Heaven's Nova

Almeria made a judgement, and she hoped it was the right one, not so much for herself as for Tra. The captain was intimidating of course, but he was the one that had to be convinced that he was better off dealing with her as a person instead of as a thing.

"Can I speak? Actually don't answer that." That got both men's attention. She stood looking at both of them with her arms crossed, a serious expression on her face. "Look, I get you'd like to rescue your people from Namir." Almeria carefully did not use the honorific associated with the Overcleric. She had to make it clear, not just with what she said, but how she said it, her passion. Because that's all she honestly had.

"The thing is, you didn't kidnap some hand selected puppet for him to mold, he got your hands on someone he fears! Yes it's laughable, no one should fear me, just look at me!" She jestured to her petite feminin frame for the captain's behalf. Forgetting Tra's reaction yet subconiously it was the reason she used her body to illustrate the point. "Yet you know that the explosions at happened at St. Whakeen wasn't some bizzar accident and if you know the course of the ship you pulled me off of, you'll know it came from Kolatus."

"So tell me, what is he so afraid of?" She was very curious at what conclusions the captain of this ship could come to. Especially since they just survived by the skin of their teeth an ambush by the Church, all because they didn't want them around now that they had her.
Tra watched her, his admiration for her growing. She was stronger than she looked. In the past day, she had displayed courage, strength, intelligence, kindness, and nobility. A soft smile played at the corners of his lips.

The captain had a rather different reaction. He stared at the small woman, scrutinizing her with eyes that lingered far too long for Tra's comfort. The captain reached up, rubbing at his jaw and considering for a moment. Her words seemed to have given the old pirate pause. Tra was curious himself. He'd learned a bit more, now. And things were slowly beginning to slip into place.

"Captain, I will take full responsibility for her. She can help us. I believe this to be true." Though he spoke to the captain, he didn't take his eyes off of Almeria. "She is a strong, capable woman, and I believe that she is more than either of us have seen. It would be wise to protect her. If Namir gets ahold of her, we could all be in more trouble than we ever feared. He's too cunning. I know that we do not know this young woman, but in the time I have spent with her, I have seen her display courage and discipline that would rival the strongest of priests. But she is not unbreakable, and she needs us as much as we need her."

Silence dragged on again, and the captain began to pace, clearly thinking this over.

"Deleshanda, someone's going to cut out that silver tongue of yours someday. And the girl's got just as convincing a mouth. Fine, she can stay. But she doesn't get a share of any haul until she proves herself. That means her food is coming out of YOUR pay. Got that?"

"Yes, sir." Tra smiled now, obviously relieved.

"Good. I have a couple things to talk to you about. So if she could wait outside, we need to get through this stuff before we dock."
"Of course Captain," Almeria said with a wide smile. She was only able to do so because of the profound relief she felt. She was all wound up now and her energy instead of being drained from the small exchange was now in over drive. She tried not to show all that nervous energy to the captain though. Instead she put her hands being her back, nodding to the captain and the Tra then walked out of the room.

Out in the corridor she leaned on the wall. She wanted to pace or run or sing or climb something, but she couldn't do any of that so she fidgeted. Mostly with the necklace the pendant hung on. Everything else was not good for fidgeting.

It seemed like Tra was in their forever, but the reality Almeria was unsure of. When the door of the conference room opened it was all she could do not to race up to him and demand to be told everything. Dignity was part of it, she was still wound up, but she was going to try her beat to keep her dignity. As for everything, she really didn't want to know everything, just what she needed to know.

"So?" she asked softly.

Damn she still wanted to run!
Tra smiled softly at her, seeming very serene in comparison with the hyper girl. "We will arrive at the base in four hours. There, we will acquire you some quarters and try to find you more suitable clothing, if you wish." He nodded to the hallway, starting to walk and leading her along.

"I won't bore you with the details of the other matters we spoke of." His expression dipped to sorrow for a moment before returning to serenity. They'd spoke of burial details for those lost during the battle. He'd been asked to perform the service, but had declined. There were a few more priests at the base who were closer to those who had been lost. It made more sense. Tra tried to bury the feeling that he just didn't wish to deal with death right now.

