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The phone rang.
It was lazily put to voicemail.

"Hello, this is Officer Keller from the Los Angeles Police Department. You are a suspect for the murder of Andrew Crawford and you are being called for individual interrogation today at 1:30 P-M. If you do not arrive today we will have a warrant for your arrest, as well as a warrant to inspect your household. The Police Department is located on 3-3-5-3 North San Fernando Road."

The message ended with a loud beep.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!... I have to fucking go?! This shit is mandatory?!" Seok Jae groaned sleepily, suddenly angered by the fact that he could get his house inspected if he didn't go to the police station. What kind of world has this generation come to? Seok Jae peeled his body off his bed slowly, his blankets sticking to his exposed torso like depressed hearts to heart-attack-worthy desert concoctions. He walked over to the bathroom and did his usual routine. Back to the bedroom, usual routine. Kitchen? Usual routine. Back to the bedroom to change, but it's still the usual motherfucking routine. An over sized T-shirt and ripped denim jeans. Simple and lazy, like his existence.

Seok Jae's mind was on autopilot the whole time while he thought about what to do during the interrogation. Nothing came up however, so he just had to make shit up on the fly when he got there. He knew that winging shit would end badly for him, but he prayed to himself, as he was his own deity, that it was going to go peachy.

Seok Jae exited the house and entered his car, punching the address addressed by the officer into Google Maps, his anger starting to boil because Google Maps was being a little bitch.

"Not to-fucking-day, Google Maps. Not today."

Magically, as if the app heard him, the address and directions were shown on the screen, and Seok Jae began his drive. During car rides, Seok Jae sat and stared indifferently at the road in front of him, never too happy, never too sad. If he drove long enough, he'd probably get highway hypnosis, and that was okay, whatever he needed to release tension he did so happily.

Seok Jae would have missed his location if it wasn't for the robotic female voice signaling that he was at his destination. Catching the GPS' voice just on time, Seok Jae mimicked the phrase "You have reached your destination" annoyingly, bringing himself to amusement with his little stupid impression. He entered the interrogation room, but a lady, who looked like she hated her job and loved telling random strangers about it, immediately asked Seok Jae to enter the interrogation room. He complied.

Seok-Jae casually walked into the interrogation room with nothing else to lose but his attention span. He was alone for the most part, so he sat on the chair that was for oppressed confessions by an insignificant victim and criss-crossed applesauced his legs together, his face flat and his attention drifting. While waiting for the officer to come into the room, Seok-Jae pondered over moments he can vaguely remember in his outnumbered, desolate, childhood. Memories that didn't even shape him into what he is today, but glued the pieces of a bent and misshapen cardboard jigsaw puzzle: so when one put it together it was a messed up, jigsaw puzzle from the dollar store, out of place cardboard tabs, Mo Seok-Jae.

He thought about how the orphanage doubted his mentality, the caretaker imagining a five year old brunette who couldn't understand the concept of two times two's sad trajectory. From breaking kids' toys to.. stealing houses. The twenty-something Mo Seok Jae who was sitting in an room as a suspect for questioned the feasibility of this imagination, staring down at the table's soft red cedar, pockmarked and gouged from years of other people's enthusiastic ticks. How would he do it? Pick them clean up off their foundations? Dismantle them brick by brick and rebuild them miles away? Move in when the owners went on vacation and barricade himself inside? It didn't make sense. But after that day's parental lectures, Seok-Jae's future was planned at such a young age: a one-ear-and-out-the-other lecture one day, a grounding the next, and before you know it . . . stealing houses. Seok-Jae sighed softly, tapping his fingers against the wooden table, the officer still not in for his questioning. His breath slowly and smoothly transitioned his brain into another thought.

He remembered some Cantonese kid staying in the orphanage. He was in his late teens and smelled like seaweed and the powder packet the orphans got from dry uncooked ramen and Spam musubi for lunch. English was hard for the motherfucker, and that's what made him noticeable. The kid was a gentle 5'9 outcast, but that was no big secret. Everything was big..ger back then. The kid once got in trouble for showing a drawing he graciously conceived of a flower bridge, pointing it out to some other whiny teen rebel and confidently saying "flower bridge" in Cantonese: fa kieu. After the spectacle, it was a classic excuse for the orphans to say "fuck you" to each other at the dinner table.

