▉▉▉ HELLO THERE! 8'D ▉▉▉

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Original poster
Hello, I'm Faery or Fae for short and I've been role-playing for a while now...I feel like I should stick to one role-playing community to call home and so here I am! I look forward to meeting everyone (if that's possible, lol) and well yeah...I'm a broad-minded role-player, but I absolutely adore animanga type role-plays and such. I'm still in high school and I'm terrible at math...for my profession I was thinking of becoming an engineer, but it seems like almost everyone else wants to as well...which sucks. I have so much competiton!
I hope Iwaku will be just the home you're looking for! >:3 Welcome to the site!
Welcome to Iwaku. I am also pretty bad at math, which is weird cause I have to use it everyday at work.

*takes a bow* Welcome and I hope you have a wonderful time here!
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