Search for the Six (Closed)

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Damien Kriez

Original poster

GMs: Damien Kriez and Rosie Blue | Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror, Devil-lore | Type: Linear, Sandbox


Search for the Six was created due to all the role-plays that have been created that feature wrongly portrayed demons, angels, and other creatures of mythology and religion. An avid enthusiast of the things that go bump in the night, I believe the monsters that we have feared for so long have lost touch of that which makes them fearful. In our contemporary world, we are exposed to many shows and comic books that portray demons as all things but demonic. For instance, we have an anime that features the devil as an individual who works at a fastfood joint. This devil, presumably the leader of an entire demonic race, cracks jokes, struggles to pay his rent, and subjects himself to the work of mortal men. This, I firmly believe, is a mockery of what must rather be feared than laughed at.

In more ways than one, Search for the Six is a historical role-play that would inevitably end where Scripture starts; the iconic Fall of Man. The role-play takes on epic fantasy themes such as the dichotomy of good and evil and follows the skeleton of a hero's journey in literature. Only, instead of a benevolent hero, the hero is one of darkness. The characters within this role-play will come from a Hell unlike the one we know and the one all forms of media depict: one before the corruption of man and woman. It is a Hell much like Earth, ironically. Demons act as denizens, living life in their dark ages and struggling to survive. Hell is currently in a state of civil unrest, due to the arrival of fallen angels who wish to take control of the lands and find six artefacts that would inevitably bring the end to mankind through sin. Because of the role-play's nature, wherein the story ought to end with the men of the world consumed by the power of sin, the protagonists and the antagonists are reversed: players who choose to side with the Burning Hells are this role-play's protagonists, while those who align themselves with the forces of Heaven are the antagonists.

Since the story takes place in a Hell before the arrival of damned human souls, it is not the prison and place of torture the media says it is… yet. It is one of constant war and disarray, where sins battle against other sins. Lucifer is also not Satan, as it is written in various religious literature. He is also not the ruler of Hell, although he aspires to be. Lucifer is the central character of the story even if no one will play him, aside from me. It is he who brings a foreign, heavenly principle to the depths of Hell - unity. As the Seventh Sin, It is ironic that Lucifer must unite the Six other Lords of Hell in order to facilitate a world shattering change. The nature therefore of this role-play is to unite warring races of demons, facing the dangers of the outside world, and fighting against a force you know is far greater and more powerful. For a role-play that is demon-centric, it is strange that the sole message is unity, although not necessarily peace. It is about finding the lost, uniting them, and creating a force so powerful it transcends being.

As for what the Six Hearts of Satan actually are, think of them as this world's Infinity Stones, with Lucifer's body being the Infinity Gauntlet.​



the beginning, there was naught but a colourful realm of infinite breadth where two great titans of creation had nigh eternally warred - Elohim, who we know as the Lord, the knightly sum of benevolence, holiness, order, and light, and the six headed, six hearted dragon, Satan, the ungodly embodiment of malevolence, wickedness, chaos, and darkness. For eons they clashed, until the righteous Elohim dealt a decisive blow to Satan's chest. During its final moments, the great dragon spoke in chorus. Multitudes of demonic voices echoed all through the void. Upon hearing Satan's voices, Elohim was thrown into a state of gripping fear, for it was the first time the living horror had spoken. It prophesied, warning its eternal foe to beware the coming of life, for it shall fall and usher in a new age of war and suffering. Satan prophesied that Elohim would taste the sweet sting of betrayal, and at the hands of his firstborn, no less. The dragon, in spite of its weakness, struck Elohim's heart in retaliation. The All Father, still frozen in fear of what is to come, did not evade his opponent's jagged maw. Thus, the two entities of such great power, fell the same way they began: together. Brothers in their own right, Elohim and Satan's legacy would continue on through the ages.

Eventually, Elohim and Satan's bodies drifted far apart from each other. So far, in fact, that their bodies transcended the plane wherein they fought. Satan's lingering essence and putrid flesh turned the plane of existence where its body drifted into, one of darkness and chaos, like rotting veal in an enclosed space. Satan's blackened, soldering husk, thick, black blood, and rotting flesh became the very foundation of the Hells we know and, like maggots from a corpse, demons, beasts, fiends, and monsters emerged. From the devil's giant hearts bled these unholy creatures, saturating the land with black and dark red. The demon were all bestial, primitive, and purely instinctive, without a single train of thought guiding their actions. Their sins filled the open air - imitating the seasons and phenomena of the world. The six hearts of Satan, now wrinkled and lost, ceased to beat. In time, the demons evolved - learning speech, actions, and purpose. Like human history, they proliferated, warred with one another, betrayed one another, created flourishing societies, elected leaders, and the like. In the opposite side of the spectrum, Elohim's body yielded similar results. The only difference is, Elohim's goodness and virtues flooded the plane like the fragrance of a scented candle. It did not corrupt the plane. Rather, it cleansed it. From Elohim's heart and mind, angelic and celestial beings emerged. They were inherently wise, cultured, orderly, united, strong, and passionate. If they were a people, they would be those of the most prestigious albeit peaceful individuals. Elohim's golden, bejewelled armour, as well as his flesh of light, cooled into the Heavens above. Almost immediately, the angels adopted a culture of peace and unity, being ruled by a council of Archangels, sometimes having four to seven members. The council was named the Bene Elohim, or the Sons of Elohim. The first of these angelic beings was Lucifer. In the centre of it all, where the great titans had initially fought, the universe as we know it was birthed into existence. Creatures of the earth, the sea, and the skies alike proliferated, and life filled the worlds within the mortal realm. Humans, however, did not exist yet.

As a councilman, Lucifer led Heaven as best as he could, thinking about its best interests. Under his tutelage, Michael and the other Archangels upheld peace on Heaven, making it a haven safer than it already was. Their culture as celestial beings flourished and, for a time, they were happy. That is, until they began observing the events transpiring both in the mortal realm and the domains below. Upon seeing both the earthly creatures and the demons live their self-centred lives, Lucifer recoiled in disgust. Heaven and the angels were beings literally and figuratively far above any and all other beings below. Needless to say, he felt insulted that there were other beings in reality. Michael, whose reputation had escalated in the recent years, reintroduced an old virtue once lost to the angels: love. If the angels really were blessed with greatness, then they should share it humbly and selflessly to the world. They were born with a purpose; to share all that is good and abolish evil. Lucifer agreed to the sharing of greatness and abolishing of evil in reality. However, his philosophy was more destructive and elitist, wishing to eradicate the creatures of the Earth and the demons of Hell instead. After a heated argument about the preservation of life and their place in all creation, Lucifer and Michael no longer were the best of friends. What once was a mentor and student relationship and beautiful friendship was now a bitter rivalry, all due to opposing viewpoints.

That was how the war among angels began. It started with two sides of a single coin. Almost immediately, Michael's allies and Lucifer's loyalists turned Heaven upside down. From a safe haven, it became everything but. Sparks and fire rained over their holy capital and the bodies of angels fell like insects in the midst of poison gas. Heaven's sky was blackened by the countless celestial bodies in battle both airborne and on the ground. The golden streets glistened white with the blood of angels. The war took inconceivably long, but Lucifer's forces fell one by one. By the power of all that was good, Michael triumphed over his old friend. Wishing not to repeat history, Michael banished Lucifer into the depths of Hell, sparing his old friend from the sword. Little did Michael know, sparing him would be his worst decision yet.

Hell was as dark as ever, filled with even more beasts than before. Like candles in the shadows, Lucifer and his angelic minions shone amid the unholy creatures. The demons, foul and large, stepped back from the angels in fear, seeing them as naught but conquerors in a foreign land. The angel traitors were shocked upon experiencing firsthand a world unlike their own, with inhabitants free and lacking obligation of any kind. Lucifer and his crowd were not welcome in Hell, but the demons could do naught - they were too powerful. It was not long after that the angels, in their pride, left the demons alone to carry on with their affairs. In time, the angels too succumbed to the corruption of Hell and abused their freedom and disconnection from the Heavens - the angels, all except the hubristic Lucifer, interbred with the demons, sharing in one another's corruption. The angels' wings turned black, their skin began to pale, and their holy powers ceased to exist - they were nothing but shells, all of them, save for one. Lucifer, though against Heaven, still retains his divine connection. His pride, more powerful than any of the sins in all of Hell, allows Lucifer to retain his holy powers and aesthetic. His mind and heart, however, is considered the blackest in all of Hell.

With Hell under total disarray and having no hopes to rule it, seeing as he was the only "pure" angel left, Lucifer watched upwards to the skies in hopeless desperation. His pride and ambition - his source of power began to dissipate, until he felt an energy surge within him. Lucifer heard a multitude of demonic voices speak within his mind. It told him to look up and in response, he saw Earth from a great, great distance. What he saw ignited his passion and dream of ruling not only the Hells, but also the mortal realms, and the Heavens above: the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, although children still – the result of all of Heaven's angels attempting to create life on their own as a homage to Elohim. As the direct, heavenly creations of Elohim's children, they were innately benevolent. Because of their love, they needed no one else but themselves. Under the watchful eyes of the angels of Heaven, Adam and Eve tended to the country of Eden, naming all the animals that existed. In spite of being children, Adam and Eve were quite mature, as they had been tutored by the angels that birthed them. The voices then gave Lucifer visions of the six hearts of Satan, where they beat again. He could hear the pitter-patters of the Dragon's hearts, but he did not know where they were in all of Hell. Wrinkled and small, these hearts were naught but ancient artefacts of untold power.

Lucifer had only one plan: to reunite the six lost hearts of Satan and recreate the great beast himself. Only, Lucifer would sacrifice his own heart to command Satan's draconic body as the Seventh Sin: Pride. With its newfound power, he will ascend to the Earth, corrupt Adam and Eve, feed them with the fruit of disobedience and malevolence, and destroy all of mankind with a type of destruction far worse than death: spiritual disconnection.

Upon the birth of this idea on Lucifer's head and heart, all the angels of Heaven began prophesying the end of days. Some angels saw demons, some saw the future of mortal men and women, some saw their own future, and a very few number saw the legendary dragon himself, Satan. Depending on the visions cast upon them, some angels were rendered dazed, catatonic, or temporarily mad. It was ominous, in fact, that a single concept could wreak havoc in Heaven. It was Michael's connection to Lucifer, as well as the the extremely dire consequences of his plan that allowed Michael and the angels to sense what was to come. In response, Michael created the Angelic Few – a band of brave warriors and Heaven's elite that would find the Six Hearts before Lucifer does. If Lucifer's mission was the destruction of man's fate, then Michael's was their salvation.


Sins, the Boundaries of Hell

"Lakes of fire, tectonic storms, and an atmosphere that'll burn even the greatest of demons alive. No one knows the Circle as well as I do. This war has ended before it even begun." –Abaddon the Destroyer

The Circle of Wrath is nigh inhospitable, with active volcanoes riddled all across the land, lakes and rivers of lava gushing out of each and every crevice, and a thick layer of ash covering most of its surface. The atmosphere itself is somewhat obscured by volcanic soot, giving demons that have not adapted in Wrath a hard time seeing and breathing. The ash is so thick that it covers hazards such as pools of magma and geysers of steam, as well as Hell's skies. Wrath is tectonically active, and eruptions and earthquakes happen frequently in the region. Cities of obsidian and igneous rocks are scattered all around the different areas of Wrath. Some highly evolved demons even live within the hearts of volcanoes themselves.

Needless to say, the demons of Wrath are indeed wrathful. They are a strong, formidable, albeit easily enraged and blinded lot. The majority of demonic inhabitants of Wrath are various red-skinned demons from myths and fiction, such as imps and devils. These two races share many common traits such as red skin, various white or black horns, yellow eyes, sharp teeth and claws, etc. Some of them even have tails and/or wings. What makes them different from each other are their behaviours and body structures; the devils are basically the humans of Wrath - humanoid save for the claws, teeth, and tails, while imps are small, obnoxious, agile, and swift. Typically, they walk around nude - exposing themselves to the blistering heat of Wrath. Some individuals, however, wear mantles and torn rags from Hell-steeds and other bestial demons. Skilled in brutality, the imps and devils make up the majority of the demons of Wrath, as well as the majority in Wrath's army: the largest in all of Hell. The second largest population is composed of the sentient and religious fire and lava elementals, who live inside volcanoes. These elementals do not require clothing. Wrath can also be home to various demons from different Circles, so long as they can take the heat and the ever-shifting tectonic plates. Other inhabitants of Wrath include Minotaurs and Fel orcs, who live in the outer borders of Wrath. The smallest population is composed of Efreets or Ifrits; devils and other demons whose bodies were strengthened by the Infernal Spring, a magical spring well of blood-red lava that gifts worthy demons the power of fire elementals and strengthens their bodies after a painful transformation process. The most notable Efreet is Abaddon, the leader of Wrath. If one isn't worthy, they will burn inside.

Due to the volatile nature of the Circle Wrath, insentient food sources and vegetation is highly scarce to none. This reality forces most of the demons of Wrath, save for the elementals as they have no need for food and protection from the phenomenon, to become more nomadic - analysing the everyday patterns and seasons of Wrath; when certain volcanoes will erupt again, when an earthquake would happen at a certain spot, and when firestorms occur. Due to Wrath's volatile environment, nomadic settlements are often taken down and built back up again. There are a few cities of obsidian, however.

When settled down, the demons go on with their businesses such as hunting, tending to their demonic herds, and battling with one another for sport. The notion of combat is universal for Wrath as their whole culture revolves around strength and power - generally speaking, the imps and devils are aggressive and not at all reluctant to use violence in everyday situations. Very strict in the upholding of their laws, the red-skinned demons of Wrath resort to various modes of rage-incurred torture and abuse to punish their lawbreakers from beheading, beating, and, perhaps the cruelest fate yet, slowly dipping them in magma. Needless to say, most of these forms of punishment end in death, though survivors have existed. For entertainment, countless gladiatorial pits are scattered all through the lands. These pits act like Roman pits, wherein combatants must fight to the death against other gladiators and warriors from Wrath or other Circles, as well as the most fearsome beasts that were captured. Infernal Circuses also exist in Wrath. As for food, the inhabitants help themselves to Magmapede and Hell-steed meat, Phoenix eggs, igneous fruit, Wyvern scales, etc. Drinks are usually scarce. In response to this, the demons of Wrath have adapted to not needing liquids to function. However, there are some brutal demons, one such as Abaddon, who drink the blood of their enemies, or even friends or subjects, every so often.

Due to their inclination to fight, the demons of Wrath are highly capable combatants and soldiers. The military of Wrath is the unified armed forces of the Circle. Abaddon is the commander-in-chief as well as warrior king of his Circle, although he delegates power through a select few generals and admirals of the army and aerial forces, respectively. They have no navy, as their fiery physiologies prevent them from going to other Circles via the oceans of Envy. Obsidian death knights and other impish foot soldiers, devil warriors, elemental mages, as well as infernal contraptions such as catapults, war beasts, ballistas exist. Fire cannons and lava sprayers as well. Equipment includes hellish versions of English and Greek themed weapons and armour.

Wrath's beasts roam the heavily volatile places in Wrath. Large insect-like demons called Magmapedes can be found swimming in volcanoes. Often hunted by the fire and lava elementals for their tasty meat, these Magmapedes burrow out of volcanoes and create rivers and streams of lava to escape only to be hunted and then domesticated by devils and imps. Outside of the volcanoes are Cherufes; distant, neanderthal-like cousins of the lava elementals, who stray the lands. Nestled in the corners of volcanoes are flocks of Phoenixes, who are also eaten by fire Wyverns and Dragons. Hell-steeds and fire-breathing Hellhounds also frolic the lands, helping devils deal with everyday situations.

In the centre of the map lies Wrath's capital, Dis, which is a large city of obsidian located atop the largest volcano in Wrath. Magmapedes have drilled so many holes at the volcano's base that every time it erupts, the lava flows out of the city, creating a moat of lava at the base of the mountain capital. Somewhere above lies a cave that leads to the Infernal Spring. The pool is a hidden source of magic and power for worthy demons. Unbeknownst to all, this is where of the Heart of Satan's Wrath lies – deep beneath the magmatic pool. Its energies have cursed the pool and turned into something transcendent.

Currently, the denizens of Wrath are engaged in a civil war in an attempt to usurp Abaddon's throne. The forces of Baal and the troops of Ares, the Spirit of War, have engaged in what has now transgressed as a century-long combat. Wrath is more ruined than ever as the three sides fight against one another for power.​



Abaddon, the Destroyer and Bringer of Despair, is the king of the Volcanic Regions of Wrath. Combat is his pleasure, fire and magma are his weapons, and brewing the rage within hearts is his speciality. Abaddon rules Wrath as an absolutist, and his tyrannical ways have been adopted by the majority of demons in the volcanic regions of Wrath. Before he ascended to the obsidian throne, Abaddon was a lowly gladiator in one of Wrath's gladiatorial pits. One night, after escaping captivity, the devil discovered a cave where he would stay for the night. There, he heard a voice screaming at him with great rage. It told him to delve deeper into the caves. After a long journey deep within the cavern, he stumbled upon the Infernal Spring. Many elementals were there and welcomed the devil as if they expected him. It was then that the voice urged him to saturate himself with the pool's magical lava. Fearfully and reluctantly, Abaddon did. He did not burn and perish as he had expected. Instead, Abaddon felt a change brewing within him. After a couple of hours, he emerged - significantly larger, as if a hulk. Abaddon had two extra arms, and his feet were transformed into devilish hooves. His tail was larger, with spikes, and he grew wings. The greatest change was his newfound power - he could control and breathe flames, stomp earthquakes into existence, and was frightfully stronger than before. It was these powers that enabled Abaddon, now an Efreet and the first of his kind, to take the throne.

Abaddon's appearance is akin to archetypal devil of lore and legend; red, leathery skin, hooved feet, onyx black horns scattered all around his back and large tail. With an appearance close to Al'Diabalos (Diablo) of the second Diablo game, Abaddon is hulking, muscular, and animalistic. The only difference is, Abaddon has four muscular arms and a pair of torn, almost-skeletal wings, which he uses for the disruption of wind currents and defence, as he is too heavy to fly. Abaddon is adorned with barbarian-like garbs such as loincloths and pelts from various demons. His torso is bare save for an obsidian, demonically designed shield on his stomach. Abaddon's chest is bare, exhibiting three large claw marks that glow with magmatic light. He has only one shoulder pad on his top-right shoulder and has a ragged sash that covers part of his sides. He wields a large a large globular flail with a long and dense chain for long-range attacks as well as a large, double-bladed Labrys axe that can split into two, single-bladed axes. He seems to like the company of Succubi and oppresses them, seeing as their magical allure does not affect his ever-wrathful mind.

Ares, on the other hand, is a spirit of War. These incorporeal races, ghostly in nature, are much like men and women of our realm. With eyes that glow orange and hair set perpetually ablaze, these spirits of war and hatred can choose to turn intangible and tangible at will, growing ever stronger with nearby sources of flame. Ares is by far Abaddon's most pesky opponent, whilst Baal, a mere devil of skeletal features, whose cowardice is rare in the lands of Wrath, is but a thorn on both of their sides. His apparent lack of bravery is why he employs various war machines instead of demonic lives in the battlefield, as his inventive hands are second only to Belphegor.










"As a dog who craves barking, then grows quiet as he snaps up his food, so are the foul faces of the demon Beelzebub, who thunders over these poor, demonic souls." –Cassiel, the Archangel of Temperance

The corpulent inhabitants of Gluttony repulse even the most fearsome of demonic warriors. Malformed and utterly disgusting, the creations of Gluttony are demented versions of their past selves over a coating of flesh, bones, entrails, and blood. Exiled on a small island, the sentient Circle squirms helplessly - regurgitating its inhabitants and recreating them from within its bowels. This cyclical process has turned the demons who stumbled upon the Circle to turn mad and extremely disfigured, like how demons who have been dissolved, chewed, swallowed, and then spat out again ought to look like. This explains their undead appearance, although still retains their now tainted life. Demons of all Circles are inhabitants of Gluttony - many are victims to it, some failed to hunt it down, a few gave themselves to it in search for immortality, and some, in their madness, went there themselves, without any known reason as to why. In spite of the diversity of its people, the demons of Gluttony all look the same due to the Circle's fleshy mush and bloody sap covering their bodies like parasitic ooze. A red-skinned devil of Wrath is now naught but a horned, fleshy undead. Larger demons' carcasses and skeletons have been assimilated into Gluttony to contribute to the hellishness of the environment - ribs make arches, spinal chords make pathways, skulls make homes, etc. Think of this Circle as a gigantic version of the Thing. That said, Gluttony's structures are essentially giant organs and bones drawing sustenance from Ichor; a thick coagulation from the blood of Gluttony's countless victims. It is now a carpet-like substance that integrates the colony's structures as one macro-organism. In the centre lie Beelzebub who, contrary to Hell's popular belief, does not control and is not bound to the entire Circle - it is only its strongest thinking-mind, whose influence far exceeds the other inhabitants.

Although the demons of the Circle Gluttony are composed of all Sins, there is little to no cultural amalgamation. The demons of Gluttony retain their free wills and are more than free to leave, if not for Gluttony's incapacity to brave Envy's icy waters. Thus explains its helpless exile. And, even if the demons of Gluttony do manage to escape their captor, they are more than likely to be shunned by their Circles, friends, and families. As pariahs, the inhabitants of Gluttony find themselves back in Gluttony; their new home. Gluttony is also home to countless demonic vultures, rats, and vermin who cannot resist the foul stench of death that Gluttony exudes. What was once their daily meals have become their source of change. Beasts come in the form of Gorger Worms; large maggots hatched from Beelzebub's repugnant pores. These can grow into demonic flies. Pools of stomach acid also riddle the lands of Gluttony, inhabited by demonic decapods. Other beasts include Zerg-inspired aberrations of flesh, blood, bones, and entrails. Inhabitants cannot use their former powers but are able to use abilities related to the body.