They'd also spoken of the prisoners they had set out to rescue. The captain had not listened to Tra as he pleaded for another chance to save those who might already be dead from Namir. They weren't going back. Not now, at least. Tra was quietly determined to rescue them himself if he had to, but he needed time to plan.

"I know you didn't have time to finish breakfast. Would you like to go eat in the mess hall or would you rather wait til we dock?" He sounded honestly tired, and his face had a day's growth of stubble. Dark circles were beginning to form under his eyes from lack of sleep.
The mess sounded exciting! All those pirates eating, gossiping, being alive! Almeria was ready to take Tra up on that offer, but them she looked up at him and realized he was being too kind again. Tra didn't need to be around a bunch of people right now. She'd even suggest she could go to the mess on her own, but really she wasn't sure about that and she was a bit more convinced he'd insist on being her escort.

So instead, Almeria shrugged. "It's only a few hours, and I'm sure you want to take care of some things before we get to your base. I'll be fine with something to read." she then looked up at him and grinned. "Besides, if I need to, I can always sneak one of your candies I'm sure!"

almeria was much happier with this idea. This gave Tra a cance to rest if he would, and maybe if he did rest in his room she could do some floor excersizes. That would harness this energy in a more productive way.
Tra scrutinized her for a moment, then sighed, nodding. "Thank you." They turned up the hall to his quarters. He shouldn't be so tired, but the past day and a half had been stressful, exhausting, and emotional. He'd kept his own worries largely locked down, focusing on trying to help Almeria.

The door slid open as the two entered, Tra looking around for a moment before dropping down to sit on a couch. He sat there for a moment, eyes half closed, then forced himself to stand. "So, I should get a shower. If you want, there are some ration packs in the kitchen, but I'm afraid I'm out of fresh food." Smiling, he headed through the bedroom to the shower, doors snicking shut behind him. He needed a warm shower and shave.

He shaved first, thanking the stars for bladeless razors. Then, he turned the shower on as hot as he could stand, stripped down, and climbed in, letting the water beat against his back. He stood that way for several minutes, just letting the tension ease away. He nearly fell asleep standing, so he urged himself back to productivity, washing his hair and scrubbing himself clean before climbing out and wrapping a towel around himself so that he could go into his room and get dressed.
Almeria sat down on the other couch, quietly. If he fell asleep right then and there, well he deserved his rest where ever he wanted it, it was his place after all. Granted she was glad when he stood up. "Thank you," she returned his smile with one of her own.

Once Tra disappeared into his room she proceeded to take off her shoes and let her hair down. She gave it a good shake, the curls going every which way. She was going to need to give it a proper brushing later, but for now it felt good to just have it out of the thight ponytail. Wiggling her toes on the ground she then stood up and pushed the table back against one of the couches to give herself a bit more room.

When she was little, Almeria had watched and even imitated her parents doing these deservingly unsimole exercises. It wasn't until she entered university that she got instruction however. Visualizing was the key and Almeria tried to push away any stray thoughts as she concentrated on her own spirit and energy. She could feel it, see it in her mind, and now she could shape it and move it.

Slow, deliberate movement that took more skill and honed in her wild flighfulness, where repeated multiple times before she glided into the next set of movements. Almeria felt centered and part of the universe. She was at peace and calm.

Then she heard the water turn off, and just like that her concentration was broken. That shouldn't have happened! Yet she found herself looking at the bedroom door. She shouldn't have been so easily distracted!
Tra nearly forgot to towel his hair off. One he had gotten it so it wasn't going to trail rivulets around his room, he strode over to the closet, pulling out clothes. At least he could turn the lights on now. He found a pair of grey trousers, tugging them on and pulling socks and boots on as well. He considered the rest of his clothes for a moment, picking out a shirt. He wasn't a vain man, instead, he was after something comfortable that wouldn't wrinkle if he did fall asleep in it. He found a soft button down shirt and pulled it on.

