~Hate to Love You~

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Jessi got undressed, now in his boxers and hopped into bed. He pulled the covers up and smiled up at the ceiling.
Lucy got up and got ready for bed, she walked into her bedroom and slipped under the covers. She quickly fell asleep, they were going to have school the next day.
The next day, Jessi actually wasn't late for school. He entered the building then his best friend Jake, came up behind him and gave him a noogy. Jessi laughed then ducked, "Hey!"
Lucy walked into the school building, making her way to class. She noticed Jessi as she walked by.
Jessi and Jack continued horsing around. Then Mr. Adams walked up to them and chuckled, he didnt look mad, "Alright settle down boys."
Lucy sat down at her desk, sitting quietly by herself.
Jake was the first to run into the classroom and as soon as he past the doorway he tripped and landed face first. Jessi came in shortly after him but stopped himself from going any further. He looked down at his best friend and bursted out laughing.
Lucy turned to the door when she heard Jessi laugh. She hoped Jake was alright. Did he have to laugh at him?
After Jessi had a good laugh he held out his hand to held out Jake. Jake grinned, shook his head and got up himself, dusting himself off. Jessi chuckled, "You alright man?" Jake grinned, it was obvious Jake wasnt seriously hurt, if he was then Jessi would have came to the rescue. Jake said, "Yeah I am good. You know me," he puffed out his chest , "Me strong like Tarzan." Jessi laughed and shook head, "Sure bro. Whatever floats your boat." he grinned.
Lucy made a little sigh. He was okay. She was glad that Jessi actually helped his friend up.
The teacher came in, "Alright children settle down. Take your seats." As Jessi made his way to his seat in the back row, he made eye contact with Lucy and smiled, "Hey Lucy."
Lucy looked at Jesse. "Hi." she said back, she looked him in the eyes for a moment then decided to look more towards the side of him.
He walk past her and sat down. Once he sat down he noticed the whooooooollle classroom was staring at him. He blinked at them, "What?"
Lucy looked over at the class. Why were they staring at him? Oh, I hope its not because of me. Was her thoughts.
Jessi looked back at all the other students, he honestly didnt know why everyone was staring at him. "What?" he asked again. Finally a girl with piggy tails spoke, "Did you just... say hi to Lucy?"
Lucy pulled her head down, It was about her. She didn't want to be the center of attention. At least they were talking to him not her about it.
Jessi glanced at Lucy then looked back at the others, "Yeaaahhhh?... So what? Now why dont you guys just turn your eyes in the FRONT of the classroom." there was a pause, but then everybody turned their attention back to the front of the classroom.
Lucy's head was in her arms on the desk, looking down. When everyone turned away Lucy turned her head towards Jessi.
When everybody lookec away, Jessi looked at Lucy and grinned.
She gave him a little smile, like thanking him for having the people turn away.
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