The atmosphere, to others, is gruelling. Malodorous and foul, the Circle creeps through the insentient island like a blanket of flesh, bones, entrails, and blood. Many a demon of Hell know not of its origin. Some say it is an ancient, formless demon large as a city. Others say it is the stomach of Satan alive, well, and hungry. More would say it is a graveyard of all the demonkin of Hell that, by an unknown power, congregated and was given life. In all actuality, it is the work of Satan's Heart of Gluttony. From the beating heart grew veins and bled blood that scattered around the island, ever-growing until it devoured all inhabitants in the isle. The dissolved flesh and blood of the countless demons became a stepping stone for the Circle to create even more, eventually giving birth to its first creature, Beelzebub. Even if Gluttony is not the most dangerous of all the Circles, it is certainly the most unpleasant one to live in; the blood strewn floors of flesh make all walks a struggle, as if one is walking through quicksand or at the very least, thick mud. The humid air coupled with the blistering heat of Hell's star makes breathing a challenge. Essentially, Gluttony is Hell's dump for organic matter. Demons that have been assimilated into Gluttony are used to this, though as they remember their former lives outside of Gluttony, they cannot help but yearn for what cannot be returned.​

(Beelzebub's front)

(Beelzebub's back and tails)

Consuming and destroying all in its path, the corpulent, foul-smelling Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies and the Maggot King, exists only to feed. No pain can match the agony of its hunger, and so it shrugs off all attacks, spreading its rot and disease across the battlefield like doom itself. The Great Worm, as it is also called, is disgusting and repulsive - its pestilential stench can be smelled for miles, a foul warning of the diseases following in its wake. His insatiable hunger and unquenchable thirst fuels every movement and every thought. His gluttonous love of bodies both dead and living draws him to wherever Hell's atrocities are at their worst. Armed with an array of dark powers, this Demon Lord is not to be trifled with when hungry -- and he is always hungry. With his one hundred legs, the caterpillar-like Demon Lord crawls in and out of his Circle to find food in relentless impulse, as only he can brave the icy waters of Envy. With fleshy intestinal tentacles, herculean jaw strength, and demonic maggot and fly minions at his beck and call, Beelzebub is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Beelzebub is a large, multi-limbed monster of flesh, bones, entrails, and blood. The first section of his body is composed of his head, which is broad and has swine-like tusks emerging from it. His human-like face is still extremely demonic, as his mouth can split into mandibles with a long, disgusting tongue that dangles to and fro, ever drooling and salivating at the sight of all things; and his large, broad shoulders and arms; and instead of pectoral muscles, his chest is composed of two mouths and tongues. The second section is his maggot-like thorax also has centipede-like elements, as from the first section to the third section has hundreds of fat, twitching arms and legs. The third section is composed of a large nose and mouth with two pairs of stubby legs. When the mouth opens, three worm-like appendages emerge with human-like mouths and tongues, much like the Cerberus from Dante's Inferno: the Game. His appearance is very much like Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa, only with many mouths, tongues, human-like arms and legs dangling from his body, and with flesh-colorer undead-like features. In spite of his size, he is agile when the need arises.​










"These caves are synonymous to innocence lost. It is where pleasure and pain entwine. It is where your dreams turn into what you fear. By all means, enter." –Lilith, Mother of Demons

The Circle of Lust is naught but a vast subterranean network of caves and caverns underneath the surface of and scattered all through the northern tundra to some parts of Sloth. It is inhabited mostly by the Succubi and Incubi children of Asmodeus and Lilith, the King and Queen of Lust, respectfully. This Circle is akin to a labyrinth - it is long and winding, and many a demon can easily get lost in the networks, making themselves easy quarry for the Succubi and Incubi of Lust. If not, then there are always those sudden drops and brittle cavern floors riddled across Lust. The height of the drops would guarantee a fast albeit painful death. The atmosphere is cold and humid, although the smell of perspiration, sex, and flesh upon flesh, as well as the scent of sulphur and burning incense fills the open air. It is not a favourable scent, although bearable to say the least. The air is stale and somewhat toxic in Lust, as the demons of Lust pollute their own atmosphere with their immoral, incestial actions. Webs can be found in throughout the caves of Lust, due to the nature of Lilith, who is spider-like in her appearance.

The demonic inhabitants of Lust are as seductive as they are secretive - often acting on their passions and desires, they shamelessly throw themselves to others with the intent of taking from them something valuable. Composed mostly by Succubi and Incubi, the Circle of Lust houses many demonic that dabble in shady businesses and dark magic. Using naught but deception and seduction, as well as artistically verbose speech, the Succubi and Incubi flagrantly appease themselves and their ulterior motives. They are strong, yes, but their strength leans more on socialisation and communication, whilst letting blood under the cover of darkness. Much like the Elves of legend, the Succubi and Incubi are blessed with otherworldly beauty. Their beautiful faces and beautiful bodies hide the ugliness of heart and mind. It is no wonder why many a demon from other Circles fall prey to their ways: armed with deadly, hallucinogenic magic, these black-skinned, subterranean monsters know just how the heart beats and how the mind thinks - exploiting the fragile and the weak to do their bidding with a long chain of lies. These demons are adept in many forms of elegant combat that relies on seduction to weaken foes such as a fighting form that is widely mistaken for an alluring dance, as well as fencing, archery, and ninjutsu. Living deep beneath the Hell-floors have caused them to react violently against strong light and favour the darkness of shadows and the night sky. These two races, the children of Lilith, make up the largest population in all of the underworlds. With them are other demons who are attracted by their lustful ways either willingly or unwillingly. Many act as slaves, although many demons have proven themselves worthy to be free from spells and curses.

Lust is riddled hypogean cities. Due to the nature of Lust, these moist caverns are where demons experience eternal nightlife. The Succubi and Incubi are happy to oblige, although for an extremely high price. Food and drink are highly scarce to none during seasons of overworld drought, and thus trade necessities from the outside world for services of unforetold pleasure. One export, however, is what gets people hooked; Dreamdust, Lilith's webs ground to dust. It is a powerful dream inducing drug, as Lilith's prey hallucinate about their most pleasurable moments by simply being wrapped around her web. What more if the user inhales it? As Lilith's quarries await the coming of death, they do so with a smile. Users of Dreamdust experience the pleasure without the promised demise. Lilith's children have harvested these from the cavern walls and ceilings, manufacturing them into Hell's most favoured drug. Although sparse, food comes in a variety of shapes and sizes; mushrooms, moss, liverworts, algae from underwater ponds. Meat is also scarce, although much less than plant-life. Demonic versions of subterranean and cave-dwelling beasts live alongside the Succubi and Incubi, such as cave-dwelling fish, giant demon slugs, and other bovine-like demons. Lilith's children are somewhat more united than most inhabitants of various Circles, but for a race that revolves around betrayal and deception, there are, of course, exceptions from time to time. Magical sources in Lust come from scrolls and other malign works of literature. Succubi witches and Incubi warlocks specialise in illusory magic, but spells of destruction also exist. Like felines, the Succubi and Incubi often play with their prey, enslaving them to appease their own sexual desires. After days of starving and playing with their prey, Lilith's children hideously devour them from the bottom upwards.

A small population of Vampires also exist in the darkness of the caves. These Vampires, ugly and demonically winged, are distant relatives of Lilith's children. They are born of Lilith's children who are larger and have chiropteran traits. For those who have not seen the dwellers of the Circle Lust, they are often mistaken for the Succubi and Incubi. Unlike their cousins, who can instill false memories or hallucinations of pleasure whilst hypnotising them through the touch of their hands, their sweet voices, and a simple glance, must retain eye-contact with their victims in order for them to be hypnotised. Unlike common portrayals in media, they cannot transform into bats nor do they lack a reflection. They do, however, rely solely on the blood of their victims to live.

Above the hypogean cities live the enigmatic Grim race, a race of skeletal beings with an affinity for death and pestilence. Many are humanoid, either bearing horns or smoothened heads. Partial to scythes, these necromantic beings have mastery of skeletal magics that revolve around death and destruction. Whereas the Incubi and Succubi inhabit the underworlds, these Grim beings dwell in Lust's overworlds. Though many of their race consist of skeletal archers, warriors, aberrations, and beasts, the most notable and powerful classes are the necromantic Liches and the shadowy Reapers.

Lust's beasts are scattered all through the different underground networks. The most famous of these beasts are the Olitiaus, or gigantic cryptid bats that act as transportation. These chiropteran demons are often tamed and have good relationships with their Succubi or Incubi masters. Cave salamanders are also found within the caves near waterspouts. These salamanders are often hunted for meat. Their black bones are also harvested to create armour and weapons for Lilith's children. Gigantic cavern slugs and other troglodytic animals exist, such as Grootslangs, gigantic snakes of myth and legend that prey on the weak and lost, and Jambavan Bears. Cave trolls also roam the networks, but never delve too deep, for fear of Lilith's children. Small settlements are also located in different parts of networks. These villages are inhabited by Gnolls and Kobold demons. Arachnes, deemed by Lilith's more bestial children as Lust's greatest predator, is the epitome of stealth and entrapment. Lilith's children worship these arachnid monsters as if they were gods and, true enough, have near godlike skill in death. Arachnes, Cave Salamanders, and Olitiauses make great weapons of war and transportation for the Succubi and Incubi.

Because of Lilith and Asmodeus' adventures away from their kingdom, Lust is categorised as a federal monarchy; though it is ruled by one queen and her lackey of a king, appointed figureheads manage their respective city. These leaders, the Prime Seductors and Seductresses, reign over their territories until the arrival of a monarch. In terms of behaviour, the demons of Lust are very corrupt and a prone to deceit, much like many of today's politicians. Succubi and Incubi are a race not known for their honest judiciary systems, also. Most of them are amoral, although many offer true services through brothels and inns. Within the caverns of Mount Erebos lies Lilith and Asmodeus' lair: a large cave of webs. Asmodeus lives with his larger, spider-like betrothed with a heart that beats solely for her pleasure. In spite of Lilith's treatment to the chosen Incubi, Asmodeus sees his beloved as nothing short of perfect. Perhaps it's his exposure to the pheromones of Lilith's web, or perhaps it's her bite. It could even be real. Either way, Asmodeus sees Lilith as a goddess, and one who can keep her promise of pleasure. This cave is where the delegates from all the Circles of Lust converge to offer victims up to Lilith.​



Lust's unholy rulers are anything but equals.

Many a demon of Hell have disappeared on solitary watches when Lilith, the Grand Temptress, the Mother of Demons, and Hell's Harlot is at large, lured in by her seductive calls. Swollen with stolen life and essence, this demonic Queen offers no true pleasure to those who succumb to her advances, but all the same her name carries a certain terrible allure. Entangled within her web of pleasure, her victims die with a manic grin etched upon their lifeless faces.

Asmodeus, in spite of his title as King of the Incubi, is merely just Lilith's favourite Incubi and is often treated like her agent rather than her husband. He was an exceptional swordsman, and his proficiency in magic surpassed his other peers. Lilith was impressed by his valour, and his ability to transform into and even seduce the incorruptible. She needed someone of Asmodeus' calibre and so, he became his bride. Who would pass the opportunity to be wed to a Queen? Ever since the young Asmodeus was hatched from Lilith's countless birthing pods, the Spider Queen watched him grow up to be the worthy warrior he is today, weaning him in the ways of her race. Much like bees, Lilith was born to be the Queen of her kin even the moment she hatched from her egg. Having a life longer than her peers has made her increasingly bored, until she saw the promised Asmodeus. Together, they are a well-oiled machine. Under her tutelage, the presupposed King of the Incubi is more of his people's deadliest assassin. With fleetness of foot, monkey-like agility, expert swordsmanship, and the ability to take the form of others, Asmodeus can kill victims from under their noses. He resides within his lover, chained, and can be spat out from Lilith's thorax. He carries a rapier, and is mostly nude save for the loincloth concealing his privates, the spiked choker around his neck, and the barbed wire that entwines him.

Lilith is a special type of Succubus, and the only one in her time, as there can only be one much like queen bees and other hive-principled insects. Birthed with spider-like physical attributes, she is a Jorogumo (Japanese demon for "binding bride" or "whore spider"), and is endowed with concentrated powers of both Succubi and her own extremely powerful abilities as the only one of her kind. Her body from the waist up is much like a normal Succubi; pitch black skin, elegant, bodacious, voluptuous, and curvaceous features. Her body wears tight-fitting leather with slits that show skin. Unlike the rest of her kind, the top-half of Lilith's head is spider-like. She bears ten slits that hide her hundred pairs of arachnid-like eyes, and she has four curved horns on her head and cheeks (much like Maleficent.) Lilith also wears a black, see-through veil on her face. She has no hair, and normal Succubi-nose and lips. Her body from the waist down is naught but a giant spider's abdomen. She has three pairs of stony spider-like legs with spiked prongs on the tips. Her legs wear silver leg armour forged by Incubi. She wields no weapons, choosing instead to use her six legs as bludgeons and piercing weapons, as well as the web she spits from her mouth. Asmodeus is just a normal-looking Incubi with black hair and more vampiric traits.

Above the hypogean cities rule Ankoú, the massive ruler of the skeletal Grim race. Though outnumbered by the Incubi and Succubi, they hold great power and have held their ground against their more shady cohabiters.











"May the forces of Elohim hunt us all down if we do not hunt Leviathan to the death! To the ends of Hell we go." –Merfolk hunter Ceto to his crew

The Circle of Envy is the vast and icy ocean that surrounds all of Hell. With skies covered by cheerless clouds and storms of hail and thunder, Envy is perhaps the most active of all the Circles. Its atmosphere is enough to evoke feelings of melancholy. Unlike the oceans of Earth, the phenomena that happens in Envy's waters are far beyond human comprehension - with floating icebergs, perpetual storms, and endless waves. Underwater, even more absurd happenings go on; underwater rives, geysers that spew demon-spawn, and deep, abyssal trenches full of Hell's largest monsters. The stillness of the ocean does not exist in Envy, especially when Leviathan swims by. It is said that when Leviathan swims, the storms directly above her worsens. It does no seafarer good either, as Leviathan is considered the largest of all Hell's creatures. She is as big as a small country, and many an aquatic demon have already called her rough hide home. They, unlike the rest of Envy's residents, worship their ungodly mount and would do whatever it takes to protect her.

Home to a plethora of different species of sea monsters, aquatic demons, and the like, Envy is much unlike Earth's oceans. With countless inhabitants, Envy is by far the largest Circle. Envy is a melting pot of varying cultures and civilisations that have only two things in common: their fear and hatred for the Leviathan. With cities both underwater, atop the countless icebergs, and even small settlements atop Leviathan's back, the Circle Envy is as sublime to its inhabitants as it is dangerous. Pirates and seafarers frequent the quivering waters, both hunting and fearing those which lurk below. Envy is the environment where it is most difficult to survive.

Much like the waters of Envy, the Circle's dwellers are cold and chaotic. They are perhaps the most hateful beings in all of Hell, envious of the land-dwelling demons that do not have to deal with the number of giant monsters that lurk deep beneath every trench and drop. Coming from all walks, or in most cases, swims of life albeit terrorised by a single Leviathan, the demons of Envy are also, ironically, the most understanding of one another, in spite of their many differences. Even the demons of Envy living in the icy poles and stray icebergs find themselves in the midst of constant danger. The population of Envy is composed of the most different races. The Merfolk Tribes, Murlocs, and other piscine humanoids, Naga Sea Legions, Water Nymphs and Sirens, Icthyocentaurs, Morgans (water spirits), Kappa (turtle demons), Ech-Ushkyas (horse-headed fish people), Vodyanoys or (sentient frog demons), and the Samebito (shark people) only scratch the surface of what lurks deep beneath the waves.

Above those waves, in the icy regions and frost-filled islands, reside demons of ice and snow. The Jötnar or the Frost Giants in the northern poles, hunt Wendigos and Yeti, and Krampus demons also reside in the frozen forests of the poles, and the somewhat peaceful Yuki-Onna in the southern poles play, eat, and live merrily like the Inuit people of our world. Various aquapoli, much like Atlantis, exist on the oceanic floors - whether made by stone, corals, or various oceanic materials, these cities house multicultural demons from different races, although some aquatic demons live within watery caves, in large, demonic anemone, under the sand, or under rocks. Although most of the sentient demonic races have the ability to walk on land and breathe air, most of these monsters find it quite difficult to adapt due to the many differences with living underwater and living on land. However, many demons of Envy have adapted to living on land, their first few months or even years a gruelling and hellish experience. In the poles and various frozen islands, there reside communities that are huge and multi-tiered, built into the icy landscape.

The gigantic beasts of Envy are perhaps the demons' biggest threat, second only to the Leviathan. Much like the sentient species of Envy, there are also countless, if not many, species of monsters - giant Lion Turtles, sea serpents and Scyllas, Krakens, Cipactli (Mer-crocodiles), Megalodons, and other colossal demonic megafauna lurk deep below the trenches, sometimes even going up to hunt and terrorise the people. The demons domesticate Capricorns, Hippocampi, and Sea-bulls to help with work and are even eaten, along with the seaweeds and other fish in Envy. In the frozen regions, beasts such as Wendigos, Yeti, demonic mammoths and white wolves, and ice elementals exist, hiding within the white landscapes of the frozen tundra.

Culturally, the demons of Envy are ever-bustling. The stormy seas and lack of stillness prompt even the strongest of demons to keep on going, as the tides and underwater waves thrash along the coastlines. In spite of the cultural diversity, many demons are united in their fear of the great Leviathan, whose size dwarfs even small islands. Indubitably, Leviathan is Hell's most massive demon, as even a large population of different demons reside on her back. As big as a small country, the Great Whale often traverses the waters simply to eat and sleep: when it eats, entire colonies and civilisations of aquatic demons scatter. When it sleeps, the storms of Envy that follow in her wake significantly weakens - opening Hell's skies to the light of ephemeral day.​



There are few sailors of Envy brave, non-superstitious, or foolish enough to call upon the Leviathan, the largest oceanic demon that have ever existed in all of Hell. As big as a small country, the Leviathan, the Great Whale and the Crooked Serpent, imposes its animalistic will upon Envy's denizens - often forcing many of its dwellers to live above land. A bearer of immense power and equally immense size, the very weather of Hell's oceans are due to her mood and movements. With storms of rain, lightning, and hail at her beck and call, the Leviathan is close to almighty in Hell, in spite of its simple, animalistic mind. When it swims, many civilisations of demons are wiped out in a single sway of a flipper. It is no wonder then why many demons from all across Envy flee from Leviathan's path - evacuating their immediate area about a month or two before she collides.

The appearance of Leviathan is distinctive, as her appearance is heavily based on Sin from Final Fantasy X and Slattern and Knifehead from Pacific Rim. She is a whale-shaped demon the size of a small country, and should she emerge from the depths, the great beast would be the smallest country in all of Hell. In spite of its Cetacean appearance, the most feared demon in all of the Hellish seas also has limbs and appendages akin to other sea monsters of Hell. Leviathan only has four large flippers which she uses to create vast waves simply to move which are more turtle-like than whale, albeit flatter. Leviathan has an armoured belly with plating like a demonic crab's. She has holes where six arthropodal crab legs emerge should the Leviathan choose to submerge completely and rest for weeks. Leviathan swims with an ever-open mouth - swallowing all and filter feeding.Her body is encased in both fishlike scales and arthropodal armour. Barnacles and small aquatic demons cling on to her for protection and feeding, and they share a commensal relationship. Leviathan is not difficult to spot, as she swims hidden in a blanket of mist, grey thunderclouds, and bubbles. She is an anomaly that all of Envy's demons know of. When she stops her exuding her blanket of the elements, lightning and electricity appear to strike and boom within the halls of her large pit of a mouth, where many more demonic citizens reside. On her back are cities made from dead scales and coral, as well as homes made from freakishly huge barnacles. The "Lord" of Niflhel, the City atop Leviathan's Hide, is an Ichthyocentaur, a demon with Merfolk bodies and Hippocampus legs, named Captain Rahab, who was one of the first few demons who, in their bravery, proposed to live atop Envy's greatest predator.

On the other side of the spectrum, an esteemed demon of the seas have made it his mission to hunt the Leviathan down – Ceto, as she is called, has followed and opposed the primal might of Leviathan. With most of Envy on her side, Ceto is never without her resources and manpower, having employed countless sea hunters, pirates, and cutthroats. She is a six-armed Naga archer and a skilled assassin. With her family devoured by the Leviathan itself, she has sworn to end the beast's reign from within.​










"Oh how I wish to be an angel! Heaven's pavement is naught but trodden gold, their buildings adorned with gems galore! Even the most valuable of riches here do not compare to what I seek above." –Mammon, the Keeper of Debts

The Circle of Avarice is vast and arid. A desert wasteland, Avarice is as dangerous as any other Circle in all of Hell, although those who visit the desert Circle claim they would rather perish in the fires of Wrath or entangled by the webs of Lilith. Wrath is merciless and ends the unprepared fast, while the assassins of Lust elate their victims with hallucinations of pleasure. Avarice offers no such promises; the heat, lack of humidity, and ever shifting sand dunes would guarantee a slow and excruciating demise. Unlike the deserts of the Earth, the sands of Avarice are partly magical in nature, and it is often said that the desert has a mind of its own. The shifting sands and storms seemed to follow some sort of cryptic pattern.

Surrounded by a vast, earthen mountain range, Avarice also houses a vast network of subterranean networks, much like Lust. However, unlike Lust, the caves are rich in ores and other minerals foreign to Hell. These caves are illuminated by luminescent gems scattered all through the caves, and Mammon's slaves mine them, as well as gold and other metals and gems, day in and day out. Riddled with mining towns, the desert is all of Hell's economic centre - travelling to and from the Circle Avarice to collect and give crude pieces of gold, these monsters make a living out of their slavery. Common structures include floating pyramids of limestone and gold, ziggurats, mosques and other pyramidal structures, and tents. Wooden villages are also near oases and streams. In all settlements, whether small or large, large bazaars are stationed in the centre. Many demons of different Circles as well as the local demons of Avarice flock together to purchase different goods and services, trading gold pieces for unrefined gems and other valuables of different Circles.

The demons of Avarice consist mostly of slaves and workers mining endlessly for the expansion of Mammon's wealth. Both sentient and bestial demons are oppressed and a source of wealth for Mammon, and sees them as naught but a commodity. Many bestial demons in Avarice have adapted to the arid wastelands, growing gem-like tusks and bones atop their backs for predatory purposes. The sentient demons native to Avarice include demonic dwarves and gold-mongering Leprechauns, Djinn spirits that wander the sands, and, bejewelled Orestiads or mountain-dwelling nymphs, the intelligent albeit enigmatic Sphinx race, who are fond of riddles and puzzles and live atop ziggurats, and the mummified, gold-faced demons of the different Circles.

Avarice culture was defined first and foremost by the climatic extremes of the desert Circle: barren wastes stretching for days' journey on end, scoured by harsh, arid winds and searing heat by day; icy, deadly stillness after dark. Practical survival was the first priority in terrain like this, and to protect themselves, these demons learned early in their existence to cover themselves from head to foot in desert-coloured rags and robes, leaving no bare skin exposed to the elements. Of course, these garbs are usually adorned with tarnished gold platings and crude, unpolished jewels. Many a slave, captured by Mammon through unethical means, have their whole identities erased via Mammon's alchemy - his touch of gold is so accurate that it transforms the facial skin around the eyes and mouth into solid gold. It is a painful, often agonising experience to have one's face turned into gold and metal. The gold in their visages act as a form of branding for Mammon. Also, in light of their culture, Avarice is a mix of many desert civilisations of fiction, mythology, and even the real life, like Egyptian, Arabic, and the like, as well as the lifestyle of the wealthy and luxurious.

Beasts include the many canine offspring of the demon Plutus, which include hairless albeit mummified demon jackals, large black wolves, and multi-headed canine demons; Allocameli, mythical demon creatures with the head of a donkey and the body of a camel, Gargoyles that can coat themselves in unpolished gems and jagged pieces of earth, the Bluecap wisps, who reside in certain gems, making them glow from the inside, the cunning Serpopards or snake-headed leopards, Behemoths and other legendary pachyderms such as Airavata the five headed elephant of Hindu mythology.​

The tale of Mammon, the jackal-headed Second Master, Keeper of Debts, and King of Wasters, is a shrewd allegory to the fall of man via greed. A wise and knowledgeable researcher, he had devoted his life's work to perfecting the art of alchemy - a unique form of magic scribbled down in ancient, long forgotten scrolls. He felt the disembodied urging call him to the hottest wastelands of Avarice. There, he discovered the ancient wolf-like Plutus, an ancient spirit of greed, chained in a temple. Imbuing his stomach with shining gold and the alchemical power of transmutation, Plutus freed himself and devoted himself to Mammon, he whose greed was irresistible and unmatched. Upon discovering the vaunted power of transmutation, his lust for knowledge turned to greed, and within the span of a few mad days all around him was transformed to corroded, varnished gold and jagged, unpolished jewels. His magic was unlike the typical elemental magic of Abaddon, a rival king, and the deceptive powers of the Succubus Queen, Lilith, whom his greed yearned for, as well. Realising the power he can unleash, he mounted atop the hide of his companion, subjugating and bribing the people of Avarice with untold riches.

