Heaven's Nova

"Gohdem preserve us we're all in danger," Almeria said in a shaken but quick voice. "Namir, that monster, he's killed them all! Why! Because I knew them talked to them." Tears were freely falling down her cheeks now, but she didn't stop talking. In fact she looked Tra in the eyes. "He won't stop with them though, will he? No one would question him if he took out a group of pirates and criminals all in the same breath. If he would kill regular people, he will gloat with your deaths!"

Almeria shook her head, as though she could deny her own words. She didn't want to believe herself after all. "Why didn't he just have me killed?" The actions the High Overcleric would take with her captors was too clear, but the original motive was not. He had to know what she was, or at least there was the potential. Why not get rid of her like all the other protectors of the faith and balance?
He thought quickly, then nodded, turning and taking her back to her cell. "I'll contact the captain, let him know what's going on. I hope you don't mind this, but you're going to be our ticket to safety. If he hasn't tried to kill you yet, I doubt he will now. We're safe as long as you're aboard." He hesitated at the door to her cell, clenching his jaw. So much going wrong! And this girl was caught right in the middle of it all. Instead of locking her in the cell, he guided her to his chair. Again, the medkit was opened, and this time he produced and loaded a hypospray which he handed her.

"If you feel yourself panicking, use that. It will keep you calm til we can get to safety." He grabbed his comm, keying for the captain and hastily explaining how wrong things were going and waiting for a response. Blast it all, what was going to happen to his sister now? And what was so important about this girl that so many had been killed just for knowing her. No matter, right now, they had to get out of there.

The captain's voice finally came back over the comm. "Look, are you sure the girl's not just pullin' some fancy trick to get ya to lower your guard, Doc?"

"I'm sure. Look, she has nothing to gain from this. We need to get out of here now."

There was a long moment of hesitation. Then, "Right, we're gonna-" The ship rocked hard, sending the medkit to the floor, its contents bouncing around and scattering. Tra braced himself til the jolt eased, then ran over to Almeria, securing her crash webbing into place before wedging himself into a corner.

"Gonna be a rough ride, so I'd suggest you hold on." The ship was turning to flee now, but another shot hit, causing the lights to dim for a second before emergency lighting kicked in. "These guys are good shots. Don't worry, our guys aren't bad, either. We'll get out of here intact."
"I'm sorry," Almeria was nearly completely in shock now, and she felt guilty. Guilty for being alive, guilty for being a target, all of it. The shaking of the ship, the loud sounds that were made as things fell to the floor and the ship's structure protested it abuse made for a hellish ride for the young woman. This was worse, so much worse then before. So many more dead, no one to rely on, all her training, her ability to focus gone, because there was nothing to focus on. Right now there was nothing she could do.

The firefight seemed to last forever, but in reality it was very short. The crew of the pirate ship was good at getting out of tight jams, but this was the first time they'd nearly walked right into an ambush. Whatever else, they were going to escape alive to fight another day. The church ships were good as well and they were giving chase, but a few death defying moves executed at just the right moment gave the Flare the edge it needed to get away.

They did not get away clean though, there was serious damage to the ship that was going to need repairing soon if they were going to keep on going.
Tra gritted his teeth as they rode out the battle. He kept an eye on the girl, and when he noticed her beginning to panic, he rushed over to her, pressing the hypospray to her arm and triggering it, sending enough sedatives into her to keep her from going into shock. He squeezed her hand gently, sitting with her in silence until the captain sounded the all clear. Then, he unstrapped her crash webbing and pulled her to her feet.

"Come on. I need your help," he said, trying to give the poor girl something to do to keep her mind off of whatever it had chosen to linger on. "There will be wounded." He led her through the ship's corridors, heading toward the medical bay. "You'll be in charge of triage. Get the worst cases to me first, then just keep them coming in order of severity. Check for dilation of pupils, pulse..." he continued talking, giving her the basics of what he needed from her.
Almeria at first nodded dumbly, do much had happened in such a short period of time. However when she saw her first wounded pirate her attention went from inward to outward. Time was a blur as she did as she was instucted to do, and only when there was no one left that hadn't been tended to by Tra did she finally find a wall to slide down and sit.

