He Has No Face

If you think you can, then join, but if you feel too pressed for that, it's ok.
I'm feeling pretty darn good!
NAME: Luna Marie

AGE: 18

APPEARANCE: http://chellenicole.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Tacoma-Teen-Photos0011.jpg

DEFINING FEATURES: She always wear a white bracelet with a moon on it and carries a teddy bear with the same necklace in her bag
HISTORY: Luna grew in a small town, far from civilization, she never knew much about the outside world. Her parents kept her locked away her entire life until she was old enough to speak for herself, always kept her away from the rest of the world, that was until she began to rebel. When Luna turned 16, she started to rebel, going out to parties, getting into trouble, with her parents and the law. No one knows why or how she ended up at this camp, but she did and she intended to stay.

PERSONALITY: Shy to stranger's, mysterious, but yet, sly and misleading

HOW EASILY FRIGHTENED ARE YOU?: not very easily, Luna watches scary movies like there is no tommrow ..and besides she likes to be scared, she is one to go towards the scary things, like a group of people surrounding a church with a fire in the middle of the circle...she would be the one to go up to it and ask how it is going.

How much do you know about Slender Man?: Luna has heard some stuff, but she don't know all the details about his story, besides he steals little kids and what not....
NAME: Madaline 'Madi' Jayme
AGE: 17
DEFINING FEATURES: Madi always carries her teal Nintendo DSi XL in her coat pocket and her various DS cartridges in the other.
HISTORY: Madi came to town on a vacation with her family and they all enjoyed the quaint, simple life, so they moved here. Madi heard about an outing, a Slenderman hunting outing (which had become popular in recent months, due to the silly and fun nature of it), and she decided to tag along. Perhaps it could be a fun experience.
PERSONALITY: More of an unsocial gamer-type, she makes references to movies and video games all the time, but also has an upbeat personality, if shy at first.
HOW EASILY FRIGHTENED ARE YOU?: Not very easily frightened. She's been scared worse in games than by reality or realistic movies. She'd be the one to spend a night in the graveyard while her friends slept outside the fence.
How much do you know about Slender Man?: I know that he's scary, whoever sees him will die, and that recently he's become popular and more humanized than demonized.
Dovakin- it's NOT QUITE a camp, it's an outing with friends. If you're sure a seventeen year-old would be allowed to run around with a group of 18-22 year olds, then you're in. Realistically, I'm in a bit of a bind on the age- on the fence on it, really.
I think it would be fine, maturity is not based on age :P I agree, it's a bit of an iffy situation realistically, but I think we can play it out well enough.
Gaaah feel free to move in without me if this RP starts. I'm not entirely sure how to rework my character so I may just start from scratch ^^;
However that'll take a bit and I can't think straight right now for my being busy makes me unable to be inspired enough to make a character ;-;
Also I'll be gone from tomorrow til the rest of the weekend for it's my birthday on the 19th and I have plans to have fun with all my buddies at a haunted house thing lol ... and also video games and hanging out.. XDXD

In short (too late XP) if I can't think up a good enough character by Monday or by the time this RP starts if before Monday then I may drop out DX
NAME: Eri Montgomery

AGE: 19

APPEARANCE: pretty_girl_by_kbauer.jpg

DEFINING FEATURES: She always keeps a picture of her ex boyfriend, someone who has been missing for about 4 months now. He can be distinguished by his bright blue eyes and curly blond hair.

HISTORY: She has transferred from many schools over the years, though no one really knows why. He father is an officer in the local town and she has forced him to let her stay here, which is how she was able to join this group of friends in their trek to find Slender Man.

PERSONALITY: She is outwardly quite social, making and keeping friends easily, though she has a different side to her, one that even scares herself. Inwardly she is quite reserved, manipulative and almost always able to get her way. She is calculating and tends to look for fine details in situations.

HOW EASILY FRIGHTENED ARE YOU?: She is a bit of a scaredy cat, but likes to hide that fact by acting like nothing is wrong.

How much do you know about Slender Man?: She knows the basics, having done some research on him over the past few months her boyfriend has been missing. She sees this opportunity to try and see if he actually exists.

Sorry this took me so long to post! I forgot to subscribe to this thread! :)
AGE: 13
APPEARANCE: black hair, blue eyes, tan skin, 5'4, wears a sweat jacket that is too big for her, skinny jeans,and converse
DEFINING FEATURES: she has neon pink streaks in her hair
HISTORY: She lives on the same street as the kids that went to the forest,she wanted to know what they were doing so she followed them out into the forest
PERSONALITY: Kind,caring and will risk her life to save someone
How much do you know about Slender Man?: i fucking saw him
Ok, 13 is waaaaay too young, add at least a few more years, hun.

Also, I need a last name, and a bit more in-depth history.

I will have an IC up soon


ROCKETTSTAR, you're good.


