Heroes At War - Battlefield Glory

It was quick. One moment she was looking to her left at Kascarde, not a care in the world. Looking to her right, she saw the elf, Finariel.

A moment later, the company commander barked an advance, and everyone around her bellowed, and charged forward in the chaos of thundering boots, clanking armor, and clattering shields.

The men before her were stuck in a stalemate, as most of the enemy were behind spear and shield, making a convincing defensive stance, butting the unit in front of her to the spear.

Finally gathering her breath from the brief panic, she hollared out to the men in front of her.
"Hold up your shields and get the hell out of my way!"

Standing in place, she began channeling her magical energy. Her body began to give off a dark violet aura, and what appeared to be an ichorous mist. She brought her hands in front of her face, clasping her left hand over her right, then pushing her elbows back, 'cocking' her hands into fists at her sides, before widening her stance.

The soldiers around her began forming up with their shields, protecting her from stray crossbow bolts. She gathered energy swelling from her core into an imaginary sphere before her chest.

"Clear the way!" She barked, watching the way before her opening up as she heard the soldiers call, "watch the witch behind us!"

She exhaled and moved her hands forward, palm out. Then felt a shockwave as the energy she welled up exploded outward toward the stalwart enemy shield wall.

She watched as her surrounding comrades hollered in amazement. A loud crack was heard as this black smouldering ball of energy blew through the shield wall.

Like a bowling ball into so many bowling pins, people were toppled and sent backward as this crashed through them with ease. Shoulder to shoulder about four people, and about ten rows deep this plowed through people too slow to react and move aside. This enemy battle group was effectively parted.

"Go!" Eriya called to her comrades, who used this as an easy opening. The soldiers of her group had a hay day rushing into the empty space, spears thrusting and carving into the weakness newly presented.
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Finariel charges forward, sword in hand. He leaps over the line of shields, and lands behind the first rank. He taps two of the soldiers on the shoulders, and they whirl around, bewilderment written across their faces. When they see him, they immediately stab at him, but he jumps back, and they end up stabbing each other. Damnation. It's the Massacre of Stohess all over again,he thinks, looking around at the carnage. He swings his sword, the whistling blade decapitaing one soldier and lodging in the chest of another.

He parries another blade, and dispatches the soldier. As he continues to fight, he finds himself reminiscing about the Massacre of Stohess.

It started on a cold autumn morning. He walks into a tavern, as he usually does, and orders some mead. Then, he hears a major commotion outside. Rising, he looks out the door, and sees pirates, rampaging about the streets. Stohess, a major port city, had had its fair share of problems with pirates, but today....today, they launched a major assault.

Finariel runs outside, cutting down the first pirate he comes to. He continues to fight, but as he was the only one fighting, and he was going against the tide of people, it was slow going.

Suddenly, a bugle sounds. He looks behind him, and sees the Garrison charging down the street towards the Pirates. What started out as a counterattack turned into a major rout. The Pirates were decimated.

They had launched the attack with 350 men. Less than 25 made it back to their ships. That was 250 years ago.

Finariel snaps from his reverie as a soldier with a halberd slices his arm. He counters, and kills the man.

He doesn't hear her in time, so he gets caught in Eriya's shockwave, blowing him over. He lands on his feet, and takes advantage of the chaos she caused.
Kascarde gave an amused snort.
"Noble this, noble that. All talk for the most part..." He said looking over the dead body of the fragile powerhouse.
Wait a minute, he's seen that type of armor before. It was expensive, sure, but in all honesty it was more of a hindrance than a blessing. This man obviously didn't know his armor... No, this man obviously wasn't a hero... "A vagabond then... Maybe if he just waited..."


"So much for that noble Waen blood of yours, eh Giraffe? It's all spilling out of you." He looked toward Bjarke, scratching his head. That man's insane, he's having the time of his life...... I wonder if he was dropped on his head as an infant... Kascarde took a brief break before heading into battle again. He was now beginning to spot the archers. They weren't doing so well against the vast number of infantrymen that began to swarm them which in his eyes was probably now his chance to strike. Kascarde charged with the infantrymen, who began to make a bit of a mess. He figured that they'd take out the archers in no time, as he laid waste to their feeble bodies. The troops however must have been well matched, with a few allied soldiers falling before Kascarde, though the enemy archers began to fall back quite a bit for some reason, strange behavior to say the least... Unless they had a plan... "Damn!" Kascarde swore and tackled a nearby ally, bringing his shield over their bodies.

As he thought, a storm of arrows came in their direction. They must have figured out that he was one of the heroes and were going for a cheap kill.

So much for showing off...