Mammon is the gaunt, jackal-headed Lord of his Circle. His skin is the colour of seared flesh, as with anyone that is exposed to the desert elements for far too long. He is a skeletally slender demon with feminine features and an elongated neck choked by many golden rings. His appearance is based on Xerxes I from the movie, 300, only he is tall, foreboding, with canine characteristics and bandages, much like a mummy's. He has countless jewels, gems, and rings pierced on his flesh, and his wounds still bleed blood that crystallise when exposed to the hot air of Hell. He is adorned with Egyptian, Persian, and Arabic garbs of gold and silver. Mammon has rubies in place of his eyeballs, and his tips of his lupine teeth are made stronger with golden alloys. The palms of his hands are grotesquely misshapen from all the years of transmuting. His powers of transmutation are not limited to encasing things with gold, but also silver, bronze, and different gemstones. Like Seraphim, his skeleton is made of gemstones and diamonds, but emerge out of his back in an imperfect fashion. Mammon's companion, Plutus, is naught but a giant wolf with black fur. Its right eye is an emerald gem, and can also transmute matter into gems when it bites - shattering the crystallised objects with a bite, like broken glass.​









"Your plan has breadth, Lucifer. It is, however, without purpose. Does it really matter? Nothing ever matters." –Belphegor to Lucifer

The Circle of Sloth is perhaps the most disunited of all the Circles, as their leader, Belphegor, is but a callous, nihilistic recluse. The Circle itself is large, second only to Envy. Composed of various types of woodlands from wide savannahs, to evergreen forests, to dense jungles, to grotesque marshes and swamps, Sloth is home to many species of demons, much like Envy. Its trees are massive, overshadowing the various structures of Hell, as well as most existing buildings of the world today. Various glades can be found scattered in these woodlands, although are no more safe than amidst the trees themselves. The atmosphere is hot albeit humid, although extremely cool during nightfall. Countless treetop villages and settlements housed atop various clearings constitute only a small percentage of Sloth, seeing as most of its demonic inhabitants choose to live off the land, in spite of the dangers lurking within every shrub and bushel.

As one delves deeper into the woods, the jungles of Sloth malform into a hideous swamp, where the more viscous, grisled, survivalist demons reside. In these swamplands, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of most creatures that scuttle, climb, or swoop between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. These marshlands are sunless and its water is akin to green, gelatinous goo, where living mangroves and tree-folk battle with one another for what little sunlight, soil, and water they can absorb. Riddled with tarpits and sentient, predatory fauna, this area of Sloth is where Belphegor calls home. His laboratories are located in the midst of all of the swampland's dangers, surrounded by massive walls of metals and corpses. His dark fantasies come alive and simply, do naught but exist. Although Belphegor is capable of creating dangerous and lethal innovations, he rarely shows his skill to the outside world. He does, however, show them to the unfortunate souls that stumble upon his workplace.

Aside from Belphegor and a few others, the demons of Sloth are primitive and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Caring not for the outside world, with a great majority not even knowing about its affairs, the demonic inhabitants of Sloth strive solely to survive. Survival is on their minds every day, as their Circle, much like the circle of Envy, is home to many predators and massive demons. Adaptability is key in Sloth, and constant change is encouraged by the demonkin. Unlike the real world's definition of Sloth, which is basically laziness, these demons are more apathetic and ignorant about the events transpiring in the world around them. Very hard workers, the demons of Sloth would go to the ends of Hell to survive. Like Envy, the demons of Sloth come from different walks of life and varying viewpoints. However, since Sloth houses no such diabolical threats like country-sized monsters, the demons have no need to unite to fulfil a common goal. That said, the demons of Sloth are neglectful of other races, even hating them for the smallest dissimilarity. Food consists of both a balance of meat, fibres, fruit, and vegetable. Many demonic fauna can be eaten for meat, the most popular and tasty being the thick albeit soft meat and fat from Erymanthian Boars. Swamp hens also exist, but can drive many demons away due to its poisonous feathers. Demons in Sloth tend to eat many poisonous animals, and have either learned to adapt to it or have suffered internal pains and death. Demons are also cautious of Sloth's flora. On Earth, flora can either be edible or poisonous. In Hell, flora can be insentient and edible, sentient and edible, insentient and poisonous, or sentient and poisonous. The latter three have the capability of killing demons.

The demons of Sloth make most of Hell's population, as many of the woodland's inhabitants have scattered all through the lands and different Circles. Centaurs, Harpies, Satyrs, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins and Gremlins, Ogres, Gorgons, sentient Tree-folk and other demonic flora, Sasquatches and other demonic apemen, demonic Wisps and Sprites, Ylfas or corrupted, demonic elves, only scratch the surface of how many races reside in Sloth. They live in different habitats. For examples, Centaurs live in settlements in forest clearings, Harpies live atop self-made nests and are usually alone or with one partner, Orcs, Goblins, and Gremlins are scattered all through the lands, Trolls and Gorgons live in damp and slimy caves, the corrupted Ylfas have tree-top villages, Sprites live within the insentient trees and Tree-folk, etc.

Beasts include Swamp Hydras and Grootslangs, Manticores, Chupacabras, Lycans, evil Familiars, Unicorns and Bicorns, demonic and gigantic versions of Earth's animals such as crocodiles, snakes, baboons, rhinos, etc. and various cryptid animals of myth and legend. These beasts roam the land, drinking from the marshes or hunting quarry. The largest demon, a Walker, is a large treant that supports a miniature forest on its back. They usually carry small settlements. They tread the lands in an attempt to find the biggest source of water, soil, and light. These large beings often do battle with one another to secure the location where they can get the most nutrients.​

Belphegor the Tinkerer is the epitome of apathy and spiritual negligence; living in his own fantasies, he sets aside all that really matter. With a mind as strong as his body is weak, Belphegor dabbles in dark magic and utilises potent venoms with different effects. From paralysis, to sleep, to a slow, painful death, Belphegor's concoctions drain the life of his quarry, feeding the nihilist life force to further his research. Not only is he negligent of Hell's issues, he finds solace in abducting various demons and experimenting on them. Because of these unethical practices on demonkin, he has created many porcelain-coated automatons and half-demonic machinery who cry for help via whispers that can never be heard. This Demon Lord, who was once a frail demon of slime and caustic tar, had one thing that set him apart from his other kinsmen; his mind. He cared not for most things, but he loved his creations well. He has a plethora of different armours for battle.

Belphegor is a lethargic slug-like being that appears larger than he actually is. Composed of harmless tar and slime, the body of the parasitic Belphegor swims around in a body than can liquefy and solidify at will. He has since experimented on his genetic makeup, turning his body of tar and slime into a body of viscous acid and poison that can kill slowly when consumed. Inside of its coating of slime are crude metal sheets and other tools that he can expel to create his armours at will.​















"Tis always better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven." –Lucifer

The Circle of Pride is a piece of Heaven in the midst of Hell, tarnished by the energies and sins of the land. What was once a holy citadel and Lucifer's personal theatre of praise and worship to Elohim's wandering spirit, is now a haven to the Fallen; holy angels misguided by their own pride and ambition, corrupted by the energies of Hell. This mountain, now the largest in all of Hell, stays afloat in the air via countless pairs of large angelic wings on its edges. Its coming is forewarned by a cloud of mist and a pillar of light at its very centre, shooting up to the skies above. On the bottom, there are large chains that can strike through the ground like anchors, if ever the Circle of Pride needs to halt. Surrounding the column of light is a single city of angelic decor; structures of ivory, lined with gold and silver, much like those of Heaven. This city, broken off by Michael himself, was where Lucifer's forces congregated in the time of their civil war. Since its fall from grace, the city itself has lost its divine aesthetic, its lavish exterior aged by the atrophies of Hell. The Circle of Pride is doubtlessly Hell's smallest Circle, as it is naught but a single city, the city of Adamantinarx and its population is composed solely by the Fallen. No demon of any kind can and will set foot on the Circle Pride. In spite of its lost divinity, it is still too holy for Hell's demons to touch... or at least the Fallen say it is.

After their descent from the Heavens, the Fallen, as they were called by their holy brethren, began intermingling with various demons of the underworld. Due to their perversion, the angels' wings turned black and their armour likened that of death's. With their powers tainted, their strength decreased, as Heaven's angels were inherently more powerful than all of Hell's demons. Still, the Fallen were significantly more powerful than most of Hell's inhabitants, save for its larger beasts, Demon Lords, and other skilled denizens of Hell. Lucifer, the one whose pride outshines his brethren's, refused to mate with Hell's denizens. His divinity is alive and well, and his personal pride is what fans the flame. Though not a Demon Lord, Lucifer aspires to become all of Hell's "saviour."

The culture of the Fallen are perhaps the most intrinsically unique, in that they follow extremely old and traditional ways of belief. The Fallen's worldview upholds that only unity, centralism, and strict order can ensure stability and prosperity. This does not include restricting freedom and creativity, as these aspects of personal expression are critical to societal development and harmony. Angelic beings were always taught, ever since their creation, that Heaven was the greatest civilisation that had ever existed. However, the majority of angels were inherently benevolent and their teachings always came with the idea that their greatness would manifest in humble and honest acts, sincere hearts, the acceptance of all other races, and patience - basically, everything that makes an angel good. Lucifer and his Fallen were always birthed with personality defects that made them believe that their greatness was supposed to be passed on by force, and that other races were scum. Even if, in this universe, the angelic race were in fact the strongest race, Heaven's angels had a source of strength more powerful than their abilities; their personality - they did not impose their wills over others even if, technically, doing so would ensure effortless domination.

Thus, Lucifer and his Fallen take on a more imperialist approach to existence. The rest of the Fallen follow a cult of personality that intensively and excessively gives praise to their created image of idolatry: Lucifer, their hero. The Fallen are also well known for their long tradition of gender equality. There were no occupational boundaries for female Angels in Heaven, and there aren't in their sector. Composed solely of Fallen Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim, and Erelim, the Fallen angels' goal for Hell is to become solely their own. The culture of the Fallen are actually rather peaceful towards each other, but extremely racist towards others in spite of their intermingling, much like the Spanish conquistadors that ushered in the age of the Colonial Era in the Philippine islands. Mentally, they follow Nazi principles.​

Lucifer the Deceiver has many epithets; the Father of Lies, the First of the Born and First of the Fallen, the Morning Star, Son of the Morning, and many others. As the last remaining holy angel in all of Hell, it is no wonder why Lucifer is seated comfortably on his high horse. Even if all the other angels who followed him turned grotesque and suffered hideous malformations, even if their wings turned black due to their corruption - Lucifer is far beyond the corruption of Hell. His pride retains a false sense of holiness that perfectly mimics the true divinity of Angels, thus giving him his still angelic look. His weapons and armour laugh at most forms of damage and his skill with the blade and other common weapons are unbelievably seasoned. His holy powers are, in the context of Hell, nigh godlike, and his aerial speed as well is something that cannot be matched. Even in Heaven, Lucifer was always considered as their "king," in spite of Heaven's nature of theistic democracy and equality. Lucifer is the only angel with five pairs of wings.

Lucifer is never without the formidable resources of his brilliant, nigh-omniscient intellect and his unbending will or inner strength. His original position in Heaven was Dawnbringer and Head of Worship. He used his will to create white starlight and set them ablaze. As terrifying as they are brief, battles with Lucifer usually begin and end with him drawing down the light of the stars and incinerating to ash anything in the immediate area. Lucifer possesses the common powers appropriate to an Archangel of his position; incalculable physical strength that rivals the likes of Demon Lords and other Archangels, invulnerability, supersonic flight, the holy touch (which causes demons to burn), a devastating sonic cry, telepathy, telekinesis, will imposition, fear, and intimidation. As the Archangel of Light, his powers are significantly superior to other angels and drastically more powerful than most demons.

Lucifer is unlike any of his brothers and sisters both in Hell and Heaven. As the First of the Born, Lucifer's appearance is his and his alone. Whereas many Seraphim have only six wings, Lucifer is the only angel in all of existence with ten. Each wing spans to about sixteen feet. Like other Seraphim, Lucifer's skin gleams with ethereal sparkles, but its glow is much brighter. It is said the light that emanates from his body is akin to an Erelim's body. His eyes are forever alit with while light, and when he talks, the light exudes from his mouth, as well. Lucifer is a perfect angel in aesthetic only, as his personality is uglier than that of the most vile demons of Hell. Lucifer has a pair of "horns" that are actually just the remaining pieces of his broken halo, which was shattered by Michael in their battle. His skeleton, unlike a Seraphim's of gemstones, is made of both gemstones and Ophanic metal. His mind, like a Cherubim's, is wise beyond reason, although flawed, as it is from this mind that hatred and prejudice were birthed.​










Angels are holy, celestial beings and spirits who act as intermediaries between Heaven and the mortal realms. Dedicated to the ideals of love and order, they are the opposite of demons, and will begin to fight against them until the end of time.

Angels are randomly birthed from the skies beyond Heaven which is rumoured to hold Elohim's still-beating heart. There are no specific times and patterns of angelic birth, but existing angels will know once Heaven's skies become so bright that not even the angels can look up. When this happens, pillars of light rain down like bolts of lightning. Where these pillars strike, angels appear.

All angels are able to summon a personal weapon from their bodies, whether it comes out from their halos, certain gemstones embedded in their bodies, their hearts, hands, or even mouth, etc. is solely up to them. These weapons are highly personalised and unique, being specifically tailored after the tastes and personality of the angel summoning it to the point where they can cease being weapons at all. For example, Raguel, an Archangel and the Ophanim member of Bene Elohim, is regarded as the Archangel of Justice and Holy Vengeance. His no-nonsense personality, unmatched valour, and just fury is reflected by his 'weapon' being a pair of large, ram-headed cestus gauntlets infused with purely offensive powers and abilities - needless to say, Raguel likes to fight head on with a flurry of jabs and punches. These large gauntlets play on the fact that, as an angel of holy vengeance and justice, must balance each other out like scales, as well as deal tremendous amounts of blunt damage. The weapon has a strong bond with it's user who is easily able to summon it by will alone, although an angel is also able to summon different weapons.

While able to be killed, angels are ageless beings and are not made of flesh and blood. Rather, angels are living hard-light constructs that take on many physical traits of humans and certain beasts, and soar on wings of light itself. Angels possess great strength far above that of low-level demons, but some angels are stronger than others depending on their significance, their rank in the celestial chain of command, or simply their nature as an angel. Though inherently somewhat more powerful than most types of demons and monsters, an angel's true strength lies within their personality.

Angels are ruled over by the Bene Elohim, a council of four Archangels that have proven their worth over time. This council, once led by Lucifer as its fifth member, is now only composed of Michael, Heaven's appointed leader and Seraphim Archangel of Leadership; Uriel, scribe of the Heavens and the Cherubim Archangel of Wisdom; Raguel, the Ophanim Archangel of Justice and Holy Vengeance; and Iofi, a free-spirited female Erelim Archangel of Faith, Hope, and Love, as well as an advocate of Michael's stance on bringing about greatness through love, education, and patience.

Unlike demons, who wage war among themselves, angels seek to exist in harmony among their own kind. In battle, angels adhere to strict militaristic principles, and believe that only discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms. Angels and their ideals can basically be thought of as 'good,' though angels can still take these concepts too far. It is interesting to note that angels are not above vice or corruption by the lords of Hell. However, in the same way, demons can transcend their expectations and do something 'morally good.' In the eyes of some, angels are, in their own way, no better than demons.

Angels only have four races: Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim, and Erelim. Not all Seraphim, Ophanim, and Erelim have wings, while all Cherubim do. Wingless Seraphim are basically "human" in appearance, wingless Ophanim are basically "knights" in faceless appearance, and wingless Erelim are basically elementals of light.​



"The end draws near. Godspeed everyone! Remember; we believe in you." –Michael to the Angelic Few

The Seraphim are plain-looking angels with either one to three pairs of wings, thus being either two to six-winged angels. Wings do not necessarily have to be on the back, as some Seraphs have wings growing out from the soles of their feet, neck, head, etc. They resemble humans, Tolkein's Elves, and the Blood Elves of Warcraft lore. Many angels have halos, which are actually golden growths either on their head or neck. Lucifer's golden horns are just merely his broken halo, sharpened by his sword.

These angels are the aesthetic basis for human beings. They grow like humans - first emerging out of the pillars of light as Putti, baby angels, and then turning into full-grown Seraphs over time. The Seraphs are slim, with sharp symmetrical features, often an exaggeration of perfect beauty. These angels are uniformly fair in complexion, with white to flaxen coloured hair, whilst a rare few have brown or red hair. Their eyes are incredibly intense in colour, seeming to glow with an inner light. Many of them have silver and gold linings etched upon their skin that exudes a crystalline glow (much like vampires in the Twilight series, although actually intimidating to the demons) and the colour of the light of their eyes are dependent on their personality. They make use of powerful Trisagion Magic, a form of holy magic in the form of prayers and song. With bones of crystal and blood of liquid-light, the Seraphim are a force to be reckoned with. Seraphim are also the most dynamic in terms of powers and abilities, as they can do a countless number of things from command the elements, to teleport, to see into the future, and any other ability that the other three subspecies of angel can do. They are, however, significantly weaker than the original users. Aside from the standard manipulation of starlight, they can only hold only one other power. Depending on their powers, they have certain roles such as healers for Seraphs with supportive abilities, creators for those with elemental abilities, warriors for other abilities, messengers, etc.

The picture above is a young Michael whose four remaining wings have yet to grow. Michael is the appointed figurehead of the angelic beings for his unmatched valour against Lucifer, whose once-angelic ideals have been perverted by his own pride. In spite of the Seraphim being ideally the "weakest" subspecies of angel, with the Cherubim being large and bestial, the Ophanim being strong and naturally armoured, and the Erelim being spiritual and made of pure energy in nature, Michael, in his bravery, opposed the First Angel. Moved by his initiative and call to action, many angels stood against Lucifer and his crusade. To his surprise, the majority of Heaven's angels did not believe in Lucifer's ideals. Even today, the maverick angel shares his unorthodox albeit still-benevolent ideals to continuously give life the his angelic kin.

Like Lucifer, Michael's weapon is a silver heavenly sword inscribed with incomprehensible runes. He has much finesse with the blade and, like his mentor, wields it with deadly accuracy and precision. He summons this sword via pulling it out from an empty sheathe by his side. He is also an adept wielder of light, but less than Lucifer. Wielding this, he can shoot blasts of starlight, or fire white blasts of energy from the tip of his blade. This can be done rapid-fire or charged to unleash a more powerful blast.​


"Knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to Heaven. Ride on the wing when you return." –Uriel to the Angelic Few

The Cherubim are Heaven's sentient beasts. They are keepers of great knowledge, and are tasked to create, inscribe, and instill knowledge to various beings. Masters of scrolls and tomes, the Cherubim are large, powerful beings with lion-like bodies, a human face, and one or two pairs of feathered wings. All Cherubim can walk upright, but prefer to walk on all fours. They rival most bestial demons in size and strength - standing about an average of eight feet. The Cherubs are known for their cunning and vast intellect, and many never speak save in riddles. They are the only subspecies that have mental powers; they can either speak telepathically with one another, create psionic links to their fellow angelic brethren, mentally inundate foes, or cast illusions (aside from player-given abilities, they are granted access to two of these.) Much like the other angels, they too can summon weapons.

The picture above is Uriel, Scribe of the Heavens and student to the first Scribe, the Archangel Metatron. One of Michael's peers aside from the other two, Uriel acts as the Archangel of Wisdom. He is also a gaunt figure, adorned in blue robes, armour, and a porcelain mask over his face, which hides his eyes and mouth that burn so bright that it can blind some angels and demons. As the Archangel of Wisdom, he is an intelligent and noble being who was said to cherish all life, in spite of his tendency to be evasive and somewhat subtle. Uriel is an enigma even to his own kind; he rarely spoke, was slow to anger, and could be ponderous and slow to act, but was revered by other angels for his insight, much like his predecessor, the Archangel Metatron. Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions, and creative insight.

After Lucifer's betrayal, Metatron retreated to his study and rarely appeared in any of the Bene Elohim's meetings, having felt the sting of losing a dear friend. Soon, his absence became clear to all of Heaven that he would no longer be their source of guidance. For millennia, Heaven was without an aspect of Wisdom, and though the times after Lucifer's betrayal were times of peace, they were not necessarily times of insight and proliferation. Metatron's heart, though still aligned with that of Elohim's, was hard and unsupportive. No matter how many times he was urged to return, he turned his back on them. They needed a renaissance, and it was Uriel who brought upon this post-apocalyptic change. From this young Cherub's brilliant mind, the idea to create human life sprouted. Inspired by Michael, his friend, Uriel tasked the brightest Cherubim to aid him in creating humankind - his vision for the mortal realm's angels and protectors. Uriel is able to summon twin sickles made from sharpened sapphire, which he wields telekinetically. He also uses his face mask as an effective shield. When stabbed at a person's head, these sickles drain the enemy of wisdom and information, rendering them at a catatonic state.


"You, descend unto the Hells below? Ha! I call such a thing sacrilege. However, I do pray you bring justice where it is due." –Raguel to the Angelic Few

The Ophanim are natural guardians. Spirits stored within exo-skeletal armour, Ophans are living embodiments of solid songs of praise, as opposed to the three other types of angels being naught but constructs of holy light. Unlike the Cherubim, who rely on their minds, the Ophanim are a very physical lot. As a homage to the Biblical representation of these angels, these spiritual sets of armour have eyes on their plates. Ophanim are tasked with handing out divine justice and maintaining the cosmic harmony of all universal laws. Generally, Ophanim are extremely by-the-book, and thus, Ophanim make up the most of Lucifer's Fallen. In appearance, they mostly resemble the angels of the Diablo franchise with a pair of feathered wings. Ophanim are incalculably strong and they make up for their lack of aerial speed in raw power. Aside from their extra abilities (usually player-given), they also have the ability to blast focused sound, although it has no other purpose that to disorient demons. Loud sounds, however, can weaken and even forcefully push demons back, as well as cause temporary to permanent deafness. They may also have extra limbs and appendages.

The picture above is Raguel, the Archangel of Justice and Holy Vengeance, and Heaven's stalwart defender. Once a mere warrior trained by Lucifer in the ways of battle, Raguel readied himself to face the worst; to descend unto Hell and end all demon-kin. Alongside Michael, Raguel too excelled in the eyes of Lucifer. Though his ways were more savage and animalistic, it was always Michael who shone in Lucifer's eyes. The Ophanim had little to no personality, thus making it easy for him to be swayed. In spite of his insecurity and desire to be accepted as Lucifer's pupil, Raguel and Michael became as if brothers. Torn between his allegiance to his master and his friendship with Michael, Raguel knew not of whose side to chose. In the day of the Civil War, Raguel ambushed Michael and almost defeated him. As the Seraphim lay bleeding, he explained that angels were more than just conquerors, and that there was more purpose in loving than in domination. With his mind steadied, it was Raguel who lead the armies of Heaven atop Lucifer's mount.

