Hero Complex {CLOSED & FULL}

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@Noceur- Well, that depends! I was gonna let this run through for atleast another week and let anyone else join, but do you think we're all ready and all? If that's the case, I'll just get the opinions from the other players, and we can start plotting.

The main questions I have for now, as far as the RP goes, what do you want to see from it? Enlightened villains? Evil folk are more powerful in groups of like? Heroes blow? And as for that, how should we start it for all of you? Start trickling in characters? All of them meet by chance? I have a faint idea for how to instantly pull in Calypso, and I'll work on one for Shaou. But before we get into something too intense, I'll collect some ideas from all of you.
So a good starting point would be a mysterious third party offering a reward for a run on a certain area, be it a bank, supermarket, etc. We all meet there and have initial conflict and either play a game of 'screw your buddy for the team' or begin cooperating as a team.

Other than that, there could be an underground organization that we are all new to or meet at, assuming we all know each other beforehand.

Or we jump right into a plot that's happening where we are cornered by the 'Villains' and the first part of the RP is the lead up to how we got into a team and cornered by the 'Villains'.
No I'm just asking, it's your choice.

And I'm not sure..and mime is of course a villain like most or all of you guys...
Everyone is correct?
@J "Kraken"- I can never get your name bolded. It's a pain, but anyway, I like the first and last one you threw. We could just have a, "So, you're wondering how we all got here, huh?" moment at the bank or whatsoever, and then have it be just one continuous POV switch-around-reach-around, if we're all cool with that.

@Noceur- Sure, everyone is the villain! If anything, I can just go and ask if anyone wanted to play a superhero when the part came up. We can continuously flop and stuff-- most of you put down some heroes you wanted to play as the arch-enemy, so we can play around with those, too.
I believe you are forgetting the _ in it, because I didn't realize that the usernames allowed spaces.
@J_"Kraken" - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH WOW WHAT A REVELATION. I always typed that as a space! Pardon me. Thank you, much!
Sure, everyone can meet at a bank,
And pick on Marcel XD the only physically unusual looking one appearance wise
Do you wanna know how I got these scars....?
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Change approved.
This will be a really good RP, I can just feel it!! Puttin' in the references early. Here's what I have played out, as far as the starter goes.

Okay, I'm just going to borrow @Requiem's character... Requiem, for a moment. So, there would be the quick flashback at the start, everyone is cornered with the enemy to their front, and their backs against the wall. And then a scene shift-- I pictured Calypso running through llain Extráordínaire, with some security guards on his back. Maybe he up-skirted some dancers? Maybe he robbed the place? Well, long story short, everyone is pissed, and he gets away. The only thing with that is when I do bring in Req, he might damn near hate him, so.... There's always that problem (?).

So he gets away, and he runs into a flyer that says, "SO! You want to rob and murder? Come to VILLAINCON!" Or something like that, everyone meets eachother, maybe form a team? We can pull in the other characters there, too, and maybe just have them be totally unaware that there was a villain in their sights. Matthias could be fixing a casino machine, or he works across the street at the video store! Candace could be face-painting for a magic show at the hotel that night? Marcel could be the Mime act, who actually had plans to rob the joint, for all we know! Shaou and Azelia...? I'll toss them in there somehow...

It just depends on where you all stand with this idea.
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I think that sounds good.
I like the idea so far. Azeila likes shiny things so there could be a small jewelry store near by that she was stealing from.
@Lucifers Sairen- If anything, she could be going around and pick-pocketing folks for kicks, and then she sees a whole lotta commotion going on!
@Noceur- I was going to say, she can rob from Candace but... that curvaceous diva might be the last thing someone wants to mess with, haha!
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@Dip Haha, she would probably watch everything happen with a smile on her face and wished she had popcorn
She can steal from kids and their parents XD
Act of pick pocketing and having hands quicker than the eyes for extra money XD
Then possibly rob the other villains? Then frames azeila since she's more known to stealing
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@Noceur- Oooh, if she tried that on Calypso, he might break her wrists. Shaou, on the other hand, might break her LIFE.
Random acts of silence 8D
Everyone argues before looking at the mime or not suspecting a thing. Once they find out she laughs and gives everything back seeing no use in running or hiding longer XD

Or everyone's stuff can be in another persons things making it seem like they stole from each other before looking at Marcel.
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