He was still somewhat damp from the shower, not bothering to button up the shirt for the moment. Moisture from his hair was soaking the back of it. He thought for a moment, then buttoned all but the top four buttons of the shirt. There. He would still be able to dry without offending anyone's modesty. Happy with his solution, he tossed the towels into the hamper and walked out, blinking as he caught sight of the moved table.

"Well, that helped. I do believe I'm a bit more awake now, Almeria. We should discuss a few things. Try to figure out how you could best help us and earn your keep, so to speak." His voice was a bit distracted. He glanced at her hair, remembering for a moment how soft it had been under his fingers.
"Oh, right," she said softly looking at him. He defiantly looked good! Better, he looked better, relaxed! "um, I'm glad you're feeling better." She went over and sat on the edge of the couch, barely looking away from him. "I'm, I'm not interested in just basically surviving...."

She needed to stop thinking about fine he looked and focus on the conversation. But where to even start!

Purposely she looked down at her hands then she reached for her pendant. Right, she had things she needed to do. "I don't have anyone to trust, so I'm going to trust you." Almeria finally looked back at him, her expression much more somber then before. "I don't know the exact significants, but the mysterious death of the Mother of the Celestial Records at the First Temple was not the only church death at that time. Just the most noticeable. There was in fact at that time a masacar, but it was spread out by location that I don't think most people noticed it."

This was hard, painfully so. She had never told anyone this story before. So much of it she had to piece together to try to make sense of it all and still she wasn't sure she figured it all out. "Almost thirteen years ago my parents and grandparents were murdered by priest and church guards. We were at my grandfather's vacation home and if the attempt to burn their remains and the cabin had succeeded I most likely would have died where I hid."

Almeria watched his expression, but pushed on. If she stopped now she didn't know how long it would take to finish telling him what he needed to know. "My grandfather was my mother's first mentor and they both were my only ones, what most people know as Chaos Knights," she actually smiled a little at this misnomber, "they were Gohdem's Balance. They were training me to be able to chose to serve if I wanted to. Namir's miracle.... They all knew something wasn't right. Not just my family, all the knights. I think some wanted to deny it first. I remember lots of arguments, but every day it became more clear to them."

"Those charged to protect the Fate were killed by those that should have been their first allies!" Namir ordering their deaths wasn't what pained her, it was that holymen allowed themselves to be the means to all their deaths!

There was so much else, but it was now all a jumble of what was important and what was personal. She never really thought shed get a chance to tell anyone this and now that she chose to there didn't seem to be enough words. "Gohdem preserve us all, every day we are slipping further and further away from the dance of light and shadow and into something more, I don't know dead!" Almeria shook her head she was getting off track. "I think... I think I know how he could have done it though.... The first miracle, ha, the only miracle he's performed. No one has seen another after all!"
Tra listened to her, not daring to speak. It was obviously hard for her to say all this. He listened as the suspicions that had been only ticklings in his subconcious were confirmed. When she spoke of her family, he moved over to sit next to her, putting his hand gently on her own, fingers lacing with her hand and drawing it away from the pendant. His other arm slipped around her, pulling her close in a comforting embrace.

As she spoke, his heart began to ache. No, the knights had not been alone in their suspicion of Namir. Though they had not known the extent of the duplicity, much had happened to lead up to Tra's excommunication and his sister's imprisonment. Tra was filled with sorrow for Almeria, but also with righteous fire. He hadn't been walking a lost path all these years. This girl was the light who would lead him where he was needed.

But it was hard to see her as that. The fact that Namir was intent on having her spoke to her importance, but right now, Tra just wanted to hold her more. As she paused, he spoke softly.

"Tell me. Tell me everything you know. I will help you."
Almeria was filled with relief from Tra's words. He understood! She had long lost hope that she would be able to have that. Now though, now was when she had to give all the details. Unknowingly exposing a lot of her history in the process. When it all seemed like so much, she'd look into his eyes and know he wanted her to continue.