Both tired and hungry, but feeling uncertain about bothering anyone she watched. She had heard mention that they were headed to a hidden base. This made sense she could only imagine the ship had sustained much damage from the Church's ships. They had all been very lucky. It was there on the floor that she realized that her lot was casses with these men and women. There were things she knew that they would want to know, but the question was, did she trust them yet?

Maybe not, but she was going to give them a shot to win it! With that resolve she stood back up. Either there was more that needed to be done, or someone could show her where to find some food.
Tra seemed to work tirelessly. His face was compassionate, and he talked to his patients as he tended their wounds. Despite his care and abilities, three of the pirates had sustained injuries too horrific to recover from. He covered the bodies, putting them into morgue stasis chambers so that they wouldn't have to be carried past Almeria. The girl had dealt with enough, and Tra felt an urge to protect her from anything more.

As things calmed and the last of the injured were treated and sent back to their quarters, the crew was notified of their deaths. Tra hadn't been too close to any of those who had died, but his heart still hurt from losing patients. And his sister. But he didn't know she was dead. He just had to hope.

He washed up, pulling off his surgical robe. It was faded, the marks of the church almost hidden by years of stains. Traditionally, a Surgeon Priest would be given a new robe once a week to ensure that they were not disheveled looking, and it would be washed professionally between each surgery. But out here, things weren't really traditional, and the man had to deal with what he had. For a moment, he stood there, holding the bloody robe. It was a symbol of so much that had gone wrong and the rights he hoped to make. Finally, he set it aside and tugged his shirt back on, forgoing the body armor for now.

Tra'eve caught sight of Almeria as she was standing. His right hand twitched slightly before moving to rest upon her shoulder. "How are you holding up? Do you need anything?" Water still glistened on his face and his hands were slightly damp. He wore his best compassionate expression as he looked at her. "Technically, you're still a prisoner, but I think no one will have a problem with anything if you stick with me." Each word was soft, gentle.
Almeria looked up at him, there was a lot of up to do, and gave a brave little smile. She wasn't going to pretend to be all sunshine and rainbows, but she wasn't going to fall back into the whirlwind of dispare if she could help it. Her ambered color eyes reflected mostly her exhaustion, and while there were many tones behind them neither fear nor anger were noticeable. She had no idea how easily she could be read right now nor how vulnerable she was.

She didn't flinch under Tra's touch and shook her head in acknowledgement to the fact that she was viewed as a prisoner, though she side stepped his first question and went for the second. "I think having something to eat would help. I'm afraid I might be ready to pass out as soon as I get some food in my system however."

A frown flickered across her face when she thought about sleep. It had felt good to keep busy, but eventually she'd have to relax. Almeria only hoped when she did get to sleep she would sleep without dreams.
Tra nodded once, then crouched down so that he was eye to eye with her. He smiled in return, and the smile was just as gentle as his voice, though his eyes appeared concerned. Lifting his hand away from her shoulder, he turned it palm up, offering her his hand. "Come with me, then. I'll get you a place to sleep and some food." This close, his face would be revealed to have faint lines, crinkles at the corners of his eyes from days spent laughing and a crease between his eyebrows from scowling.

Whether or not she accepted his hand, he rose back to his full height and led her down several corridors and two decks down in a lift. A few more twists and they stood outside a plain door. His left hand went to the touchpad, unlocking the door. It slid open to reveal a room that he ushered her into. The room itself was part of a suite, judging by the tiny kitchen and another door. It was a rather sparely decorated room, two curving couches dominating most of the small area. A table sat low to the ground between the couches. The only other things of note in the living room were a scroll hanging on the wall and painted with religious symbols, a small altar draped in a red and gold cloth and adorned with candles that had been fastened in place, and the room's computer and comm station, which sat nestled in a corner.

