Right back at you, Rory-kun-sama

Hope you gays had a great time or not, whatever, who gives a shit, it's just another day in holidays for most people and a mostly legal reason to buy shitloads of gunpowder and alcohol.

I got fatter though, fuck yeah hallacas.

And the brother-in-law did this awesome drink with some peruvian version of aguardiente and hoooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit give me more of thaaaat.

I have no idea why I don't like champagne though, holy fuck, ewwww give me beeeeerrrr ur drink 2 fancyyyy

Oh well, The Onion still keeps me happy and jolly.
Happy New Year ;]

I got stuck in an elevator with drunk people on New Years Eve at Marriot & my cousin like shoved me behind him and stuffed my face with his hood -_-

All three of them were completed wasted~ one was like hiccuping as he tried to talk to us :33

Hefe-a a heppy noo yeer iferybudy. I vuoold cheers yuoo ell boot I bruke-a ell my winee-a glesses su I'll hefe-a tu dreenk oooot ooff zee buttle-a. I hupe-a peuple's veeshes cume-a trooe-a in zee yeer tvu thuoosund tee.