


Original poster
Hi everyone,

I'm new here to Iwaku, and it's a pleasure to be here. I got recommended by a friend of mine to check the site out after he heard that I was having trouble finding good role-plays on another site that I was on.

A little info about Link is that he's based off the version from the Breath of the Wild who has a lot of emotional issues because of what has happen in his life, but I do not limit him to just that genre of role-playing or that mindset and nor that incarnation of him and pretty much can fit him into any scenario within reason. I also want to point out, that I also work a full-time job that is very hectic right now with everything that is going on in the world and will try my best to post when I can.

If I go a few days without posting, please poke me to remind me that I need to respond, I might of have just gotten busy and it slipped my mind lol.

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to get something started.

Hello there! I am also new to the site and I hope you enjoy yourself while you browse around the forums.😃