Hello Hello!



Original poster
Hi! I'm Jacobsenia. I'm 24, and I've been roleplaying for well over a decade. I got my start on the NICKBoards in my childhood, then to Neopets, Quizilla, fanfiction.net, and...Quotev. Now I'm here.
I recently realized my time at Q was done. I still have a few accounts up there that i check on occasion, but the roleplay community is a mess on there and it's just not what I'm looking for, anymore.

I'm hoping Iwaku will fill the hole that I've had in my heart since Q began going downhill.

So...some info about me.
I primarily play humanoid characters. At most, with some animal parts (ie, wings or ears or such). I love world building and would love to eventually get a group RP started based on some of my more developed ideas.
I do a lot of fandom roleplays, too, though. I haven't done anything aside from Genshin or BNHA lately, but...I'd be interested in changing that.
Welcome to Iwaku, Jacobsenia (or kafka, now? haha)!

Another FF.net immigrant, hello friend. It looks like you've been around more sites than I have, so I hope Iwaku has what you're looking for! We've got tons of roleplayers with different tastes, so don't be afraid to toss out a search thread and see what interest you can catch :^) If you need any extra help getting settled here, let any of us on staff know, since we'd love to give you a hand.

Have a great day <3