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Skulls for the Skull Crab
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Usually every day, but I often don't like posting every day.
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
Fantasy, modern fantasy, high fantasy, romance, slice of life, sci-fi, grimdark, light fandoms (next gen, non canon chars, etc)
Ever since you were a child, you always knew you were different. Things happened when you were around, things that shouldn't. You became obsessed about things, and often even places. You would become drawn to certain photos, or beg to stay longer during your family vacation. By the age of 18, the thoughts and obsessions became almost unbearable.

Soon after your maturation into adulthood, a letter arrived in the mail. It was beautiful, the envelope was a lovely cream, heavy paper. It was sealed with wax, like in the movies. The seal used was merely a wreath of laurels surrounding a flame. The paper it was written on was the same as the envelope, and it was edged in gold. The calligraphy was so expertly drawn, you almost forgot to read the mesmerizing piece.

Dear Student,
We are writing to inform you of your acceptance into the Circle of Power. We are a small organization devoted to helping you realize your true potential. We are private, and have no ties to the government. We are largely secretive. You have been sent this message as a response to your growing powers. If you wish to understand what is happening to you, a black car will be by your place of residence at precisely 9:00 AM the following morning. Travel expenses have been covered for your journey to us.You will be staying with us for many months. Please pack appropriately.
-Sincerely, The Vigilant

A picture was attached, that showed a group of five men and one woman. One of them seemed particularly familiar, and you were drawn to them. Perhaps even in a romantic way. Deciding to find out what exactly these people meant, and what they knew about you, you set about packing. In the morning, your ride came for you and your belongings.

When you arrived, you saw what looked like a modern summer camp. It was beautiful. Everything was well kept and lush from what you could see. The top of the gate inside simply read "Knowledge Equals Power" in cast iron letters. Various other people were arriving, and they all seem confused as well. What was even happening?

What the letter declined to mention was the fact that you and your peers were all reincarnations of the past gods of the world. Some pantheons existed, and still do. However, the reincarnations never knew what they were, and their powers were always weak because of that. This place was a learning center to find out who you really were, and how you could best harness your powers. Welcome to the Circle of Power.

    1. Only 6 mythologies are accepted: Greek, Norse, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, and Japanese
    2. I'd like decent grammar and spelling
    3. No one liners, generally just a small paragraph will be fine
    4. No character limit, but you can only play one Vigilant, and they are first come first serve.
    5. I want people to post semi-frequently. Like, every 3-4 days I guess.
    6. I'm fine with romance, and if you're of the same age level, you can even take sexy times to PM if you want. Just don't post it on here.
    7. These characters may be gods, but they can't be immortal. The powers can be pretty powerful, but The Lost are weak, and no one is more powerful than The Vigilant.
    8. If you play a Vigilant, make sure you are on quite often and are invested into it.
    9. I prefer you use either real people or descriptions for appearance
    10. This is NOT a serious RP. This is made to be fun. There will be some serious themes later on, but I highly encourage romance and just having fun.
    11. Rules are subject to change if I desire.

  • The Vigilant: The creators and leaders of the Circle of Power. They seem to be the only reincarnations that always remember who they are when they reach the age of 18. It comes to them in a dream. They continuously go back to the Circle to help lead. Zeus is the true leader, considering it was his idea, but the others act as equals to him. They are mostly there to help others remember who they were and to protect the grounds against any rowdy individuals. They have the most power of all reincarnations.

    The Lost: The newest members, aged 18 years old. They have no clue about what they are, and are in the process of finding out. Their powers are very weak. Rarely do the Lost reach 19 years without knowing who they are, but it does occasionally happen. (you may be a 19 y/o lost, but you must ask me first)

    The Sacred: Those who know who they are. Aged 19+. They are often there to help The Lost, and act as mentors and staff of the place. They have gained mostly full control of their powers, and theirs are more powerful than The Lost.

  • Note: This is the bare minimum for my sheets, you can add stuff and make it pretty, just make sure you have the following information. Also erase info in parentheses, cuz it's ugly.

    Name: (full name)
    Age: (Lost are 18, Sacred and Vigilant are 19+)
    Appearance: (real or description)
    Rank: (Vigilant, Lost, or Sacred)
    God: (the god they are, check list for available ones)
    Powers: (max of 4 for Vigilant, 3 for Sacred, 1 for Lost)
    Pantheon: (from which of the six pantheons are they from?)
    Personality: (basic personality, at least 5 traits)
    Likes: (5+)
    Dislikes: (5+)
    History: (optional, just a basic overview)

  • The Meeting Hall-

    The meeting hall contains a basic gaming area in the basement, a cafeteria run by an older, trusted pagan worshiping family (NPCs) named Flora and Ashton with their adult children Stephen, Jacob, and Emily. It also contains a hall where the gods may eat and discuss. Meetings can be called here any night at the leaders' discretion. In the right wing, there is also a library of artifacts that have been obtained over the years including sacred totems, books, and religious statues.
    The Meeting Hall has a weekly menu, and it has dietary substitutes if needed (vegan, gluten free, dairy free, etc.)

