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Hyacintho Avis

Original poster
Hello I'm Hyacintho Avis! You can call me Avis or even just Blue.
I'm a 19 year old female who's just looking for a Roleplay buddy and some new friends. I prefer to Roleplay Bleach with Oc's and Canon.
I'll be starting school in August to become an Elementary Teacher. I just want to educate the kiddos n what not.
There's not much to tell about me really.
Future teacher
No job
Anime fanatic
Welcome to Iwaku, I hope u enjoy your stay, and sorry about such a late post. ive been gone for a while, but i like to post on new arrivals if im not in mid rp. so, here i am ^_^ if you ever have any questions or would like to just chat or possibly discuss and rp, please feel free to message me anytime!

But! just for a fair warning, i usually dont do show-based-rps. its jsut hard for me to be creative with a character i didnt create.
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