Hate to Love You

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As James was about to speak suddenly she left. He always wanted to know why he annoyed her so bad. The very first moment they met he attempted to be respectful but that didntwork obviously. He had to admit he was kind of done with the fighting but after all these years she really annoys him. He wasnt sure their was much hope for them. He let out a sigh, "Fine." And headed to his next class.
The day seemed to pass slowly for her after that. She kept on sighing while tapping her foot and looking at the clock, as though willing for it to move faster. This was her last class and she pretty much wanted it to end.

When the bell finally rang, she shot up from her seat and dashed out of the school, heading towards the busstop. She reached it on time as the bus was about to move and she quickly hopped in, standing near the exit door, her hands gripping the pole as she swayed slightly while the bus moved.

Upon reaching her house, she took out the keys and opened the door. "I'm home. Mum? Dad?" She took off her shoes and went inside, screaming for her parents when she saw no one. Weird, she thought, they had always reached home before her. She went towards the kitchen and saw a new post-it on the fridge. She snagged it and began to read through it before taking the home phone and calling her mum.

"Mum. Hello? How's Gramps? Is he alright? What happened?"

"He's fine darling. Don't worry. Also, I have prepared food for you and left it in the fridge. Just take it and warm it before you eat. I have to go. See you soon"

"But, muu-" She stared at the phone incredulously as her mum hung up. Sighing, she went up to her room before showering.
As he got on his motorcylcle he sat there thinking for a moment then he came to a conclusion. He will just head there now to get it down and over with faster. But of course he figured he should at least call forzt to let her know, he wasnt that rude. He found her in his contacts and pressed the call button putting it against his ear.
Cynthia had closed her eyes while the shower flowed down. She had not realised her phone was ringing. By the time she had came out from the bathroom,the call had ended. She put on a sleevless pink T with leggings before going down to heat up herhe dinner, leaving her phone behind up in her room without checking it.
James muttered curses in swedish then said, "Eh screw it I'll just go over there. Make sure she isnt dead or whatever." He start his motorcycle, read the address in his cell then put it away and drove off.
Cynthia was humming a tune under her breath as she took out the lasagne from the fridge and heating it up in the microwave. She took out a glass and plate from the cabinet, pouring cold water into the glass while placing the lasagne on the plate after it had been heated.

Finished, she took the plate and glas then walked towards the living room, placing it on the table. Just as she was to sit, the doorbell rung and she rushed towards the door. She turned the knob and pulled the door. Seeing him, her eyebrow raised. "Aren't you the early bird."
He crossed his arms, "Well I tried calling but you didnt pick up. I just wanted to get this stupid thing over with." Once she invites him in In he walks in with his arms still crossed and looks around.
She looked at him, frowning slightly. "You did? My bad then. I didn't hear it ringing." She stepped aside letting him step in as he looked around. "Well, I'm just about to eat. Have you eaten? Do you want any drink?" She turned and walked into the kitchen as she said so, gesturing him to follow.
He was a little surprise she was offering drinks and food. He looked at her and simply arched an eyebrow, "No thanks I am good."
She gave small nonchalant shrug before changing her path, starting to walk towards the living room. "Alright then. It's not like I'm going to poison your food or drink." She grumbled slightly, she took a sit on the couch, crossing her legs as she placed the plate on her lap. Taking a huge scoop, she shoved the lagsane inside her mouth before looking at him and gesturing towards her side. "You're not gonna just stand there are you. Sit."
His arms still crossed he glances at her, "I'm just not hungry." When she tells him to sit down he just stand there for a few moments then sighs and sits next to her. Arms still crossed. Suddenly his cell phone rings and he pulls it out and looks at the contact name. Its Jake his 15 year old brother. He groan "Sorry I gotta take this." He answers, "What?" Suddenly there is yelling over the other end. In swedish of coures. He pulls the phone slightly away from his ear then after he thinks he isdone he puts it back next to his ear, "Calm down... it wasnt me-" yelling started again. Suddenly James grew way too mad not caring. He swore in swedish. Actually quit loud, growled then hung up on his brother.
"If you say so." She started eating, not caring if he was sitted as she turned on the television, not even giving him a glance. She however, was not concentrating on the show and when the phone rang, she jumped slightly and gave him the go ahead gesture as she turned the tv's volume down. She stood up, having finished her food when she heard him swearing in another language. Her eyebrow arched, but deciding not to pry, she headed to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
Still looking a bit mad he leaned back against the couch running a hand through his hair. Finally he stood up and looked at her, "When do you want to get started with this thing?"
"After I'm done with the dishes." She showed him the plate and glass in her hands before turning on her heels. She washed the plates as fast as possible before going back to the living room. Sitting down, she looked at him. "So, let's start."
He nods and sits back down waiting for her. When she gets back he already has his book out from his backpack. He looks at her with his blue-grey eyes, "Do you even have your book with you?"
"Uhh... yeaahh... wait up." She ran upstairs and took her bag, bringing it down with her before sitting back next to him. She rummaged her back, before producing the book and placing it on the table. "There."
He simply made a 'Tch' noise but stopped himself from rolling his eyes. As he skimmed through the pages quickly it the first thing he sees is the part where Romeo kisses Juliet for the first time. He stopped running through the pages staying on that one making sure he is reading it right. His eyes widen a bit, "Helvetet..." he said which is a swedish word, ".... You have GOT to be fucking kidding me...." *Helvetet: Fucking hell*
She turned to him and leaned in trying to read what got him to swore. She skimmed the page and laughed loudly, toppling from the couch. Once her laughter died down, she looked at him. "That was funny. Do you not know about that?"
He scowled slightly at her, "No of course not! I never had to read this shit so how could I have known?!" He groans, "Great this is fantastic. Hope you realize though that this means WE have to kiss at some point. Remember? We have to do this stupid play... well the ones with Romeo and Juliet. Not the other characters."
She moved her shoulders, shrugging at his words. "I'm not stupid. I know what it entails. Yes. We have to kiss. And? It's just a kiss. There's no need to make a big deal out of it. Anyway, I do not want to flunk my english either way and I'm sure you don't to. So stop complaining and suck it up. Better start reading it since you do not know the story."
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