    Living Houses-
    All houses look a bit different, and have been added onto multiple times. They contain all of the sleeping areas for the gods. One Vigilant oversees each house, with the House of the Lost being the only one without an overseer. The houses only contain bedrooms and bathrooms, gods need to go to the Meeting Hall for food.

    Greek House
    Norse House
    Egyptian House
    Celtic House
    Chinese House
    Japanese House
    House of the Lost

    Lilypad Lake-

    Named because it is shaped like a lilypad. Very clean and great for swimming in. Not very good for fishing. Has a beach near the Circle.

  • The Vigilant:
    Zeus- Gareth James Osborne (Greek)
    Odin- Reserved
    Shangdi- David Li (Chinese)
    Dagda- Seamus McTiernan
    Amaterasu- Hinata Tsukiyomo (Japanese)

    The Lost:
    Cerelia Isabelle Blythe- Persephone (Greek)
    Quentin James Gao- Lan-Caihe (Chinese)
    Irene Rose Denali- Isis (Egyptian)
    Anthony Kay Haul- Anubis (Egyptian)
    Jamie Isabella Weasley- Macha (Celtic)

    The Sacred:
    Merle Qureshi- Sobek (Egyptian)
    Calypso Amalia Jones- Hel (Norse)
    Aoyama Junichi- Tsukuyomi (Japanese)
    Isabel Lila Graham- Morrigan (Celtic)
    Crescent Lyra Lightwell- Artemis (Greek)
    Cerise Lyn Silverfalls- Cerridwen (Celtic)
    Nora Reese Nightwing- Nyx (Greek)
    Chris Vince Morelle- Hades (Greek)
    Locke Greyson- Merlin (Celtic)
    Ciaran Gallagher- Brighid [male] (Celtic)
    ????- Aphrodite (Greek)
    ????- Hera (Greek)

  • More rooms can be added as time goes on. I will personally add your characters to the correct houses.

    Greek House-
    Master Room: Gareth
    1: Crescent, Nora
    2: Chris, open
    3: open, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open

    Norse House-
    Master Room: open
    1: open, open
    2: open, open
    3: open, open
    4: Calypso, open
    5: open, open

    Egyptian House-
    Master Room: open
    1: open, open
    2: Merle, open
    3: open, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open

    Celtic House-
    Master Room: Seamus
    1: Isabel, Cerise
    2: Locke, Ciaran
    3: open, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open

    Chinese House-
    Master Room: David
    1: open, open
    2: open, open
    3: open, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open

    Japanese House-
    Master Room: Hinata
    1: open, open
    2: Junichi, open
    3: open, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open

    House of the Lost-
    1: Cerelia, Irene
    2: Quentin, Anthony
    3: Jamie, open
    4: open, open
    5: open, open
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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
And if people could finish sheets soon, that'd be lovely.
Name: Locke Greyson
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Male
Rank: Sacred
God: Merlin
Powers: Shape shifting, Clairvoyance, Polymorph Other (Temporary for other gods)
Pantheon: Celtic
Personality: Wise, Courteous, Cunning, Charismatic,

Temper Tantrums

Merlin was born as a Half Human Half God 1500 or less years ago. He had the ability to tell the future, to shape change, and to magically transform others. He was Camelot's court wizard AND a druid very knowledgeable in matters of nature, magic and the future. He is one of the most intelligent gods of any mythology, though he has lacked the raw power of most gods due to being half Human, and he never found out who was his father.

His elderly appearance is only when he regains his ability to time travel. (He ages backward).
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Okay, just as a reminder, the Sacred have died in past lives, so he can't have lived that long in one life time. The Sacred are just vessels for the god. They are otherwise very human. Also, I would like for him to have a last name, as well.

Other than that, he looks fine!
Okay, I assumed that when you said Merlin was born 1500 years ago, you meant the character. Miscommunication is all! So yeah, just a last name, and he's good to go!

Gaiz we need your sheeeeeeets.

Also, we need more Vigilants taken. I dun wanna take anymore characters. D:
Artemis and Amaterasu are both up dear
Macha is up as well ^_^
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Dark_Psycho
Phones at 2% so it'll be a day or a charge or so before I can but then I may as well take up Odin.
Luna Love good!? o_____________O';;

She has a hidden agenda, I know iittet.
Well maybe she does maybe she doesn't you will never know until the rp starts... I love my Artemis ^^
  • Love
Reactions: Dark_Psycho
Hello, uh, just wondering if you're still looking for people cause I'd love to join if I can.
Hi! Yes, I am still taking people.

And sorry for my disappearance, the rest of you. My internet was down fo rthe weekend.
Hey Tari! I am totally interested in picking up ShangDi, if you don't mind. A little bit of googling has me intrigued. I know you said you researched quite a bit, could you possibly point me in the direction of information for him? All of the information seems super vague, interesting but vague.

Also, I would love to play a Lost character as well, but only if that doesn't make everything super duper unbalanced.
If you would prefer I can make Jamie a lost instead of a sacred @Tarieles
That would actually be great lol thank you
no problem ^_^ I'll try to have her editted by friday
Two questions-

I am almost done with my CS for Shangdi, and I am developing a little bit of history for him. When the Vigilant receive their dream, what happens? Did they immediately seek each other out?

Can I make my Lost the Egyptian goddess Bastet?
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