Almeria started by explaining how her uncle found her and hid her within his own family. He never understood the type of family his brother married into, but he was loyal to his family and she was a part of it. Her cousins were a little older then her and understood the importance of keeping her safe and calling her sister. It was her aunt though that was truly amazing. Even though only related by marriage she was the second mother Almeria desperately needed as she dealt with her loss and tried to find her place in the world.

Even as a teen Almeria tried to pick up the pieces, trying to understand what her family had died for. She tired to learn everything she could of Namir, which of course the Church was helpful with. His history was all publicly available, though his own childhood was surprisingly harder to discover. She did finally learn which planet he was born on and some of the major historical events there. One which years later would help her connect how he might possibly manufactured a miracle without himself being blessed.

Her thoughts then turned to miracles themselves and how they could be accomplished. What every adult would know, she had to learn and in learning put the pieces together. Saints' remains could convey Gohdem's blessings. Miracles were claimed of touching a piece of the dead. But to create a Prophets miracle? You'd need not a martyr or a saint but a prophet! If an avatar of Gohdem left any earthly remains that would of course be very holy, but he never left any.

But the prophets when they died were given exstravagant funerals and kept within the walls of the First Temple. How could anyone, even the elected Overcleric, get anything, even a finger, without drawing attention?

Then she learned of the Prophet Herma, who led the battle against the Cult. No one called those that followed the path of entropy anything else but that. Herman's defeat of them a hundred and fifty years ago was the stuff that legends were made of. However after Herma's death there was mystery. The procession of the Prophet's body was interrupted with explosions, violence and bloodshed.

Almeria read everything she could but in the end found no more word, pictures, videos or anything about Herma being put to rest.

"What if Herma was taken back to the planet of his greatest battle, the home of the Cult, which years later was where Namir was born?"
Tra continued to hold her, but as she spoke a subtle tension entered his strong frame. His thumb idly brushed the back of her hand, trying to lend her strength through his touch. She'd been through so much, too much. Tra found he felt indebted to those who had raised her and protected her.

She knew a great deal, enough that if he had doubted her studies before, he believed her wholly now. And there was no reason not to believe her about Namir. It made sense.

"If that happened, if Namir were to gain such a relic, he could indeed have used it to perform his miracle. It would have been enough to give him carte blanche to reorganize the church." Tra took a breath, thinking for a few seconds and then voicing his concerns. "The last few high overclerics were slowly losing their influence over their followers. For Namir to show such a miracle boosted the Church's hold, gave people hope. It was a hope they desperately needed. I barely remember the old high overcleric. He was a frail old man, and couldn't keep the attention of a crowd. He was a good management sort, I know that. He was noted in history books as being able to find worth in the most worthless situations."

"Overcleric Tinnisen... from what I was told during my education and what my sister remembers, he was once a very well loved man, skilled at speaking and well versed in the Church's lore, wiling to help those in need even if he had to get down in the dirt and do so himself. But as he aged, his sway faded. I remember the day that Namir took the Staff of office. It was broadcast everywhere. Everyone was so glad to have the young miracle worker take the place of the wasting old man. They had all but forgotten his good deeds and devout nature, remembering only the failings of recent years. And Namir was a charmer, and skilled at making himself look squeaky clean while his opponents in political matters never failed to have some horrid rumor circulate. Of course, Namir defended them. My sister, Kari, always suspected it was a show, that Namir was really just trying to secure his hold and remove his enemies from office.

"By that time, I was in training. Like so many young clerics, I was a staunch supporter of the miracle worker, as so many still called him. There were rumors that he was a new prophet, and we were all told to watch for any more miracles or signs. By the time I was trained and instated as a surgeon priest, my sister and I were no longer speaking. She was so convinced of Namir's duplicity and I was blindly faithful, still filled with youthful hope. After all, on the surface, things seemed much better. Even we priests were being told of the great improvements. Those who were being ministered to had the best care in the worlds. We were told that some refused our aid, but that we could do nothing but try to keep helping."

