Gone At Dawn

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[ M x M ]


Two circles. One town.

A life lost. Survivors broken beyond repair.

They had called themselves by many names - gang of geeks, the pack, brothers. Andrew was the pillar of their little group. The silent leader. He took care of everyone behind the scenes, an ever flowing fountain of advice and support. But one day he wasn't there. They'd planned to meet at early dawn to plan their next move against the Pride. Andrew never made it. Hours later his body was found in the forest near their meeting place by a jogger. A quiet chaos reigned within the pack. They were lost - unseeing, deaf, and numb; until one spoke out.


And with that one word they had a purpose.


The Pride

Organized where they were erratic, tidy where they were slovenly, well behaved where they were unruly, the Pride was the antithesis of the Pack. The two "gangs" for lack of a better term, were rivals in everything they did. It of course made them prime suspects when Andrew's body was found. But did they do it? The Pride themselves were in disarray. They didn't know how to progress without one of their rivals. He had always been there with a teasing word or flip of the finger and now he was gone. They slipped into turmoil, friends suspecting each other when they never had before until one voice brought them back together.


And with that one word they had a purpose.

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