An arrow however, craftily dug into his left shoulder. "Kch!" Kascarde growled. His plate was able to negate the majority of the damage but apparently it still wasn't enough, he just hoped that these guys weren't too savvy and poisoned the tips. Kascarde reared his head backward. "I saved your butt; Cover me while I get this arrow out!" The man behind him looked fairly startled but hopped straight to Kascarde's front.
"Ok, but hurry up!"
It probably wasn't the best for Kascarde to tear the arrow out so soon, but getting tired in battle was considered better than having a festering wound or worse yet, having someone jam it further into his skin. With another grunt, and a bit of jiggling, the arrow came up and out, and that was that. Excluding the pain, torn skin, and the blood fluid obviously.
"Done!" Kascarde put his hand on the Allied soldier's back. "Go left, regroup."
"As for you?" The soldier said not paying attention.
"Me? I'll be fine." Kascarde pushed the soldier in the right direction and proceeded to take cover next to a crag incase the archer squadron of the right aimed for him again.
"This could get dicey..." He said to himself devising a plan. He he sheathed his sword and unhooked his crossbow, holding it in his right hand. There wasn't any easy he'd take on a squadron of archers with his sword as far as he remembered, especially not now. He was already starting to tire out. He'd been cut a couple of times already. A dozen more arrows in his skin would just increase his own mortality rate. Kascarde inhaled pulling back three bolts.

Kascarde exhaled lazily and stood up. Shield in front of him, launching the bolts. Only two hit and only one was fatal. Kascarde got back down. That didn't go as planned, he wasn't close enough, maybe he'd be better off to try something else. Plus, he didn't even know how many bolts he had left in the first place.
"Hmm... Oh!"
He put his crossbow away and got his sword back out.
"How could I forget?"
He took the sword into both hands and checked to see if any friendly troops were about. He got up again narrowly dodging an arrow with his name on it. He then brought the sword to his right.

It was time for a Tearing Step.

He swung with all his might causing the squadron and maybe another to either go flying, get knocked out on impact, or lose their footing, but that wasn't what he cared about, most of the squadron didn't have their weapons anymore. Some of his wounds were a bit agitated but atleast now he could get back to hacking and slashing.

And so that was, until he inevitably ran into a nearby enemy hero.
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Bjarke cut deep into the stomach of a lightly armor archer, he screamed loud enough to elicit the attention of another few warriors who were occupied. These warriors made quick work of the Tarabon soldiers they were facing and made their way to Bjarke, forming a semi circle in front of him. Some Tarabon soldiers lay dying and wounded around Bjarke as he flicked his eyes between the three heavily armored Almoth warriors. One man used his sword in a jab, he didnt intend to hit he only intended to test Bjarke. Bjarke used one of his axes to knock the blade aside. A second man brought a wide arcing strike from Bjarke's left and Bjarke hastily swung upwards with his axe. Bjarke's hand was too far up on the axe and the strike raked across the flat of the blade and struck against Bjarke's bracer, leaving a fair sized cut in the leather.

Bjarke gritted his teeth and growled as he stepped a foot back, he could not fight these three men alone. Each wore strong armor, and carried swords that gave them substantial reach over Bjarke. He looked about the soldiers near him and decided it was time to rally them to his side. He kept his eyes trained on the men in front of him with his axes pointed outwards at the two on the sides.

"Come you sorry bastards! Get up from the ground and fight these Almoth dogs that would take your homes! These that would rape your daughters, slay your sons, and take your wives as slaves!"

Bjarke shouted this to his allies and then addressed the soldiers of Almoth, any who would hear him.

"And let us wring from them the lives they cling too! Cut their fucking heads off and put them on pikes!" He said this last bit with labored breath. His voice was hoarse from battle and he felt fatigue setting in but he would not let it stop him, nor would he let it stop the men around him. They began to stand, men wounded and broken rose to fight again.

"After the Northman!" One soldier shouted and Bjarke charged forward, the soldiers did the same. They cut through the armored soldiers with little injury and the small gaggle of warriors pushed forward. Bjarke slowed to finish off one of the armored Almoth soldiers by putting an axe in his throat. Bjarke tucked his axes into his belt and picked up one of the swords. It was of fine make, clearly it was not a simple pre-battle forged weapon. Bjarke had been told Almoth was a place of wealth, though he didnt think that needed to extend to simple warrior swords. Bjarke ran into battle with the blade and encountered a man wearing a kettle helm, with little effort Bjarke pretended to swing low and the man brought his sword low. Bjarke moved feet back quickly and swung the sword high, the blade knocked the helm off and scratched the man's temple. Blood was dripping in to the mans left eye and he had it mostly closed. Bjarke saw this and quickly swung with both hands, the man brought his sword up and blocked the blow. Bjarke took the chance to plant a boot in the mans crotch, while it was not a noble move it was brutal enough to work. The man bent over in pain before Bjarke brought his sword under the mans throat and pulled it out while pulling up, cutting the mans throat. Bjarke stepped around the man as he fell to the ground and saw a bright flash from his right. He quickly dropped his head backwards and felt the rush of wind and cold steel near his face. Bjarke took a step to recover before turning to face his enemy and bending his knees and holding his sword in front of him. This was one of the real Almoth Heroes, a worthy foe.
By the border the two armies clashed, both eager to show and push the other back. The Tarabon Heroes paved the way for the rest of the Liberation army. But so did the enemy Heroes for the Almoth army. Almoth had brought one of their finest Generals to lead their forces, as well as four skilled warriors. Both leaders, King Rolf II and Almoth General Aden commanded their forces from horseback behind the lines. Runners provided report at quick notice, so that the army could be moved favorably. As for the Heroes of Almoth...


