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- One post per week
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@The Returner
"Annabelle, we need to leave now, otherwise we'll be late." An annoyed voice sounded from the other side of a door. Annabelle fast pushed the x on the web browser and exited the site just as the door opened.
"Calm down already, I'm coming." She said annoyed. "And didn't I tell you not to walk into my room without permission." She crossed her arms and glared at the older woman, not pleased with the behavior. Her mom just sighed and shook her head as she walked towards the window which was covered by the curtains.
"Honey, you will destroy your eyes if you look at the screen in such a dark room." Her mother said, but the only answer she got was a roll of the nineteen year old's eyes. "Come on, we need to get going." The teen stood up and walked out of the room after her mother. "I don't understand why you don't want me to walk in anyways. Do you have something to hide? You're not watching porn are you?" Her mother eyed Annabelle curiously. Of course she expected her daughter to do that at some point, just like she expected that her son would eventually, though he was only ten at the moment, so hopefully that wasn't a problem yet.
"Once again, I'm not watching porn." It was true, she didn't. She had slept with a couple of guys, and she liked sex, but watching others have sex was just weird. No, she hid something else. Around two years earlier, she happened to stumble upon a snuff film, and after that she had found a few communities that shared her macabre interest. She doubted her mom would be as understanding of that as she was of porn. Watching people get killed or kill themselves wasn't really normal.. Apparently. But then again, her collection of short stories about torture which she had written wasn't too normal that either. She had written the first one when she was twelve for her English class. Her teacher had called both her parents and the school psychologist. After that she had just shut up about her interests. They probably thought the psychologist had made a miracle and cured her from her weird thoughts or something.
Soon she and her mother sat in the car on their way to the hospital. Her mother was extremely paranoid of sicknesses, and now when the swine flu seemed to be infecting pretty much everyone they knew, her mother had ordered all family members to take the vaccine. The others had done it a week before, but Annabelle had been sick at the time, thus wasn't allowed to take the shot, so now it was her turn.
Her mother was talking on and on about what they should have for dinner. Non of her suggestions seemed too tasty, though if Annabelle came with tacos as a suggestion, it would be shot down immediately. Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound and Annabelle felt her head being thrown into the window as something smashed into their car. Whatever it was, she would never know as she blacked out immediately.
Once Annabelle awoke she knew she wasn't in the hospital. She also knew that she weren't hurt, because she didn't feel any pain. Odd. Wasn't there an accident? Or had that been a dream? In that case she must still be dreaming, because the ceiling was definitely too high to be her house, and the brick walls only confirmed her suspicions. "Good afternoon, I see you've awoken." A man's voice sounded from behind the bed.
She sat up and looked behind her. There stood quite a beautiful man with long wavy raven-black hair, olive toned skin and dark green eyes. "Yes I have... Where exactly am I?" She asked nervously. Where was her mom? She had been with her just moments earlier... Well, that was if the accident had truly happened. Maybe that had been a dream.
"You are exactly there." The man said and pointed at her feet. Not the answer she had expected, but he seemed to be serious. She couldn't find any hint of him joking around at all.
"No no no. What is the name if this place?" She corrected herself. The man's mouth became a circle as he seemed to figure out what she meant.
"I guess most people would call this place hell. Some have named it limbo or the underworld or the demon realm or hades or... Well, you probably get the point. This place has many names." He informed her. She stared at him for a long time, but just as she was about to open her mouth to ask about it, he stopped her. "Yes, this is that hell, this is the afterlife and you are dead." He seemed extremely matter of factly about it. "I will let you collect your thoughts for a bit. You will get new company soon, and do not be afraid, you are not to be harmed while you stay here. That I can assure you." The man left the room before Annabelle had a chance to reply.
"Wait." She shouted as she rushed forward to the door, but of course it wouldn't open. She was locked up in an unknown place. Hell? No way, this were some weirdos that either wanted to play her a prank or wanted to hurt her. If she was truly dead, then she shouldn't feel so... Alive. Maybe she was dreaming. She pinched herself... Odd.. Why didn't it hurt? She did it again... Nothing. Maybe it was a dream.
