Getting back together again.

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Hunter watches her come over and then smiles, he gently hugs her and kisses her forehead as she leans her head against his shoulder. He caresses her gently as he held her, kissing he neck and being careful of her bump.
"Azalea Nicolette," Brianna said simply as she gently rubbed her bump. She smiled up at Hunter, blushing slightly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek gently. She looked back down before turning her attention to the tv, unsure of what was on. She couldn't help but giggle softly.
Hunter smiles and held her close. He too, turned his attention to the tv as he watched it, he was too, unsure about what was going on though went with it. He sighs as he watches the moon come up.
Brianna glanced outside before finally getting up. She walked into the kitchen and began to pull out the items needed to make a bacon burger. She knew she was having cravings and she wasn't looking forward to the following morning.
Hunter was soon a snarling and golden wolf. He hadn't hunted n a few days and then began to feel cranky, he began to push things over the edge of the coffee table as he whined, scratching at the sofa.
Brianna looked at him worriedly and knelt down carefully. "Hey hey hey...calm down. Go if you want to. I'll be fine. I promise," she crooned as she cautiously stroked his fur.
Hunter whined though soon found himself hunting, he came home in a less cranky mood though began to wander around, whining softly as he knocked things over, being unhappy as a wolf.
Brianna sighed softly as she looked down at him. She gently caressed his fur and kissed his cheek gently. "I-I never stopped loving you," she whispered truthfully as she pulled back a bit. "Both sides of you."
Hunter gives a light nod and then curls up in a ball to sleep, expecting that he would be in his human form again by morning. When it was morning Hunter was still a small, golden wolf curled up in a ball.
Brianna woke up and stretched a bit before gingerly rubbing her stomach. She got up and ran her fingers through her hair before running downstairs, seeing him still as a wolf. "What's going on? You're normally human by now," she pointed out nervously.
Hunter looked in a side mirror and his wolf reflection stared back at him, he began to panic, wandering what was wrong and began to lace up and down, his tail wagging in worry. He soon began to run around the house, whining softly as he knocked objects over and scratched at the sofa.
"Hunter! Calm down sweetly!" Brianna practically yelled as she wrapped her arms around him. She gently stroked his fur as she whispered soothing words into his ear and tried to calm down herself, knowing stress wasn't good for the baby.
Hunter curled into her as she held him and whimpered softly and then he whined. His tail was wagging gently with panic, his eyes wide and his ears pricked up with worry.
"Shhhh....calm down. The stress isn't good for our little girl," she whispered softly. "Can't we just go figure this out with like a head wolf or something?" She asked just as quietly though her voice was filled with the same worry.
Hunter gave a small nod and then stood up, panting gently as he raced through a little wolf-flap he had made through the door to let him through whenever he wanted to go outside. He started to wander through the woods slowly.
Brianna looked at him and tried her best to keep up with Hunter as he went out and began to make his way through the woods. She glanced down occasionally at her stomach, being mindful of her condition.
Hunter began to wander towards the head wolf, and whined up at him softly, yapping in wolf form. When he saw Brianna come into view none of them attacked her because they knew she was his mate. The head wolf just shrugged, unable to think up a solution for this, confused himself. Hunter whines softly, his eyes desperate though the head wolf shrugged again.
Brianna looked at the head wolf as if he were crazy. "Y-you have to help him! There has to be something! H-he's gotta return to a human again...for obvious reasons," she said worriedly as she motioned to her swollen baby bump.
Hunter watched as the head wolf just shrugged and then left with the others pack. Hunter whined and then began to run in another direction, in a panicked way as he curled upon a ball, hiding beside a tree.
Brianna, unable to follow him, stood there in the silence as she placed a hand on her stomach. She felt a kick and flinched before looking down. "I know sweetie," she whispered before walking in he direction he went. "Hunter?! Hunter!" she called as she looked around for him.
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