Raguel's combat brilliance encompasses all facets of warfare. Though Raguel was the more excellent fighter, he always fell short in terms of his personality. The mere sight of Raguel, the large, golden figure, is enough to embolden other angels with valour and strength. His courage is so firm that he can withstand any spell that might bring him fear, even those that no other angel can. However, Raguel's strength and personality have come with the flaws of having a short temper. When enraged, he usually becomes reckless beyond reason. Raguel summons his weapons, two golden ram-headed gauntlets, by calling upon scales of justice from the skies. The scales have the two gauntlets balanced on its left and right. These gauntlets can also fire blasts of conic sound or, when punched on the floor, create small tremors.​


"Know you are loved, brothers and sisters. When times of weakness come, know that in Heaven, someone believes in you and loves you. May that bring you reassurance and strength." –Iofi to the Angelic Few

The Erelim are more attuned to their spiritual sides, choosing not to harden their bodies of light and instead live as wraith-like entities of pure and focused energy. Unlike the Ophanim, who are spiritual beings of sound birthed within armour, the Erelim are symbolic of freedom in that they were birthed without. Gaseous and wispy, these Erels are masters of the art of supportive abilities such as healing and power augmentation. Created for anything but combat, these Erels fight at a distance and have also been blessed with ghost-like powers of escape, like teleportation and temporary intangibility. Aside from their supportive abilities, the Erelim have access to other abilities (player-given) that solidifies their role as supportive members, such as the elements - using mastery over the elements to create certain things into existence. Alongside the Cherubs who gave life to humans, they map out the environment by using their elements to create landscapes, bodies of water, etc.

The picture above is Iofi, the Archangel of Faith, Hope, and Love. An admirer of Michael's ideals and one who respects her comrades in the council, Iofi acts as the glue when discussions among the Bene Elohim start to be chaotic. Her mere presence is enough to instill great faith, hope, and love between broken ties. She is a master of any and all forms of love, whether it be romantic, familial, or that of friendship. However, she is far from a pacifist, as she regards conflict as universal law - the only thing that the angels cannot truly stop. Long before the fall of Lucifer, it was Iofi who infused Michael with the power to speak his mind. She sensed great hope and love for all things within him and she gave him a little push.

Iofi is the most lighthearted member of the Bene Elohim. She believes in the potential for good in all things, including the hearts of all sentient beings. Her optimism even goes as far as considering the fact that even certain demons are able to do good from time to time - a fact that Raguel dismisses as utter nonsense and Uriel find hard to believe. What makes her unique is her ability to see harmony even in the midst of discord - something Michael only ponders and believes, whilst Iofi can literally see possible threads of peace. She believes that victory for one side does not always mean defeat for the other. To her way of thinking, beyond each conflict lies the promise of healing. She can lift others from the depths of sorrow and find love in their hearts. An avid appreciator of the beauty of all things, Iofi is often flying as high as she can in order to see the beauty that her Creator helped in making.

She is able to create arrows from the energy of her body and summon a bow from her visage. She wields these with deadly precision and accuracy, but can also imbue her ammunition with her natural born powers of healing and shoot her comrades to heal them from a distance. When shot on the ground, these arrows can turn into wards for protection. These wards project a sound of protective field of energy that protects "individuals she deems as friendly."​
Heaven's Fauna


"The beasts of Heaven are fearfully and wonderfully made. Take any mount you want on your journey should you need one." – Elerial, the Angelic Beastmaster to the Angelic Few

The Angelic Beasts are winged and shining angelic versions of both the most majestic fauna and noble steeds. They are akin to animal Seraphim. Much like the Seraphs, they too are at the zenith of aesthetic beauty. Unlike Seraphim, however, whose beauty resembles and even is the basis for human appearance, these Angelic Beasts are the basis for the creation of animals on Earth. Also, much like their Seraphic masters, their fur, feathers, pelts, and hides are usually white, mimicking Elohim's holy glow. Silver and golden linings are etched upon their bodies, and their eyes shine with spiritual light. Their bones are crystalline, although they have no powers aside from self-propelled flight via their wings.

Riding atop that angelic sabre-tooth is the Angel of Patience, Elerial, whose unwavering patience makes him the perfect candidate for the taming and training of the various angelic fauna scattered within Heaven's vast gardens.​











Helpful links for character creation:​
  1. A list of legendary creatures by type. All of these are Hell's inhabitants, except the angels, valkyries, and pegasi (the latter two are just angels, in my book.)
  2. Another list of legendary creatures.
  3. A list of theological demons.
  4. A list of theological angels.

(Character images mustn't be anime, childishly cartoony, or real pictures. Find realistic, amazingly drawn and painted art.)

[CENTER][B] Gender | Race | Sin [/B][/CENTER]
(basically, their nationality. If you're playing an angel, just type "Heaven")

[B]Name[/B] is a…
(Provide a short personality description with a bold name, as well as a description of their race and what Sin they a part of. One to two paragraphs for personality description. As for race, you will have the freedom to write about whatever comes to your mind. You can choose to talk about the race's name, history, physiology, culture, habitat, army, beliefs and behaviours, etc. If you're making an angel, just a personality description would suffice. )

[B]Character's History[/B]:
(For angelic characters, take note of the quotes that each Archangel is saying in the Angels section. Your history must coincide with their quotes as your history must answer the question, "Why are you going to Hell?" Their quotes are essentially them talking to your angelic character.)

[B]Position, Rank, or Occupation[/B]:
(It doesn't matter if they're a demon or an angel; tell me what they do.)

[B]Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour[/B]:
(Demonic characters are more reliant on their skills and inherent powers and abilities, while angelic characters are more reliant on their weapons and armour which can makeshift the effects of various powers. Demonic powers are more diverse as they are dependent on the environment and demonic race. All angels, however, have only one or one or two unique powers and their common set of powers written in the Angels section.)

[B]Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears[/B]:


If you're playing a demon, you can use one of the many types of creatures in one of the links above, or create your own entirely for the "Race."

Archangel is a hierarchy, not a race. Other positions can be healer, warrior, creator, etc. Be creative.

Demonic characters have their own agenda: they can either follow their demon lords, look for the Six Hearts of Satan themselves, betray their demon lords, or whatever they want. Angelic characters are already a part of a single unit once they enter Hell and should ideally be a group. If anyone chooses to make an angelic character that WILL become evil, they must turn into a Fallen Angel, as Lucifer is the only one allowed to still have his divine powers while still on the side of darkness.​

  1. All Iwaku rules apply.
  2. You mustn't be a jerk to other role-players. In spite of the demonic and hellish nature of this role-play, all participants much exercise proper conduct and behaviour when out of character. Be tactful towards one another, and make use of correct ethics and social morals. When in character, be as evil, as misunderstood, or as liberal as you can be. Criticism is fine, but bashing is not.
  3. If you need clarifications about the world, the physics, the demons, and other things about the world, feel free to send me a message or bring it up in the OOC thread.
  4. If you do not agree with someone or something, respectfully tell them that in the OOC, so that everyone may pitch in their ideas and opinions. But stay civil at all times. If two individuals cannot cooperate, the GM will have the last say.
  5. When making demonic characters, they must be sentient. You cannot create a demonic character that is a titan, a sea monster from Envy, a megaton giant that cracks mountains, a dragon whose wingspan shrouds entires cities and towns, or the like. Be imaginative with your characters; they can be humanoid, bestial-looking, or totally grotesque, but I expect you to be fair role-players who know their boundaries. You are also given freedom to choose any power, but it must be linked to the character's physiology, sin, or in some cases, the punishment of the sin based on readings. Be fair with your powers, do not be godly. Also, feel free to have any personality. Do not be bound by your Sin.
  6. When making angelic characters, you must also know your boundaries. Since angels are inherently more powerful than most demons, you must be willing to expand your weaknesses, if you choose to make an angel that is reputed in Heaven. Either that, or make a low-level angel whose weaknesses are not expanded but have a limited set of powers. Lore and story-wise, no, the stronger an angel gets, he or she does not become more susceptible to damage. In light of role-play fairness, however, this must be the case. Note: The four angelic races are merely races and thus no one is necessarily more inherently powerful than the other, but power is acquired through experience and time. For example, in various media and even in real life, Seraphim are considered the highest form of angels and thus are more powerful. However, in this role-play, a Cherubim, an Ophanim, or Erelim have the possibility of defeating a Seraphim, if their skills and experience are in check. Also, wings do not necessarily have to be in their backs. If you find a picture where the wings are on the head, shoulders, or even the heels like Hermes, by all means, go for it. Some angels don't even have wings at all.
  7. Since the angelic characters will be in Hell for their mission, I will not be making a Heaven. That, however, is a possible sequel role-play I might hash out if this is successful.
  8. Skills and abilities are heavily dependent on the environment or race one's character came from. Thus, an average amount of research is required, if not highly encouraged. For example, a Merfolk demon of Envy would not be able to breathe flames, nor would a Succubus have the natural ability to cast energy bolts. It's not in their physiology and anthropology, as well as cultural descriptions.
  9. Magic, however, exists in Hell and thus is able to be utilised by characters. As stated earlier, the Succubus wouldn't have the natural ability to cast energy bolts, as it isn't in her physiology. She can, however, learn a spell that results in an energy bolt being shot. It has to be logically attained, however, as Magic is something learned, not something born with.
  10. If I, the GM, do not think your character brief is worthy of being in the role-play, due to lack of historicity or mythological basis, or it's plain out of the boundaries, please don't give up and edit away, as I believe in you.
  11. Keep in mind that if you join, every character is property of you and the role-play. If, for any reason, you unwillingly get banned due to your own recklessness, or leave the role-play, then your character will belong to me, and I will use him or her any way I see fit. With getting accepted, you've agreed to this rule.
  12. In order to keep things amazing for everyone and to put emphasis that this role-play is based on plot progression and not all about committing sins and murdering somebody else, you cannot kill one character without the permission of the creator of the character. If you two do agree on a death of a character, I encourage everyone to be as graphic as possible. We are, in fact, in Hell.
  13. Players are able to have up to two characters.
Please read these rules, as it may answer some of your questions regarding character creation. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.


Open Slots

The Angelic Few

Gabriel, Messenger of the Angels (c) Damien Kriez
Zadkiel, Angel of Mercy (c) Rosie Blue
Nitzan, Son of Lord and Dragon (c) Prince

Medomai, Scholar of the Seven Sins (c) Nornaghast


Syraa, Unturned Stone (c) redlemonaide


The Sins' Delegates

Allocer, Last King of the Leonin (c) Wittiford R. Eference

Krenshar the Insatiable (c) Mglo

Kitana, Princess of Seduction (c) Shattered♦Secrets™

Morigoth and Liluri, the Sisters (c) Defaeca

Xaronmatl, the Unwelcome Broker (c) Mosis Tosis

Cernunnos, Speaker for the Wilds (c) PontiwontiPrime

Sargatanas, the Demon Major, Angel of Blades (c) Damien Kriez

Gabriel – Heaven

Gabriel, Messenger of the Angels


Male | Seraphim | Heaven

Many know the tale of the angel Gabriel. In most accounts, he is depicted as a powerful Archangel who fights alongside both Raphael and Michael. This is him, only eons before attaining that level of prestige. Currently, he is no more than a lively albeit reckless adolescent Seraphim who craves for purpose and destiny. Like a dove, whose symbolic meaning is that of hope and freedom, Gabriel is perhaps one of the most jovial of all the angels in the High Heavens - having similar traits as one of their four leaders, Iofi, as well as parts of Michael's unorthodox persona. It was no wonder then, that Gabriel felt caged. His youth, which was the source of his merriment, was the subject of elder angels' annoyance, save for Michael, who himself was a maverick. In the days of his youth, Gabriel rode many Pegasi, delivering important scrolls to others quickly albeit ineffectually, as well as writing stories. Akin to both a brash paper boy and the boy who cried wolf, Gabriel slipped his hand-written stories of exaggerated truth into the scrolls written by Metatron himself. Needless to say, Metatron would often reprimand the young angel for his tampering, in spite of his good intentions and will to share his love for literary art.

As a young angel, Gabriel was given to immaturity and impetuousness. He would frequently meet even the gravest threats with a flippant remark, often showing a certain underestimation of the true danger of the situation. He was also somewhat given to flirtatious behaviour around angels of the opposite sex that annoyed various individuals of his kin. Gabriel's heroism and bravery were beyond question, of course, and he brought a laid-back, down-to-earth quality to the his team. He was in many ways the Angelic Few's most idealistic angel, and his friendliness and compassion were the "glue" that held the disparate team of heroes together. it is evident that he genuinely cares for those he protects. Gabriel is considered the bane of many angel's lives in spite of his gaiety, often finding trouble wherever he goes. Much like the Greek God Hermes, whom he is also know as, Gabriel is a prankster at heart.​


Character's History

Born from a ray of light, the infant known as Gabriel found himself in the verdant groves of the Elysian Meadows, Heaven's fields taming with ethereal fauna, where he ran and played faster and livelier than his peers. Full of vim and vigour, the angel Gabriel grew up under the care and tutelage of Iofi, who loved the fullness of his nature. As a child, Gabriel garnered mixed feelings from different angels. Aside from his mother figure, many Seraphim and Erelim favoured his way at handling life; his carefree nature painting red the faces of many female angels. They respected him and allowed him to express his feelings. On the other hand, many Ophanim and Cherubim, the angels on the more serious side of life, questioned his reckless ways. Some Ophans, Raguel especially, wished he would be more orderly, and Cherubs assumed the young Seraph had behavioural defects that prevented him from "rational and philosophical thought." It was Michael's opinion of him, however, that weighed the most. Fortunately, Michael saw himself in the young angel. The same courage and maverick-attitude that Michael once had was so evident in Gabriel's speech, thought, and actions that Heaven's leader had no choice but to respect the young angel.

Iofi was unmatched in the art of weaning an angel in the ways of Heaven's ideals. She fostered these ideals within Gabriel and soon, he was shot into life, like an arrow towards a target. Much of Gabriel's life was purposeless, in spite of him hearing words from his mother figure that pointed to him having a bright future. He was Metatron's vassal, tasked to do countless mundane tasks for the elder Cherubim, such as delivering scrolls of holy magic, local news, and articles of learning in the various academies of Heaven. He was also tasked with cleaning Uriel's study, cleaning the pillars of knowledge, and dusting the old tomes. Under Metatron, Gabriel started putting into paper the histories of Elohim. Gabriel was quite the writer, as it was under the tutelage of Heaven's first scribe his knack for writing stories bloomed. Although he wasn't an efficient scribe, his imagination and love for the fictions were matchless.

Still, Gabriel felt his life had little to no meaning. He would frequently ask himself existential questions about what life would be like beyond the books. Iofi seemed to be no help at all, giving Gabriel broad advice. It was then that Heaven's energies started fluctuating, and all of Heaven's angels began having visions of war, Hell, and Lucifer's reign. Gabriel was one of the few angels in Heaven to have a cryptic vision that made him temporarily insane - that of a six headed, black and red-scaled dragon. After a few days, the messenger angel recuperated, and was back on his feet. Gabriel wished to delve deeper into the story, and so he did. Even if Iofi did not will him to be part of the Angelic Few, Gabriel entered the portal with little hesitation. He ran, disobeying the pleas of his mother figure and instead running towards his destiny.​


Position, Rank, or Occupation

Gabriel is the Messenger of Heaven. As Heaven's messenger, Gabriel is tasked with delivering items of great importance. He is also Metatron's pupil in the literary arts.​


Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour

(only gold and with a pair of feathered wings on its cross-guards, much like a real Caduceus)

As a Seraphim, Gabriel is able to summon a personalised weapon. His weapon is a golden dagger with a Caduceus handle, which is an allusion to Hermes, his other, future alias. This golden dagger can elongate into a short sword at most. Like Thor's Mjölnir, this dagger can fly back towards Gabriel's hands when thrown, although the angel cannot control it telekinetically. It is a unique dagger, seeing as it has its own pair of small, angelic wings. It has electric properties, and acts like a bladed taser.

Although he himself is not nearly as powerful as many of the other angels, Gabriel was still very powerful in his own right. He is crafty and sly, and conceptualises countless stratagem that revolve around trickery, pranks, and deception. He possesses most of the standard abilities of an angel, such as enhanced physical abilities as well as increased endurance; allowing him to remain physically active for incredible periods of time. Gabriel's greatest attribute, however, was his immense physical agility and speed. Aside from the pair of wings on his back, Gabriel has four wings on the soles of his feet – one pair on his left, and another pair on his right. Gabriel's already impressive agility and speed are magnified to beyond superhuman levels and allow him to become virtually untouchable in combat.

His winged feet also allow him to walk virtually on any surface in spite of physics; he can scale up and down walls without the use of the wings on his back, stand upside down on ceilings, "walk" on water, and perch along extremely difficult areas, such as thin ropes. Like the Flash, he can spin his arms and create electrically-charged vortices, and lightning charges are given off when he runs. Although he cannot directly control lightning and blast bolts from his fingertips, the element acts as some sort of " indirect result" for whenever he runs. He cannot run at light speed, although he can and has, on multiple occasions, run faster than the speed of sound.​


Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears

Gabriel is not as powerful as his other angel comrades, and is humble enough to run from a fight when need be. His innate ability to create weapons is unimpressive as well, as he appears to choose to create naught but little knives and short swords.

Gabriel is still a reckless, wayward youth. Because of this, his actions can either become predictable or unpredictable - which is both a weakness and a strength, respectively. He has yet to tap into his full potential, because he is extremely far from achieving his future renown. He is shown to be impulsive and is quicker to act than think, which implies his lack of forethought and foreknowledge.

Gabriel dislikes slowpokes and those he feels are "slowing him down." This can be a weakness because he does not appreciate quality and well-thought-of plans. He also pressures others into do things more quickly, even if other angels aren't as fast as him.

Finally, Gabriel actually fears a number of things; gigantic demons, getting lost in Hell, and death, as well as the power of authority figures such as Raguel. Michael's opinions, whatever they may be, weighs heavily on Gabriel's shoulders, since Michael is Gabriel's hero.​
Kitana – Hell

Kitana, Princess of Seduction
"This World Is Sick And Twisted… the Perfect Place For Me."​
Female | Vixenna | Lust​

Kitana is a a forceful female, she's a strong and willful individual. Kitana knows what she wants and she goes for it. To her, the best way to get things is to please others… then rip their spines out when they're not looking. She likes to play with the minds of the male demons in Hell, any male demon she sees she'll try and seduce them. Kitana has the art of seduction down so precised and clean, that she was nicknamed The Princess Of Seduction. Kitana is loyal to few, but is friendly to most. You get more bees with honey, then with vinegar, that has been Kitana's motto since she could remember. She uses her sweet and "kind" persona to get into the minds of other demons, she uses the information to benefit her people.

Kitana is a Vixenna. Vixennas are an all female race of beautiful seductive creatures, they have all different shapes and sizes of horns on their foreheads. You can always tell which Vixenna is more important then the next by the size and sharpness of their horns. The stronger and more powerful Vixennas have wings and greater powers of seduction. Vixennas are the demon versions of the female Mantis, after "mating" with a male creature they'll rip the spine out of the unlucky individual. Vixennas tend to keep the spines as trophies to show the other Vixennas.

The Vixenna race hasn't been around very long, which explains why they don't look like your typical purple/black cave dwelling Lust demons. When they did start to pop up, they became known around Hell, not only in their Realm of demons, but other demons came to know Vixennas. Vixennas have a Royal First Family Hierarchy system in their Underground Kingdom, you have to be born of the first family of Vixennas to become an important figure head in their world. Kitana is the last line of the Royal First Family, so she really is a Princess.

Vixennas may have their own rulers but they still know that Lilith is the Queen of All. They show her respect, as long as she doesn't try to take them over. She may be more powerful then one Vixenna, but the race of over 10,000 coming together could take her down a notch… let's just hope that never comes. Vixennas know how to use their bodies to get what they want, but they are also amazing fighters. They use their wings and creative seductive ways to their advantages in battle. Vixennas make great advisors, the ones who leave the Vixenna Kingdom tend to become advisors, warriors, or even caretakers if you can believe that.

Side Note:

Vixennas give birth to only girls, they give birth right after mating and bathing in the victim's blood. Vixennas, being the warrior women they are, to become a higher up in their world you have to defeat another high level figure. If the contender beats the champion, they take their spot and if the champion beats the contender, the contender becomes an outcast, getting kicked out of the Vixenna Kingdom.

Character's History:

Kitana's race was laid by the Mother of Demons only over a 100 years or so ago. The only gender that was hatched were female, at first no one knew why, but then when the first Vixenna(which would come to be Kitana's mother) met a male demon she grew lustful and bloodthirsty at the same time. She took the demon into her chambers and mated with him. After satisfying each other, Kitana's mother ripped the demon's spine out, bathing in his blood before inducing labor. From that day on, Vixennas would mate, rip out spines, give birth. Growing into a race of nearly 10,000, they needed a leader for themselves and Kitana's mother, being the first Vixenna to mate became the Queen of the race. The baby that she had given birth to became Princess Kitana. Kitana was a true born Vixenna, being the first born of the race and not being born from Lilith made her the strongest of them all.

Kitana grew up learning about her race and how they lived, she was always an adventurous type. She never wanted to just sit around and do royal duties, Kitana looked up to Lilith. To her, Lilith is an amazing person, being able to control a whole realm of demons… especially lustful demons had to be tough. Kitana loved to see a woman taking charge and never backing down to anyone, when she would become Queen of her people she would follow the ways of Lilith. That time didn't take to long, her mother wanted to do more for her people but she didn't have the mindset or power to do it.

Everyone knew that Kitana would be a strong woman, having the power to seduce men three times faster them most Vixennas could. She also had the mindset of wanting to help her people become more then just "common new aged Succubui," she knew her people could become strong and a powerful force for the demon world… with her help of course. Her mother, seeing that her time was coming to an end challenged Kitana to a duel. Kitana's mother was an amazing fighter, they would have to fight hand-to-hand since seduction wouldn't work on either one of them. Being younger and faster, Kitana ended up besting her mother. Her mother was proud of her and Kitana made her mother the Royal Adviser.

Now Kitana is the Princess/Queen of The Vixenna Kingdom, she takes her rank seriously and with the utmost importance. She keeps her people happy and she has enough demon men imported from other villages, realms, cities, underground kingdoms, to keep her people strong and in high numbers. Being the sneaky one, Kitana has heard about the Six Hearts of Satan and what Lucifer plans to do with them. Kitana would rather them stay scattered around, no one should have that much power… especially a man. Kitana wants to rid the world of the six hearts, so she'll find them and destroy them somehow and someway for good.


Queen of the Vixenna Kingdom (even though Kitana is Queen, she likes being called Princess Kitana. Being called Queen makes her feel older… she doesn't like it.)


Night Vision – Being in the dark caves, Kitana has learned how to see in the dark. Her eyes glow hot red and she sees things in a infrared like way.


Glyph Making – Kitana learned how to make simple glyphs from a demon sorceress a ways back. The glyphs can be used to teleport to other places, turn invisible, or heal herself. Kitana wants to learn more powerful glyphs, she'll need them for what's to come when or if Lucifer finds out what she's planning on doing.

Seductive Magic – Practicing and studying different forms of magic that tend to revolve around love and lust, Kitana has learn to use magic in her own special way. Using love potions to cause demons to have uncontrollable lust and crazy almost harmful attraction to another, Kitana usually uses the magic to play pranks and cause mayhem. She has never thought about using her new form of magic for attacks… maybe that'll change soon.


Seduction – Like any true demon of Lust, Kitana has the power to seduce male creatures into mating, doing her bidding, or whatever she wants them to do. Her seduction can cause men to kill one another or become her lap dogs and holding on to every last word she says.

Blood Lust – After mating, Kitana is filled with rage and hunger for blood, she becomes ten times stronger then normal. The blood lust causes her to kill her mating partner, the strength only lasts for a few seconds, giving her enough time to kill her mate.

Supernatural Speed – Kitana is super quick on her feet, she's like a flash of hair and wings. Her speed comes in handy when she's fighting a foe, or running for cover...which she has never done before.

