Guardians of the Heirs

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King Aede and his Queen Adille are the rulers of Fareid. At a time when darkness is rising and chaos shadows the land, an aged prophet came to the king. He brought ill tidings, yet also a ray of hope in his prophecy:
"The three kingdoms of Sheol shall unite against you, and your people shall be plagued by famine and drought and bandits from the shadows. Yet in the darkness hope shall come from the womb of the good Queen Adille. Five princes shall be born to you, one of earth, one of wind, one of fire, one of air, one of spirit. If banded together, they will defeat Sheol and bring peace once again. However, you will lose that which you hold most dear in the birth of the final prince. Sheol will seek to kill the fruit of your loins, and you must guard them. On the birth of each of your sons, you must walk throughout the Public Gardens and find a single rose of exquisite beauty and untainted color. For the first prince, a rose of yellow. For the second, a rose of red. For the third, a rose of black. For the fourth, a rose of purple. For the final son, you must find a rose of purest white, standing alone amidst the thorn. As each son is born, you must find the flower and pick it. The first maiden who inquires of the flower shall give birth to a daughter. She shall be the guardian of that son. The guardian must each be given a pendent that is the same color as the flower that was picked. The hair of the guardian shall be this color also. And they shall posses a magic unlike any other of this time."
The king knew that the old prophet had never foretold of an event that had not come to happen, so he made out to do what the old man had said. As each son was born, within a year of each other, the king did what he had been told, and everything happened just as the prophet had said it would. However, in the birthing of his last son, the Queen died. The king was so grieved by her death, that he declared that the guardians were nothing but a myth, and were to be sent away from the castle at once.
But many years later, the three kingdoms of Sheol came together to attack the king and his kingdom, and he knew that the guardians must be called. Now, the five guardians are to come to the castle to be trained in the art of battle and defense. They will live a life of luxury, and of danger. But as each guardian comes, she finds that her heart is stolen by one of the princes...and his is stolen by hers as well. Can the guardians love a prince while protecting his brother? Can a guardian focus while being romanced? All shall be discovered.

Alright, as a quick note, the princes are all born within a year of each other, and are therefore close in age, between 17-21. Example: The youngest prince would be 17, while the eldest would be 21. If you wanted to play the middle prince, he would be 19. Also, the guardians must be between the ages of 16 and 20. They don't all have to be different ages, some of them can be the same age.

Alright, here are the slots to be filled:
Eldest Prince - Played by me
2nd Prince - Open
Middle Prince - Played by jovianthundergod
4th Prince - Open
Youngest Prince - Open
Yellow Guardian - Open
Red Guardian - Reserved for Kitti
Black Guardian - Open
Purple Guardian - Played by me
White Guardian - Open

Here's the character application form:
Character Image/Description:
Power: (if you're a guardian)
History: (if a guardian)
Weapon of choice:
Necklace Image: (if you're a guardian)
Anything else:

And now, here are my characters:
Name: Skylore
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role: Eldest prince (Heir to throne)

Power: NA
Personality: Very mature, takes his responsibilities seriously although he doesn't really want to be king someday. He's a very gentle, caring person, and looks out for everyone before himself. He loves animals, especially his horse Nightwind, and his falcon, Seer, who hardly ever leaves his side.
History: Born and raised in the castle, learning to be king
Weapon of choice:

Anything else: As the eldest son of the king, he was given a tattoo to show his status as heir. His tattoo is directly over his heart, and looks like this:

Name: Laelanai (Lay-LAH-nay)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role: Purple Girl

Power: She has the power to feel/hear others thoughts/dreams/memories. Her power is strengthened when she is touching them, and she can sometimes even travel into someone's mind.
Personality: Shy, nervous, timid, quiet. She enjoys music immensely, and is always found playing her harp, flute, guitar, or piano, or singing/humming under her breathe. She composes musics and writes lyrics as well as simply playing the music, and therefore is considered a full musician by the kingdom's standards.
History: She was born to a thieving father and a mother who was too in love to see her father's faults. Her older half-brother abused her both sexually and physically, so it's hard for her to trust others. When she was invited to come stay in the castle, she was happy, but still cautious.
Weapon of choice:

Necklace Image:

Anything else:
Name: Aslynn Montag
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role: Red Guardian
Character Image/Description:
Power: (if you're a guardian)
History: (if a guardian)
Weapon of choice:
Necklace Image:
Anything else:
Name: Anik
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Role: Middle brother

Character Image/Description:

Personality: A kind hearted but flirtatious soul, Anik acts indifferent to most everything. He is strong but careless. He is knowledgable but acts like he doesn't know anything. He would rather seem a little off than have someone actually expect him to do something. However, that doesn't mean he can't be counted on. If a brother were to need his assistance, why, who is he to deny them his presence and whatever he can do to help?