Sweat ran down her forehead as she threw another loud spell. It was like steam came out of the rocks in a circle around her, and her fellow Soldiers made sure to stay clear of her. She was supporting Daldram right behind the Almoth lines. They all knew they had less Heroes than Tarabon. They were attacking the home of Heroes for damn sake! Another purple bolt of flame, and the three Tarabon soldiers flanking the dwarf went screaming ablaze. 'How did it come to this?' She mumbled to herself, but not near loud enough to be heard over the sound of battle.
"Hold the line, fools!" The Dwarf encouraged his men. He was the only Dwarf, but that just made him even that more impressive. He swung his ax with vigor, successfully pushing any advance back. He couldn't help but laugh to himself as he continued to slay enemy soldiers one after another. They just kept coming! In fact, with the help of Scarlet and the rest of the men the Almoth lines was advancing. With another groundbreaking smash of Daldram's ax Tarabon soldiers was sent flying.


The Tarabon cavalry knights didn't know what hit them. They had been charging Almoth's right flank when heavy bolts and arrows rained down seemingly out of nowhere. One bolt even managed to pass through two heavily armored knights, killing both. Like lighting strikes, Lyre took careful aim in seconds before sending away a new bolt. With every kill his smile grew wider, and the cavalry charge was quickly on a retreat. He had a group of arches behind him, but there was no doubt most of the kills went to Lyre. But then again, he was also a Hero with many years of experience. He ordered the archers to hold, while he moved forward. He jumped down from his position on a small cliff, and began shadowing Estella. 'She'll need my help, no doubt' He thought to himself. He was well aware of the Tarabon Heroes.
"For the Kingdom!" The female Hero knight swung her now glowing sword downwards with a shout, sending forward a powerful wave of air and death in its wake. The Tarabon soldiers who had attempted to surround her was taken back, given her plenty of time to finish the rest of the group with quick hits and slashes. With the Tarabon cavalry on the retreat, Estella was ready to lead the charge. Almoth soldiers filled the gaps as they smashed into the hostile lines.
Finariel sings his sword, cutting down the man in front of him. Damn. They just keep coming!!! He parries a lunge, ripostes, and skewers the man.

He suddenly hears a rally cry. "For the Kingdom!!" Looking around, he sees a knight on foot pushing back the Tarabon lines. The Almoth soldiers around the knight rally to his call. They could be none other than an Almoth hero. Well, it's about time they made an appearance. He looks around to see who of the Tarabon Heroes were near him.

He sees that it is Kascarde and Eriya. Drawing his second sword from his back, he hacks and slashes his way towards them. "Well. This is interesting. Our friends have decided to come out and play. How do you think we should handle this? There is one Hero against the three of us. How should we go about it?" He looks from one to the other, eager to fight their new enemy, but reluctant to go about it alone.

As he waits, he takes stock of his injuries. There was nothing major. Some bruised knuckles from punching a shield, some cuts, a slash on his arm were the extent of his injuries.

@Ser K+ @Spectre
Eriya was walking with purpose behind a shield wall, barking for the wall to part so she could pass-

Two men brandishing large shields in their left hands and short spears in their right parted way so Eriya could pass- they had seen her in action and now trust her to create openings for them. There was an encroaching enemy group of shielded swordsmen. They wouldn't have the reach to combat the spearmen, so instead of allowing the men beside her to tire themselves out on sticking a group of swordsmen, she would soften them up. They were about three deep, and about seven across, shoulder to shoulder.

She brushed past the wall quickly, and her hands began to glow- preparing for her shadow claw technique. Black liquidy smoke starting slowly pouring forth from them. They were about ten yards away at this point. Throwing a few sweeping punches in a crane-like style, she was cutting a swath before her. Men with shields raised would feel as if someone was beating down on them with a warhammer, and those who had already lost, or had their shields broken- would find that this dark magic sweeping before them was like invisible blades, rending their flesh. The claws of an invisible beast rushing through them.

The shields that were raised- now had gaping 'claw' marks in them, and dented. Their forearms and shoulders hefting them would be tired.

