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Phantom General

Understanding is a three-edged sword.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Futanari
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Sci fi, Magical, Yuri, many others.
Hi, I suppose I should break my lurking by posting here first...

I am Phantom General, while I've been here for only 5 days as of this post, I am 25 years old and I figured that this place is best not lurked in.

When it comes to RP, I have had some experience, albeit mostly on IRC or IM clients, with some on other forums, though I have had a period of time of not doing so lately and I'm trying to get back into form.
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No lurking on Iwaku, it's not allowed. Once you come here you're stuck here forever, and thus part of the extended family. So welcome aboard! Want a cookie?
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