Lust Pheromones – Like Lilith, Kitana can emit pheromones that cause men to become lustful and hot under the collar. Her pheromones aren't as strong or super effective, which is why she would rather just seduce men.

Flight – The stronger and more powerful Vixennas have the ability to fly, the bigger and thinner the wings, the faster and longer they can stay a flight. Kitana's wings are to date the biggest and thinnest of the race.

Kitana's biggest weakness is creatures who can't be seduced, most if not all her powers only work if someone can be seduced. If they can't her powers are null and void.
Her hatred of all men. One day she might have to work with men… but the way she treats them might put her at a big disadvantage.

Male creatures, People who try to challenge her.

Male creatures and imbeciles.

Kitana fears that if Lucifer gets the Six Hearts, he will take over everything, including her little kingdom.
She also fears losing her beauty… in the same time losing her powers of seduction.​

Cernunnos – Hell

Cernunnos, Speaker for the Wilds

Male | Deadwood | Sloth

Like the people of his Sin, Cernunnos, Speaker for the Wilds is negligent of Hell's affairs. Even in Sloth, Cernunnos dares not dabble in petty wars in spite of the disunity of the Circle, and cares little for the lives of Hell's demonic citizens. A nomad and loner at his very core, the uneducated Cernunnos has wandered aimlessly all through the lands of Sloth looking for comfort and safety in the fields and grasslands, sharing his presence and time with the various beasts of his Circle. An individual who takes comfort in the wilds, Cernunnos travels far and wide, befriending all demonic animals from harm. In turn, they are drawn to his altruistic ways and, like dogs to men, swear their allegiance to him via grunts and groans. He has travelled far and wide, and knows the vast majority of his Circle except the marshlands, as Belphegor's automatons roam heavily there. Currently, this Deadwood Speaker is burdened by the state of his Circle. For far too long, Belphegor has experimented on creatures - torturing them, turning them into something less than themselves. His hatred for Belphegor's ways are arguably as hot as Wrath's charred landscape. It was enough for Cernunnos to care not for the lives of others, but he cannot neglect the call of beasts - that's why he has such a solid relationship with them. To Cernunnos, Belphegor, who is nihilistic to any and all life, is appalling.

Cernunnos is a Deadwood - distant cousins of the common Tree-folk, Ents or Treants. Born of the cruelly tainted lands of the Circle, the Deadwoods are caustic husks. Unlike their more lively cousins, the Deadwoods grow deep within the swamp areas of Belphegor's lair - perhaps the pollution of all the dark magic, potions, and chemicals have affected the trees and Ents and turned them into what Cernunnos currently is. Unlike Ents, who have leaves and healthy bark, the Deadwoods have no leaves or any prime source of nutrients. That is why a Deadwood's lifespan is much shorter than a normal Tree-folk individual. Usually dry, cracking, or thorned, the Deadwoods are unlike Ents in skills or abilities. The Ents have skills over nature, the Deadwoods have skills over Belphegor's chemical spill. Deadwoods are, for most Ents, either the butt of jokes or the objects of great pity. That treatment from the Ents solidifies Cernunnos' unwillingness to care for any being save for animals who don't know how to be prejudiced.

Character's History:

The lifeless sapling that would one day be Cernunnos was, for some reason, fortunate enough to survive a Circle that was frequently the battlefield for small skirmishes. So fortunate in fact, that the sapling survived countless years until it grew to become a mighty tree - one whose leaves encompass a wide area and whose fruits are actually very sweet. The space beneath this mighty tree was common ground for strolling demons and prankster Satyrs. One day, a horned demon carved in the name 'Cernunnos' on its bark, picked a fruit, and left. A word in some demonic foreign language, perhaps? For some reason, the tree remembered that time, and all the other times Demons would pick his fruits. It was irritating, and he wanted them to stop. As an insentient tree, Cernunnos wasn't at all special. There were a lot of trees like him that housed a lot of fauna and had a lot of delectable fruits. In times of ephemeral peace, strolling Demons would rest underneath the shade of these trees… only to be driven off or killed by Sloth's many beasts. It was unsettling, but it gave Cernunnos and his kin some solace. It turns out, many demonic animals roamed those lands as the years went by - having been protected by the tree's natural defence. The thickness of the leaves gave little critters shelter, and the width of the trunk gave larger beasts shade. It was these everyday manifestations of mutualism that
the tree that would one day become Cernunnos appreciated.

In the years of observing life in Hell, Cernunnos concluded that Demons were burdensome, irritating, and more often than not, cruel. The cruelest of them all, however, was a demon named Belphegor. The swamps were toxic enough, but the trees that would one day become Deadwoods were no where near that awful place. When Belphegor started dabbling in the sciences, his inventions and lairs started exuding poisonous gas and chemicals. Many demons in the vicinity died, many others were mutated, and the rest were forced to flee. The others who stayed were experimented on, given extra appendages, or were amputated and left for dead. Belphegor was a mad scientist, and if Cernunnos were alive then, he would do something about it, since he was the most sympathetic towards the beasts and animals. It was not long after, when the swamp wasn't a swamp but more of a junkyard and highly radioactive and polluted place, that the tree-species were given life. The potions and chemicals that were in the soil were soaked up, the gas in the air was absorbed, and the trees turned sentient. Cernunnos was perplexed at the phenomenon, proving once again that anything was possible in Hell. He was no longer a simple tree. He lost his vast tree size, instead becoming about an eight-foot tall, lifeless husk monster. It was weird, since in place of a head, were nothing but a mass of sprigs, thorns, and branches that formed into moose-like antlers.

Filled with confusion, Cernunnos and his kin scrambled. It took the now-living tree a long time before he started actually doing the things he's observed like walk, run, jump, move, climb, etc. It took him even longer to speak, as he was either alone or in the company of simple-minded creatures. Even now, he speaks either in extremely vague grammatically incorrect phrases, one-word answers, body language, or simply saying nothing. Because of his tainted nature, grotesque mushrooms and parasites would grow and creep into the crevices of his wooden skin. He had prehensile tentacles of rotvine behind him, and his legs bore no toes, just roots in the shape of taloned feet. More than once Cernunnos attempted to attack Belphegor for what he's done to nature, but his defences were too great. Hopeless albeit vengeful, he left the wilds and ventured out of his Circle. Currently, he is trying to look for other Deadwoods, or at least a means to rid Sloth of Belphegor's taint. Over the years, he has journeyed into unknown lands, met friends as well as enemies, was tutored in Druidism, and failed to enjoy life even in the company of beasts.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:

Cernunnos is a wandering Druid. His inability to speak fluently makes many demons misunderstand him and sometimes even perceive him as hostile.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:

Cernunnos lacks a lot of basic skills, even the skill of fluent speech. He's a primal individual and is a master of hunting and stealth. Years of being an insentient tree has made Cernunnos adept at observation, and is still an expert at stealth being able to look like a normal albeit wilted tree. He has enhanced strength due to his size, mass, and density, although he lacks in mobility. Even if he is considered an "uneducated" being, he is capable of rational thought and strategic planning. The challenge is actually conveying these ideas and expressing them to people who can actually talk.

Like all if not most Tree-folk, Cernunnos has the ability of self-manipulation. He can turn his hands into blades or other weapons and regenerate from breakage. Coupled with his Druidic powers, Cernunnos has displayed limited control over other, albeit only wooden plants. He can utilise these two abilities to absorb bark and increase or decrease in size by either absorbing bark or chipping himself of mass. He can grow a spiked carapace and control the prehensile vines in his back. The demonic mushrooms that have grown on his skin are poisonous and can emit Belphegor's poisonous gas as part of his extra abilities due to his mutation. He can also absorb water from his roots to replenish himself if ever he's thirsty. Since his feet are roots, he literally drinks with his feet.

The reason why he's called Speaker for the Wilds even if he has limited speech capability is because of his solid connection with beasts and animals. For a time, the beasts of Sloth thought him to be a predator, but were moved by his protective nature of beasts against hunters. Some animals even actually recognise Cernunnos and follow him. He currently has a demonic hornets' nest inside of his husk-like body. For some reason, he can "communicate" with them, or at the very least, the hornets emerge from Cernunnos' crevices when their living home is attacked. They could be simply protecting where they live and not care about Cernunnos at all. Once released, they seek out enemy with viciousness and ferocity. These are also mutated insects, having been living in a highly irradiated space and thus are immune to poison and resistant to strong winds. They can burn though.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:

Cernunnos' greatest weakness should be clear. He's a tree; fire is both his weakness, dislike, and fear. He feels mutually about lightning, since trees are often struck by lightning. His annoyance is civilisation and demons that care not for nature. He also fears the Circle of Wrath as the simple descriptions of Wrath are akin to nightmare fuel for Cernunnos. He dislikes cruelty and the unjust treatment of beasts and nature, although would be surprised if a sentient demon had the same views as him.

His biggest weakness, even bigger than the elements of fire and lightning is his inability to speak clearly, as it has hindered him from doing a lot of things in the past.​

Allocer – Hell

Allocer, Last King of the Leonin

Male | Leonin | Wrath

Allocer is the last king of the Leonin, a nomadic tribe of feral Knights and clan of constant division and infighting, bonds of necessity rather than camaraderie. He is a fearsome fighter and a commanding presence, two qualities all Leonin share though not necessarily all Knights as all demons are permitted to travel within the Knights' protection as expendable familiars and indentured servants. Allocer is fiercely prejudice against non-Leonins however and only the Leonin and those few who prove themselves are treated as equals, though this is not always more advantageous.

To be a Leonin's equal is to be his rival, worthy of the full brunt of his carnage and the lash of his blade. War beats in the blackened hearts of every Leonin and their king is the drummer, he wields his knights as a lance directing their fury and constantly moving them from the ever-shifting lava-tides. His power is absolute though his word is not final. A shift has taken place in the Knights, the infighting has grown worse and they've begun using the servants as spies. Allocer feels his hold waning and fears he will soon be forced to abandon the Knights entirely as the threat of a coup compounds his daily stresses of leading his knights away from the civil war.

Knights hold their own opinions on who should lead Wrath to Heaven's gates but so far Allocer has remained impartial, a fact that only furthers the gap between he and his followers. What none know however is why a tyrant fuelled by war and death would avoid such confrontations.

What none know is Allocer seeks the Infernal Spring himself to gain the magic of an Ifrit he lacks as a Leonin and with it bow to the planes of Wrath to his dominion.

Character's History:
Allocer was born and bred from war, some say he rose from the very lava fields himself full of flame and fury. While this is merely a whisper, Allocer speaks little of his time before overthrowing the last king and is intent to leave that shred of fear in his Knights' minds as mutiny seems more likely each day.

In truth, Allocer came to be as any other Leonin, a bastard of hate and the half breed of a Leonin proper and whatever unfortunate Servant caught his eye. Brought up within the Knight's sphere of protection meant nothing for a young Leonin as he was Equal and therefore fair game for the larger stronger knights. Often they would challenge the youngling thinking tearing his mane from his scalp would be a bit of fun only to end up in a pool of their own blood, or worse, magma.

Allocer grew under the watchful eye of the former king Alacar both knowing they would do battle some day. Allocer continued to slaughter all challengers until finally they simply stopped. It drove him mad. War was the way of things and he would have it. He began challenging full grown knights, Leonin bound by honour to accept. It was in this way Allocer climbed the ranks until he was at last able to challenge the king and claimed his rightful place at the head of the Knights.

The battle was bloody and brutal, Alacar a competent wizard as well as fighter. Fire and death mingled as Alacar's flaming sword slashed and seared Allocer's body. The contest continued until Allocer's fur was blackened and charred, scars he still carries to his day. Engulfed in rage and fire, Allocer leapt atop Alacar and ripped out his throat with his teeth, a dishonorable display for a Knight but Equal in the fading sight of the late king Alacar. His flesh blackened and fangs bloodied, Allocer claimed the WizardKing's weapon and place of honour.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Last King of the Leonin

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
Allocer is a living weapon. Primal ferocity embodied, the large feline demon is clad in armour fashioned of obsidian and molten glass, the destructive elements of nature honed to a razor's edge and put on display for all to hold in fear and wonder. He is a seasoned fighter and, though he holds other demons and their reliance on magic in contempt, his wings allow him to fly with the fastest of the 'weaker' races. Like all creatures born of Wrath, Allocer is resistant to fire.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:
Allocer is a living weapon. A lack of magical ability and a life of bloodshed mean Allocer is only capable of destruction. Should his fears come true and his people rebel he fears the lesser races will be slow to accept his rule. More than anything though, he's worried how lonely Wrath will be when he kills them all for treason.​

Zadkiel – Heaven

Zadkiel, Angel of Mercy

Female | Seraphim | Heaven

"All are worthy of forgiveness and mercy, rest your sins and accept salvation." - Zadkiel

Forgiving | Naive | Intuitive | Reasonable | Obstinate | Undaunted | Benevolent | Supportive | Regal

... Zadkiel, the angel who is long thought to have stayed the hand of a devout Abraham in the slaying his son, an angel of infinite benevolence and mercy. Those tales were long after Zadkiel first showed mankind the pure power of divine mercy and holy forgiveness. Before she became an Archangel of Mercy, she was simply a young angel with compassion overflowing. It was said Zadkiel was born from a pillar of soft violet light, that those near her could feel a wave of ease pass over them. She has since grown into a mature albeit young Seraphim who was taken under Michael's wing as a freshly born bundle of feather. Though the two often clashed, as the Archangel expected young Zadkiel to take to more glorious feats, or even to protect herself from those who would do her harm. Zadkiel had a different path in mind that did not involve dominating her own foes with power. Eventually the Archangel relented, seeing her benevolence struck a chord with him. He simply desired to protect her, and she adored how unrelenting her foster father figure was. In this she and Michael were different, but in the same they believed so very strongly in the power of love. They were indeed, both incredibly undaunted and stubborn.

As a child, she would never hesitate in accepting an apology no matter how big or small. Zadkiel was among the easiest to get along with amongst her peers, no angel was more even tempered and kind as she was. She was often found lost in thought or daydreams, nursing pegusi, or simply helping and offering her advice to the many. Eventually, Zadkiel was taken under the tutelage of Azrael, who taught her the greatest of all mercies was death and that it should be delivered with the gentle hand and pure heart. She found a kindred spirit with the soft spoken angel, as they were both gentle and inobtrusive. It was also the Angel of Death who taught her that mercy was delivered to only those who would confess their sins, forgiveness for those only willing to accept their faults. This weighed heavy on her shoulders, as a naive child she thought every being celestial, damned, or mortal deserved to be forgiven. Mercy was something that came so easy for her as child, but as she matured it became not only second nature but something of a deeper intuition.

Since then, Zadkiel has become well known as an angel of infinite kindness and wise advice beyond her years. She has a very strong memory and is fond of working with the various fauna of Heaven, creating healing poultices. As well as a heart of pure gold, she is quite beautiful her most notable feature being her brilliant violet eyes that can instantly calm the most wild of beasts. Even though she is young she has taught many the power of forgiveness, that in it one can find a most serene peace. Something that is infinitely special about Zadkiel, is her ability to take abuse like no other and remain strong, if not incredibly stronger. Such is the power of selfless forgiveness...


Character's History

As a child, Zadkiel was subject to many fantastic tales of valor as told by Michael who, for the better part of a decade, she thought was her true father. He often humored her childlike wonderments, telling her the story of how he whispered to the great Elohim and asked for an angel to raise and mentor, who in turn would bestow great things upon the world of man. So forth she would spring from a brilliant flash of purple lightning that lit all the sky of heaven and brought joy to each stone faced Ophanim. Just as any child Seraphim, her childhood was filled with light and the adoration of the elder angels with naught but a childlike giggle. Many of them all found her to be the sweetest of them all, even though she was so very quiet. In time she would become the soft spoken, and merciful angel who alongside Cherubs, would create just laws of compassion and diplomacy. Though studious, laughter and serenity would always alight her face even in the darkest of times. However, she always felt a sort of inferiority in light of the more powerful and vibrant angels that Michael always seemed to admire. Though she knew the Archangel had much to concern his time with, she was always lacking the parental pride he showed her long ago when she was a child.

Michael was much clumsier in raising young Zadkiel, and it was always a humorous thing to see young Zadkiel behaving much more reserved than the legions elder Archangel. Later, under the watchful eye of Azrael, who charged her to read and come to understand the passage of time just as fluently as he himself did as well as taking up the art of healing, she flourished. Throughout the years, she became well versed in death, fate, destiny, and creation. Zadkiel found herself endlessly fascinated with the creation of life, be it angels or even the spawn of demons. Her philosophy was refined in understanding the universe and its creation, only then could judgement be taken, and mercy delivered. Unlike many of her peers, she grew from thoughtful to carefree in a strange turn of events. One thing she never questioned was her place in Heaven, unlike so many her age and rank she knew that one day her time would come when she would have to make decisions that would alter her course in an extraordinary way. Zadkiel was content in way that she had no desire to rush what would unfold in on it's own time, such was the lesson that patient Azrael taught her.

When Heaven was pitched into disarray, with visions of hell fire and wars most terrible, Zadkiel did not fear for what was to come. She simply embraced it and acted with the efficiency not expected of a Seraphim so young. After minds were lost to these visions, she was a crucial healer who brought many an angel back from distraught insanity. Michael then explained to her what these visions that came to them meant, and the darkness that had begun to nip at the door. Suddenly, Zadkiel found herself fearing what destruction Lucifer could be capable of. With this turn of events, ushered in a change of heart within her. These devils of hell knew their sin and would never confess to them. They would use them to harm all the good of the world. To bring fear and hesitation in the hearts of the pure. So with a brilliant resolve, she left the safety of her father's protection.


Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Zadkiel is a healer of the mind, body, and spirit taught by the Angel of Death. Also thoroughly versed in time, prophecy, and memory.


Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:

| Diplomacy, Reason, & Mercy |

Considered passive traits among other Seraphim, are her most powerful and useful attributes. In every group of well balanced souls there must be one with the voice of reason to find compromise within the most stubborn of individuals, Zadkiel has been that sole individual many times over. Trusted to provide a calm environment in which to make decisions, she is the one Seraphim who is asked of to offer advice in a timely and well received manner. She has an extraordinary knack at appealing all with all present. Zadkiel does not mind playing mediator between parties, even if there are times when her own ideals cloud her mind. She is well practiced in taking her own desires completely out of the equation, making her an excellent third party. Not to mention that her presence has a calming factor in it's own right, something that is useful in drawing out focus or healing qualities.

| Intuition, Speed, Enduring, & Healing |​

During her time learning of time and fate itself, she has grown a very keen sense of intuition and foresight. It is a very particular sense that takes root in her, and only grows in strength over time until whatever she has felt has come to pass. This is the very same with other beings, Azrael named it Mercy's Eye as she can sense how truly repentant one is. This ability has come with experience alone and has evolved into almost a sixth sense. Born with three pairs of dove grey wings, she has incredible strength in each pair which span at nearly 15 feet. Zadkiel has the ability to take off from standing very quickly, leaving minor destruction in her wake as the wind from her wings can knock a full grown Ophanim off balance. In mid-air with deep strokes of her wings she can cause the air around her to stir, throwing away anyone too close to her. Something of a unique ability of hers is the fact she can take an extreme amount of damage, in any form, and it only make her more powerful. This is to say she is very mediocre in strength to begin with, but as she wears thin she is at her most powerful. There is of course the fact she is a skillful healer with a deep understanding of rudimentary practices, and the basic grasp of more elite healing factors.

Drawn from the heart where mercy, forgiveness, joy, and benevolence originates, is where Zadkiel's greatsword is held. The impressive weapon is extremely well balanced, with a crystallized blade and golden guard that extends sharply half the flat of the blade. Where many weapons cause physical harm, this one cuts all hope of forgiveness or mercy with a single cut against flesh. The effects of the blade are abysmal causing excruciating damage to the core of one's very being, replacing every desire with despair. With these immense effects the blade wrought, it causes even more pain to the bearer as she draws this material punishment from her very being. With each summoning, it is the sacrifice for Zadkiel to deliver the harshest mercy known. To know what is to feel the swift stab of merciless divine. The sword itself distinctly resembles a feather or very possibly a wing.

Zadkiel dons an elegant dress of white-silver armor which moves like silk around the body and is very good protection. It is light and does not weigh her down when in flight or fight, it very nearly like an elegant wedding gown. From afar it resembles an endless cascade of feathers that cover her upper body and fall in a full-length garment around her legs. On each tip of her wings, are golden accouterments that aid in protection, and duel as a weapon as she has full usage of each wing individually though it takes extreme focus.


Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:

Zadkiel suffers from naivete and hesitation when it comes to stand for what she believes in. Though she is quick to forgive and grant mercy, it is not necessarily the most just path. Her insecurity and soft-spoken qualities can very well be her downfall.

Rashness and those who are quick to sneer down on those who move slowly than others have always irritated her in the worst ways. Though she herself was always thoughtful, those who move too quickly and end up making crucial mistakes have caused quite a number of hazards in her life. Those who cast stones in glass houses should be wary of her chastisements. Even an Angel of Mercy has her limits to those who are undeserving. Repetitious chores and lectures are also a source of sour moods for Zadkiel

Cruelty is the bane of her existence, as she cannot stand those with cold hearts and are destructive to the being around them.

The loss of humanity and love is a source of constant and often times irrational fear, just the thought of it is enough to cause Zadkiel to lose the rosy color of her skin in an instant. This is something she tends to fight for through all her days to preserve.


(c) Rosie Blue

Nitzan – Heaven

Nitzan, Son of Lord and Dragon

[ Male | Seraphim | Heaven | The Grey Seraph ]
Nitzan is a name never to be mentioned, never to be uttered and never to be wrote. He is angelic being sculpted by Elohim, but his creation and birth began in battle. Nitzan is far more than any other Seraph; and, because he is far more, it is held paramount that his history remain shrouded in mystery. There are no lies about Nitzan, for that would be impure. No, among the angels, Nitzan is known as the The Grey Seraph; he does not shine with light nor does he inspire the awe and majesty of others with enormous white wings. Nitzan introduced himself in Heaven after many of the other archangels, and he took note of their admiration for the wings of great angels, such as Lucifer. Nitzan, whose six wings were of the largest in all of Heaven, forsook their white purity in favor of a toned down grey, believing such an act would speak louder than he alone could argue in spoken word. Nitzan acts as an adviser to the Bene Elohim, but also disagrees with its existence. Nitzan argued against its creation, and failed, but has remained assisting it in his attempt to create what he believes would be a fair world. Often, he is the voice of compassion, of equality, the voice that claims that every angel is a brother to each other and a son of Elohim. He voices his opinions and his beliefs in hopes that one day he can create a Heaven that would accept him for what he truly is.


Character History

Nitzan was truly given life during the battle between Elohim and Satan, albeit unintentionally. During their conflict, the torn flesh of the two mingled within the realm and in the heat of their fight was given the spark of life. Although barely alive and hardly conscious, Nitzan was born. He was a formless putty of broken flesh, unaware of what was going on and unaware of what life even was. In the last moments before dying, moments so instant that no being alive today could comprehend them, Elohim sculpted the putty that was Nitzan initially in the form of a beast—a white-winged lion with a mane of silver whose lower body and tail were that of a reptile baring golden scales and three serpent-tails. Although there is no name for what he is, Nitzan was the first being to come into existence after Elohim and Satan. In realization of the futility of his situation, Nitan furled into his wings and hid himself in the rotting flesh of Elohim, entering a slumber to pass the eternity. It was not until the first discussions of Lucifer and Michael, there first disagreements, that Nitzan woke. There were few angels in this time, almost all Seraphim, and Nitzan watched them in secret from within the nooks and corners of Heaven only he knew. Nitzan ultimately decided to take the shape of one of these Seraphim and show himself to them, to become one of them, and from that day, Nitzan became one of the first Seraphim in Heaven.