She gave a couple more sweeping punches, and finished with a spinning kick- to hammer through the troops in front of her. The small unit before them withstood the swipes decently, due to the shields- but still lost a few men. Though the spinning kick that was thrown in their direction as they encroached five yards- arrogant going up against a single target- knocked most of them off balance, and either toppled over, or retreated a few steps. This was encouraging the men behind them to leap forward that their cover was blown- to which Eriya swiftly retreated back behind her comrades' shield wall- they closed up behind her.

The shield wall took a beating of a wave of swordsmen- spearmen sticking a few unlucky enough to get in range, while others clashed shields, and held anxious defensive postures, thrusting from safety- taking opportunity when it came to pierce flesh.

It was then she saw some magic for herself- she saw a shockwave like ability in the distance to the side, and slightly further inward. A female having shouted- a rallying cry. Maybe some sort of warrior? All she saw was a blade brandished, and a shield hefted- an armored head. Definitely a warrior of sorts. This was going to be a problem.

Then she saw the elf again, or rather- heard him shouting above the clatter and hollering of the battle. She couldn't hear everything he said, but got the gist of it. A plan of action against the enemy hero that presented herself.

Should be easy- as long as they are mortal, She thought to herself- She called to the men ahead of her, making a steady advance through the enemy infantry. She was by no means superior- but they had been working well together at this point. Eriya would soften the troops up before they got to the shield wall- then she'd retreat and let the infantry advance through them. "I'm going to deal with something. Keep it up and I will return-" she stated passively. She didn't seem to notice if they were even listening to her or not- or if they cared.

She quickly made her way to the Elf, and attempted to get Kascarde's attention, as well. Weaving around friendly troops loosely placed getting ready to press up on the enemy lines. "Might be an easy one to deal with as long as she is wading through melee troops. I can open up the lines easily to cut a path directly to her?"
Kascarde had watched this new blondie wreak havoc amongst the fighters of the Tarabon army, oddly enough admiring her figure, though it obviously wasn't in a lascivious manner. Her posture was rather impressive, and she was rather tough, taking a few hits from some of the Tarabon soldiers but still not faltering, so this was one of the real heroes... Though maybe it was her armor, it looked like it was made of pretty heavy stuff, Finariel would technically have an agility advantage. "Hah... What do you know..." He looked around, then replied to Eriya. "Uh, Yeah, that'll work... There's no doubt about it..."

"But... Let's be sure that this doesn't draw any attention from any other enemy heroes... I'll be running support."
He said turning to face Finariel. "You'd enjoy some primary combat with that fair bodied lass, would you not?" He motioned to his left arm, caked in blood. "In the case that you've not noticed, I have myself earned quite a wound in my arm. I can still move it fine enough, but judging by the damage that hero is causing, I wouldn't dare take anymore than seven of her strikes in my current state. Be that as it may, I still could theoretically meet her sword with my shield a full few times, should you require the help." He smiled a bit, making a sort of snort sound at the way he was handling things. He then turned to face the area he'd charge into after Finariel. Not planning to use another "Tearing Step" he spoke, rather mildly.

"Unless anyone has a better plan, Eriya, go ahead and clear the path when you're ready.."
"Yes. It is a good plan. I wouldn't mind fighting her. Although I've always had a soft spot for women. But, she needs to be taken care of. Open the path, Eriya. I can handle her." He readies his swords, getting ready to dual-wield.

Hopefully I won't have to use Mother's Rosario. I'll be useless for the rest of the battle.

An arrow rips through the haze, slicing his face open from his right temple to the lower part of his left jaw. Reeling back, he grabs a dagger from the ground and throws it, embedding it in the archers throat. "On your mark, Eriya."

@Spectre @Rion
The dwarf before Bjarke seemed to have earned his mettle, the Tarabon soldiers that foolishly ran to fight him were quickly taken down with a sweep of his axe. This dwarf swung his axe and wore a happy face, were he and Bjarke not on opposite sides of this war they would likely have been drinking buddies. Bjarke dropped back and waited for the dwarf to swing again, after the swing Bjarke ran forward and kicked his legs up. His boots landed squarely in the dwarf's chest and caused the man to stumble. Bjarke fell to the ground and prepared to move The dwarf recovered quickly and brought his axe in an sweep where Bjarke had just been. He sprung up and looked down at the dwarf from a safe distance. Bjarke twirled the sword he'd picked up earlier and looked at the Dwarf from the frontline of the Tarabon army. There was a birth in front of this short powerhouse and Bjarke made sure just to stand just inside it.

"Where do my comrades stand?" Bjarke shouted over his shoulder into the ranks, he turned back to the Dwarf, "Matters not, I'll cut you down to a half of the half you are now."