The quiet knock and squeak of hinges opening broke Seok Jae's thought bubble like an iPhone screen. Seok Jae looked up to see the officer, the name tag, J. Keller. The officer sat down on the chair in front of Seok Jae, face indifferent. He was quiet, a little too quiet, and his fingers fidgeted around with the papers and folders glued to the palms of his hands. Seok Jae looked at the officer with impatience, but, as if something higher was watching over him, the officer began speaking, but Seok Jae's mood was still unfazed, dying to disrespect all over the officer's age-affected lookin' face.

"We will start with your Miranda Rights. Everyo--"
"Yeah, yeah, I fuckin' got it already, let's just get the questions out of the way so I can go jerk off."

"....Where were you Saturday night between 7PM and 10PM?"
"I was at my own club, Club Essence."

"What were you doing at that time?"
"Hunting for motherfuckin' gorillas of course!" Tae snickered at the officer's irrelevant questions, but he decided to comply after the officer gave him a warning for his sarcasm. "For godsakes I was running my fucking club during that time."

"Was anyone with you when you were running the club?"
"The gorillas... Okay! Okay, sorry, I was just kidding. No one was with me when I was handling my club."

That was the last time he was going to pull an immature ass attitude in front of an officer.

"When was the last time you saw the deceased, Andrew?"
"I'm sorry, but I didn't know the guy too well. I do know that he was close friends with this other group, people you probably already interrogated."

"How was the deceased murdered?"
"Do I look like a fuckin' murderer to you, officer? I don't fuckin' know, why don't you tell me Mr. Know-It-All?"

Sike. Immaturity fuckin' galore.

Instead of telling him, the officer threw a single folder in Seok Jae's general direction. The folder flew open and multiple crime scene photos of Andrew slid out onto the table. Signs of struggle was written all over his dead, bloody, body. Starting at the pictures for more than a while, Seok Jae's jaw muscles were locked, the sides of his tongue chewed meat, burning as he probed his mouth to find slices of dead skin hanging on the inside of each cheek. He's seen a whole bunch of shit and the side effects didn't phase him, but the fact that someone did this, and the fact that it was all pointing to Pride, made Seok Jae want to run away. The group was going to be in deep shit. There was no way a Pack rat could have done this.

"What was your personal relationship with the deceased?"
The officer's voice made Seok Jae come back to reality. This wasn't the time to be sensitive or else he'd be pleading his insane ass not guilty behind bars.
"Like I said, officer. I didn't know him."

"Do you know anyone that could have done this?"
"No. I seriously don't. And to be honest with you, I don't give a single fuck. dude."

I don't give a fuck. the five syllabled sentence that made Seok Jae end the interrogation on a horrible note. He was asked to remove himself from the room immediately, the officer clearly done with his remarks.
"I hope your day is as nice as my ass, officer.~" Seok Jae added in a bland tone of voice before hearing the door click behind him.

Seok Jae's phone jingled in his jean pocket, he slid the phone out and his phone lit his face up. A text message from Dom. What a sweetheart.

"After Police Interrogation bullshit, meet outside of Aloha Mi Amigo. Fucking A.S.A.P., or I'll beat the shit out of you."

Seok Jae analyzed the text, wondering why out of all places, a ghetto ass restaur--

Seok Jae laughed at his phone rudely. Aloha Mi Amigo was obviously the Pack's meet up place. Shit was about to go down, and as much as Seok Jae loved beating the shit out of people who deserved it, he didn't want to waste his energy. He hurriedly rushed to the car, sitting in the front seat and ready to drive home to chillax. But before turning the keys in the ignition, he decided to text that college kid.

"Kid, you goin' to that ghetto restaurant or nah? I'm not. I'll get my ass kicked by that insensitive fuck no problem. If you're not going we can chill or whatever"
Message Sent

Without even thinking about it, Seok Jae tossed his phone into the passenger seat of his car and drove off home, blasting his radio down the San Fernando road.