Weapon of choice:

Anything else:
Kitti, I'll reserve the red girl for when you finish the bio :)
Jovianthundergod, he's accepted! Thanks for applying :)
Name: Veikko Ihalainen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Role: Black Guardian
Character Image/Description:

"the will of the king"

This power allows Veikko to raise a force of golems in his immediate area to fight for him. The golems are made of whatever materials are currently nearby, and their abilities and nature vary based on said materials. He is able to have a fighting force nearby at all times. The downside is that said golems have a short longevity, and their strength is based entirely on what they are built from. However, the quality, longevity, and power of said golems also depends on how much time Veikko spends on creating them. If he focuses for a long enough time, he can create much more powerful golems than those he could raise instantaneously. However, creating more powerful and longer lived golems requires an exponential amount of focus and time spent creating them.


Veikko is an oddball. While he sometimes doesn't take things seriously enough, and has a very dark and cruel sense of humor, he often times takes other things far too seriously. (his birth, his parents, and war specifically). He will often times make a mean or cruel joke at another persons expense, but become extremely offended if the person he is making a joke about reciprocates. He also is in a constant state of ambivalence about his duty and his service to the third prince. Due to his birthright, he holds somewhat of a grudge with the people he serves, and at the same time, he feels bound by honor to protect them.

Outside of that, he's borderline psychotic. In the battlefield, he goes into a variable state of vengeful psychosis, using whatever vile or insane means he requires to win a conflict. However, he justifies his actions through the thought that what he does in the end is just. He's very much a 'ends makes the means worthwhile' type of guy. He also likes to think of himself as a strong tactician and strategist. However, his strategies have quite a low rate of success due to his volatile nature. Thankfully, his skills tend to compensate.

History: Veikko was the only heir to a falling kingdom, one destroyed in the wars between Sheol and Faerid. It was crushed in the tides of war, and usurped by Faerid itself. However, the king took pity on Veikko, still just a young boy, after slaying his father, and took him in as a citizen, having him train and live under his own kingdom. Soon enough, his skill and abilities grew to the point that the king felt he was worthy of being a guardian of his heir.
Weapon of choice:
Necklace Image:

Role:2nd Prince
Character Image/Description:640x425_343_Random_01_2d_fantasy_character_drawing_illustration_anime_speed_painting_cyborg_pict.jpg (Obviously not as futuristic)
Power: (if you're a guardian)
Personality:The serious one that likes shooting practice and reading.
History: (if a guardian)
Weapon of choice:Bow and arrow
Necklace Image: (if you're a guardian)
Anything else:
I plan on finishing this later, also Kitti (I ask her because she's playing the red guardian) if it's ok with you i'd like to be the 2nd prince.
awesome, ill probably add something in tomorrow for anything else, it's late and im going to bed
whew! got my first character done!

and since I got GM permissions, I'll be playing the main villain too!

Name: Lucius Virtruvius, first grand emperor of Sheol
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Role: Grand Emperor of Sheol
Character Image/Description:
Power: When the time is right, you shall know the true extent of his power.
Personality: He is a confident, charismatic, twisted genius. He wrote the books on military strategy and horrifying atrocities. However, he maintains a very polite and calm demeanor, that is, until he is about to crush his enemies. He is the most frightening kind of psychotic when that time comes around.
History: It is said that emperor Lucius Virtruvius was once a mortal man that ascended to the throne of the demons through cunning deception and military victories. Of course, his ascension turned him into something far more powerful than a mere human.
Weapon of choice:
Gladius blade. However, only when it is absolutely necessary. If he does not see you as a worthy opponent, he will not draw his blade.

Hail emperor Lucius Virtruvius!