Bjarke swung wide and the dwarf easily countered, the next strike came in low and the dwarf warrior easily countered with a shift in stance and a repositioning of his axe. Bjarke was preparing another strike when the dwarf swung and displaced Bjarke's blade from his hand. The sword sailed off into the crowd and Bjarke was left temporarily defenseless. It was with great haste that Bjarke backed away, the dwarf continued to walk forward advancing on Bjarke. During his backpedal Bjarke drew his axes from his beltline and readied to attack. The dwarf came in close and swung at Bjarke's knees. Bjarke did a quick hop, landed, and brought his axes down at the dwarf's head. The dwarf raised his axe and stopped the two smaller ones from coming down. The pair stood in deadlock for a moment before Bjarke backed off. The dwarf and Bjarke distanced themselves, being especially aware of their surroundings. At this point Bjarke was longing for some company, he didnt have time to fight this dwarf alone with so much else going on around him.
Eriya gave a curt nod, and summoned her confidence- among other things.

The battle raged around them. Swords, spears, shields, and poleaxes collided with metal and flesh, the sounds of chaos were perpetual.

Gathering energies within her upper body, her arms began to glow an electric violet color, and a black smoke began to slowly form around her arms and shoulders. She strode forward closer to the front line, and picked out the female warrior. Making a quick decision, and summoning a lot of energy into her body, her ears began to ring. Finding a break in the front line between shoulders, she dashed forward to fill this void- keeping her eye on the enemy heroine.

She cycled her arms back, twisted her body to the side, then thrust both her hands straight out- toward the enemy heroine- releasing a large torrent of energy in a spherical form. Then still holding her hands out- she turned her body slightly to the right- and released another.

These two human-sized projectiles exploded outward, forming an 'x', clearing away enemy soldiers in two paths leading directly for the Heroine, the spheres intersecting right before her, her comrades being pushed away- tumbling backward and away like rag-dolls being hit by siege equipment.

This was not the last of her energy stores- far from it- but Eriya had to take a minute. She doubled back immediately- bumping into a few friendly soldiers as she wasn't watching where she was going. A handful of arrows landed where Eriya previously stood. She was starting to become sought after. This wasn't good. Her ears stopped ringing, and she didn't even look to see if Kascarde or Finariel took advantage of the nice 'v' shaped path she created- leading to the female warrior.

Due to her gathering missile attention from the enemy- she realized she needed to take a minute- then Not wanting to stand still, she made her way toward the back of the lines, panting, blinking hard, and trying to keep her balance. She would stop after a few paces, and place her hands on her knees. That was a draining ability- and would be pacing about the flank trying to gather her senses again to get back to the battle.
Dawn let her arrows fly through sky and while she noticed the human berzerker fighting with the Dwarf, her attention was caught by the black haired mage... what was her name? Well, it wasn't like it mattered seeing as how the woman was still on their team. With a narrow of her golden eyes Dawn reached into a quiver only to pull out an arrow with a thin feel to it but unlike her paralyzing arrows, these ones felt as if they'd snap easily. They wouldn't but their appearance was to seem fragile while at the silver tip would lay a deadly end to its chosen target. Lifting up her arrow Dawn sent the arrow flying, faster then any normal arrow, it went flying straight through an enemy archer's chest only to land into the side of the archer behind him.

The black fox around Dawn's growled and snapped at the air, getting impatient with not being able to do anything but he wouldn't leave or go fight without Dawn's permission. Ciar had chosen Dawn as his master and that meant he wasn't allowed to attack without permission or a signal from Dawn.

"Ciar, go protect our mage friend over there. Make sure you don't freak her out," Dawn tilted her head over toward the woman who seemed to be losing her energy. An energy of excitement eased off her companion as he smoothly jumped from her shoulders and shifted into a much larger fox. Though he could make his size larger, the size of a horse, Ciar settled for being the size of a wolf. With his slick fur thicker then what it had been in his smaller form. Planted on all four of his feet the shadow fox dashed forward. Sometimes he'd knock an enemy over or take someone's head to smash between his teeth. His long legs swiftly carried him toward the mage but he didn't stop until he bowled into a man who had an arrow notched at the woman. Not stopping there, the shadow fox ripped through the enemies; enjoying the warmth of the blood that flowed through his mouth but unaware of the small pieces of flesh stuck between his teeth. Not that he would care.

(sorry it took a while to post)
Finariel races into the gap that Eriya had made, his dual blades whistling in the air as he cut down his enemies. Finally, he makes it to the knight, and the fighting around them ceases, as the soldiers know that THIS will be a fight. "My name is Finariel Greenleaf, Hero of Tarabon, Slayer of Pirates, Scourge of Stohess..... Not really all that, but my name is Finariel Greenleaf. And who do I have the honor of meeting on this glorious day?"

"Lady Estella, Hero Knight of Almoth."

"Lady, you say? What is a fine lady doing on the battlefield? Shouldn't you be at home doing your needlepoint, and let your husband do the fighting." She catches him off guard and slams her shield into his armored chest, causing him to stumble.

