Hello, new member to this site

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Original poster

I go by Severen, Sevy, or Sevvers, whatever you're most comfortable with. I'm a fifteen year old pansexual and agendered. I've been roleplaying for about five years and found this site recently. Decided i'd try it out for a bit. I prefer one on one roleplays as a general rule but I have no problem and enjoy groups just as much. Not much of a social person other than online so I'm almost always available to game. I'm hoping to make some long term friends on here. ~
Hey! Welcome to Iwaku. ^^ I'm not really social either, which is weird, since I know I come off super social. Probably one of those online things. *shrugs* I hope you find some good stories here! ♥
Welcome to Iwaku, I hope u enjoy your stay, and sorry about such a late post. ive been gone for a while, but i like to post on new arrivals if im not in mid rp. so, here i am ^_^ if you ever have any questions or would like to just chat or possibly discuss and rp, please feel free to message me anytime!
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