"A few years after my full initiation to surgeon priest status, I realized the truth. We were on a mission trip, caring for those who were too poor to make pilgrimages to the large planet cities for aid. I was about to treat a young woman when my hand was stayed. I was told that she had not accepted the true word of the church. Thus, she would not be treated. Confused, I looked at her and asked if there was veracity in my partner's words. She spat angrily at the ground, cursed, and said I was refusing to treat her because of her political affiliation and beliefs. Of course, she said, she believed in Gohdem's gifts. She had been devout since childhood. But she refused to become another cut out soul. She wanted to love and live life how she saw fit.

"I was confused. I stated that there was nothing wrong with her choices and tried to treat her again, but my partner called our superior and I was sent away. The woman was not given help, in fact, she was sent from the town when word of her affiliations reached the ears of the local elders. I waited so long in that tent, expecting a reprimand. I was instead told to never mention the event to anyone and to spend a week in fasting prayer til I reached the truth."

"Instead of finding truth, I grew more and more confused. I suddenly wanted to speak with my sister. She could surely make sense of this all. But when I returned to the city and attempted to find her in the Church registry, she was not listed. I asked about her only to be told not to pursue the matter any further. But I couldn't let go of the need to speak with her, and I was worried. I searched, sneaking into the church's database when I should have been praying and ministering. I finally found a file, mostly empty but for a set of planetary coordinates."

"They were for a cathedral city on Ember Prime. It was a city supposedly for those of elevated status. It took time, but I managed to secure passage there on a freighter and took some time off, claiming I needed a personal pilgrimage. When I arrived, I couldn't find Kari. She was nowhere to be seen, so again I started to search for records. I was caught, and was so overcome with guilt that I barely realized I was simply being sent away and given penance to do. It didn't take much to realize that they were going light on me to make me think there was nothing important to find."

"Two nights later, one of the Librarians who had been in the room when I'd been caught found me. He told me of a group who could give me information about anyone in return for medical care. I hated myself, but I went. They lived outside the city, by several miles. They were a collection of minor criminals and debtors. Some of them were only criminals under the new morality laws Namir had set in place. I felt horrible. I had judged these people before I met them, considered them horrid sinners who did not deserve treatment, and had only been willing to help to find Kari. I stayed for two weeks, the realization that all deserve treatment and care slowly coming to me. I knew I could never go back. I could never let myself be told who I could treat, who I could give succor to."

"A week into my stay, they told me of Kari, that she was not on the planet at all, but instead being held for trials of heresy by Namir. I wanted to leave that night, but my own self bound penance made me finish my service to those who needed my aid. By the time I returned to the city and demanded an audience with the High Cleric of Ember, I had roused suspicion. I was taken before the High Overcleric himself. To my horror, I was pronounced a traitor, a heretic. I was defrocked, my... my shame etched on my hands for all to see, my license to practice medicine taken from me. I remember it felt like the room was ripping apart and turning into a whirlwind around me. I had failed my sister, myself, and those I could have helped. I remember crying, falling to my knees and begging lenience. Namir gave me what I begged for. Instead of killing or imprisoning me, he exiled me from all Cathedral cities. He sent me away. When I returned to find those I had helped, only a few remained. They had heard, through their sources, of my plight. They gave me a stack of papers, some cred sticks, and told me to meet a man named Alshon."

"Alshon brought me to the captain, who said he needed a medic. I took on the job, despite my distaste for piracy. But I got along well enough with the pirates. The Stellar Flare is a good ship. The people here are devout. Yes, we have to take to survive. We also give a home to those who need it. It isn't right. One day, we hope to be free of the need to do what we do. But you must understand, I am here because I can help others. They do not care about my credentials, only that I can give them the help and love that they need." By now, his eyes were pleading. He seemed desperate to have her approval, or perhaps forgiveness. "I am sorry for saying so much, but if we are to trust one another, to work to stop Namir, you needed to know who I am. I will understand..." if you hate me. The words didn't have to be spoken, they hung on the air like dust motes. He still held her hand, squeezing softly. No matter what she thought of him, he would help her.
While it had been Tra who had tried to comfort her and support her while she delt with her past and present colliding like a planet and a rogue moon, he had been wrestling with his own demons, in the shadows of his mind. Despite all her losses, she found herself feeling she was the more fortunate of the two of them. She had always known who the monster was, Tra had not. He had gone through a trial of fire and brimstone to be shown the truth. He had lived like all the other priests had, but while the wool had been pulled over his eyes, like so many others, the truth eventually burned it away. It left him in a world he no longer recognized however. Almeria could not imagine what it might be like to learn everything you thought was the truth was all lies, and in such a violent manner.

