Her Guardian Angel

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"A-are you sure? It's your sculpture." Kaitlyn said, hesitant to take anything from her.
"Yes I'm sure." She smiled. "I made it for you. I do that with any friends I make. I find my favorite things about them, and create a symbol of them." She laughed a little. Wow...it's been so long... she thought to herself, enjoying the brightness and happiness she found after so long. "Thanks Kaitlyn."
"I-it's no trouble. If I keep your dog then you keep my heart." Kaitlyn said, pointing to the mangled heart she had created.
Kate smiled. "Okay." She put the heart on the desk beside the picture of her biological parents before coming to sit back down. "What school did you used to go to?" She asked.
"I didn't go to school. This is the first time I've ever been in the human world." Kaitlyn said.
"Oh." Kate paused. "So, what do you know about the human world? Anything you've heard about, but never heard or felt?"
Kaitlyn thought about it. "Well... I've heard about these 'hamburgers' but I don't know exactly what they are."
Kate smiled. "Okay. Come on, I know where we can get two hamburgers." She grabbed her jacket and headed down the stairs. "We're leaving, we'll be back later." She called. There was no reply, but she walked out anyway, leading Kaitlyn down the street. "It's only a block away."
Kaitlyn grabbed Kate's hand, holding it almost protectively.
Kate walked into a restaurant down the street and placed the money on the counter. "Two hamburgers please." She took the number they gave her and she led Kaitlyn to a table. "So, what have you heard about hamburgers?"
"They're delicious and best eaten with lots of ketchup and mustard." Kaitlyn said.
The waitress walked over, delivering the food just as Kaitlyn answered. Kate laughed a little at her face. "I don't know if lots is a good idea, but that's pretty much right. Thank you ma'am." she opened her burger and took a bite after sliding one over to Kaitlyn. "It's already got everything on it." She said after swallowing.
Kaitlyn felt the burger hesitantly before taking a large bite out of it. A bit of mustard and ketchup ended up on her face.
Kate chuckled a little, offering her a napkin. "Here, you've got a little bit of mustard and ketchup on your face." She smiled. "Is it as good as you imagined?"
Kaitlyn nodded and cleaned off her face. "It is better. I thought it would taste worse."
Kate smiled. "Well I'm glad it tastes better." She took another bite of her own. I have a friend now..A good one at that. And I can teach her all these things... Kate let her thoughts wander a little bit, but she still payed attention to the things around her.
Kaitlyn finished her burger and glared at every shadow that came close to the table, though she could technically not see it, she could sense the demon's presence.
Kate finished her's. "Let me take your trash." She picked up the wrappers and put them in the trash. "Anything else?"
"I heard about roller skates but it sounds like they're hard to use." Kaitlyn said, glaring at a shadow to make it go away.
Kate nodded. "They are, but we can try." she took Kaitlyn's hand. "Come on. It'll be fun." She led her back outside and down the street again, up to a building titles 'Roller Rink'. She led her inside, telling the man at the door she wore size 6's. "Tell him your shoe size."
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