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The Pride

The Leader

The Road
Outside Aloha Mi Amigo

Pissed Off
Furious & Cocky

Dominique's Outfit

Ethan || Tae

Ethan || Tae || The Pride || The Pack

@CrystalTears || @Jimin || @Luxii || @Jihae || @Pray4me || @Queen of Hearts || @T E R R O R
Dominique didn't expect every member of the Pride to text him back, but for none of them to hit him back with an "ok" or "I'll be there" just caused him to get angrier. He knew that Mako would show up, no doubt, which meant that Ji would show up as well, but he didn't know about the other ones. Dom hoped that Ethan would not be dragged along by anyone, the boy did not need to be anywhere near the mess he was about to cause. Even though Ethan wouldn't see him beating the shit out of Tae and anyone else that jumped in the fight, against him, Dom knew that the boy would hear the punches and screams. He gripped his steering wheel, tight, causing his knuckles to turn white, before he released it. "I can't believe those punk ass rats actually snitched me and my boys out. Why the fuck would I or my boys ever kill Andrew, fuck that shit." Shaking his head, as he waited at the red light.

He had a few more miles to go before he got to the shitty restaurant. "Only true dirty rats would eat at that place." He grinned. The closer he got to his destination, the more his anger was increasing. Dominique hasn't been in a good fight for a long time, at least this time it would be for a good reason. He has no shame in admitting that in his teen years he would instigate fights and beat people up if they just looked at him wrong. His parents tried to force him to go to Anger Management Therapy, but it didn't work, so now he just shoots out his anger on anyone that dares to bring the beast out of him. He gets a high from pounding his fist into someone's face. Right now, the face he wanted to pound was Tae, the main rat bitch in his eyes. "Snitching us out and making my cousin cry... fucking little punk fuck." He snarled and pressed on the gas once the light turned green.

He unconsciously went to check his phone, as he waited for the turn signal. Still he saw no text back. Each member of his gang that didn't show up at the shitty place, he would punish them in different ways. "These motherfuckers. I think I'm being to light on them... fucking dick heads." He knew that Ash, Min and Seok would choose not to show up. The Three Dumbass Musketeers or whatever other famous trio of idiots Dom couldn't name at the moment. The only person that wouldn't get punished if they didn't show up, was of course Ethan, for obvious reasons. "I'm going to make Ash scream... a lot more." He smirked, taking a hard turn down the street. Dom really needed to get his act together if he wanted to keep The Pride from going more insane than already. He played around a lot, but when he's in Leader Mode, everyone knew not to fuck with him. "After this shit, I need some more weed and coke." He placed a mental reminder to call up his drug connect later. Sending someone to the hospital was a workout and he would need to relax afterwards.

He knew he was almost close to Aloha when he noticed how the streets started to become uglier and dirtier. "Just like rats..." He flipped some bitch off that rolled her eyes at his car. "Are you upset that the only way you would ever get a car like this is from sucking some fat ass' chubby dick, you dumb bitch!" He loved seeing the reaction on the girl's face, as she turned away and ignored him. "That's what I thought, dirty bitch." He rolled his eyes and drove down the last street. That encounter with the, probably, prostitute only fueled his anger inside. "I'm really ready to knock some heads loose." He wanted to beat the shit out of all the Pack Members, but if he only got to fight Tae today, that would be enough for now. He didn't feel too safe parking his expensive car in such a sketchy place; having no other option, he ended up parking a few inches away from the restaurant area. He checked that his car was locked at least three times before he walked off towards the shitty place.

"That bitch better still be..." He stopped speaking when he spotted Tae talking to..., "What the fuck?" Balling up his fists and putting his shades in the pocket of his shirt, Dom rolled up on the two and moved in front of Ethan. "Ethan!" He ignored Tae for the moment. "Why the hell are you talking to a Pack Rat?" He lightly tugged on the blind male's wrist. "Look, I don't know how you got here by yourself." He turned to make sure Tae couldn't hear him. "But I want you to follow the beeping sound of my car alarm, go to my car and wait for me. You know how to turn the alarm off, the circle button on my keys." He placed his car keys in the boy's hands. "Now go, I have to speak to... Tae about something, you can't be around to hear it." The look on his face turned evil and menacing, luckily Ethan would never see it.