Still, one thing held true. Nitzan was a being of both Elohim and Satan, as the putty that made him was of both their flesh. This would forever be his secret, shared with not a soul in Heaven. Even the later angels, the cherubim, did not look as he did, and they were still pure. Not only that, Lucifer showed no compassion towards the creatures of other realms and Nitzan feared what he might do or say if he ever knew. Nitzan took his name, meaning bud, as he did not wish to take a name of Elohim as still believed all children of Elohim should be regarded as such, even without such a name. Nitzan felt he could plant the seeds for a Heaven where all angels—Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim and Erelim—were equals and that there would be no need for rank or title. Regardlless, no matter what he would accomplish in life, he could never change his heritage. No matter the strength of his love for his brothers—or half-brothers—nor his loyalty, he knew that they would never trust him if they knew his complete history. As it was said, because he is more than any other Seraph, it is paramount that he remain shrouded in mystery.

Once Heaven came to fruition, however, Nitzan could only watch as it prospered when it did. He warned against the Bene Elohim, claiming that all angels were the sons of Elohim equally. He warned against the elitist views of Lucifer, and how classes for angels could ruin their civility and love. Nitzan, however, was often revered as a radical in his views, just as Lucifer was viewed as a radical with his. Nitzan often sided with archangel Michael in their heated debates, but it meant very little. Nitzan, whom forsook his white wings and rejected the council he advisedm, had little ground there. It was Michael whom spoke for love and unity and became their advocate; Nitzan proved to merely be another voice in his chorus. When the two sides of a coin escalated to a war, Nitzan fought alongside Michael with immense ferocity, yet did not kill or maim a single brother. Nitzan detested the war and spoke out against both sides, saying that the will of Elohim would never manifest itself in such a way, but his cries fell on deaf ears. Nitzan was forced to choose a side and chose the side that fell closer to his views, not to mention his inherent fear of Lucifer. Nitzan fought alongside Michael, but it was ultimately Michael whom decided to spare Lucifer. Nitzan, now agreeing almost entirely with Michael, accepted this decision without question. This blind acceptance was just as much a mistake as it was a lapse of wisdom for Michael to make the decision, and in such forever gave Nitzan a certain degree of guilt.

It was for many reasons that Archangel Michael requested Nitzan join him in his crusade. Nitzan was one of the most powerful archangels in his own right and Nitzan never disfavored Michael. Michael believed that if they could have convinced the Bene Elohim together, then the fall of Lucifer and the war in Heaven may never have happened. This type of foresight—this true adherence to peace and love is what Michael felt was needed to save man, and he saw that in Nitzan, even if he did not see the deceit alongside it. Not only that, if they did need fight, Nitzan capable of not only holding his own, but performing multiple tasks to aid his small squadron of angels. Even among other powerful angels, Nitzan fought with grace and even more so without taking another life. And, Nitzan, feeling he failed in preventing the war in Heaven and feeling that sparing Lucifer was a mistake that also fell on his head, joined Michael in his crusade.

Position, Rank or Occupation

Nitzan is considered the Grey Seraph. Nitzan actually refused rank or an official place on the Bene Elohim as he believed such a system would fall into descent. Thus, his "title" is more of a description as his wings are grey.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour
Nitzan has the abilities natural to all Seraphim. Nitzan is able to summon a weapon like all other Seraphim, and does so in the form of a golden staff. His staff constantly glows, emitting light and heat. Although it has no sharp edges, it constantly burns anyone aside from him as if it were heated by the braziers of Heaven. Although his staff holds no elemental affinity, it can be warped into the shape of a crescent, and in doing so creates a drawstring from which the staff can fire bolts of pure light as if it were a bow. These bolts of light, once fired, are nearly instantaneous projectiles that cannot be caught or deflected. As being pure light, they do not penetrate as much as burn intensely and the force behind them is enough to knock down Cherubim and Ophanim.

Nitzan is, in raw strength, one of the greatest angels. Nitzan has proven to wrestle with Cherubim and stand up to Ophanim with few true rivals. This trait has earned him much reverence, as it is believed to be acquired due to his age, but in reality, it is a trait granted to him by the flesh of Satan. Nitzan is passively stronger and in many cases faster than other angels as his body is enhanced with the fortitude of the Beast. Still, Nitzan has never wavered or given in to said power, thus has no abilities from it aside from the passive increase in strength. Nitzan shows no other traits of his lineage and refuses to explore such possibilities, thus making this trait the only one to contradict his status as a Seraphim.

Nitzan also has the unique ability to change his form and shape. This does take a significant period of time, but doing so has allowed Nitzan to blend into Heaven. It was with this ability that Nitzan changed his original form to one similar of the Seraphim and has since then continued to alter his appearance to appear as such. However, it was with a powerful Trisagion Magic from an Erelim that he changed the color of his wings from white to grey, as if he would have done it on his own, it would have caused suspicion. Nitzan has never used this ability for other purposes, so its extents are unknown. In practice, he may be able to assume the form of animals, other angels and even possibly demons.

As Seraphim, Nitzan is a proven warrior with his weapon. His strongest magic is supportive, but not such as healing or augmentation. Instead, he can merge his will and focus with others to increase theirs. As an angelic network grows larger, the power and feedback to each angel grows greater. Nitzan assisting an entire army can possibly change the course of a war, if only due to the increased capability of the warriors. There even exists a threshold wherein he may become stationary, begin chanting in Trisagion verse and enter a trance like state to augment each angel he is connected to with a portion of his strength. However, again, as the network grows larger, the power and feedback to each angel grows greater, even if the initial power being shared was only his own. Nitzan claims that this particular capability is made through an act of brotherhood and unity, and is one of the most powerful an angel can attain.

As Seraphim have access to the abilities of other subspecies of Angel, Nitzan has the ability to essentially become one. In his only other feat of Trisagion magic, Nitzan can request the holy powers of the light to turn him into a steward knight. His wings fold down around him, turning into a plate of silver armor and his staff grows into a lance. Nitzan, for a short period, effectively takes on the form of an Ophanim. The use of this ability completely negates Nitzan from using his battle trance, but it amplifies his strength even further at the cost of his aerial speed. Unlike the armor of most Ophanim, his is silver and very ornate. He is also smaller than most, as Raguel towered over him. While some Ophanim have extra abilities, Nitzan does not. He is smaller, has no shield and forfeits his other abilities to take on the form of an Ophanim. However, he does retain their ability to blast focused sound, as he does become the embodiment of praise and song. In fact, it is only through praise and song, ie Trisagion Magic, that he can take this form. It is argued that Nitzan is far less useful in this form, as he forfeits his supportive ability and is smaller while his physical strength in this form does rival if not surpass other Ophanim, due to his heritage. As his staff could, his lance can bend and curve into a blade for faster slashing, giving him a unique flexibility. As an Ophanim, Nitzan is more nimble and quick than knights that tower over him.

Nitzan has three pair of large, feathered wings on his upper back, far larger than most angels of his frame, yet are grey instead of white. His armor consists of a light, golden tunic that flows into red robes, allowing him to be light and agile while still providing some armor. Moreover, his long robes fade into ether as he flies or if they are torn, essentially preventing them from become a problem. His torso and lower body make one complete piece similar to a harness, yet retaining the appearance of a tunic. A long, red scarf flows from his neck, but is actually looped on his halo. Unlike the large, round halo of Michael, Nitzan has a smaller one that comes to a slight, ovular point behind his head near his crown, only visible from the side or at an angle. The points of growth for his halo are on the back of his neck.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears
As one of the most revered angels alive, there are few true weaknesses to Nitzan. His power, however, comes primarily from his skillset, not his individual skills nor his unique capabilities. In addition to that, it is impossible for him to utilize his two uses of Trisagion Magic in conjunction. While he can either support an entire group or act as an immensely and physically powerful clad-armored angel, he cannot do both. He also forfeits the use of abilities from other subspecies to essentially don the armor and strength of an Ophanim. Nitzan, for his raw physical strength and utility, has almost no destructive abilities. Because of his versatility, he has sacrificed true greatness as a Holy Knight or a song-singing support.

Nitzan is, to some degree, a pacifist. He absolutely abhors violence and only uses it if absolutely necessary, meaning the power he has is hardly utilized. It is also easy to underestimate Nitzan because he hardly boasts his power. He is a relatively humble angel. So humble, in fact, that Nitzan has never and still refuses to claim to be the first being to come into existence. Nitzan has a particular disdain for personal pride, although the reasoning behind it is two-fold. Nitzan cannot effectively take pride in what he is, thus he is envious of those that can. At the same time, he has seen firsthand what pride can do, thus he has a distaste for it. So, while he is guilty of deceit and envy, he also rejects pride to a great degree.

Nitzan, however, has an immense fear of others finding out his origin. Even Uriel and Metatron have no inkling of his origin, but not an hour passes that Nitzan does not consider it. Nitzan fears the rejection of his brothers, especially now that others made of the flesh of Satan—the demons of Hell—have become the enemies of the angels and the allies of Lucifer. Perhaps most of all, Nitzan fears Lucifer learning of his origins. While such an assault on the fallen angel's pride may be useful, Nitzan feels that what Lucifer would or even could do to manipulate or control him as if he were a demon brings the greatest terror to him.

It is for that fear that Nitzan truly limits himself. As Nitzan is not a being of pride and fears half of his own self, he greatly inhibits his own power. While he can match Ragual in physical strength, he will never tap into the passion or power that Raguel can as an Ophanim because Nitzan fears doing so may make him embrace his Satanic half. While Raguel did spend time training Nitzan as an Ophanim, Nitzan never truly embraced being a warrior as he could have, fearing that doing so may open him up to vulnerability. Thus, while Nitzan could potentially be stronger than he is, he prefers to fight at a range and support others, and even then is reluctant to use the true extent of his power.

(c) Prince

Medomai – Heaven

[BCOLOR=#000000]Medomai, Scholar of the Seven Sins[/BCOLOR]


Numbered among the Cherubim chosen to aid with the creation of Humanity; Medomai, like many of his kind, is a philosopher and an educator among the Host of Heaven. At 8 feet tall and a length of 15 feet, the Cherub is an impressive example of his species. The bulk of his leonine frame is covered in thick white fur and down, accent lines of darker colors marking the thick of his mane and the pinfeathers of his wings. A warrior-scholar, Medomai is often adorned in ceremonial armor of blackened plates with decorative gold filigree, etched into designs that depict various battles from Heaven's long history. The ensemble is made complete by the mask that rests snugly against the Cherubim's face, a gesture adopted by many of kind out of respect for Uriel.

Medomai's carefully crafted mask is a direct representation of his philosophy, a symbolic reminder of the enigmatic and often frustrating approach of the Cherubim. Rather than a painted depiction, Medomai adorns himself with an intricately carved clouded mirror, the reflective material concealing all emotion and allowing only for the speaker to see their own reflection in his visage. Above all else, the Cherubim is a keeper of knowledge, and believes that Wisdom stems from the importance of self-revelation and discovery, encouraging the growth of those around him while seeking his words of advice.

Despite his imposing frame, Medomai is a kind and confidant individual, a source of reason and comfort for his companions in times of dire need. A stalwart ally, the Cherubim rarely belies any emotion, an immutable bulwark of Faith and Wisdom.

Character's History:

While Medomai numbers among some of the oldest Angels in the Host of Heaven, his age and wisdom have not always been so. As a youth, Medomai represented many of the qualities that a Cherubim should not be, impetuous and unfettered in his curiosity. Under the tutelage of Metatron, Heaven's Scribe, the young Cherubim often ignored the foundation of "why" things were, and instead merely questioned "why not?" This mentality often created a perception of callous disregard to the Laws of Heaven, a rebellious youth railing against the supposed "wisdom" of his elders and betters. Unreliable in his studies and stubborn in his anarchist philosophy, it wasn't until the Great Catastrophe struck that the Cherubim found himself tempered by time and tragedy.

Wisdom forged in the fires of experience found itself thrust upon the Cherubim as Michael and Lucifer debated their ideals amongst the Heavens, where words soon turned harsh, and the bitterness escalated to a song of steel and white-hot blood. The Heaven's burned with their feud, and the once outspoken Medomai fell silent, having borne witness to the challenge of Heaven's very principals and the fallout that sundered the spires of gold and paved the streets with bodies.

An eternity of war passed, and with it, Medomai had changed. With a heavy heart, he watched the fall of the Morning Star and the devastation that ebbed in his wake; Michael broken-hearted and Metatron, once a voice of wisdom and authority, a bitter recluse that pulled from his brethren to stem the hemorrhage of betrayed emotions that threatened to overtake him. Gone was the impetuous youth, and from the ashes, Medomai rose as a silent witness to the triumphs and failures of his brethren, working alongside Uriel and the other Cherubim to record their accounts of the Civil War. In the words of his scripture, Medomai painted no villain, instead seeking balance in all things and citing the great tragedy of Heaven as a failure for both sides to open communication. His own faith strengthened, the Cherubim discarded his abrasive curiosities for the pursuit of knowledge and the application of wisdom that he now craved, the foundation of his understanding steeped in the memories of those lost to the hatred that burned the skies so bright. As the Fallen no doubt looked to the Heaven's they had forsaken, and in turn had forsaken them, so too did Medomai look to the burning Hell's below.

His desire to better understand Lucifer and the Fallen inspired centuries of philosophical research and study, drawing on both experience and the accounts of others to record a foundation on the records of Hell and the denizen's that resided in the sunken remains of the Great Beast. It was during this time that Medomai became known as the Scholar of the Seven Sins, recording his findings in the hallowed halls of the Grand Library. Through a journey of self-discovery and understanding, the Cherubim began to lay the foundations of his philosophy on the cautionary tales of Lucifer and the Fallen, citing that perhaps none of the Host of Heaven were above the temptations of the Pit, and that Pride itself was perhaps the most insidious of all Sins.

Now the Curator of the Grand Library, Medomai tends to the knowledge and scrolls of Heaven with meticulous detail, caring for histories both ancient and new as the collections expand with young scholars and scribes. Medomai serves as both council and guide to Angelic youth and humanity alike, aiding in the education and tutelage of the children of Heaven, Adam and Eve.

As visions struck the Host of Heaven, Medomai too saw the intentions of Lucifer, though he largely remained silent as to the nature of his visions, confiding only directly to Uriel and the Council. A voice of caution on the nature of these visions, Medomai answered the call of the Angelic Few as the Scholar of the Seven Sins and potential guide to the natures of the Hells below.

Position, Rank, Or Occupation:

Medomai is among the higher rankings of the Cherubic Order, a colleague and aid to Uriel, Archangel of Wisdom. He serves as Curator to the Grand Library of Heaven, tending to the scrolls and relics acquired over the history of Heaven. A philosopher and mentor, he also serves as one of the tutors assigned with the education of the newly created Adam and Eve.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armor:

As a Cherubim, Medomai is able to summon a weapon symbolic to his nature and has access to a host of abilities inherent to his kind. His weapon, if it can be viewed as such, is less an offensive tool and more an augmentation of his natural talents. The bestial forms of the Cherubim allow for a measure of physical prowess often belied by the intellectual nature of the Cherubs, and Medomai is no exception to this. While the black and gold armor that decorates his imposing frame is largely ceremonial in nature, the reflective plates housed in his pauldrons and mask are an extension of his summoned weapon - the Mirror Shield.

A massive bulwark of gilded-black metal, the shield houses in its center an oval mirror that serves as both a defense from magical and spiritual attacks but an amplifier of the illusions Medomai houses in his arsenal. A master of the art, the Cherub utilizes the Mirror Shield to create illusions on a massive scale, increasing both the scope of the illusion and the realistic nature of his manipulations. From misdirection to confusion, Medomai works in symbiotic tandem with his weapon to protect his allies and control his foes and the flow of the battlefield. The grandest of his creations relies heavily on the target of his illusions, focusing the full strength of his power and the Mirror Shield to create a living, breathing nightmare for his opponents - or rather, a dream. Rather than enhance the negativity of the Demonic residents of Hell, Medomai is able to craft an illusion tailored to the enemy based on the possibility of what could be. Hopes and aspirations are woven into a tapestry of potential, a fleeting visage of a brighter future.

An indomitable, powerful defensive support for his allies, Medomai is also able to craft a psionic link between his allies and tether a line of mental and emotional communication between the group allowing for a more cohesive unit on the battlefield.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:

While Medomai boasts a powerful array of mental abilities, his arsenal his weakened by distance, environment, and the strength of will possessed by his opponents. His illusions, while extremely potent, are exactly like the Mirror Shield that serves as his weapon of choice - an exact reflection, but as fragile as glass. A wide array of factors and concentration must be applied to his grander illusions, and should the will of his opponent see through the illusion, or the spectacle falter, the mental deception is easily shattered and cast aside.

The Mirror Shield itself is a powerful weapon, and a nigh-immovable object in the defense against magical, mental, and emotional based attacks. That being said, the utility it boasts does not extend much farther beyond these things, and is extremely ineffective against physical attacks. The defensive nature of the shield also leaves Medomai without a true weapon to attack with, such as a sword or bow. Instead the Cherubim must rely solely on his bestial nature in a physical confrontation, which may leave him at a disadvantage against skilled warriors and Demonic entities of equal scope and size.

Medomai, like many Cherubim, is a voice of reason and logic. The being said, the Scholar of the Seven Sins has a cautious understanding and experience with Hell that few Angels can boast. While he abhors violence, and firmly believes that the initial Fall of Heaven was a direct result of miscommunication, he also believes that many of the demonic residents of Hell are a physical manifestation of the blood of Satan - while they may not choose to be directly evil, it is in their nature to be destructive, manipulative aberrations.

While has never fallen so far as Lucifer to support their extermination, he does caution against the supposed acceptance that many of the Angelic Few have voiced, believing their ideals of redemption to be naive and unfounded. He believes, that as the Demons are born of Sin, they will not view themselves as evil, more akin to forces of nature than conscious actions that contend with the virtues of Heaven. Without fault to accept, redemption is therefore impossible, and reason pointless.

These opinions may be a source of friction with his more loving or accepting counterparts.

(c) Nornaghast

Syraa – Heaven

Syraa, Unturned Stone


Female | Erelim | Heaven
"Balance can only be made with the revelation of its extremes.


Syraa is an Erelim of Earth. She does not get along with most of her compatriots, acting in whimsy almost at all times. Her less-than-serious behavior is looked down upon. For those that know her, however, she is a formidable ally.

Though she fights on the side of light, she is strangely fascinated by the dark which had tempted the bright angel Lucifer and from which her beloved leader Iofi could believe come redemption. Seeing the universe with open eyes, it's highlights and low, allows Syraa unprecedented understanding. Waiting to act until she sees fit - further infuriating those who believe themselves above her - she is patient, and can place herself where she is most needed with uncanny timing, reserving strength. Though her presence is not the steady, soothing song typical of her kind, nor is it the intimidating, impending basso of the Ophanim, she may often be the turn of the metaphorical tide (or literal, she has a knack with dams) that allows her to maintain hope.

She is usually seen as an air-headed creature, lucky rather than intelligent. Unfortunately, she doesn't confirm or deny any remarks upon her character, knowing full well others will think what they choose - not that she would want to change that even if she could - and all she has are her own actions to blame. Eventually, however, one can only be so lucky.

Character's History:
The Erelim, bound in her quest to create a home for humanity, was the most adamant of all to make something more than survivable or beautiful, but would give the species reason. Eden was not her masterpiece but what she viewed as the rough draft of life. Farmable land. Predators as well as prey. Syraa imagined deserts, testing mortal endurance, and dreamt the oases as reminders of the divine and to never give up hope, necessitating a co-existence of danger and luxury, work and reward.

Considering herself the creative editor, Syraa would simply leap from tundra to swamp, twirling once in each biome to analyze their successes and failings. She would brighten the scale of a viper, giving him attention as was due. She would shatter crystals into sediment, cushioning the river with its own bed. She would shrink flowers, greater beauty in limitation, and strengthen the roots of trees so they might stand taller, taking the eyes on a ride through the variation of colors, shapes, and sizes, and giving mortals retreat... from the light.

Her efforts not always agreeable to her brethren, Erelim and Cherubim alike, Syraa only giggles in response. Just like reaping water from the Saharan gourd, no deed was worth doing that did not warrant risk, and so it was with he controversial work in the small things. Even in battle, it was frequently she who rushed in and aided her allies, a small adjustment here, encouragement there, healing less often than offering support of alternative means, her dance bringing her closer to the red zone of war than her kind often came. Admonishments from her angelic comrades was overlooked. This did not assist her companionship amongst them, but she was an adept soldier no less, taking orders with less hesitation than most could boast.

It was this very courage that brought her to the retinue of the Bene Elohim. Prepared to travel into the very belly of Hell, to face the fallen and demons alike, Syraa would be closest to the enemy than any of the Erelim before her.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Syraa is a rank all her own, an active Support. She is treated like a lower ranking officer, but her acts of bravery, remaining "calm" under pressure, and continually returning the not-quite-silent hero, she has earned a place amongst the notably army. Her commanding officers have recognized her talent and given her leniences to make judgement for herself, but she is not a leader. In essence, her capability to rise in the ranks has plateaued. However, she may still be asked her opinion when situations are dire or in need of fresh, albeit unorthodox, eyes.

She is most known for what some may call "crowd control". Maintaining the balances of such, she is light on her feet and distracting, avoiding damage (or taking it in some cases) and moving on, herding - a shepherdess.

In times of peace, the Erelim is still considered a troubleshooter. She may frolic and, for lack of better words, do her own thing until called upon for duty once more, but once she is, she does so without question - no matter how much that may bother her superiors.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
She clothes herself with her element, vines weaving about her and tethering down stone plates. These regenerate, carrying within their spongey xylem the supplement of the angels - liquid courage, divine nectar, ambrosial hope. When cut, this substance oozes from the armor and coats the injuries. Further protected and introduced to the system, Syraa's wounds heal quicker, keeping her on her feet, bounding from target to target.

Her armor also doubles as her weaponry. Burrowing into the earth, the twisting vines may lie in wait, protruding from the crust to entangle foes into vulnerability or wall-off allies from attack. They may also extend from her arms in whip-like fashion, allowing her to place well-aimed strikes around slender necks, snap arrows from the sky, pull a partner to safety, or any number of potential actions, acting as expanded reach with as much accuracy. This is where her fleeting attention appears a strength - she can focus on more than one enemy at any point in time, enabling many of said actions within the same thought.

The stone floating about her person is cut in such a way that shards may be removed upon will, standing on end to act as a last defense should anything come too close. Rarely using this technique, Syraa prefers to send her pseudo-senbon flying in all directions as a distraction meant for a multitude of persons without concern for her own, having dipped them in the venom sacks she keeps hidden in the folds of her armor as well. This paralytic slows their senses and movements. What better way to support her fellowman than to cripple their enemies, effectively disorganizing their efforts and preventing injury before it can even be applied?

Syraa can teleport herself and one other person over a healthy distance (the length of a couple of football fields) and immediately do so twice after as long as the burden is not too great. Someone of particular size or additional passengers halve that space and warrant greater strain over repetition. Anything she has a hold on, or may have a hold on her, will go with her. She does not leave a trail to follow or open a portal through which another might attempt to pass.