XEPHOS, I still need you to change your chacter a bit- too young, as I said, and also, your secret was a bit of an easy way out- it doesn't have to be actually Slenderman related-but something that's a secret for your character that is important for no one to find out. You also kinda gave it away in your char's profile.

DEVIL MITTS, You're good.

Dovahkiin, you're good.
You guys are NOT doing this without me!

NAME: Scarrlet Reach

AGE: 23

Hair: Dark Brown, almost Black

Eyes: Bright Green (wears full-eye blackout contacts as not to show)

Physical Description: Weighing in at approximately 135 pounds, Scarrlet has a rather slim form for his height. Despite his scrawny limbs and thin body, he has immense strength, stamina, willpower and battle power. His hair drapes about down to his lower back and is not worn in a style of any kind, but is parted down the center of his forehead, covering his ears. Scarrlet wears three military dog-tags around his neck, two of which have his personal information on it and are on one chain, the third nobody has ever seen and is on its own chain. It is rumored that it has a photo of a lost loved one on it, but this has not been proven. In his pocket, he carries a small snare drum, large enough to bat two fingers upon. This is used for entertainment when bored or nervous, as it is a stress reliever for him. His skin tone is a tanned shade, about that of a basic cork board, but a little brighter. He has a large scar on his chest, stretching from his left shoulder to the bottom of the right side of his ribs. This was given to him during a fight with an unknown enemy.

DEFINING FEATURES: Military Dog-Tags (first two)

HISTORY: As a child, Scarrlet didn't know his father all too well. His father was a soldier in the US Army, so he was not normally home to be with his family. Being at home with his mother all the time, though giving him many common house skills such as cooking and knowing what was about to break and what wasn't, became very annoying after a while. Eventually though, his father returned home and was welcomed back with open arms by all. Scarrlet was bullied constantly for not having his father at home, being called a "momma's boy" and "sad-sap" were common things for him as well as the beatings. It was from this that he gained his high pain tolerance. Now in his teen years, Scarrlet's father wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. To do this, they commonly went out on hunting trips or to survivalist camps, as Scarrlet's father wanted to teach his son what to do and what not to do in drastic situations. For example: If an armed man is fully cornering you and you have no options of escape, no weapons of any kind and nobody around to help, how do you get out? The answer was simple, either fake dodge one way then roll out in the other direction, or drop and kick one of his legs out from beneath him, land a punch to his side or chest as he falls and take the weapon to use against him. Scarrlet and his father went through many years of constant training of this sort, learning how to survive, how to properly throw a knife at a target, how to operate basic hunting equipment such as bows and rope traps, as well as how to be unnaturally stealthy. It was at age 16 that Scarrlet's father was sent back into war, having only been home for less that three years total. It was also at this age that Scarrlet's father was killed in an ambush suicide bombing when in his own base. Scarrlet's mother was killed during a robbery of their own home while Scarrlet was at school, and this left him orphaned and on his own. Thankfully, due to how he was raised, he was able to sustain himself for a long enough time before he could move out of the old dilapidated house and into an apartment. It was ten months after he did this that the visions started showing up. At first it was only a few, but then the issue began growing and to this day, Scarrlet has very vivid hallucinations of creatures or people he has never imagined before. These things have become his friends and he no longer fears them in any way. One thing his father had not taught him in his few years of being home was how to survive in horribly deadly situations, like that in a horror film. It was due to this that Scarrlet began to watch and study about every film he could. Scarrlet knew he couldn't stay in one place thanks to all the movies he'd seen. Things like Zombieland and Dawn Of The Dead taught him zombie survival techniques, Friday The Thirteenth and Gamer taught him killing styles and creative ways to use anything as a weapon, and plenty of other movies of that nature gave him a very strong sense of not to fear things and how to survive.

PERSONALITY: To be put simply, Scarrlet is a leader, not a follower. He tends to take initiative and not follow direction particularly well. He is under the belief that he can handle any of the problems he comes across himself and does not need help from others due to his past, but on occasion can be an incredible follower and strategist. A rather happy person, but incredibly viscous when angered. Usually see's the brighter side of a situation and can figure a way out of nearly any problem. Can play nearly all musical instruments fluently without any practice at all. Has a high pain tolerance as well as patience level.

HOW EASILY FRIGHTENED ARE YOU?: On a scale of zero to ten? 0.5, maybe 1.

How much do you know about Slender Man?: More than the average person, ranging from symptoms that it causes when it's stalking you to the true origin of the character, and then back to how and what it does.
If this is still open, I want to do this!!! I can't give a character sheet right now, but I'll make sure to get one up ASAP!
Holy shitcrackers- this keeps gettin busier and busier every time I get a block.

Rieyd, you can join.

The IC will be delayed for a time, dealing with a bit of a block for this RP and Rebirth.