"Why send a man to do my will when I can do it better than he would ever be able to? You are a fool, Greenleaf. You think Tarabon his so great. I can tell by your words about a lady on the battlefield that you subjugate them in Tarabon. You chastise me, yet a woman is covering your back, and opened the path to me so you can fight me. You are a hypocrite, Greenleaf. And I will take great pleasure out of killing you." She swings her sword, and he barely manages to parry the blade.
Kascarde found himself surrounded by a few soldiers after he made use of the path Eriya opened up. 'Finariel may have to fend for himself for a short while... Heh, fine. I'll try to end this quick.' He smelled a sickly sweet smell. Someone other than him was bleeding. Good. They'd probably get tired before he does. One soldier lunged toward Kascarde, he reared his body away from the strike and gave his attacker a reply: A swift knee to the ribs then the face. The soldier began to puke and an acquaintance of his hesitated to move him away, until Kascarde lifted up his own chin as a sort of leeway. The others just stood around him in awe.

Maybe he could use his intimidation to get these guys off of his back.

Time to sound imposing. "You daft retainers of Andora, Prepare to have the flesh melted off of your rancid bones." He took the sword into both hands and set it alight. The few that surrounded him backed away and fled. "Huh." Mission accomplished they've shit themsel- He caught eye of a certain elf kind of being overwhelmed... What the... Finariel is having a hard time? He's supposed to be fast isn't he?... God, he's not busy ogling her is he? "Wh-. Y-. Hey! Elven! Don't underestimate your foe!" Kascarde barked at Finariel. "Unless you actually fancy being stabbed!" He smacked a soldier trying to sneak attack him with his shield. "Try again or flee, yaldson." He said, bringing his sword up to parry, yet staying still as to avoid confrontation with the man before him. The soldier took this as bait and charged Kascarde. He payed for his mistake with his life. So much for that one, he usually doesn't kill when he doesn't have too. If the idiot wanted to get away, he would have let him...

Kascarde's ear twitched at the sound of an arrow being shot, or maybe a bolt? "!" He watched in shock as an arrow, no, it was a bolt, tore pass him by a margin, almost digging into his sword arm. Wait, whoever it was they weren't aiming for Kascarde, they were aiming for- Kascarde looked back in Finariel's direction. Luckily the fight between him and the woman was an active enough one for the allied elf not to get hit with the bolt, but Kascarde himself had a feeling that such luck wouldn't last for long. He turned around quickly, surveying the area spotting a gleam resembling sunlight off of armor up above. "Found you, you bastard." He murmured. He had to take out that sniper.
Finariel leaps back as Estella swings her sword, cleaving the air where he had stood a moment before. The ring of soldiers around them weren't fighting.... they were rooting for their HEROES.....but.... the Almoth soldiers.... they're.... silent. Why aren't they rooting for her? She is they're Hero!! No time to think of that now.

He swings his dual blades, sending them whistling through the air at the knight, and she catches them on her shield. "So tell me, O great Hero of Almoth, pray tell me why your own soldiers do not cheer for your victory?"

A look of hate flashes across her face. "That is no concern of yours!" She swings overhead at him, and he parries easily.

"Oh? I am the Elf that will kill you, and you won't deign to respond? Do the Heroes of Almoth think so little of us Heroes of Tarabon? Nay, I think it is something much more personal that causes them to remain quiet. Dissatisfied lovers, perhaps?"

"SHUTTUP!!" Dropping her shield, she swings her sword at him with two hands, but, not having been trained that way, she overextends her arms, and Finariel disarms her with ease.

He hooks his leg behind her legs and forces her to her knees. Tears are running down her face. "Please. Spare me. Do not kill me"

"And, pray tell, why not?"

"Be better than the monsters the people of Almoth think you are."

With her words ringing in his ears, he slams the pommel of his sword into her temple, knocking her unconscious.
Bjarke and the Dwarf had been engaged for some time exchanging swings of their axes. There was little he could do to faze the dwarf and little the dwarf could do to faze him. After a series of attacks the pair took a moment to back away from one another, rather winded. Bjarke looked at the dwarf in the eye and growled, he took a few deep breaths to get his blood pumping before savagely rushing the dwarf. Before the dwarf had time to raise his large axe, Bjarke was in the air with his axes teeth bared and axes raised. He brought one down on the dwarfs shoulder, cutting into the collar bone. The dwarf yelled in anger and slammed his fist into the barbarians stomach, Bjarke ignored the pain and bit the dwarfs nose. There was no time for honor, his anger fed his fury. The dwarf screamed and began to slam his fists into Bjarke's stomach and face before punching Bjarke in the groin. Bjarke pulled back and the axe came with him causing the dwarf even more pain.

"Fucker!" the Dwarf shouted as he pushed Bjarke away in his moment of confusion, "I'll cut your god damn head off!"