Tra gestured to the couches. "Feel free to sit down. I'll fix you something to eat." The kitchenette was stocked mostly with quick prep ration meals, but he decided to forgo those in favor of a few slices of buttered bread, a jar of marmalade, and some left over soup. He heated the latter before setting everything on a small tray and bringing it over to her, propping the tray on the table. "Hope you aren't allergic to marmalade." He returned to the kitchenette for a moment to pour her a glass of water, which he set next to the tray.

"Almeria," he said, sitting on the floor gracelessly, "I will speak with the captain tomorrow about offering you sanctuary. Perhaps we can find you living quarters. Tonight, you will sleep in my room. I will stay out here and sleep on the couch. Do not worry, my room is clean. Though after all the shaking around earlier, I may need to pick up a few pillows." He reached out, pulling a tiny drawer in the table open and taking out a small, brightly colored candy, unwrapping it, and popping it in his mouth.
Almeria hesitated but a moment before putting her hand in his. It was hard not to want to trust this gentle giant. As Tra lead her away Almeria took note of the behavior of those they passed. Many seemed preoccupied with their tasks or there next destination. A few seemed to have grief painted in their face, and those she had to look away from quickly before she saw herself reflected in those emotions. Yet not everyone was lost in their own little world. Shipmates talked to each other as they walked down the corridor, a handful even waved or nodded to Tra as they passed. This ship was not unlike her college campus Almeria realized. These were people living their lives, not villains nor monsters.

There was a quiet serenity upon entering Tra's quarters. Almeria noticed herself relax, and knew that she had been tense since before boarding the Stellar Flare. Allowing herself to be led to the couch she sat, but turned to watch Tra in the kitchen. It was a simple kindness that he was doing for her, but after all the events that had transpired she was extremely grateful.

When he sat the tray before her, she quickly picked up the bowl of soup and breathed in the sweet yet savory aroma. "I haven't had marmalade in a long time, but I think we are safe," she told him grinning before taking her first spoonful of soup. However she looked at him in surprise when he sat on the floor and spoke again. "Thank you, I.... Well thanks doesn't seem fitting, but I don't want to take your bed!" looking at him she couldn't imagine sleeping on the couch would be comfortable for him. "I'm perfectly fine just curling up right here. You won't even notice me."
Deep blue eyes slid closed as the man shook his head, chuckling warmly. "It is a priest's place to offer sanctuary and comfort to those in need." He opened his eyes, gazing up to where she sat upon the couch. He was still sucking on the candy, though he tucked it against his cheek when he spoke. "At the very least, allow me to bring you pillows and a blanket." He didn't move to go, awaiting her approval to this course of action.

At least the scars on those surgeon's hands would have been revealed to have reason now, the punishing marks of a defrocked priest. It was common for a priest who had been laicized to bear some mark of the dishonor. Tra's scars were intricate, and now that he was relatively still, if she looked she might notice that they appeared to have been inflicted in tiny segments. The scars were raised and bore the pattern that represented not only disgrace but excommunication as well. They looked as though receiving them must have caused a great deal of pain.

"I have the warmest blanket on the ship, actually. I keep it for when I need to watch over patients who've had a bit of a shock." He was still trying to coax her into accepting hospitality.
Almeria stiffened instinctually when he mentioned being a priest. She hadn't meant to and mentally scolded herself once she did, trying to relax once more. Trying to bring to mind older memories that knew a true priest's kindness. These were not things she forgotten, but events in her life made her cautious of those of the cloth anymore. They were not all bad people, Almeria knew that, but it did not stop her first response.

Her education was a double edged sword, not all laypeople would have caught on to the subtle clues on Tra's hand, telling his story in part. Old teaching told her he was the least trustworthy man alive, but that was when things were right. Now things were very very wrong and his actions did not speak of a man full of selfishness and sin.

