Godzilla: World of Shadows

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If you guys wanted to know what Kaijutology is Just ask
So, When will the RP thread be created?
Average Density of Meat is 253 kg/m^3 .
Let's take Jormugadr as a big cylinder, 1500 ft Long(457 meters), with a radius of 50 ft( 16 meters)

The volume of a cylinder is: V=πxr^2xh=3.14x16x16x457=367.354 cubic meters.

Thus his mass is 367354x253=approximately 92.000.000 kilograms, or 92.000 tons.
@Maddeline Alright then. I won't be able to change the picture today but I'll be sure to mention wearing a different suit in character.
Whoever wants the swimming Kaiju to turn out to be one of theirs, you're up.
Hey mandy can i change my character info
Well, Jormy is not really a swimmer XD However, he'll drop in if trouble arises.
Cause i thought of a idea that could help mankind understand the Kaiju more
how come i wasn't tagged :/ jeez im all forgotten
Hey Maddie can i make a group
@Brother Gabriel
What do you mean?

I'll just have the ocean monster be Akul to save time

i would like to make a group or Defense force comprise of ordinary people that could counter attack Advancing Kaijus and was the Successor of project monarch and gave birth to Kaijutology after the Battle of San Francisco and the discovery of Kaijus all over the world . Made by my Character. Yours. Michiru and Akuma's

so is it ok
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