Hello, Everyone!

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Original poster
What do you prefer to be called? Mrnocamera/Mrno/Camera/Nocamera

Boy, girl, or a mystery? I'm a guy. Or am I I am.

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying? I'm new to the site, been roleplaying for a while. Not roleplaying very well, probably, but still.

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner? Either.
Howdy Mrno, welcome to the community!
Welcome to the Madness xD.

Please do enjoy your stay here.. But remember, nothing is what it seems in here~
I just traveled through the multiverse waked on over here because I totally forgot to greet you D:

Welcome to Iwaku, Mrnocamera!

*offers apologetic/comforting hugs?*
Hi! Have a cookie! And a hug!

Watch and observe ladies and gentlemen, as the CDDA horde arrives over here boat by boat.
Hey Mrno!
*hops off boat, realizing he'd been standing in it for a number of hours*
Yep, I think that's everyone except for one or two people.
Hi! Glad to see you here! Let me offer you cake! Yes, I know it's not your birthday, but still...

*hands a cake to mrnocamera*
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