Still unsure she looked up again at his eyes. Almeria realized there was little way should could distrust this man. Doubt still tried to raise its voice, but given the option, wasn't it better to trust, given everything that so far had happen wasn't it better to have a friend? Maybe not a friend, but an alley for sure!

"I think you might give too much, but since you doubtfully need all your blankets a few out here would be nice," she told him after a short but thoughtful silence. "But, why aren't you eating anything but your sweets?" she asked point to the candy wrapper.
If he noticed her reaction, he gave no clue but for the slightest lift of his right eyebrow. He did, however, give her time to collect herself, nodding slowly and smiling gently when she accepted the offer to get her blankets. The question about the candy caught him off guard, however, and he looked down at the wrapper, spinning it slowly between his fingers as he considered his answer.

"Ah, well. There's an old saying, a very old one and forgotten by most in service of the church, that if you do not accept and learn to control your vices, they will control you. However, if you accept them, practice moderation, and forgive yourself, you can learn to exist without a vice ruling you. One of my vices is sweets. After a long day, I reward myself with one or two, but no more, pieces of candy." He hesitated for a moment, expression falling the slightest bit. "It has been a long day, and I wished for a bright spot to cheer me up before I eat my actual dinner."

He stood with a soft grunt as he pushed up off the floor, vanishing through the door into the bedroom for a moment. There was the sound of yet another door hissing open, and a moment later both slid shut as he returned with a large, fluffy looking comforter and several thick pillows. He set the stack at the end of the couch before smiling at her again and going to the kitchen, rummaging in a cabinet for a moment before setting a ration pack on the counter and pushing the button to warm it.

"Oh, if you want a piece of candy, feel free to help yourself. The orange ones are especially good. They're flavored like flower nectar."
"Thank you," she said with a smile when he returned. His words had reminded her once more she wasn't the only one having a bad day. It wasn't so much the case that misery loves company that she was glad of this. It was rather by him admitting he too was not doing so good she could focus a bit on trying to lessen his burden. "I'll have one after my dinner."

That's at least what she thought it was when she opened up a little.

"You remind me a bit of my grandfather," Almeria explained as she thought back to better days. "That didn't sound quite right... I'm not talking about age!" Now why did she do that? She was flustered but she pushed on anyways. "He was, well, very religious... No that's not quite right... He was learned in the faith and he encouraged it. He was a great influence in my life, his words even after.... It's a large reason why I am who I am!". There was so much she didn't say there, and it was difficult. She never could allow herself to explain her family to her friends, and what family she had had left, while they loved her, they never understood her. It was frustrating at times. She knew who she was, she knew what her goals were, it was just the steps to getting there she had problems with, and there was no one to confide in, so she had to go about it blindly and alone.

She looked down at her half eaten bowl for a moment, shrugged and looked back at him with another smile. Frustration couldn't be helped!
Tra'eve smiled as she spoke, taking his food from the counter and opening the package. He ate with his fingers, chewing slowly as he listened to her and trying not to laugh as she grew flustered. It wasn't that it was funny, or that he was one to laugh at the discomfort of others. She was just... he wasn't sure. There was something about her that set him at ease. He dropped back to the floor again, picking out a few vegetables and eating them. He swallowed before speaking.

"Thank you for the compliment. I can think of no greater honor than to be compared to someone who has shaped your life in a positive way." His smile was gone, replaced with an expression of sincerity. When she smiled at him, though, his own smile leaped back to his lips, and he shook his head slightly before taking another bite of his food.

"Mmf!" he mumbled, hurriedly swallowing. "I should find you a change of clothes. I'll have it for you by tomorrow. I hope you don't mind sleeping in one of my shirts for the night. While you rest, I will see if I can get some clothes sent up for you." He looked ready to hop back to his feet.
Tra's expressions made her feel warm and comfortable, and if she blushed a little, well it wasn't all that hard to understand why. She continued eating her soup, feeling that her spirits were being raised by his company and there was no way she could express how much she needed that or appreated it, so she just continued to enjoy it and be herself.

