


Original poster
Hi! I'm new here!! My name is Johanna and i come all the way from Sweden!! I've done a lot of roleplaying when I was younger, that was in a community that was acctually called hogwarts.nu so it was a fan page for Harry Potter but they had a great roleplaying place there were I spent every waken hour a couple of years ago. At the time I played mostly animal and fantasy but i'm basically open for everything!!

Iwaku has a great mix of fan, fantasy and animal rps that I'm sure you'll enjoy. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, start your own thread. Folks here are very supportive and helpful, and join pretty quickly. Best of luck!
Welcome to Iwaku, dear!

Like GeekOut said, people are incredibly supportive here and do enjoy making new friends. If you need help, never be afraid to ask. :)