The dwarf shouted all this while clutching his nose. Bjarke was laughing hysterically, behind the pain of being hit in the pecker and balls. The dwarf swung his axe low towards Bjarke's feet then high at his chest. Both times Bjarke jumped back.

"Come small one!" Bjarke said backpedaling, he wound back his left axe hand and slung it forward towards the charging dwarf. Bjarke quickly ran at him and planted a boot in his chest. The dwarf stumbled and Bjarke quickly dug his shoulder plate into the Dwarf's face, eliciting a scream. The main spike took out an eye and a second dug through the dwarfs cheek. The pair toppled over and the weight of Bjarke drove the spikes deeper forcing the Dwarf to scream, then finally crushing the life out of him.

Bjarke used an elbow to push himself out of the dwarf's skull. A suction sound came as the spikes were pulled out. The chaos around him seemed relaxed until he felt a wave of purple fire launched him into the air. He tumbled and patted out the fire in his beard braids and hair. He looked up and saw a woman, she was adorned in scarlet clothing and was using magics. Bjarke growled and stood up, he watched the woman look down at the body of her comrade.

"Bjarke is my name," He said loudly, "I slayed your dwarf friend and did so in service of Tarabon."

The woman launched a bolt of purple flame towards him and he rolled out of the way. The witch did so again and Bjarke rolled back the opposite way.

"You'll pay for that you bastard!"
"Well, well, what have we here?" A voice seemed to echo into Kascarde's ear.

Kascarde looked around for the source of the voice, but it was muddled within the trees. "Kch, show yourself." He replied.

The voice began to chuckle. "That armour. There's no mistaking it." He chuckled again. "This is wonderful."

"Eh?" Kascarde hid a bit behind a tree to prepare himself for a sneak attack. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I know who you are... Kascarde." The man said in an almost sickly playful tune.

Kascarde's mouth twitched, but he quickly came back to his senses. "So?"

"Not the mercenary Kascarde that some seem to revere... But the Kascarde who abandoned his friends, in their time of need."

"..." Wait a minute...

"The noble's bastard child, Kascarde, who killed an heir of his lord's throne, and fled to a different continent while his grace's kingdom fell."

He knew this voice... And it was someone who knew him... or rather, his past... "Liyre? You survived the siege? ... You couldn't possibly understand the reason I killed her." Kascarde heard the sound of a bolt being reloaded.

"Hah... I guess I couldn't, but that doesn't matter, since you'll be dead soon anyway." Lyre let loose a bolt that sprung toward Kascarde's torso. If Kascarde didn't bring his shield up as soon as he could, he may have been killed. "...You haven't lost your touch... How annoying."

Kascarde looked at his shield, even though it was made almost entirely of metal alloys, it had been dented by a bolt. Clearly Lyre was using no average crossbow... He had to find him, and fast. He traced the trajectory of the impact and followed it until he saw a figure of a man, most likely Lyre. He threw a knife, only to have it deflected off of a bolt. He was able to dodge the shot, but by an inch almost. This was bad, he was clearly at a disadvantage. "This may take a while..." He said to himself.

"No doubt..." Lyre replied, much to Kascarde's surprise. "How about we make this into a game?"

Lyre got no reply from Kascarde.

"If I hit you first, I'll make it lethal, If you hit me first, you make it lethal."

"Pssh, when I do hit you, I'll be sure to slice you wide open, anyways." Kascarde charged toward Lyre, who fired a barrage of bolts towards Kascarde's upper half, forcing him to raise his shield and take cover to regain his stamina. 'What kind of crossbow is that?' He wondered, 'Multi-fire? Damn, it must be custom. I may not be able to read him while he has it.' He had to make a clever move and get that crossbow out of his hands... or out of bolts.
After the assail ended, he heard another click, Lyre must have been reloading. He charged the crossbowman again, and threw a knife that went into the man's lower torso, causing him to take a knee.

At first Lyre seemed shocked, but then he started laughing. "You hit me. Well done." He took the knife out of his torso with a grunt, unwittingly setting the course for Kascarde's plan, which brought a smile to the former mercenary's face. "Too bad for you though." He said. "It wasn't lethal."

"That's fine." Kascarde said with a breath. "There's always next time." He slashed at Lyre, but the attack missed thanks to him hitting a tree. Lyre purposely fired a bolt that knocked the sword out of Kascarde's hand, and was ready to start up another barrage when Kascarde slapped the crossbow out of his hands. Kascarde took out his second to last throwing knife and tried to jam it into Lyre's eye. Lyre was able to knock Kascarde down and began throwing punches at Kascarde, a few hit before Lyre was kicked off. But he quickly made his way back onto his feet. "Your first hit on me wasn't lethal either." Kascarde joked, rubbing his chin. "You're outmatched you know... We're both experienced, but I chose the better area of study."

