Hello Everyone!

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Vivienne Vexx

Original poster
Hello everyone! I'm Vivienne and I'm a boy but being a girl currently. I'm 20 years old and I like to role play in a group.

As far as what i like to play. I like being villains in the story and I have played characters ranging from a glitch in reality who wanted to delete viruses in the system. (Delete as in kill and viruses as in people.) who was named The Terrabeing to a 2 inch earth worm named El Bablo who also turned into the main villain of the Role Play.

"Do you like making snowmen or staying in by the fire?"
I personally enjoy staying IN the fire as opposed to by it. Much better for me.

Also, I was pointed to this place and told to sign up by Requiem. HI REQ!
Welcome, welcome!

I'm October nice to meet you, Viero!
I do not recall the worm
You would not, it was in a Hajike Festival RP. It was a fun one. It started with El Bablos birth and ended with his death. I basically made that RP the "Life of Sir El Bablo". :)
Hi Viero! 8D It's always awesome when friends kidnap people over! Welcome to the community. <3
Welcome to Iwaku ^^

Hope you find some great stories to partake in, and of course Enjoy your stay :D
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