Though the Erelim is capable of this form of blinking, she uses it mostly to bring herself into battle to protect another than to escape. She's had many a close call, but her faith is her real armor. Once within range of an enemy, she is adept in the arts of chi-blocking, knowing the musculo-skeletal as well as metaphysical anatomy of all creatures before her sight, avoiding motions meant to do her harm and slipping into space so as to land debilitating strikes into tendons, arteries, and chakra alike.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:
Her strength lies in her capability to predict her enemy and keep them from predicting her. Being caught off guard could throw her entire plan, whether one is believed to be in effect or not, though she would not let it disrupt her for long. A second or two is all an enemy may need. Unfortunately, it should not be given her, either.

She is small and, thus, not personally very strong. Her willowy structure allows plenty of reach and speed that can be used to deliver notable punches, but taking one is a very different creature, indeed. Her armor would protect her from most blunt trauma, and lunges would be hard to land, but even water-swollen vines can only do so much. Once she's hit, she'll keep going out of pure obstinance - which she likes to call undying hope - but it will have done more than she let's it show and will be more susceptible to further hits which will, inevitably, take her down and keep her there, maybe even with a finality she'd refuse to accept.

Her teleporting abilities are quite limited and allow for an accidental retreat with the enemy. This doesn't happen as frequently as one might expect because she can teleport as quickly as a thought, but sometimes thoughts must coalesce, and in the event she is taking another, she must align hers and her passengers.

Her healing abilities are not very strong, her strength lying most in augmentation. Luckily, this works out pretty well with any angels who have restorative abilities of their own, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Unless she spends time on an injury, chances are her salves will only work temporarily and less so with each application. Once a user has surpassed a certain threshold, even her direct attention may fail the wounded and the only option is to allow natural healing and/or respite.

Syraa's isn't really afraid of anything, hope ever present no matter the circumstance, so establishing a hopeless situation would probably be the closest thing to that for her. More accurately, she does understand others' fears and, while she thinks some measure of exposure may help alleviate this irrationality, she knows that excess is always a bad thing. Rescuing those in such circumstances are some of her least thought-out maneuvers. In fact, she has a particular weakness for the depressed and suicidal, having lost all hope the saddest thing she could imagine, and wanting nothing more than to implement such peace in their lives once more.

Sargatanas – Hell

Sargatanas, the Demon Major, Angel of Blades

Male | Fallen Ophanim | Pride

Of all the angels that fell from the Heavens, none are as unique as the once adamant Sargatanas, whose repentant heart longs for Heaven's forgiving touch. It is quite atypical for both a Fallen and an Ophanim to stray from the lust for power through conquest as well as the strict observance of duty, but such is the heart of Sargatanas, who's more like a Seraphim in the variety of mind. However, his tongue and wits are sharp still, and he lies constantly about his allegiance to Lucifer to the other proud members of their Circle, merely to fit in. He has no qualms about Lucifer's ways, and cares not for he First of the Fallen's choices; his only desire is to find a way back home towards the skies and leave the burning Hells. Another reason for Sargatanas' compliance to Lucifer is the innate fear he has of Lucifer's abilities, all of which were described by all of Heaven as unfathomable and second to none. Patient and unyielding, the Fallen Ophanim, in spite of the apparent hatred he has with himself, his situation, and his lowly peers, is a Noble Major in Lucifer's Fallen Army.

As an Ophanim, he is no stranger to order and prowess. Much like Raguel and the rest of his kind, he is drawn to battle like moths to light and excels in the field of bringing justice to where it's due. In his angelic prime, Sargatanas was a knightly figure of gold and silver, and held great confidence. His ways, though by-the-book, were deemed as benevolent albeit fierce, and even Raguel himself looked at Sargatanas with promise. He is a warrior at heart, and stands heftily at seven feet tall. In his angelic prime, he was an Ophanim of silver steel and golden linings with long sheets of superheated iron blades flowing from his back, and was revered for his unique fighting style that was elegant albeit defensive. Eons before the war, Sargatanas wanted nothing more than to eradicate those who existed outside of Heaven's touch. Upon siding with Lucifer, he was one of the countless angels that were imprisoned in Adamantinarx and was pushed out of Heaven's borders.

At first, he was vengeful and loathed Heaven for their callous dismissal. Many friends, loved ones, teachers, students, brothers, sisters, and the like were separated by Michael's rule, and he hated the lack of forgiveness and Michael's apparent hypocrisy. The angel who fought for love and forgiveness spared none for those who really mattered; the other angels. And so, Sargatanas fell. Like the rest save for Lucifer, he was corrupted by the touch of demons and overexposure to Hell's elements. He was lustful and worldly, and chased and mated with countless demons. The Ophan of silver steel was now sanguine with rust and obsidian. After countless years, he began to long for the warmth of Heaven, and after much meditation and reflection, came to the conclusion that Hell was not his home. Sargatanas realised he was wrong to war with the children of Elohim, as he too, was once His child. Filled with remorse, Sargatanas wants nothing more than to go home.

Character's History

Sargatanas' tale began during the descent of the Fallen. Before the Angelic War, Sargatanas was widely unknown, for he was just another Ophan following orders, doing all he believed was right for Heaven. He chose his side, and paid duly for his crimes. As the chains that bound him and the rest of the Fallen disintegrated, Sargatanas found himself in the midst of the lands of darkness - a Hell before the time of the angels. The angels knew not of the creatures below Adamantinarx, which now seemed to float in Hell's atmosphere, and the monsters below them looked in terror at the anomaly above. Sargatanas, still holy, flew down. The first few years of his newfound life was filled with white-hot anger, and spat words of vengeance and requital. Unlike other Fallen, whose hearts started regretful and then malformed over time, Sargatanas' heart was blackened the moment he was chained. Ironically, it was in Hell his actions and state of mind started to clear, for his guilt and shame saturated him as the days passed.

Hopeless and forgotten, Sargatanas simply knelt like his other kin, before Lucifer his "king." He willingly submitted, knowing full well Lucifer's ways were wrong. The First of the Fallen's ethereal and unholy charisma held no power of Sargatanas, whose principles were still heavenly at best. It was as if Sargatanas was the polar opposite of Lucifer: aesthetically evil, corrupted, and imperfect, albeit with a heart that begs the forgiveness of the skies. Feeling like he had no choice, Sargatanas merely scouted the rest of the burning Hells. Much like a mapper, the Fallen Ophan, along with other Fallen, explored and drew Hell in a map. He was a witness to the beautiful darknesses of Hell. Although it was a dangerous journey, Sargatanas respected the way Hell was made. It definitely was beautiful in its own, twisted way. The journey was harrowing, and Sargatanas, in spite of his courage, held back from interacting with the demonic inhabitants. In his journey with others, many Fallen were killed, having too much pride for their own good. Only he was left, and hid from all demonkind until he visited the desert lands of Avarice.

The Fallen was welcomed by none other than Mammon, who looked at Sargatanas with delight, for the otherworldly gold and silver that the Ophan was naturally composed of literally shone before the crowd. The Demon Lord offered the Fallen Ophan demonic whores in exchange for pieces of Sargatanas' armour and, in his sin, accepted. That night, he completed his aesthetic corruption by laying in bed with the Avaricious demonesses. His armour and metallic skin corroded and blackened, and his holy energies turned deathly purple. That day, he slept, guiltier than ever. He denied it so, but he was disgusted by what he had become. That night, the Fallen Ophan fled - murdering the whores in his sleep, weeping as he flew back to Adamantinarx. From that day on, he wished to be Heavenly again, and simply followed Lucifer's whims in fear of what the First of the Fallen can do to him.

Position, Rank, or Occupation
Sargatanas was nothing more than a noble member of Heaven. He was a good fighter, but held no special rank. In Hell, he is baptised as the Demon Major, for his role as point-man for the demonic individuals that will accompany him in his quest.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour

As any angel, Sargatanas is able to summon a personalised weapon, although he himself is one. Unlike other Ophanim, his armoured physique is composed of countless blades as flat and wispy as cloth, which can harden, elongate, and move so long as Sargatanas wills it. These tethers are prehensile, and flow with the wind. Sargatanas has four legs, his feet being extremely sharp prongs that stab deep into the ground. He fights gracefully, having many twists and twirls that make use of the flowing nature of his tether blades, and can also balance himself on the ground using one pair of legs, while the other pair of legs act like blades to slice and pierce flesh.

He needs no weapon, but can also summon two hook-like blades that are jagged and chaotic. He summons these weapons by having his threads clip and wrap around themselves, hardening to create a monstrous blade with blinking eyes. These hooks, connected to Sargatanas' thighs, clamp unto his foes' flesh to bring them near the Fallen Ophan, so that he may eviscerate them. For his ranged attacks, Sargatanas removes his bladed halo, which merely floats around his head, and throws it at mighty speeds. Glowing with an evil purple light, the energies that exude from Sargatanas' crevices, eyes, weapons, and halo burns skin by way of extreme cold.

As an Ophanim, his rumoured strength also holds true - he is monstrous in his physical abilities, and is extremely defensive in battle. He still has mastery over sound, although is now solidified blasphemous and demonic screeching, instead of praise and worship. In spite of not having any wings, he can still fly.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears

Sargatanas has no evident physical weaknesses aside from lack of speed and mobility. Being an Ophanim, he makes up for this lack in sheer power and brute force, coupled with the fact his body is literally riddles with blades.

Sargatanas' true weaknesses lie in his emotional state. His annoyances, dislikes, and fears revolve around his self-loathing. Being extremely disgusted by his inability to say no or choose Michael over Lucifer, Sargatanas feels as if he's wasted eons upon eons of living a full life. He hates Fallen who accept their state as corrupted angels, and also hates the shame of thinking about Heaven. He fears if angels see him, they will treat him like a monster in spite of his repentant soul. The thought of this greatly contributes to his mental instability and imbalanced way of fighting.

Krenshar – Hell


Male | Maggot turned Parasite | Gluttony

Krenshar the Insatiable is a… small parasitic maggot from Gluttony. He's a low class demon with a penchant for zombifying bigger and higher level hosts. They are the best mental and physical meal in Krenshar's humble opinion. Not to mention the joy he gets as they're slowly digested from inside. It is a thing of beauty for Krenshar to control his host during a feast; feeding on his host as his host feeds on something else, what more could a hungry maggot dream of if not for a bigger stomach?
He's a snarky fellow with a self-deprecating sense of humor. His attitude towards hunger is much like that of an addict's. It is a constant need, what he was born of, his nature, and therefore what drives him to act and exist.

He's not exactly a part of a race, just the consequential result of a maggot with a specific taste for a type of flesh. His size has varied over the years, and is mostly dependant on the size of his host or how much he has starved before getting into one. To be able to take possession of a host, Krenshar has to be at least half the size of their spinal cord or the host will be difficult to control. If Kren does a spinal-hug on a bigger demon than he can handle, he is unable to take control of the body and may merely live within the body as he digests it. If he manages to grow to the needed size before finishing the meal, then he will be able to use whatever is left of the body so long as the body is still alive. (Just for reference, he is currently the size of a pre-teen boy).
Krenshar is a perfect depiction of Gluttony at work, an extension of it as it were, because in Gluttony everything can devour anything and in varied ways.

Character's History:

Krenshar was born in Gluttony as one of the many demonic maggots that fed on the flesh no one else would. One of countless organism-like beings that exist to feed from birth to death without much room for anything else. Krenshar was a flesh feeding zombie that just happened to crawl up a demon's leg, eating his way up delicious nerves. Being the only maggot in the demon's body, Kren had plenty to eat and was not pressured by competition to hurry. Time and excess gave the maggon time and material to play with, little by little yearning and hungering for more than just flesh feeding. Slowly but surely, he became sentient and the little demon became aware of itself. Feeding from birth to death was still appealing, but the manner in which he would live through that was now a choice. In honor of that first host, to whom he owes his rebirth, Krenshar took on its name. His body has changed over time, better adjusting to his way of life. For one thing he has mimicked the hands of a demon host which he found very useful. Said demon shaped its hands to resemble an angel's but Krenshar is unaware of this since he has never seen one. Krenshar has settled on the method of latching onto the spinal cords of his host in order to feed and control. He uses his saliva and acid to invade, adapt, and blend into the chosen host.

As for his relation to the Gluttony demon Lord, Beelzebub, Kren couldn't care less. He doesn't follow nor does he rebel, he just lives the way he chooses. However, he has eaten demons that followed or rebelled against Beelzebub and Kren has played the part just for kicks.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Low class demon with no rank, but makes it his occupation to try different ranks on for size.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
Years of living the lives of several demons has made the little maggot very cunning to his trade. He's very fast and nimble and built for scurrying around. He's also very manipulative in the sense that he knows most demons that get to see his actual form underestimate him, and Kren milks it to no end.
Krenshar secretes two very potent things: saliva and stomach acid, both of which can pour out of his mouth or entire body:

Saliva - Used as a flesh shaper tool in order to cover the damage and himself after burrowing onto the spinal cord. It has the added value of helping his body adapt to his new environment. For example, if the demon host uses venom/poison and has immunity, then Kren is able to adapt his own body by basing his flesh on the host's immune flesh. Speaking of, Krenshar's saliva has numbing properties, to which Kren is immune to, that make it possible to enter a host without the host noticing. His usual process, if his aim is to posses the body, is to catch a demon while it is unconscious. The only way Kren can enter a host while the host is awake, is if Kren's size, relative to the host, is small enough that the host may mistake Kren for an itch he can't scratch because it's out of reach. However, Kren believes he's evolved past that since mere survival is not enough, and it would hurt his pride if he'd ever have to settle back into the life of a simple maggot.

Acid - Used in conjunction with his mouth and teeth to break the skin and muscle or exoskeleton needed to reach the spinal cord. Once Kren is inside, he mixes his acid with his saliva to reduce its potency. The new mixture is spread out throughout the host for digestion. Kren "eats" or rather absorbs his food through his skin and feeds through his mouth on special occasions. Chewing is a special treat.

Other abilities depend on his host. In a way, by taking possession of another demon Krenshar essentially equips them as both armor and weapon. He essentially 'bites' onto the host's cerebellum and one of his tongues latches onto it through saliva tendrils. He extends his second tongue and wraps it around the brain stem, once more creating saliva tendrils that help the control process.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:
His insatiable hunger is both weakness and strength because it rules over him and defines him. Such simplicity makes him easy to manipulate and predict… to some extent, since a Glutton can hunger for anything at anytime and that can be hard to predict when it extends beyond a hunger for flesh.

Extreme temperatures. This may vary depending on his host, but it'll affect him one way or another. Without a host, extreme heat and extreme cold would be lethal to Krenshar.

He considers himself a weakness, an annoyance, and he dislikes himself. He fears staying outside a host for too long, and constantly hungers for praise even if it's a double-edged sword (Since he usually obtains it while wearing the skin of another and never as himself in his true form).

(c) Mglo

Xaronmatl – Hell

Xaronmatl, the Unwelcome Broker

Male | Zotztara | Avarice

The Zotztara are a race of giant bat-like creatures that once resided exclusively within the shadowy depths of Lust. A relative to the leather-winged beasts that are still employed as steeds within those caverns, the sentient Zotztara lived a life of persecution and fear. Smaller and weaker than their feral brethren, and lacking the sexual charms of Lust's more humanoid denizens, the Zotztara had few means to sustain themselves and existed only as half-starved nomads. Those that did not find early deaths in the webs of the Arachnes were typically captured and sold as slaves by the other residents of the Circle. It was a miserable life, and one that obviously had to change. Eventually, a single Zotztaran slave rose to a place of esteem among her fellow laborers. She spoke of a place beyond the caverns where they toiled, a home for the Zotztara beneath the sun where each of them could be free and happy. Her gospel spread like wildfire through the dwindling Zotztaran race. Eventually, she had enough support to incite a rebellion. Many of the Zotztara were cut down in the ensuing conflict, and those that survived found themselves weak, injured, and hunted by their former masters. They flocked to the prophet that had convinced them to throw off their chains, and she led them on a long exodus through the great labyrinth of Lust. After many ardous weeks of travel, that small band of former slaves found an exit.

Even after all their trials, the Zotztara were hesitant to leave the caverns. None of their kind had ever ventured above ground. It was a world completely unknown to them, filled with light and danger. Once again, that charismatic leader rallied the Zotztara, convincing them that no pain above ground could ever drown out the sorrows they'd already suffered. With great solemnity, she led her ragged group of exiles forward. She was fully exposed to sunlight for the first time: her eyes were melted while her fur burst to flames, her skin shriveling and cooking beneath the sudden heat. Those that followed behind her were spared, but the bright light of the day scorched their eyes and left them all blind. Lost and sightless in a new world, but finally free of the persecution that had driven them to the surface, the last of the Zotztara scattered, fleeing to every corner of Hell. The pain and salvation that their choice had wrought had instilled a deep principle within them; there can be no success without great sacrifice.

Xaronmatl, The Unwelcome Broker adviser, a deal-maker, and one of the few true practitioners of sacrificial magic. Like every other Zotztara, he is completely blind, a legacy from his ancestors. This is not as much a disability as one might think: his sense of smell is keen, his hearing is impeccable, and he uses a form of echolocation to maneuver unimpeded within his environment.

His blindness is a constant reminder that only personal sacrifice can lead to personal betterment. It is a philosophy common among the Zotztara, and one that Xaronmatl lives by. He is a merchant at heart: he revels in figuring out what those around him want most, and then offering it to a steep price. His intent is pure and his magic powerful, but it always requires sacrifice. A slaughtered animal, a few pints of blood, a treasured memento, a finger or a toe: all can be traded, and in return Xaron offers his customers magic that will bring them good fortune, or bountiful harvests, or a healthy constitution. The possibilities are only limited by what his customers are willing to sacrifice. Of course, every deal benefits Xaronmatl as well. He feeds on willingly scarified blood, and on the smoke of burning possessions that have been willingly offered onto the fire. As he feeds, his magic grows, a sensation that has become almost an addiction to him: it is what he desires above all else.

Many who know of him and his ghastly offers may view him as a monster, but in truth Xaron is quite genial and courteous. He is a salesman, above all, and he knows a silver tongue is often the best way to set up a proper deal. He sees every person as a potential customer, and every customer as a puzzle: he delights in sniffing out what they desire, and how much they're willing to give up to acquire it. That is not to say he is without empathy. Every deal he makes is fair, and made without deception. He does not shy away from the sacrifice of sentient beings, but he will always give the would-be sacrificial lamb a chance to make a counter-deal in order to save their lives.

He carries traits of the dark, underground circle his people once called home, but now he is a resident of Avarice in more ways than one. While those that inhabit Lust seek to deceive others by manipulating their desires, Xaronmatl seeks only to offer others what they want. He is Avarice embodied, a tool for greed, a quick (if painful) path to fortune. All the while, he is driven by his own greed, a greed for more blood and greater power.

Character's History:
The Zotztara are one of the rarer races in Hell, and most are employed either as professional thieves, assassins, or merchants. Xaronmatl was born to the latter, as blind (and as ambitious) as those that came before him. Much of his early life was spent travelling with a merchant company across the expanse of Avarice, and sometimes even to circles beyond. He learned the art of trading, and of speechcraft, finding that he had a talent for both. Strangely, he also found himself unaffected by the promises of gold, jewels, or any other pieces of material wealth that typically interested the common inhabitants of Avarice. Instead he was drawn towards the abstract. He craved knowledge, thirsted for information.

After coming of age and leaving his merchant company Xaronmatl traveled the sands of the circle, seeking something he could not articulate. Eventually, in the words of a drunken mage reeling in the corner of a dingy port-tavern, he found it. Power. He had always had a talent for magic, a crude skill that had never been honed. Now, armed with knowledge, he began to train his energies. In return for gold, that mage taught him what little he knew, and was more than happy to point Xaronmatl towards his own teacher. The Zotztaran traveled onwards, a new goal in mind. He crossed the Circle countless times, sought out any who would teach him, and practiced relentlessly.

He discovered he had a penchant for blood magic, and for ancient rites of sacrifice that had long since been discarded as impractical. He had the heart of a mage and the mind of a salesman: he excelled at finding what those around him desired, and then bringing those desires into long as a due price was paid, of course. He was surprised to find that every sacrifice offered up made him feel stronger, more robust and more capable. It became an addiction, a greed that only grew with every deal he made.

Over time, word of his skill spread. Many sought him out, full of wants and wishes that they hoped he could fulfill. He obliged those that were willing to pay. Others were sought out by Xaronmatl himself; he had a knack for sniffing out those that had a wants or needs, and the means to pay for a trade. He traveled incessantly across the the entirety of Avarice, among affluence and depravity alike. Customers rich and poor called upon him, or else found him arriving in a quiet flutter of leathery wings and soft words. Those not willing or otherwise unable to make a deal with him at least were compensated with counsel, as the bat demon is keen to share his knowledge of trade in the hopes that one day he will be compensated with greater offerings. He is a legend now, a tale whispered behind cupped hands: they say that those that call for him will soon find his shadowy form at their doorstep, smiling as he begins to outline a deal...

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Adviser to several powerful demons of Avarice (case-by-case)
Travelling salesman, offering fulfillment of any desire in return for suitable sacrifice.

Skills, Abilities:

Sacrificial magic - Simply put, Xaronmatl has the ability to fulfill desires as long as a worthy sacrifice is offered up in exchange. This is a highly ritualized process, often involving some degree of ceremony. The greater the potency of the magic (which is contingent on the worth of the sacrifice and the desire that is being fulfilled), the longer and more intense the ritual will be. There are more than a few rules and stipulations:
1. Both parties, the customer and Xaronmatl, must agree to the terms of the deal. A sacrifice taken unwillingly is not a sacrifice, it is theft and is therefore invalid.
2. Both parties must view the sacrifice as worthy. A legless man offering his boots as sacrifice will not yield much magic in return, as it is obviously not something that the customer holds dear (a fully-limbed man offering his only pair of boots, however, would have considerably higher returns). Luckily, Xaronmatl has a knack for understanding and utilizing what his customers value, and what would serve as a worthy sacrifice.
3. There are limits to what can be accomplished with sacrificial rites. Conceptually, nothing is impossible: Xaron has offered riches, good fortune, fair weather, food and water, magical ability, cures for diseases, ill-fortune towards an enemy, emancipation, knowledge, strength, skill in battle, and much much more to hundreds of individuals. However, the greater the reward, the more worthwhile the sacrifice has to be in order to compensate, and as the benefits become alluring the price raises exponentially. Some things, like immortality or invincibility in battle, may be possible but would require ridiculously exorbitant sacrifices. Other things, like flat-out dominion over a circle of hell or unlimited knowledge, are simply impossible.
4. Xaron's magic is heavily tied to the person who has offered sacrifice, and as such, does not work well when directly applied to others that are not directly involved in the deal. A demon may ask for the death of one of his rivals, for example, but such a direct application of Xaron's magic would take a very hefty sacrifice indeed. Asking for an enchanted blade, perfectly suited to killing that rival, would require a much smaller, more reasonable price.
5. Intensive ceremonies requiring large sacrifices are very draining, and often leave Xaron's magic exhausted for a short period of time.

Blood rites - Careful observers may note that Xaronmatl's left arm is patterned with dozens of criss-crossing scars. This is because his ability in ritual sacrifice is often applied towards blood magic. By offering up a sacrifice of his own in the form of blood, Xaron is rewarded with a sudden burst of magical fortitude. Amplifying his other spells through blood magic is powerful, but risky, as it often leaves Xaronmatl mentally and physically fatigued. Of course, if allies willing offer up their blood in the heat of battle or otherwise, Xaron can use it as a sacrifice to empower them or himself. The blood itself is often used during these spells; it can be applied to weapons to imbue them with magical power, manipulated into a solid shield or offensive implement, or used as a healing salve.