"Heh. Just like you to think that... What the fuck do you know about it?!" Lyre swung again but this strike was blocked by Kascarde who hit Lyre with a gloved fist of his own. Lyre staggered and a bit of blood was drawn from his lip. Kascarde threw a kick at Lyre. Easily blocked and he was punished for it with a boot to his knee. Kascarde fell and Lyre took the knife that was previously dropped and made an attempt on Kascarde's life. Foolish, as Lyre received a kick to his side where he was stabbed. Both lay on the ground rather exhausted, and then both slowly made their way onto their feet. Lyre tackled Kascarde to the ground again pummeling Kascarde until he himself was tired, then picked up Kascarde's sword and sloppily attempted to cut down the man before him.

'This fight is getting nowhere...' Kascarde thought to himself.

He grabbed some dirt.

Lyre missed, and Kascarde retaliated by shoving the dirt into Lyre's eyes. Lyre yelled in anguish, and tried to save his eyes when Kascarde took the throwing knife that had fallen, now covered in dirt and blood, and began to repeatedly stab Lyre with it. Lyre, still with some fight in him knocked his opponent away. Although dazed and bruised Kascarde had crawled to his new crossbow and made the small woods above the main combat this former acquaintance and Almoth Hero's grave, all with little hesitation.

He found his sword and impaled Lyre in the chest, before burying his old acquaintance, and there his sword remained, as would the third Almoth Hero, and as would any word of Kascarde's past.

"Phew... I'm getting old..." 'And I wouldn't want word to get out that I'm "A traitor"... That general doesn't seem to like me as it is...'

Kascarde, whilst strapping Lyre's... his new crossbow to his back, found himself exhausted and sat down, probably due to blood loss from his earlier wounds, but he noticed that the female hero was finished. (Or so he thought.) "He did it... Good job, Elven..." Everyone else seemed to be handling their fights well too... and the sole dwarven was down as well. Maybe he could sit out the rest of the battle... Almoth seemed finished, He'd just grab himself a replacement or pick up a litter of swords off of the ground later so that a blacksmith at the capitol could make a new sword for him.

As long as they don't go around ransacking villages, maybe Kascarde would stay with the Tarabon forces... until he found the information he desired...
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Dawn jumped out of the way of 3 flying arrows, which conveniently landed on their allies who tried to sneak up on her. As Dawn's fingers plucked arrow after arrow into her enemies, she reminded herself of the little holes where she placed other sets of quivers... some more dangerous than others. After finally managing to run out of arrows Dawn decided to pluck arrows from the bodies of the dead and use those instead, killing the enemies with the very arrows they shot out to kill her allies.

Ciar jumped to her side, shoving an Almoth warrior several feet away from his master who he noticed was out of arrows. His amber burning eyes narrowed on her and raised his muzzle to growl at her, showing blood and tears of skin stuck between his teeth. Dawn didn't even flinch, she was use to this. Even though Dawn can hunt for her own, Ciar usually took it upon himself to catch Dawn's breakfast, lunch and dinner. Blood and pieces of flesh always got stuck between his large and sharp canines. Dawn has long ago gotten use to Ciar not caring about it but after bringing her the food or after a fight he'd go clean himself.

"I know, I know," Dawn huffed before she walked toward him and easily swung her lung over Ciar's back. Gripping him with the muscle of her thighs Dawn hooked her bow around her before taking her two black silver daggers out. The female elf hunched forward, more into Ciar's thick fur before the fox beast raced away from the blood and gore, shoving past anyone who thought they could stop him. Dawn cut out at anyone who decided the best move was to jump out at her.

When the black furred fox managed to get Dawn to the edge of all the fighting, the elf hoped off the of Ciar and quickly knelt beside a familiar patch of grass. Dawn quickly pulled back the enchanted cover and unclipped her current empty quiver before replacing it with the one that had previously been hiding. Turning around Dawn once again climbed onto Ciar and they went racing from the side of the battle, getting closer to the clutters of the Almoth archers.

"Hold it steady Ciar," Dawn whispered as her fingers wrapped around two cold silver arrows, notching both at the same time. Unlike her other wood arrows, the silver arrows were more... openly dangerous. The princess elf let out an easy breath before letting only one arrow loose. It shot through the sky with barely a whistle in the air. A silent and deadly object headed straight for the unsuspecting targets. Dawn watched as the tip of the arrow touched the floor right in front of them and than it just exploded. Millions of silver shards burst into the line of archers, making many of them scream and run away... if they weren't already dead. Dawn let loose another arrow before Ciar pulled back more toward their allies, barely avoiding the mighty swing of an axe that had been thrown straight for them.

As Ciar continued to walk Dawn's sharp eyes noticed when her ally, Bjarke cut off the head of an enemy Hero. A smirk pulled at the female elf's lips with an arrow notched and ready for another enemy.