(Picture source)

"Calm down already, I'm coming." She said annoyed. "And didn't I tell you not to walk into my room without permission." She crossed her arms and glared at the older woman, not pleased with the behavior. Her mom just sighed and shook her head as she walked towards the window which was covered by the curtains.
"Honey, you will destroy your eyes if you look at the screen in such a dark room." Her mother said, but the only answer she got was a roll of the nineteen year old's eyes. "Come on, we need to get going." The teen stood up and walked out of the room after her mother. "I don't understand why you don't want me to walk in anyways. Do you have something to hide? You're not watching porn are you?" Her mother eyed Annabelle curiously. Of course she expected her daughter to do that at some point, just like she expected that her son would eventually, though he was only ten at the moment, so hopefully that wasn't a problem yet.
"Once again, I'm not watching porn." It was true, she didn't. She had slept with a couple of guys, and she liked sex, but watching others have sex was just weird. No, she hid something else. Around two years earlier, she happened to stumble upon a snuff film, and after that she had found a few communities that shared her macabre interest. She doubted her mom would be as understanding of that as she was of porn. Watching people get killed or kill themselves wasn't really normal.. Apparently. But then again, her collection of short stories about torture which she had written wasn't too normal that either. She had written the first one when she was twelve for her English class. Her teacher had called both her parents and the school psychologist. After that she had just shut up about her interests. They probably thought the psychologist had made a miracle and cured her from her weird thoughts or something.
Soon she and her mother sat in the car on their way to the hospital. Her mother was extremely paranoid of sicknesses, and now when the swine flu seemed to be infecting pretty much everyone they knew, her mother had ordered all family members to take the vaccine. The others had done it a week before, but Annabelle had been sick at the time, thus wasn't allowed to take the shot, so now it was her turn.
Her mother was talking on and on about what they should have for dinner. Non of her suggestions seemed too tasty, though if Annabelle came with tacos as a suggestion, it would be shot down immediately. Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound and Annabelle felt her head being thrown into the window as something smashed into their car. Whatever it was, she would never know as she blacked out immediately.
Once Annabelle awoke she knew she wasn't in the hospital. She also knew that she weren't hurt, because she didn't feel any pain. Odd. Wasn't there an accident? Or had that been a dream? In that case she must still be dreaming, because the ceiling was definitely too high to be her house, and the brick walls only confirmed her suspicions. "Good afternoon, I see you've awoken." A man's voice sounded from behind the bed.
She sat up and looked behind her. There stood quite a beautiful man with long wavy raven-black hair, olive toned skin and dark green eyes. "Yes I have... Where exactly am I?" She asked nervously. Where was her mom? She had been with her just moments earlier... Well, that was if the accident had truly happened. Maybe that had been a dream.
"You are exactly there." The man said and pointed at her feet. Not the answer she had expected, but he seemed to be serious. She couldn't find any hint of him joking around at all.
"No no no. What is the name if this place?" She corrected herself. The man's mouth became a circle as he seemed to figure out what she meant.
"I guess most people would call this place hell. Some have named it limbo or the underworld or the demon realm or hades or... Well, you probably get the point. This place has many names." He informed her. She stared at him for a long time, but just as she was about to open her mouth to ask about it, he stopped her. "Yes, this is that hell, this is the afterlife and you are dead." He seemed extremely matter of factly about it. "I will let you collect your thoughts for a bit. You will get new company soon, and do not be afraid, you are not to be harmed while you stay here. That I can assure you." The man left the room before Annabelle had a chance to reply.
"Wait." She shouted as she rushed forward to the door, but of course it wouldn't open. She was locked up in an unknown place. Hell? No way, this were some weirdos that either wanted to play her a prank or wanted to hurt her. If she was truly dead, then she shouldn't feel so... Alive. Maybe she was dreaming. She pinched herself... Odd.. Why didn't it hurt? She did it again... Nothing. Maybe it was a dream.
(Picture source)
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