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I just tell my family all about the freaky porn sites I visit so they don't start asking questions about the really weird shit like Iwaku.

Actually, I don't really keep anything a secret. I tell people I do forum roleplaying whenever conversations steer around hobbies, and my girlfriend knows full well about the site. I asked if she wanted to join because she writes a lot of fan fiction, and she was basically, "Nah, that's your thing."

So, being a self sufficient adult who doesn't even live in the same time zone as most of his friends and family, it isn't a big deal. When I was younger, I kept that shit on lockdown and tried to hide everything internet related behind "safe" windows like gaming websites and shit. I just never liked people looking over my shoulder and I hate trying to explain things to people.
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When I was younger, I kept that shit on lockdown and tried to hide everything internet related behind "safe" windows like gaming websites and shit.

I still do this for some reason, despite my parents liking Iwaku.
I've never really told my family about any of my online activities ever, and roleplaying is at the bottom of my "I'm telling them this" list.

To keep it short, my family do not have an inkling of understanding in them. And you know, they wouldn't care to listen or understand what makes me tick, much less of what keeps me happy. I'm the only one in my family who is capable of writing somewhat well (And enjoy it) and having an overactive imagination so I doubt they would get it if I went "Hey I write with strangers online..!" It may be a negative answer but hey, it's a truth.

I keep my roleplaying life a well-guarded secret for the most part (irl of course)
I told my mom once, I quickly tried to explain what it was before she got the wrong idea.
I will never tell any friends, I don't even think I want to tell my dad and other family members lol
I do not have any real life friends or family who do roleplay. I explain to them that its a form of game, and a way of storytelling with others online... and they usually understand it at that point.
Nope! My family can be super weird with stuff like this so I keep it to myself and I'm pretty sure that if I tried to explain it to them that they would just assume it was some kind of weird sex thing that people used because they are lonely and need to find a partner in their life. So keeping it to myself. Some of my friends know only one who is an rper as well but my others don't seem to understand it I've been told it sounds like 'just writing a story but with a headache of having to deal with some a**hole online'
My husband knows! But he's basically the only one who knows about my roleplaying habits. xD
Out of habit, I keep it quiet. Have done so since '07, and don't intend to make it known any time soon - mostly because it's no one's business but my own. I do mention writing and being a member of a forum, but that's about it. They know what roleplaying is, and I don't think they'd see anything wrong with it, but... like I said, habit.

I guess I'm what's known as a web weasel. Nobody ever knows what I'm doing.
I told my mom I joined a "collaborative writing" site. She didn't really have an opinion on it, but was glad to hear that I wasn't only playing online games and that I was getting back into fiction writing after a long hiatus. My brother was a bit more interested in hearing about some of my roleplays and asked a few questions. That made me smile.

Sharing my joy of roleplaying and Iwaku to friends was a huge disaster. It resulted in me thinking less of them and eventually ending a friendship with another when I realized how immature and a troll he was. The funny thing was that they are roleplayers and I've roleplayed with them a long time ago. So, I thought sharing this site and some of my roleplays would be fun. But nope. It just brought back reasons why I don't want roleplay with them anymore. (And the reason why I'm pretty much not friends with most of them anymore)

In the end, I won't be sharing that I roleplay anymore. I rather keep it to myself and enjoy being involved in the many stories I'm in.
@_@ I had no idea that telling one's parents about RPing would be on-par with coming out to them for so many of you here.

Yeah, my parents know about RPing -- I mean, not in a ton of detail, because it doesn't really interest them, but they know that I spend a lot of time with it. I guess they're... "supportive" (it feels so weird to use that term in this context), but, I mean... they don't really have strong opinions either way, you know?

Oh, I guess they think it's kind of cool that I GM and stuff, though, since they know how much effort I put into that sort of thing, and I guess they like that I'm so into managing and organizing things like that. Still, not exactly a huge thing with them.

RPing is... just another hobby. I had no idea that so many people here would feel the need to hide that from their parents, or that anyone here might have a good reason to. o__o
I had no idea that so many people here would feel the need to hide that from their parents, or that anyone here might have a good reason to. o__o
Strong sense of privacy, common confusion between RP's and Sex Foreplay, The Tiger Parent types who hate anything 'wasteful' etc.
You'll start to see a number of cases where something that is in truth no big deal can be blown up into a major household issue.

Thankfully my Parents have always been ok with it.
They don't really understand it well, but to be fair they kind of accepted a long time that I share almost no mutual interests of theirs, so it's to be assumed a lot of what I do is foreign to them. :P
Strong sense of privacy, common confusion between RP's and Sex Foreplay, The Tiger Parent types who hate anything 'wasteful' etc.
You'll start to see a number of cases where something that is in truth no big deal can be blown up into a major household issue.
Still, if you can explain it as collaborative writing and make it clear that it's not inherently sexual, then, aside from aforementioned tiger parents... yeah, I didn't expect that sort of situation to be nearly so common. >.<
Still, if you can explain it as collaborative writing and make it clear that it's not inherently sexual, then, aside from aforementioned tiger parents... yeah, I didn't expect that sort of situation to be nearly so common. >.<
Well remember most writers are normally picked on/looked down on by others already. It's only the few that make it big that manage to gain much social acceptance.
This only worsens if the writing is online with total strangers, worse again when called 'roleplaying' where for those don't take part in RPG's they usually only hear that term when dressing up in the bedroom.
Well remember most writers are normally picked on/looked down on by others already. It's only the few that make it big that manage to gain much social acceptance.
I honestly didn't realize that writers normally had such a social stigma attached to them...?

Man, I guess I've just had it too good.
I don't think my parents will really know what role play is XD And if I tell them, they both will probably be like "Whatever" or "Oh, okay." (So either not give a fuck, or not care XD)

And one of my friends know about all the forums I've been to. Not necessarily due to happy reasons though, the websites I've been to were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I just had to show him XD And then I told my friend that I was starting the black nova RP and he was like "O.O DUDE! Tell me when, and where! There is no way i'm missing out on something like that." So he made an account here, although I have it on hold for now due to mah future so yeah.

Although my other real life friends don't really know, mainly because I don't have much to tell them.

Online friends though, they know because they were there XD One of my friends here I met on the forum I was at before this one, and we became friends due to being one of the few rare sane people at the place DX
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