Good Girl/Bad Boy (Myself, KatherinWinter)

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" Okay then here's another idea.. Do you have a recorder on your phone? If you do use it, record me reading to you. I'm not treating you like a child I'm just saying maybe if you can listen to the words instead of reading them they'll make more sense." Jamie said taking his book, smiling. She would read every word, then he could play it back until he understood what was being said.
Griffin beamed at the idea. Hr always understood the parts that the teacher covered in class. He was glad she had thought of such a simple solution to his problem. He kissed her cheek. He might just have a chance of graduating this year. He stayed as long as he dared. "Good night Jamie thanks for the help."
" Good night, your welcome. I'll see you tomorrow, feel free to call or text me anytime during the night." Jamie said as she smiled, watched him leave. She headed back up to her bedroom, got ready for bed taking her phone out of her nightstand drawer. Laying it next to her bed she closed her eyes, waited for his text.
Griffin texted her good night before he reached his house. Then he hide Hus phone and books. If he didn't they would be destroyed by morning. He silently made his way to his room. He lay on the worn mattress on the floor of his room and closed his eyes. For once he dreamed of a better life.
Jamie rolled over hearing her phone go off, sent him a text back but didn't expect him to get back to her right away. She closed her eyes again, smiled as she thought about seeing him walk across the stage. Her deal with Brock would be taken care of in the morning, all she had to do was leave her father a voice mail telling him everything. She knew Brock would lose her father as his financial sponsor, she didn't really care.
Griffin gathered his stuff the next morning. He walked to school. He ignored the kids that teased him for his lack of a car. He stayed in the background. If the teachers called on him he answered if he could. But most of the time he mouth off hoping no one would realize that he didn't know the answer. Or could read the requested section.
Jamie was in every class with him, she helped him when she could. She looked forward to studying with him again, it was obvious that he more time she spent with him the more she realized he wasn't so bad. Her party was coming up, so far only a few people had told her they would be attending. She knew her parents wouldn't be back in time, she hadn't even opened the Mail left for her.
Griffin kept to himself because it was easier and safer. Most of the teacher had dismissed him as a repeat student. At lunch he left the school he left the school grounds. The smell of food just made his stomach ache. He tried to avoid Jaime. Because it was better if she wasn't linked to him beyond the tutoring.
Jamie went through the day, avoided Brock at all costs. She had made the phone call to her father, Brock would getting a text message saying that he was no longer being financial sponsored by her father's company. Her day seemed to drag, she knew Griffin was only protecting her but she missed him when he was gone. Miss Chandler had been giving Brock what he wanted so badly, it had been going on for a few months now but so far she had not gotten pregnant.
At lunch Brock brought her a dozen roses. He apologized. He asked her to give him a second chance. He swear that he would wait until she was ready. He wanted to make it up to her. He begged her forgiveness. He promised it would never happen again.
Jamie shook her head, rolled her eyes as she sighed. She didn't believe him for a second, knew it was only because he needed her father's money for school. " You know what Brock.. Fuck off.. I told you we were done, I meant it now leave me alone! " The blonde knew that if her ex couldn't go to a good college he would have to work for his father, uncle in order to get enough money of his own. The only thing was his father had taken his college fund to pay for his mother's medical bills, he had like a dollar left in the account.
"I mean it Jamie. Even if your father doesn't change his mind I want another chance. I really do care about you. I know I screwed up. I can make it to you. Just tell me how." Brock told her. He meant it. As much as he could. He didn't love Jamie but he did care for her deeply. He wanted to prove to her that his feelings had been real.

After lunch Griffin headed back to school. He didn't really want to be there he knew it was the only way he was going to have a chance at graduating. He hoped that the day wouldn't take forever. He was looking forward to spending the evening with Jamie. He might actually learn what he needed to know with her help.
" No Brock! We're done, that's my final decision now go back to miss Chandler I'm sure she's waiting for you. " Jamie said in a huff as she gathered her things, went to her next class. She had so much on her mind she wasn't watching where she was going, all her books went spilling out of her hands. Sighing she bent down to pick them up, placed a strand of hair behind her ear. She was going stir crazy because she had gone all day without a cigarette, it helped her mellow out just a little. It was sixth period, she only had two more to go because the final period of the day was study hall so she usually had cheer practice in the gym.
Griffin struggled through the last few classes of the day. He knew that Jamie usually when to cheer practice at the end of the day. So when the last period came around he left the school again. He didn't see the point of going to study hall if he wasn't going to study. Instead he used the time to start walking to Jamie's. She lived a ways from the school so he would need the extra time to get there by foot. Hopefully he would get there about the same time as she did. He was almost ready for her birthday. Half of his gift was ready. He just need to get the other half.
Jamie managed to get herself through cheer practice, as soon as she was in her car she pulled to the end of the parking lot. She was out of sight, quickly lit up a cigarette then headed down the road with her window half way open. Letting the nicotine slowly calm her down she drove the speed limit, didn't take very long to get home. She put out her cigarette sprayed on some perfume, climbed out of the car. Her mind was on other things, she grabbed her stuff then opened the front door. She was greeted by her nanny, given a letter which was very thin. Sighing she opened the envelope, inside was a ticket to where ever she wanted to go after graduation. She knew it was from her parents, she just put it in the drawer with all the other stuff her parents had spoiled her with.
Griffin was tired and sore by the time he arrived at Jamie's. He knocked on the door. He knew she home because he saw her car. He wondered how long she had been here. He didn't think it had been long but he hoped he hadn't made her wait too long. He shifted his books while he waited for her to answer.

(sorry abit short)
Jamie answered the door with a smile, stepped aside so Griffin could enter her home. She closed the door behind him, walked straight into the ding room. On the table was a real tape recorder, off to the side was a package of cassette tapes. Each one was marked, had her reaching a different chapter on it. She had also made him tapes for math, various other subjects he was struggling with at the time.
Griffin slowly followed her to the table. He stared at the pile of tapes. He was amazed that she had gone to so much effort for him. He hadn't been expecting her to do so much work for him. "Wow! You've been busy. You know you didn't have to do all this for me. Helping me every evening is more than I can ever begin to repay. This is too much. You didn't have to do this. I could have gotten by with the few hours we are able to study together." He felt bad that she had done so much for him and he had done nothing for her. "Is there something I can do for you. I don't feel right having you do so much for me without doing something in return."
" I don't mind at all, you don't owe me a thing." Jamie said as she handed him a pair of headphones, let him listen to all the things he would need to know for the various tests he would be taking later on to graduate. She was thinking of finishing her last few credits for the year, graduating early because she needed to get out of dodge.
Griffin frowned at her response. She seemed a bit down. "Is something wrong? You seem...out of sorts. Its like your here but your not really here. Your mind is on something other than studying. Can I help?" He asked her. He wanted to do something for her.
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