Greywood Asylum

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Do you consider yourself insane? A little cuckoo in the head? Well, here at Greywood Asylum, our staff can help you overcome your mental illnesses. Our counselors are happy to help you and be your friend during your long road to recovery. Greywood Asylum was founded in 1953 by the town mayor, Gary Smith. He made a vow to help the people who were mentally ill and we've kept that promise ever since. We can assure you that our facility is...

Okay, okay. Enough with this crap. My name is Celeste Hale. I have been stuck in this asylum ever since my parents dropped me off here. When I say stuck, I MEAN stuck. They've kept me captive in here for 5 whole years. I can't get help since I have no communication with the outside world. This is Greywood Asylum. A living hell.

Basically this roleplay is about a group of kids that are being held captive in an asylum. You can play one of the kids, or a staff member. Or another kid that's coming into the asylum. Your choice. Your character can have more than one illness, but no more
than three. Please, no illnesses for the staff members. They can be a little crazy, but nothing specific.

Here's a list of illnesses to give you some ideas.

Character Sheet:


Name: Celeste Hale
Age: 17
Gender: Female Looks:
Illness(es): Pyromania, kleptomania
Name: Asil Sapphire

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Illness(es): Schizophrenia
Name: Sou Ueda
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Illness(es): Delusional disorder with paranoid characteristics.
Name: Rosemary
Nickname: Rose, Rosa, or Mary
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Illness(es): Brief psychotic disorder, Androphobia (Fear of men)
Character Sheet:

Name: Elise Madison Elizabeth Middleton
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Illness(es): None. Elise is a member of staff. She's a body language expert and is currently learning about micro expression, something she likes to apply to her every day work. She's not as strict as the other staff members and likes to lend a shoulder to cry on and doesn't mind listening to other people talk about their problems.
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