In fact about the not time she looked away from him now was when she took the last few spoonfuls of soup. "No, I don't mind," Almeria shook her head. "If fact I honestly haven't thought about, well any of that." She then plucked at her blouse. "I suppose there's a lot of mundane details I usually take for granted. Then again this was not a well planned trip on my part." Joking about it made it a bit easier.

Finished she sat down her soup bowl. "I don't suppose there's anything I can do for you, is there?" she asked him, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees. It was her upbringing, it wasn't about being indebted to another as much as life being about mutual cooperation. Indeed she wanted to be useful if she could to this healer priest so far away from the church and yet enacting his calling to the best of his ability. She wouldn't eve be surprised if he was surpassing what he though he could do. He seemed like the humble sort if his quarters were to be a judgement on it.
He stood, taking the last few bites of his food before taking the packaging to the recycler. It hummed softly for a moment once he closed it. He glanced over at her, smiling as she finished the soup and taking the bowl from the table. He washed it quickly before putting it away.

"I, ah, I wish we would have met under better circumstances. But, all the same, I am glad to have met you." For a moment, he stood paused mid gesture, hand still raised to put the bowl back in the cabinet it belonged in. Had that been the wrong thing to say? He moved, then, walking back into his room and keeping up a steady stream of chatter so she wouldn't feel alone.

"I am sure there will be plenty for you to help with later. For now, just try to relax. We can talk, if you want, or you can sleep. I'll take care of things, not to worry. Feel free to use the candles on the altar if you wish to say evening devotionals." He reappeared, a large short sleeved shirt held out before him. It was simple, a grey blue without any adornment. It looked like it would probably hang to her knees. "Ah, this should do. The bathing chamber is back through the bedroom. You can get a shower and get changed in there, if you want." He frowned, forgetting something. "Ah, yes!" The table drawer was opened again and he produced a simple hairbrush, handing it to her if the shirt. It was only then that he seemed to notice the slight color in her cheeks. He reached out, resting the back of his hand against her forehead, those scars brushing her skin.

"You're flushed. Are you feeling alright? It's been a stressful day, but I'd hate for you to become ill."
Almeria took the shirt and brush gratefully. A shower sound very lovely once he mentioned it, and she was ready to be on her way right that moment before he placed his hand in her forehead. Her eyes rolled up to look at him in confussion as he explained his concern. Of course this just caused her to blush furiously and she tried to quickly juggle the brush and the shirt so she could take his hand away.

"No, no, I'm not getting sick," she told him in a rush as she managed to hold on to the brush with but one finger and hold his one hand with both of hers. "Honest!" Almeria looked into Tra's eyes to convey the truth in her words. She then scrambled to her feet.

"I... I'll just get in the shower now," she told him as she took a few steps backwards away from both him and the couch, giving him a nervous smile. "I won't be long," and with that she turned and found her way to the bathroom.

Not surprisingly the bathroom was small, but that was okay. Almeria undressed and found a towel for afterwards. Turning on the water and stepping in, Almeria closed her eyes to feel the warm water wash over her. She wasn't sure when she started sobbing. It started softly, before building up into her whole body shaking. With her hand resting on the shower wall she cried into it for several minutes, though not the hysteria that had taken her over earlier. Finally though she choked back the tears, she didn't want Tra to start wondering what had happen to her and she quickly washed her hair and body.

Turning off the water, she stood there for several minutes dripping and feeling drained. She was so exhausted, but she was scared to go to sleep now. Slowly she dried off and put on the overly large shirt before quietly exiting.
Tra'eve nodded slowly, somewhat confused by her reaction. "I apologize," he said as she departed the room. As soon as the doors hissed shut, Tra dropped down on the other couch, putting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He stayed like that for a long moment before moving to tend to his own prayers. They were quick that night, for he didn't know how long she would be out of the room and he didn't know if she would appreciate his prayers for her wellbeing.