He walked back over to Tae, with his fists balled up and ready for war. "Tell me why the fuck you and your punk rat fucking bitches snitched me and my boys out." He got closer to other male. "I know that you and those other shitty rats were the ones who pinned Andrew's murder on us. You fucking dumb bitch." Shoving the other away from him. "I'm going to fuck you up." He started moving forward again, ready to swing on Tae.


ღ Affiliation ღ

ღ Location ღ
Police station
ღ Outfit ღ
Ji Yeon's outfit
ღ Song ღ
Sing for you - EXO
ღ Interaction ღ
No one
ღ Mentioned ღ
Dom, Ash, Minnie, Ethan & Mako
ღ Tagged ღ
@Justinaholic @Luxii @Jimin

The drive to the police station went without a hitch --luckily-- and he tried to explain as much as possible for Ethan on their way to the station, but he didn't break the news of Andrew's death to him. Surely the police had to be smart enough to figure out that the blind kid did not kill anyone, Ethan wouldn't be able to kill a fly even if he tried to and he was able to see. He was more worried about Ash. He knew the spy well enough to know that he probably did something shady that night, if he was fucked up enough in his head to kill was a different side of the story, but he did work as a spy and --even as the co-leader-- Ji Yeon didn't know everything that Ash did. He knew the other did some private jobs for Dom, that was not sexual, and Ji Yeon trusted Dom's decisions enough to not ask about details about it. Dom might get out of hand a couple of times, but he wasn't bad enough to do something that could damage the Pride or its reputation, and he was only hoping that Ash was the same. If he had the choice then he'd probably have thrown Ash out a long time ago, but that decision was out of his hands. How come the Pride was a gang filled with complete idiots? How had Dom even picked them out? There was Minnie the drunk, Ash the Vixen, and Seok Jae the drug dealer. All three, just a bunch of troublemakers. Before his worry wrinkles got too evident he shook his head and instead focused on the road, no need to worry about that now.

Once they got the police station he helped Ethan in and let Ash and Minnie do what they wanted to themselves. It was none of his business if they went to the police station to get the hearing or not, but now they were there. On second thought he should have let Ash change before driving there, but they were already late and he didn't want the police to suspect them of not meeting up. One police officer escorted Ethan away, and it didn't take too long before another one came over to where he was sitting to take him to a different interrogation room. A part of him was hoping that Ethan wasn't scared on his own, interrogations were rather intimidating and he hoped that they would treat Ethan nicely. There were good cops and then there were the bastards that thought the badge on their chest gave them all mighty powers. They sat down on their respective sides of the table before the interrogation officially began after he pressed the red button on the recording. They would record everything he said, just in case he got a little bit too full of himself and spilled something he shouldn't. It was a good idea, but Ji Yeon had nothing to hide.

"Good morning. I'm Officer Johnson. I'll be the one interrogating you. Please state your name, age and occupation," The officer began. It was a good start. He seemed professional, which was what Ji Yeon had hoped. This interrogation was just as intimidating as it would have been for anyone, luckily he knew that he was innocent, but it still made him nervous to just be in his current situations. Those damned Pack brats, they were the ones that ratted them out to the police for sure. Though they had a good reason to accuse them, he wished they didn't go ahead and make assumptions.

"My name is Min Ji-Yeon. Min being my family name, Ji-Yeon my givne name. I'm 24 years old and I own a flower boutique," He replied and watched as Officer Johnson wrote it down on a notepad right away. This was his first police interrogation, it made him nervous. He didn't want to get caught, despite the fact that he couldn't get caught for something he hadn't done.

"Very well. Ji-Yeon. I will tell your rights. Miranda Rights: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

"Yes I understand,"

"Where were you in between 7PM and 10 PM?"

"I closed the boutique around 6:30 PM and then I returned home around 7 PM. Then I stayed at home to prepare dinner for my jagiya,"

"Can anyone confirm you were at the shop for that long?"

