are we like going to do any chatrping this weekend? :D

He's Arcadia's wife, but Ellie's father, making him Drake's best friend.
Drake's male best friend is a wife.
Conclusion: Drake is weird...
Not this weekend for me, will be in Chicago looking for a rich, artist husband freezing my ass off.

The next Hesperos chat RP will be in a few weeks. There's going to be a quick chapter in the forums, first. *Dangles chat RP just beyond everyone's reach.*
*Reaches for it*

Just a little more...
I am individually everyone's side characters.

And maybe a new AI in the system.

Or a stowaway

Or space itself

Or the alien you threw out the airlock back for inexplicable alliance.

Or whatever seems good when I actually start rping.
Ship's monkey.
Yes. He's a monkey.
...can he be a spider monkey?
D< no monkeys!
ellie doesn't like monkeys! D:
*Looks at Jack and Sakura.* >_>

*Then looks at TK and Asmo.* <_<

*Decides it is good.*
He's Ellie's pet spider monkey.
ellie hates monkeys!
when she goes to the zoo and feeds them bananas, they BITE at her! D<
he can be a caged monkey!
I'm filled with Rage...not infected.

I think there's some use to Asmo's mocking idea. A monkey with a chip to increase intellectual functions. How far future are we talking...can I DO that feasibly?
Oh my gosh, if he actually makes that a character, I will be filled with JOY
Ellie's pet super-intelligent zombie spider monkey.
CAN WE CALL HIM "SIMIAN"?!!!?!?!?!?!