Elemental magic - While not as skilled at traditional magic as he is at rituals and sacrifice, Xaronmatl is still a fairly competent mage. He is able to conjure fire, frost and lightning, and shape those elements to be used offensively. He is not much of a straight up fighter, so these abilities are typically only used as quick and easy ways to kill a surprised opponent and make his escape. In a sustained fight, use of these elemental abilities will quickly fatigue him, requiring him to either flee or enhance his prowess through a blood rite.

Flight - Xaronmatl's wings allow him extended periods of flight.

Echolocation - Natural observations of sound mean that Xaron is never truly "in the dark."

Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
Xaronmatl is a salesman, not a fighter. As such, he does not typically wear armor or carry weaponry. The golden armor seen in the picture above is a good representation of what he often wears, especially when dealing with Avarice's elite. When dealing with the impoverished, he often wears much simpler and less ornate clothes. To him, clothing is simply another tool to be used in the art of trade.

The only weapon he carries is a single iron dagger, its hilt encrusted with gold and jewels. This is the blade he uses in sacrifices that require a blood-letting or a death. As such, it is not inherently suited for actual combat.


Though the ambition of his ancestors and their resulting blindness allows Xaronmatl to live unharmed on the surface, his skin is still sensitive to very bright light. To avoid undue pain, he prefers to do much of his travelling at night and his dealings in the early morning or late evening. During the day, he tends to stick to the shadows. Long exposure to bright sunlight may cause intense pain and discomfort, while short exposure to very bright lights may cause skin burns.

The obvious weakness to his magic is that much of it requires a payment of some sort in order to work. If a deal can't be made, he cannot wield his most powerful magic. Again, deals with great sacrifices/rewards often take time to set up and perform. Blood magic is quick and often powerful, but is very fatiguing and potentially dangerous to the user if not used sparingly.


Sunlight. People that waste his time. Thirst. Those that come to him with regret, asking him to reverse their deals (it can't be done, except with an even greater second sacrifice). Those that assume he is a thief, or a cheat.


Those that try to cheat him. Xaronmatl is an honest demon, despite his grim business, so anyone that tries to cheat him on a deal is instantly abhorred.

Slavery. In the culture that Xaronmatl was raised in, and according to his own philosophy, everyone deserves a chance at a fair deal. In many obvious ways, a slave is deprived of any fair chance. In fact, this is one of the ways he disagrees with Mammon and the other powerful demons of Avarice. Many potential customers often suggest sacrificing slaves, and are annoyed when Xaronmatl refuses.


The fear that one day he'll have regrets (hasn't happened yet).
The fear that one day his greed will consume him, and he'll sacrifice something integral to himself in an attempt to satiate his thirst (hasn't happened yet).

Bezaliel – Hell


Though, the scaling is totally off here. I expect my character to be about 7 feet tall and 13.5 feet long
Female | Fallen Cherubim | Pride

One of the fallen who can be seen spending more time in the demon's land and with demons than her comrades is Bezaliel, the Shadow of God. The female cherubim's major sin is pride. Pride that she alone has discerned the truth of the universe. Growing up in the ranks of the angels, Bezaliel posed questions about Elohim and the angel's existence that no one else dared to ask. She demanded a higher level of proof than most angels, and after the fall, came to a deep and resounding realization of this truth. She believes that the only truth is that which she can observe with her own senses and process with her own brain. She has rejected the traditional narrative of who Elohim was and decided that her own sense of principles and values for the universe were correct.

The fallen cherubim spends most of her time studying and observing the demons. Be it psychologically, physically, or socially, the creatures are fascinating to her because the seem to, by their nature, have discovered the truth of the universe. It was a truth that took the studious angel years to discover herself, but these creatures are born knowing that the world is limited to what they can see and feel. They know they have to act off of their emotions and perceptions and do not pretend like there is more to life than the hypocritical angels resting in heaven do. To learn more about these beasts and to understand Satan and Elohim themselves, Bezaliel has taken to study the creatures.

Character's History:
Born into the peaceful world of Lucifer's reign, Bezaliel enjoyed spending most of her days among the lines of scrolls in heaven's library. While the cherubim was diligent in studying what Heaven had recorded under the head cherubim Metatron, she had too many burning questions. Most of them had to do with the foundation of knowledge itself.

The first question presented itself from the texts of the battle between Satan and their creator Elohim. It struck her as odd that they had such a rich, in-depth story for a time when no angels existed. While she understood that Angels were born from Elohim's very mind, many of them will fully formed knowledge and ideas, the knowledge of the destruction of their creator was different from that. When it came to fighting or mathematics or poetry, the angels could put that knowledge to use. They could verify and use the knowledge. Without external support, doubt crept in. It was possible, though unlikely that the story was imagined by the First Formed or fabricated by Elohim himself to hide something from his people.

The more she meditated on the story of the fall of Elohim, the less sense it made. If Satan and Elohim were exact opposites of each other, how did Elohim best his foe? In mathematics, a positive number and a negative number of the same absolute value become zero. One cannot overtake the other. In physics, two forces equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction can never allow an object to move. Yet this story claimed that for a moment, the universe's source of order, holiness, and light overcame the source of chaos, wickedness, and darkness after they had been in balance for eons. Then after that imbalance, it swung to the opposite side of the spectrum and allowed the darkness to strike back at the good. The result being a balance on this plane, but what caused this lapse of equilibrium? Why did that force allow for the balance to be returned? None of it made sense.

When Bezaliel brought her questions before more wise and studied Cherubim than herself, she was given double talk and backward answers about trusting in the knowledge given by Elohim. No one could erase her doubts about the story of the world before the Angels existed, and the worst part was none of them seemed to care.

They could not see that if their knowledge of Elohim was incorrect, it vastly changed their understandings of themselves. If Elohim's battle was just a story and his nature was not what it appeared to be and they were created in his image, then their assumptions of their own nature would be incorrect. What if Elohim was not pure justice and good, but rather a mix of chaos and order? The angels had built their whole society around principles of order, justice, equality, and mercy, but what if there was something darker in their very cores?

Again the cherubim sought advice for her worries, but the angels pointed to how beautiful, shinning, well suited, and easy Elohim had made their world was as a counterpoint. Everything was joyous, pure, and natural. While nice sounding, those answers were not satisfactory to her. There was no way to prove this plane was created of Elohim's body. It all boiled down to a story, a myth for children.

The dissatisfaction in the young cherubim's mind and heart grew until the days the great debate began. When the demons were first observed, Bezaliel knew the balance of good and evil was being persevered through the spawn of Satan and the children of Elohim. Though the debaters discussed the extermination of evil, the young cherubim was not even sure that was as easy as everyone assumed. She wondered again if it were possible to tip the balance of good and evil in the Universe. It was then that she realized Lucifer's plan was the perfect experiment to verify the truth of Elohim's downfall.

If the angels could destroy the demons in battle, just as Elohim had destroyed the six headed dragon years ago, then it was proof the cosmic scales could be tipped. The story would be true because they would have replicated it, and the angel's base assumptions of the universe would be proven. Knowing the result of a battle between angels and demons could provide a firm foundation for all knowledge, Bezaliel threw her support completely behind Lucifer.

As the battle raged in heaven, it confused the scholar more and more. If the celestial beings were made in the very image of all that is light in the world, how could this sort of battle exist? Why did her brethren not join forces and fight the true forces of evil, just as their Lord once had? It baffled her, until Lucifer's army lost and they were cast out of heaven. That is when Bezaliel came to the conclusion about the truth of Elohim and the story of his defeat. It must be a lie. If angel could destroy angel allowing the streets to shine with their blood and their nature came from Elohim, then he must have had darkness in his heart as well.

Coming to the realization that Elohim's life story was but a fairy tale, the cherubim's mind was open to the real truth of this existence. A truth no one else could have discovered. The truth was that nothing could be trusted but the thoughts in one's head, the senses of one's body, and the feelings of one's soul. Justice, order, morality, they were simply constructs the angels had invented to limit themselves, to make society function properly. If something felt good, such as relations with the demons, eating past the point of being full, or even taking what belonged to another, than it must be good. The demons were good for living up in step with what they believe and did, and the angels were wrong for denying themselves for the sake of others.

With this philosophy firm in her mind, Bezaliel quickly intermingled with the demons who lived there. She felt no shame or guilt for her behavior. Her wings turned black and her fur darkened, but none of that mattered because for the first time in her life, she was living a true, authentic life.

Even though her lifestyle was based in hedonistic principles, that did not mean it was out of control. She spent most of her days studying and learning about the world of demons. While most of the fallen viewed them with contempt, Bezaliel viewed them with interest, but not respect. The demons seemed to have a sixth sense for the rules that the cherubim had accepted for the world. They knew they had to follow their desires, what the angels so ignorantly labeled sins. Bezaliel was curious to see where this knowledge came from.

There was an added point of interest to the demons though. When she had realized that angels were not purely noble and just beings, she wondered what that meant for the demons and the six headed Satan himself. She began to study them both in their natural habitats and isolated buildings. Biology, physiology, psychology, all if it was interesting to her to see how demons acted to get an understanding of Satan's nature. Of course, because of where Adamantinarx was located, her notes and studies consisted almost exclusively of Avarice demons, but her curiosity goes beyond that.

When it became obvious that war was coming, the cherubim quickly signed up to work under Lucifer. Being in his army gave three major advantages. The first was that if he could subjugate the demons to his will, Bezaliel would gain a near infinite number of test subjects to learn as much as she wanted about the nature of demons. The second was that with Lucifer's power, no one could ever surpass him. It was far smarter from one's self preservation to stay on his good side, and the third was the prize they were searching out. Finding Satan's heart would a wealth of information about Satan himself, and if Lucifer could use the hearts to gain some power, who knows what that would do to the universe and the balance of chaos to good. It could supply valuable proof to her theories if a being could be made in the image of Elohim and yet control Satan's power and life. Surely there was no really option to be apart from this.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
A scientist of some sort among the Fallen, her general days are spent observing demons both in their social situations and biology.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
Fighting is an unpleasant skill to the cherubim. While her physical strength and abilities are nothing to laugh about, they are slightly below average for a cherubim. No, Bezaliel's abilities come more from her desire to spread her philosophy and enhance her knowledge than anything else. For her studies of demons, she has developed a medical knowledge of basic demon biology. Granted, this knowledge was ripped from the demons own body, but Bezaliel could serve as some sort of medic to a variety of demon species if the mood struck her.

As for armor, she has a basic rusted set of battle armor from when she was cast out. In the great war, all of those who were more squishy got a pair, but due to lack of interest and care, her's is dirty, dull, unkempt and nothing like it was in her prime.

Being an angel, Bezaliel has one weapon that she can manifest from her body, blow darts and a blow dart gun. Before the fall, the purpose of this weapon was to allow the angel to enter into creatures minds and sooth or comfort them. It gave her the ability to discuss and understand creatures of the earth and study them. After the fall and her shift in philosophy, her use of her weapon shifted. The cherubim has gone from being an observer and comforter in the brain to being more agressive. By hitting her opponent on the brain stem, the cherubim is given the ability to warg into that creature. She can see with its eyes, hear with its hears, touch its mind, and control the body. If the creature is strong enough, she can be rejected from her opponent's mind, but it usually takes time and a conversation with her opponent's mental voice. While Bezaliel control's another's mind, they are awake and aware of her presence, in fact, she often likes to converse with those she has control over if they are capable of that level of thought.

Though because of her twisted thinking and her rejection of basic angelic assumptions, the cherubim has lost telepathic or psionic abilities to speak to her fallen peers. The only advantage she has is to Lucifer himself, who can converse with her in her mind, regardless of whether or not she is warging. Though often she believes this is more linked to his power than her own.

Bezaliel's philosophy is her greatest strength and largest weakness. When she is feeling a large, indisputable feeling, the fallen cherubim followed through with it. After all, feelings and perceptions are the only truth she recognizes. If her body was screaming at her to kill someone, run from something, or eat, she does. On the other hand, if she does not have a strong preference or instinctual answer to question, Bezaliel will take her time to meditate and discern through exactly what she's feeling. This process can occasionally take longer that the window of time for the decision itself, but Bezaliel does get some sort of joy out of the process of coming to the truth through logic and self-discovery.

The greatest annoyance to the cherubim is those who do not listen to their own desires. People who would subjugate what they want for others. She can understand if they are doing it for their own safety, out of concern for their life and welfare, but those who are self sacrificing frustrate her.

There is also the matter of the willfully ignorant. People who will not listen to her philosophy of the world or are too dumb to understand it are annoying.

Most of the time, Bezaliel isn't a fan of fighting. Tactics, strategies, thinking, those things appeal to her, but fighting is only done when necessary.

On some level, Bezaliel fears she is wrong. Though she is convinced of it's truth right now, but part of her worries because she never was able to preform that experiment that would tip the cosmic balance of chaos and light. While she accepted that Elohim and the angels were not who they appeared to be, she still never had her childhood question about what happened to cause Satan and Elohim to fall. Part of her is afraid that she will find new evidence or be exposed to something that will shake her from her principles.

(c) Zabby

Morigoth and Liluri – Hell



[ Females | Devils | Envy ]

Two sisters, one destiny.

Morigoth is the first daughter of Bellicus and Igni. She is a pure devil both externally and internally, wishing to partake in war, battle, combat, and anything and everything that results in bloodshed. She is extremely protective of her younger sister, Liluri, and would give her life up for her and her alone. She is Ares' lover and primary whore, and has laid alongside the spirit of War countless times alongside Liluri.

Liluri is the second daughter of Bellicus and Igni. She is a half-Devil, hald-Cecaelian and therefore a child of both Wrath and Envy. She is a more cold, calm, and calculating individual than her sister is, wishing to occupy herself with mounds and mounds of books. She does not even want to kill, but she can be very protective of Morigoth should the red devil be compromised. Unfortunately for her, she never knew how to fight. She is somewhat cowardly, but a seeker of knowledge. Like her sister, Morigoth, she is madly in love with Ares, and lusts after him.

Written in blood and sprinkled with ash, this tale of two sisters tells the accounts of Morigoth and Liluri, two Devils from the Infernal City of Dis. Birthed in a ritualistic pond of blood during the time before the crumbling of their Circle, these two women were sold as children to be weaned as warrior-whores for Abaddon's ally and future foe, Ares.

Their parents, both pureblood Devils within Abaddon's great army, had consummated in their onyx home. Upon conception, Morigoth proved to be the ideal Devil – red skin, long, winding horns, a forked tail, three-toed feet, magmatic eyes, chiropteran wings, a forked tongue, and a penchant for both tasting and shedding blood. With her sharp teeth and one, feral chomp, she had devoured her father's index finger at its first taste of flesh, and at the dawn of her life, no less. Like the psychos all Wrath demons were, Morigoth's father, Bellicus, did nothing but laugh and stare into his daughter's orange eyes with pride.

Liluri came second, and what the three of them saw was rare in the eyes of Wrath's commoner – a normal demon in aesthetic and anatomy, albeit with an ethereal paleness in place of crimson red. She was hairless with three horns on her head, and wings with tentacles. She was one of the first demons in Hell with albinism, or at least Wrath, has ever seen. This, however, angered Bellicus, as he was a traditional, mostly elitist demon from Wrath: fiercely loyal to Abaddon and wishing to please him. Morigoth and Liluri were then locked away, trained, fed, sometimes beaten, and challenged with trials beyond the capabilities of a child. True ruthlessness was what fuelled Bellicus to bring them up in a home of terror and pain, wishing them to be great warriors. However, Morigoth was the one exhibiting the traits of a true citizen of Wrath. Unlike her sister, the more reserved Liluri abhorred what her father put her through. She was always one who found pleasure in reading the tomes of fire in Dis' Infernal Academies.

Their education did not last long, however. After witnessing their father, in a fit of frenzied rage, tear their mother asunder, they were locked. As he screamed the demonic words for traitor, it was apparent that his unjust actions were due to a betrayed heart. She had committed adultery behind the soldier's back, giving herself to a beached Cecaelia, a Mer-folk with an octopus' lower half, from the waters of Envy. Their mother, Igni, had broken her vows with Bellicus, and made love to the unknown monster from the depths. She had nursed him, laid with him, and then, like one who has felt mercy, released him into the wildness of the ocean. What was notable about the man was his pale, almost milky skin. It was then, at that very moment, that Liluri knew what she truly was. Bellicus knew then that Liluri's constant string of disappointments was not a result of his failure, but the result of genetic difference. At once, the Devil took his unwanted daughter to the market, where she would be sold as a whore to the highest bidder.

Morigoth, however, cherished her relationship with her sister, and lashed out at Bellicus in an attempt to kill her father and save her sister. However, she was beaten and sold alongside her sister for her disloyal actions. In the market, Morigoth and Liluri we bound, gagged, and sold unconscious to a mysterious, hooded figure. Unbeknownst to them, the buyer was none other than Ares, who wished to throw Wrath into chaos. Liluri became Ares' adviser, whilst Morigoth's training in combat was perfected. They lived in a small palace hiding within a volcanic cave. Both of them, aside from their daily activities of fighting and studying, slept with Ares on several occasions.

Years later, Wrath had been destroyed by the wars, and Morigoth set out alone. With the permission of Ares, she would seek revenge on her father. In the dead of the moonless night, Morigoth assassinated her father by decapitating him after a fight. Vengeance fuelled her actions, and she took home with her his severed head and skull as a souvenir and reminder that those who have done great injustices will get what's coming to them sooner or later. Morigoth and Liluri then spoke with Ares about venturing off into all of Hell in order to find Liluri's true father. Ares, having fallen in love with the two, accepted and allowed them to leave his side. With that, they travelled northward.

They stumbled upon the Infernal Spring, and discovered that neither of them were worthy. They attempted to touch the Infernal magma, but they were burned instantaneously. However, the skull of Bellicus levitated from within Morigoth's bag and was thrown deep into the Spring. It emerged a skull, black and horned, with red energies glowing in the eye sockets. It shot a bolt of red lightning at the ground and created a magma golem to do its bidding. It floated back into Morigoth's hand, and at once, she was filled with a surge of energy. Though she herself did not swim in the Infernal Spring, she felt its power through her father's skull. The hatred and anger of Bellicus towards his unfaithful wife lingered even after death, making him worthy.

Having no home, Liluri and Morigoth set out to Envy to find Liluri's real father, with Morigoth acting as her sister's guardian demon. They travelled to the north poles via ship. In the land of Judecca, they were met with odd stares, but ultimately, they were accepted. In Envy, they worked as hunters and researchers, with Morigoth ridding the woods of dire demonic wolves and Yetis, while Liluri stayed behind to learn the arts of clairvoyance in an attempt to connect with her Cecaelian father. She learned different languages, and also how to swim in water.

After hearing the word of Lucifer's meeting and the promise of ultimate power, the two sisters ventured off towards Sloth.


Morigoth wields the Skull of Bellicus, her father's horned skull dipped in the Infernal Spring. Though she herself is not worthy, her father was, having been betrayed and broken hearted by his own wife. A now black skull with red energies emerging from the skull's empty sockets, Morigoth wields this with intensity. It is able to shoot red lightning streams from its holes, which are deadly and can burn through materials with ease. When lightning strikes rock materials, however, it creates golems that then seep magma from insides. These magmatic golems are detailed, unlike the lava elementals and golems in Wrath. Her minions look like a demon race all on their own. They have timed life, depending on the Skull's power. The golems also differ and size and strength, and are stronger when Demons show great rage and hatred. That is why Morigoth is effective against other demons of Wrath, as her hatred and her foes' hatred makes her minions stronger.

Morigoth is also a master swordswoman, and is exceptional with the blade. She has no powers of her own, save for her mental connection with Liluri, thanks to her sister's clairvoyance.

Liluri has no powers save for clairvoyance, and can see and perceive auras, things behind her, things that are many miles away, and can see from her sister's eyes, as well. However, her Devil and Cecaelian genetic makeup does not allow her any of both races' advantages. She can, however, swim, thanks to her glider-like wings.

Both share a mental connection. Though they do not share physical pain, they share mental pain. For example, if Liluri gets a headache, Morigoth gets a headache as well, if one sees illusions, then both see it as well, and if one are dazed by a psionic blast, then both are incapacitated. Liluri can choose to turn this off, but prefers not to, as Morigoth and Liluri share a very strong bond as sisters.

Morigoth is not a thinker, and would rather gore her opponents. On the other side of a coin, Liluri is not a fighter, and is weak beyond descriptions. She would take hours and hours to think of the perfect plan.​

(c) Defaeca



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Well this is certainly interesting. I'll definitely consider joining.
Looking good. Can't wait to join.
This seems like an interesting r.p. I'd like to join
Once I finish hashing out cultures and the Angel fieldset, as well as create the map of Hell, signups will be open. :)
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I will definitely be joining this^^.
What kind of demon would a genie be? Envy?
I think it would be a Djinn at this stage in creation if it existed at all. But yes Envy stands to reason. Course Mr GM has to give the final answer.
This is quite the interesting one ^^ I am definitely considering.
All that's left for me to do is write about the nature of Heaven's angels and give sample pictures, as well as update the rules!

@Salsacookies Djinn spirits, or genies, are wish-granting demons usually associated with wealth and desire. Their deceptive nature to grant overbearing, usually destructive wishes are a very Avaricious trait seeing as they would grant wishes for a price. Much like gold, they crave freedom. However, demons are not bound to a Circle. Like, you can be a Djinn who simply came from Avarice but your personality is that of anger, or lust, or whatever. You can also have a different allegiance, like Djinn who categorises himself as a demon of Sloth, etc. It doesn't matter.

@Nameless @Ozferatu @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Jhuton

If you all want to create Demons, go on ahead :) I'll get to work on the Angel basis and update rules in the morning. Once I finish the map in Photoshop, I'll make an IC thread and post right away.

And for anyone who wants to make a Fallen character, you can re-use the pictures I just used if you like them, so long as no one has used them yet. :)
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Okay. Seems he'd fit best in Avarice anyway, seeing that Envy is an ocean. How is an ocean affiliated with Envy anyway? I'd think a tropical forest would fit better, with it being very green and with its many parasites and vines. I'm just curious, and that's my personal interpretation, not trying to say you're wrong.
Okay I will have my demon up tonight, going to be fun.
Immah duck out of this one. I try to avoid playing with shattered secrets. Nothing personal but his style drives me insane.
I fear I will have to drop due to another Roleplay I am heavily involved in needing more attention. I apologize. and wish you best of luck.
@Salsacookies Depends on how you look at it ^^ Just like in tropical forests there are deadly predators constantly trying to stay at the top of the food chain. Envious people want what they can't have and will do anything they can to rise to the top. If that means cutting the head off of another I'm sure they'd do it. I don't know if that made as much sense as it did in my head, but yeah... lol.
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@Salsacookies Envy is a cold and icy ocean because of a number or reasons. Historically, medieval accounts of Christianity and Catholicism state that the punishment for the envious is to be submerged in icy waters, as a means to hypothetically "chill" their desires of want. The aquatic demons of my envy want nothing more than to live easier; something that over-worlders do, not having to deal with sea monsters and Leviathan on a daily basis. Second, Leviathan, a giant sea monster, is associated with the sin of envy. So, with most things pointing to water and ice, I simply weaved the two ideas together and made it into the ocean and polar regions of Hell. @Nameless also got the symbolic reason on point! Kudos to that :)
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Question on lust demons. How graphic can we get? o.0
@Ozferatu This isn't a libertine nor it is a psychosexual like the show Penny Dreadful, so in spite of Lust's sensual denizens, please don't be graphic. Be poetic, but not classless.
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