Hello Again

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
I used to be a member of iwaku a few years ago. I got maried and life got a little crazy so i had to take a rather long hiatus. I am working on developing a few stories and would love to get back to the stuff that captivated me for hours ^_^
I am working on writing a book (still in very early stages) so i wouldn't expect anythingof it for years. ^_^
well i dunno what else to say other than
Hi I'm Back!!
Alright don't know who you were so you're getting the usual from me

Hello and welcome to the Iwaku if you have any questions just ask and we can help

*walks off into the shadows*

Side Note: If you see in the panda is back... again a different greeting, well that's because I haven't greeted anyone in a while
Hey welcome back!

I didn't know you but if you have any question I'm your man. Its always good to greet a new member, doubly so if they have experience in being a new member, and a veteran RPer. Hope you don't mind what we've done with the place and fill out a RESUME so everyone knows exactly where to leave your bod..... put you then maybe head on to the temp CBOX or have a look at the [url='http://space-kitten.org/iwaku/forumdisplay.php?f=15'[/url]OOCs[/url] on offer.

If you've been here before I don't need to not to feed the Pouraous and to stroke Asmo's ego WITH the grain of the fur.
Welcome back!

Did you go by only "Umagi", back in the day?
Any possibility we might see a chapter or two of this book your working on in the writing section in the future? :P
Hello, and welcome back I suppose!
You don't strike a memory but I have a terrible habit of forgetting names ^^;
Glad to see you back!
Alright don't know who you were so you're getting the usual from me

Hello and welcome to the Iwaku if you have any questions just ask and we can help

*walks off into the shadows*

Side Note: If you see in the panda is back... again a different greeting, well that's because I haven't greeted anyone in a while

^_^ I did go by umagi back in the day. you were a blast there torsty
Asmo should remember me. I sure remember him.
Yes Torsty when i get some things ready for reading they will be posted here. I just need to get a handle on the sci-fi world. I'm more of a fantasy geek so the fact that i am writing a sci-fi is really making my time more difficult.

asmo it wasn't directed to you so it really isn't important, I kind of think I'm the welcomer to all new comers and I think that my old Welcome to the Iwaku thing is starting to get... well old, I'm filling the toilet with the same amount every time, well I know it's sick but it's my kind of humor. Anyway all I'm sayin' is I think I want to stray away from the old welcoming... for a little while at the very least. *oh well I explained why... Guess it's important now... *sighs and goes off into the shadows*
Welcome back! We've never met! I'm Zypher your friendly RP Mod! Good time to join, lots of really great games to play! Also, feel free to attack ask me any questions and I'm sure I can help you find a group! :3
Welcome back to the site Umagi. I'm pretty sure you know all the ground rules so if you'll excuses me...

*runs over to a bit of tall gras and grabs up a conviently placed AT4 before firing it at Zypher* You did say attack you... right? >:3
asmo it wasn't directed to you so it really isn't important, I kind of think I'm the welcomer to all new comers and I think that my old Welcome to the Iwaku thing is starting to get... well old, I'm filling the toilet with the same amount every time, well I know it's sick but it's my kind of humor. Anyway all I'm sayin' is I think I want to stray away from the old welcoming... for a little while at the very least. *oh well I explained why... Guess it's important now... *sighs and goes off into the shadows*


Just never mind grumpy all it is saying is I want to welcome people in different ways alright not just the old "welcome to the Iwaku if you have nay questions just ask and we can help you *walk off into the shadows*".
*is waiting in the shadows for Ike*

Well it's good to see you're mixing things up. I hope Umagi appreciates your effort.

*slaps a miner's helmet on Ike's head*
Hi old person who returned...mind the heresy.