Original poster
Golden Waters Underground Student Council
Golden Waters Academy has been around for more than sixty years and has been one of the most elite schools in America. It's also one of the most strictest school as well. In the school there is a Student council that controls all events and clubs in the school as well as keeps boys and girls separated from making contact with the approval from the chairman an headmaster of the School. Those who don't abide to the rules are found to be expelled at once. However, things have been different from back then.
Today was another day for a small group of students. Another day to 'Abide' to the school rules while hiding a secret that could potentially have them expelled. These group of Students were the recent members of the USC or the Underground Student Council. A group that rebelled against the Student Council in Secret and have those who felt 'imprisoned' have freedom. However this wasn't a new thing. This was something that had been around for fifteen years. Fifteen years that had made Student Council Members for years make sure to find out who these Students were and have them Expelled at once, even creating a plan called 'Operation USC termination' that has been in the works for years. And this year, the USC president and Student Council President knew one of them would prevail by the end of the year.
Lily McCartney got up around 6:40 or so in the morning, about a hour before the rest of the USC members and residents of the 'less classy' Silver Century dormitory would have to get up, get ready for classes, and leave their dorms to head to the cafeteria for breakfast, which was on the first floor and the left side of the school. The Reason why the red head was up? For preparations. The reason the previous USC was expelled was because of not being prepared for anything the Student Council could do. He was tricked into revealing he was the President of the Underground Student Council after being Hypnotized by the Current Student Council President. There was no way she was letting that happen again. To anyone in the group. She put down her notebook and pencil and adjusted her glasses, looking towards her clock to see the time was 6:56. 'Probably should get ready then.' She thought, getting out of her lace nightgown and putting on a button up long sleeve white shirt, a black plaid skirt, a button up Dark Red Cardigan, and to finish it off had a red bow around the collar of the long sleeve shirt. She put her hair up in a small side ponytail and closed her notebook and put it in her binder, picking it up along with a few books and headed out of her dorm room. "I'm heading out early. See you there." She shouted towards the other members, walking down the hallway towards the stairs that would lead down to the second floor in the girls left dormitory areas.
Character Sheet [NOTE: It's not required, but it is recommended. If you want to do one that's fine. If you don't that's also fine.]
Age: (At least between the ages of 14-18)
Role in USC/SC (Underground Student Council/Student Council):
My Characters:
Name: Lily McCartney
Nickname: Lil, "The Alien Enthusiast".
Age: 16 (Sophomore)

Groups/Clubs: Underground Student Council, The E.T. Club, Nature Club.
Role in USC/SC: President (Formerly the Vice President until the President at the time was expelled), Members in the E.T. Club and Nature Club.
Name: Zaylee Aaron
Nickname: Zayn, "The Sweetheart of the USC".
Age: 15 (Freshman)

Groups/Clubs: Underground Student Council, Anime/Manga Club, Tea Ceremony Club, Roller Derby Club (Formerly).
Role in USC/SC: Newest Member of the Underground Student Council. Was taken in By Lily after being Humiliated by the Student Council President.
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