbee to the masses and becomes rich and famous*

*Frogsbee is then discovered to cause testicular cancer and Glaze ends up in jail with no balls.....*
Everyone likes Loli
Well, Asmo clearly isn't a loli. Asmo is a jailbait.