Hell Fire: A New World Order

Cassidy nodded as Night left. She waited a moment until she quit shaking completely before she stood up and walked to the restroom. She took her time with her morning routine, taking an extra moment to wash her face and fix her hair. Getting pretty had a calming effect on her for some reason, maybe because she never had the oppertunity to do so. When she felt ready she walked out and followed Nights directions.

Niro looked up as Night came in. He thought for a moment when she asked what cass would want. "She has an undenighable sweet tooth actually if you have anything sweet. If not she has liking to fruit of any kind, canned stuff included, and she is alergic to peanuts...so no nuts..." It wasnt exactly a workable answer but it was a start. Niro didnt know what all Night had so he couldnt really give an acurate answer. To be honest it probably wouldnt matter what Night made to eat. Niro was hungery and if he was Cass was bound to be starving.

Cassidy walked in then, a smile on her face. "How is breakfast going guys? Anyway I can help?"
She nodded before standing up and heading in the back, through a door that led to a full-service kitchen. Looking through the various cabinets, she found canned peaches and some muffin mix that still had a half a year left. Making a mental note to throw out all the expired stuff later.

Getting out a large bowl, a cutting board, and a measuring cup, she poured a cup of water into the cup, and began to chop the peaches into smaller pieces. Mixing the muffin mix and peaches together, she added the water, mixing it with a relatively large spoon. Then, she began preheating the oven and pouring the mix into a muffin tray. She hoped they turned out okay, she wasn't very good at cooking.

After placing the muffins into the oven, she went out back to the mess hall, seeing Cassidy come in. "No, it's fine. I've already got it in the oven," turning to Niro, she asked, "Last chance to tell me if you want anything, but I'm guessing you'd probably eat it no matter what it is, right?" She rolls her eyes playfully, smiling a little.
Niro smirked. "Very good guess." He returned her playful look. Night had a good way of changing the atmosphere from dreary to a bit more fun. It was something both Cass and Niro could appreciate.

Cassidy sat down and sniffed the air, she caught the smell of something sweet. After a moment she looked at night "Muffins?" an excited gleam in her eyes. "I havent had a muffin in god knows how long!"

Niro chuckled to himself. He hadnt been kidding when he had said cass had a sweet tooth. The fact that Night was making muffins would put her on cloud nine for the rest of the day. The rest of the day...hmm... niro was thinking. They had been looking for a place to stay for just one evening. The truth was, he and cass were almost out of cash and needed to go lock in a few bountys. Fluggerville was crawling with low lifes and lesser demons causing mayhem. The church force was just about zilch. It was the perfect place to earn cash and roll on if you had the skills to compete for the good bounties, and Niro had more than enough skills even banged up like he was. The issue was he liked Night's company.

He had been with Cass for so long they knew eachother almost too well. A fresh face that he could actually stand, and heck even liked, was nice. It would be a shame to never see her again, which knowing his luck was exactly what would happen. Niro decided then and there to see if Night might go with them. She wasnt watching anyone else and they could always come back later if they wanted. He decided to wait and ask her over breakfast once it had really started and eveyone was relaxed and eating.
Smiling, Caly left the mess hall, heading back to the kitchen to see how the muffins were doing. They were done all right, but the problem was that the canned peaches hadn't reacted well to the heat of the oven. Cursing, and realized that there wasn't much else, she figured out for herself that the smoochy muffins with the half-cooked, half-exploded-slash-burnt peaches were all she had. Sighing, she put all the food onto a plate, and took it out into the mess hall.

"Good news is that we have food, bad news is that I'm not entirely sure it is edible..." Caly said, setting down the plate in front of everyone. Smiling good-naturedly, she takes one in her hands, and watches as it crumbles in her hands. Sighing again, she pours some of the crumbs into her mouth, surprised it tasted as good as it did.

"Go ahead, it isn't bad or anything," Caly says, eating the rest of the crumbled muffin. "Next time, I'll try dried fruits, if we have any, and it'll probably turn out much better."