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Original poster
I have been looking around for a new RP site and stumbled upon this one! I hope it's fun and entertaining, also could someone inform me if there is a new story opening up? I'd like to start fresh. :)
There are afew you may like in the forums, some could really use some players.

Hello Joe and welcome to Iwaku.
*shakes hand*
Well, welcome! :D

I'm constantly opening RPs, so I'll let you know if I start one. I have none at the moment though x_x
Check this for new roleplays. You can sign up for any story that intrigues you.

I'm Celeste! Welcome to Iwaku. Glad to have you new friend.
Hello thar! :D You can do a bit of snooping for new rps. There's usually a new one opening up every other day or so! Welcome to the site!
Hi everyone and thanks for welcoming me! I would have replied to you each individually but it seems I forgot to subscribe to my own thread! Hahaha
I have found a new RP and have joined and any that you guys want me to join would be great! :D
Welcome to the site, Joeymicl. I'm October, Nice to meet you! I see you're from the golden state. too. *Fistbumps*

Glad you decided to join, I'm sure you'll find everything you are looking for here. I'll be sure to send an invite your way next time I am looking for players.
Nice to meet you to! *fistbumps* What part of Cali you from?

I'm glad I joined too, and thanks I'll be waiting! :)
Welcome Joeymicl! Have a great time RPing here. :D
This is definitely a good site to join. Glad you could make it, Joe!

I'm Ozzie. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with! Have you filled out your Roleplayer's Resume yet?
Thanks Ozzie! If you ever make a RP you should tell me! :)
I will do that!