Hello There!


Lenox Lavai

Original poster

What do you prefer to be called?
-Lenox or Lux always seem to fit me best.

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
-Of Female Orientation

How old are you?
-I am simply 19 years young

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
-Correct, I am new to the site but have been role-playing for around 6 years now.

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
-I definitely prefer group roleplays, which include individuals of fast response.

Do you like running through grassy meadows or sitting under the cherry blossoms?
-Running through grassy meadows I would have to say

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
-Howl by Florence + The Machine
That is one of my favorite Florence + The Machine songs! >:3 My other favorite is Blinding.

Welcome to the community, Lenox! 8D
Hallo! I'm also new, joined today, actually. I wish you the best here!
Diana, Blinding is my all time favorite song! I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves Florence and the Machine :)

Thank you Everyone :3 I look forward to posting more!