His eyes plead for forgiveness, but Almeria could not give that. There was nothing to forgive after all. His plight though proved to Almeria that hope was not so far lost. His fall and rise gave her the determination to see it manifest multiple times over. It made it even more clear that her time of waiting needed to be over. It needed to be the time of action soon.

It was this determination that caused her to stand up, perhaps a bit abruptly. Before Tra could figure out what she was going to do or how to react she took both of his hand in hers, then leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Gohdem does not punish ignorance, just those that refuse to learn priest." Her amber eyes looked into his blue ones, trying to pass on the respect she felt for his journey. "Never hide yourself in the shadows, but allow the light to bless you always."
Tra looked up when she stood, caught offguard by the determination in the girl. He was even more surprised by the kiss. He looked up, nodding at her words and standing, stepping to one side and turning her with him so she still faced him. His fingers entwined with hers once more and he spoke in a roughened, weary, but deeply hopeful voice.

"I will serve to help you in your quest. I will protect you and do what I can to be of service." Some part of him hurt deeply. He knew this was for the greater good, that this was what his sister would fight for if she could, but he also knew there was a great chance he would never see Kari again. But what part of him did not hurt surged with hope. They had a chance. He didn't know what this chance was yet, but he felt confidence where there had been none before.

It was such a solemn moment. He raised her hands to his lips, kissing her knuckles in a show of respect and priestly obedience. He would serve to help her. He would protect her at the cost of his life if it came to it. Less than two days since they'd met and his life had turned upside down again.
Almeria felt just a tad overwhelmed by Tra's declaration. She didn't feel she deserved it since she hadn't done anything yet, and yet.... How could she refuse him. She simply couldn't. It would be a dishonor to him, and the truth was she needed him. She could not do this on her own.

"Thank you," she said with a shy smile. Thanks didn't seem to be enough, but what more could she say? Nothing really. Almeria wasn't sure how long they stood like that. So much had happen, and it was only just the beginning.

As the captain had told Tra, the flight had taken just about four hours since the meeting. Most of the pirates were excited for some good old fashion R&R, while the senior members of the crew were no looking forward to the meetings that were to transpire. Discussions about the failed mission and what further agendas were planned. The only ones even less happy were those incharge of repairing the ship. There was pride there though. The ship had made it out mostly in tact after the firefight with the Church and that was partly due to their care for the ship each time it came to port at the base.

"What will we do first," she asked Tra. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect in this safe port for pirates and other assorted criminals of the Church.
Tra packed the things he would be taking onto the station, as well as her clothes, old and new. He headed down the hall with her, hand gently on her elbow so that she wouldn't get lost in the crush of people in the docking bay as they stepped off the ramp.

"Well, first we find you a place to stay. Then you should probably see about something to-" he paused, coming to a sudden stop that caused those walking behind the pair to curse loudly and detour around them. The docking bay was utterly packed! There were people everywhere, and not all of them were dressed in the outrageous styles of pirates. Many of them looked like everyday people, only run down, tired, and lost. Refugees. He leaned down, murmuring softly in her ear.

"It seems the Valiant Omen has gone on another rescue mission. See the people coming from the ship to our left? They're all refugees or defectors, looking for a home or at the very least a safe stopover." He frowned, starting to walk again and speaking a bit louder. "We'd best find you a place quickly." They tried. They tried to find her a suite for nearly an hour before Tra heaved a sigh and called it quits.