"My last costumer. He wanted a boquet for his first love. I can send you his name when I get back to the botique, I don't have his name on me, but I do have him in my client list,"

They took orders down at the botique over the phone so that people could come by and simply fetch their pre-made boquets. It was a good service when people were in a hurry and could not personally come and pick up their boquets, and for that they made a client list for everyone that shopped there. They simply needed to state their names, but each person were unique in what they bought so Ji-Yeon could easily remember everyone's faces. The mere thought of the boy smiling and blushing made the corners of his mouth perk up a little bit. It was very cute, it reminded of himself when he and Mako had just began going out together. He too was shy back then, and the first boquet he made for Mako was such a huge mess of flowers and meanings, that he was surprised that the boquet wasn't just thrown out. If he remembers correctly then the boquet stayed for as long as the flowers lived, though the vase broke once.

"Please e-mail us the name later. This is only to confirm your alibi,"

Ji Yeon nodded understandingly. This was a proceedure that they had to go through, it was not becuase they suspected Ji Yeon to have actually killed Andrew, what they wanted to do was to make sure he didn't. They had enough suspects wit the entire Pride acting as suspects --and probably some Pack members as well-- so if they could eliminate some then they were probably happy. It was one step closer to finding the killer after all.

"Who is your "jagiya"? I am asking so I can confirm you were home at the time,"

"Jeon Ma-Kon. He will be coming down later for the interrogation as well and can confirm it then,"

More words were written down quickly and messily on the notepad.

"When was the last time you saw the deceased?"

"We never talked. I do know who Andrew is, but I did not have any personal contact with him, not even business related ones. I'm pretty sure he never visited my boutique once,"

"How was the deceased murdered?"

"Excuse me?" Ji Yeon was a bit taken back at the sudden question. Did the Officer really ask him how Andrew died? Even if he had been the serial killer, would he have bluntly told an officer that was recording their entire questioning how he was killed? It had to be one stupid killer to do such a thing, and the killer had already proved its intelligence by choosing Andrew as its victim. It forced conflict between the Pride and the Pack, tensing up the tension that was already lingering between the two groups.

"How was the deceased murdered?"

"I don't know Officer. I was at home when the message of him being murdered was messaged to me by Dominique Westwood. He knew the information because he was at Nightlife and the police came there to inform first. I have a message on my phone that can prove it,"

A few more words were jotted down before Officer Johnson nodded and turned off the recording. "Thank you so much for your time Ji-Yeon. If further questioning will be necessary we will contact you," He informed and then gave him a small note. "Send the last client you served's name to this e-mail address during the day,"

"Yes Officer," Ji Yeon answered and then stepped out of the interrogation room with a different officer as an escort.

Ji Yeon sighed with relief to know that he was finally done, it was more intense than it looked to be in those police movies that Mako and himself would watch snuggled under a blanket together. How he longed for that now, but the vibration from his phone told him otherwise. He picked it up and looked at the message, they were meant to meet at Aloha Mi Amigo. Another sigh escaped him as he looked around the lobby. There were no signs of Ash nor Ethan. What to do with Ethan? He pondered upon it a few times before shaking his head. The boy would be smart enough to ask a police car to drive him back home, he knew the address to his own apartment after all.

"I am on my way. Please don't do anything before I get there," Ji Yeon replied as he pocketed his phone and got out to the car. It was obvious from Dom's message that he was pretty pissed off, so he was just praying that Dom wouldn't do something stupid before he got there. However, a part of him was pretty sure that the leader had already done something out of anger, if he knew him well.

Which he unfortunately did.
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Min Ki was very aware that he was being pouty, but Ethan was too sweet and would always indulge him in lying around. But Ji Yeon, on the other hand, did not. Min Ki grumbled and swore under his breath when the elder stomped into the room, reminding him way too much of an old nanny of his that had never let Min Ki get away with anything. Luckily, Ji Yeon and Ash left the two younger boys alone to get ready, so after much cajoling from Ethan, Min Ki finally rose to his feet and began rooting around for clothes in Ash's drawers.

