Golden Mountain

That's okay Tenebrea. :] I figured that a few people might do that and it's perfectly fine. I just want everyone to have fun. So far I love all of the characters and the posts.
I'll be posting again hopefully this evening since I have to begin cooking for thanksgiving today.
Hhahaha have been so busy with school so I have totaly missed that you have posted the roleplay xD hahah
I'll post tonight and I will include a part as Hera, the headmistress for the time being until someone decides that they want to play that part. If not, I'll continue to post as her as well.
Name: Clara

Abilities: Clara can hear voices, voices of animals. This is all fine and dandy but Clara can also feel their pain,their happiness and everything in-between.

Light or Dark: light

God/Goddess of what: Future Goddess of Wild Things

Personality: This small,fragile looking girl is anything but. Clara isn't afraid to speak her mind no matter the person on the receiving end of her comments. Sometimes the voices and emotions are all to much and Clara falls into a silent rocking state,completely shut down. But this is followed by violent rages
Age: 17

Small History: Clara is said to be the daughter of Posiden and a mad women, some say she was born of Zeus and again a mad women. Nobody really knows,deep down Clara hopes Posiden is her father as the sea always calms her. Clara has always loved Dyonisis,who was also a god born of a mortal women.

Physical Features: With dark green,nearly brown eyes and raven hair her olive skined face is framed. Full red lips inclose a set of white teeth,her long slender neck lead to her curvy figure.
Name: Dolus Illusio
Abilities: The ability to create illusions. They can be auditory, visual or even textile. Stronger illusions demand more effort and will wear him out quickly. (I.E. - Changing his entire physical form in appearance to that of a non-human creature. Causing a person to feel massive physical touch (significant pain) or causing them to be engrossed in a scene that he has created. (Making a person think they're somewhere they are not and providing all the detail to that artificial instance.)) Illusions that are simple will take little effort and can be sustained for long periods of time. (I.E. - Making his hair appear longer or appear a different color. Making a person feel a gentle touch or hear a sound they do not really hear.)
Alignment: Neutral but with an Evil/Bad lean.
God/Goddess Of: Future God of Deceit (Illusion, Lies, Tricks)
Personality: He tries his best to keep a level head but has a bad habit of playing small tricks on people. Sadly, he can't keep himself from playing tricks that wind up hurting the target in some way. He mildly regrets not being able to be a better person and imagines that one day he'll find the will to do something good. For now, though, he focuses on venting his urges to deceive the minds of others in whatever ways present themselves first. If he can get it out by sending someone on a false errand then so be it. If it takes getting someone to accidentally kill the wrong person by planting false evidence for a man who seeks revenge... Well, they shouldn't be murdering anyone, anyway! The urge is just too strong to contain and the longer he tries the more evil his urges become.
Age: 17 Human Years
Brief History: The child of a rape victim and a man who was claimed clinically insane after claiming to have temporarily been deluded into thinking that she was his wife and that he was playing on her fantasies after a year-long dry spell in their love life. He was born in the middle of an abandoned building and left there to die, abandoned by the woman. He was raised by the church until a premonition reached the local Bishop in his dreams. It was then that he sent the boy, who was nothing but trouble trying to put on a placid disguise, to find Golden Mountain where he would be able to learn to control himself and would learn his place in the universe. Now he is here, seeking the enlightenment needed for him to find peace with himself and allow him to take his place as the God of Deceit.
Rayce has successfully pissed everyone off.
The end.
lol lilieth was just having a bad day and very shy around boys she plans on making it up to rayce
I love how Golden Mountain has so many response and different character types. I'm rather enjoying myself.
I'm enjoying it as well, I'm so glad that so many people have taken an interest in it. :]
For those of you speaking to me in your last posts I will try to post before I pass out tonight but if not then I'll have a post up in the morning.
I feel that I'm posting too fast. It's only due to the anticipation of all of your responses.
I have decided to apologize before hand for the rapid replies. I just can't help myself.
i know right i just find it all around fun, and I love your character! *hugs Tenebrae*
Do you? I am surprised that you haven't killed me yet. Thank you, my dear.
na just got to play lil to a T, very emotional type.
I feel like I'm so slow compared to you all! lol
Lol I love this Rp I'm just a fast writer. however, I think you char should come kick it with em and rayce. I get to re edit my post forgot that your char had went out into the courtyard. >.<
or she should come over there with me and rayce either way