
Haha. These two are very nice. I should know. They both welcomed me kindly.

Hello, Potato.
Welcome to Iwaku.
My name is Merrick and it is a great pleasure to meet you.
I'm also known as Gen or any variation of my name. You decide.

I'm fairly new myself and I, like you, was very intimated but everyone was so welcoming and I made many friends.
Anyways, I hope you find it well here and if you need anything, please feel free to ask me.
You can also add me as a friend and we could roleplay at a later date too.
hahaha my real name is edward ahahah and im located in the vally of cali :p
I shall call you Gen then, easy to remember :)
Thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to write you if I have any ideas, and you can write to me too if you need a partner!

As for you Edward, I think we're in the same time zone then :)
I live in the Dominican Republic....but you've probably never heard of it XD
Tiny island in the caribbean, if it gives you any idea, so i guess we're not that far away...considering we're on the same continent at least.
ive heard of your area :)
and so in our time its about to be 10 right?
oh wow, no I guess we don't have the same time zone D:
It's gonna be 1:00 a.m. XD
I'm very close to going to sleep
oh no hahahaha and your closer to miami i think
well i think this should be the end of it XD
Hello and welcome to Iwaku!
i love that you're willing to give group roleplays a chance!
I'm Kitti, by the way, good to meet you!

You've been here for a bit, since I'm a little late on the response today, but if you need any help then the offer is definitely open for you to ask. Not just me, of course, we have soooo many friendly faces willing to lend a hand.
I hope you get acquainted here nicely - happy playing!
Hallo Miss Potato! :D

I don't have anything creative or helpful to say, I just have a wave! *wave!*