Hello there~!



Original poster
Hi! So I'm rebelAtruim and I can't wait to rp with you guys!

A little about myself~

What do you prefer to be called?
Most of the time Rebel, Atrium, or just whatever you want works excellently.

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
I'm definitely female. Please don't call me a boy.

How old are you?
I just turned 15.

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
New to the site but I've rped for a year and a half now.

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
I quite like both of them to be honest.

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins.

I have a bunch of interfandom ships that I quite enjoy. A few of them are as follows:
Merlin (Merlin) x John Egbert (Homestuck)
Red Eyes (Ib) x Wayward Vagabond (Homestuck)

And a few others but I'm lazy right now XD
Hey there! Welcome to the site, hope you have fun here!
Welcome Atrium~ hope you enjoy your stay at Iwaku!
Greetings Rebel, welcome to Iwaku!