


Original poster
Hi. My name is Astral, and I'm new here. This is my first thread and I just wanted to say HEY!
Astral projection! That's what your name reminds me of. Have I ever done it? Nope.

Welcome to Iwaku! :D
Astral projection...well...that's not what I'm named after actually, but it's still pretty cool! XD I'm actually named after the character in Yu-gi-oh! Zexal named Astral. (See the avatar picture X})
*is late to the party*

Welcome to Iwaku, Astral! I hope you have a fun time here!
/even later.

Welcome Astral! Oh Yu-gi-oh...I watched it when it first started out, Yugi <3. Anywho, enjoy your stay and happy roleplaying!