"I admit I am at a loss. I cannot seem to find adequate lodging for you. You're welcome to stay with me, if you wish, but people may... talk." He actually might have been blushing slightly. "Of course, I will take the floor and you can have the bed chamber." He shouldered the duffel bags again, starting down the maze of corridors.
Refugees! It was the first time she had seen any. It was difficult to even realize they existed if you were in a secure position or a highly populace world, but rumors did filtered down about those on the more remote planets being "taken back" into the folds of the Church, not without some resistance.

Of course it had to be more then just mere resistance, but Almeria was unsure how much. Here she might learn the truths she couldn't find before.

Tra's attempt to find her lodging was fruitless and she felt bad for him, he seemed to be trying so hard! "I'm not worried about any of that," she didn't know these people, but for him perhaps it was uncomfortable. No, from the way he looked he was definitely not use to the idea that rumors could be spread about him. Maybe she was the odd one, it was a bit suggestive if they kept such tight company after all. There wasnt anything to be done about it though. "I'm not kicking you out of your bed though."

There was so many people everywhere. While it wasn't too dissimilar to a large city, she knew that things had to be tight, resources stretched to their limit. It wasn't any wonder the captain didn't want to have to pay her until she could prove herself. Not that she cared about money. At least right now. There might come a time later when she would need to buy resources.

They finally turned to a smaller corridor with less people around. It was quieter here too. The private quarters. Tra stopped them in front of one of the doors and scanning his left hand, the door opened. "How long since you were here last?"
Tra ducked inside, setting the duffels next to the door and turning the lighting up. "A couple weeks, but believe it or not, we have people come by and freshen the rooms up when we are out on a long trip." The suite was a somewhat larger version of his room on the ship. The main differences were that there was a full kitchen and a small alcove for a private temple. Tra looked around before stretching and popping his back. He shut the door as soon as she was inside.

"There's a tub in the bathroom, if you want to soak. I really do insist that you take the bed, though." The sudden memory of her in his arms caused him to nearly drop the duffel bags he was in the middle of lifting again. Closing his eyes and whispering a prayer for strength of will, he shouldered the burden of their things. "I'd say any of the common areas are going to be crowded, but I don't have much food here, so we might just have to have something sent up." He opened the bedroom door and started to unpack, putting his things in the bedroom closet. Her things were set aside on the bed. Once he finished unpacking, he returned to her side. "If you need anything, let me know. I'll do my best to see that you are comfortable here."
Almeria took a few steps inside and looked around, while it was small, though not as small as the ship's quarters, it seemed comfortable in here. The mention though of a bath she could soak in caused her to pause. "That sounds heavenly," she said softly, mostly to herself. She shook herself of the thought since he was still speaking and walking around.

"I really don't want to... inconvenience you..." It sounded silly to say that. In a way she couldn't help but be inconvenient. She was a stranger to all of this. Having him not able to sleep in his own bed though caused her more guilt then the rest though. She didn't need his bed after all, any place really would work. Surely he should allow himself that much luxury when he was sacrificing his time, and pay even, for her benefit.

Hands on her hips she looked up at him. She was trying to look serious but in the end it was more pouty then anything else.
Tra looked down at her, considering her for a moment, a serious and stern expression on his face. He was trying very hard not to laugh at her, his lips twitching. It was just that she was so adorable. Finally, the laughter won out and he doubled over, hands on his knees.

"Almeria! I promise, you are anything but an inconvenience. You are strong, determined, honorable, caring." The laughter died down and he straightened his back, reaching out to cup her cheek in his hand. "As I told you, I am in your service. Anything I can do for you, I will." His thumb stroked her cheek once before he realized what he was doing. The priest stepped away quickly, his hand falling to hang by his side. "Ah, forgive me. That was... too familiar a gesture." He went back to sorting through clothes, his shoulders tight beneath his shirt.

Stupid, that was so stupid! How could he have let himself give in to such an urge? He'd probably scared her away forever.