Ash was a bit smaller, but not by much. The jeans and t-shirt that Min Ki pulled out fit well enough. They were a bit baggier when Ash wore them, but fitted the lavender haired boy quite nicely. Still not awake enough for much conversation, he just grunted at Ethan and looped their arms together, dragging the other out to Ji Yeon's car and tucking both of them into the back seat. That left Ash to sit up front with the Pride's resident mother figure. Min Ki did feel some measure of smug satisfaction that Ash was being just as whiny as he felt, and that Ji Yeon wasn't batting an eyelash to the spy's complaints.

But, truth be told, if Min Ki had to leave the house in that maid outfit, he would probably be whining alot more too. Instead, he chose to rest his head on Ethan's shoulder for the majority of the ride down to the police station. When they arrived, Ji Yeon helped Ethan out of the car and inside, leaving Min Ki to fend for himself.

What else was fucking new?

He didn't really pay attention to Ash's antics with the group of boys and girls outside the station. Ash was always teasing and snarky and not above riling people up for no reason. But most of Min Ki's sour mood from last night carried over to today, so he just rolled his eyes at the spy's antics and climbed the steps to the police station.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he slipped it out of his pants pocket to see who it was.

After Police Interrogation bullshit, meet outside of Aloha Mi Amigo. Fucking A.S.A.P., or I'll beat the fuck out of all of you.

From Dom, naturally. Min Ki dismissed the notification with a swipe of his thumb, snorting in the back of his throat as he finally pushed through the doors. Fat fucking chance that he was going to respond or even show up to that shitty restaurant at all. He didn't like being used as some sort of pawn in whatever fucking power play that Dom had up his sleeve.

Ji Yeon and Ethan were gone by the time Min Ki made it to the front desk, and he didn't have to wait long before an officer in uniform escorted him to one of the interrogation rooms for questioning.

The room was stark and cold, but Min Ki took a seat in one of the two chairs when the officer gestured for him to do so. Min Ki rested his elbows on the metal table, chin tucked into the palm of his left hand, a bored expression on his face. There was no way they'd be able to pin any of this on him. If there was one thing that his parent's had taught him, it was that money talked.

"I'm Officer Keller," the other man began, taking a seat across from Min Ki and adjusting the papers from the file in his hand. "Before we get started, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

"Yea, I understand," Min Ki drawled, looking every bit the spoiled rich kid that he was. One of his legs jiggled restlessly under the table. The tip of his pink tongue flicked out to wet his bottom lip. "Why am I here? Am I under arrest, officer?"

"No." The 'not yet' was implied. "We're gathering information on the death of Andrew Crawford. No arrests have been made yet."

"So you think I did it?" Min Ki kicked back in his chair, rocking back on two legs with his arms crossed over his chest.

The officer was clearly not amused, lips pressing into a thin line. "Can you confirm your whereabouts for me, last night between 7 and 10pm?"

"Nope." Min Ki drawled, popping the 'p' obnoxiously with a little smirk on his lips. "I'm not telling you shit without my lawyer present. So unless you're going to arrest me, I'm out of here."

His heart was racing as he stood, the legs of his chair scraping against the concrete floor. One eyebrow was arched in a challenge, almost daring the officer to press his luck.

After a long moment, the officer simply folded up the paperwork and stood as well. "You'll be hearing from us soon. I hope your laywer is a good one, kid."

Min Ki resisted the urge to flip off Officer Keller, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stalked out of the interrogation room. Out in the waiting room, he still didn't see anyone he knew, but his phone vibrated again and Min Ki groaned.

"I swear to god if this is Dom again--"

Kid, you goin' to that ghetto restaurant or nah? I'm not. I'll get my ass kicked by that insensitive fuck no problem. If you're not going we can chill or whatever.

Min Ki swallowed, thumb hovering over the notification of Seok Jae's text. It wasn't often that the two of them hung out solo anymore, but it sounded much more appealing than listening to Dom and showing up to Aloha Mi Amigo. After a moment of deliberation, he quickly tapped out a reply and sent it.

Nah, I'm not goin. Dom can go fuck himself. Just got done at the police station. Where you wanna meet?
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