He found himself wrapped in profound silence once his prayers were concluded. Extinguishing the candles he had lit, he turned to tidy the place. There wasn't much to do, and Tra was having a difficult time keeping his mind from drifting to his sister. Was she dead? Surely he'd know, somehow. But he couldn't know that, and his mind persisted on tormenting him until he forced his thoughts back to task.

He'd have to requisition Almeria some clothing. He'd also have to speak with the captain first thing in the morning. It was best that they knew what they were going to do in regards to Almeria before they reached the safety of the base. Now, more than ever, he recoiled from the thought of using her as a bargaining chip. And they certainly couldn't return her to those who would harm her. No, if the captain objected, Tra would leave ship. He had managed to stow away a small fortune of his own over the past few years. He'd planned to use it to buy his sister a safe little haven where she could live and be happy, but he would find another way to do that. Right now, Almeria's safety was the immediate concern.

Tra moved to the communications station. He spoke softly to the first mate, informing the man that the girl was safe, being taken care of, and requesting a time to meet with the captain. He spoke with the ship's storage manager, requesting that a few pieces of spare garb be sent up for Almeria to wear the next morning. When asked, Tra suddenly found he had no idea what size the girl was and spent several moments arguing in a hushed voice and trying to describe her height and form with hand gestures. When he finally signed off, the sound of water had ceased. He stood, moving over to set the couch up for her to sleep upon.
Stepping out, Almeria's eyes were puffy and she moved slowly, but once she saw Tra she squared her shoulders and gave a weak grin. After all he didn't need to know that she had a melt down. He was getting her spot on the couch ready, which was all kindness. He hadn't needed to, but he was being a good host and she knew better then to protest.

"I... I'm gonna...." she pointed to the alter hesitantly then silently shuffled over. Kneeling down she took a few cleansing breaths to focus. It was hard, if she could wait til she felt better.... but no, that was simply too disrespectful! The dead might even forgive her, but she wouldn't as easily forgive herself.

Lighting the candle she focused on the flame and cleared her throat softly before starting the hymn. "The fallen valiant, though defeated in flesh not in spirit...." This was no death song that the laymen would know, nor one the Church guards would use, even among the priests there were many that might not recognize it. Though she could have prayed differently for those she lost, she wanted to respect them. Besides, it wasn't likely Tra would suddenly announce to all aboard what she had done, assuming he realized what the words were connected to, or who?
He looked her over when she came out, momentary concern in his expression quickly relaxing when he realized she was alright. He nodded as she gestured to the altar, stepping over to the kitchenette and facing away from her to allow some privacy. He heard the candle strike and smelled the scent of flame and warming wax. He'd stay here for her, but he would not interfere.

He intended to avoid evesdropping, as well, but the moment she began the hymn, the hairs on his neck stood up. That hymn. He knew it, but had never heard it sung. One of the hymns of the Church's knights, it wasn't spoken of. They weren't spoken of. How did this girl know it? The laity and the common folk should not know such a song! Tra felt himself tense. Whoever she was, however she had come by this knowledge, it might be connected to why the Church wanted her so badly.

He flexed his hands, looking down at the scar tissue. If she was as educated as he assumed, then she would have known just what the marks on his hands meant. Sudden sorrow washed through him. The scars were not badges of dishonor for him. He wore them with a strange pride, knowing that he had gained them standing up for his faith and his morals. But this girl, someone he had begun to think of as a charge, would not know that. She could very easily think the worst of him, and he found himself hoping that she did not. He tried to tell himself that it didn't matter what she thought of him. He would help her either way. But the nagging feeling wouldn't leave. He wanted her acceptance, certainly now that he knew she was devout in her faith. Perhaps she would understand. But then, she could just as easily belong to the new regime's way of thinking.

He shook his head, trying to scatter the thoughts and send the irreverence of them from his mind.